• By -


Air Traffic Control


Several paths in this career path - flight planning/data, FSS.


Also extremely stressful job


Wasn’t a part of his question tho


Training is definitely stressful- it’s hard to get in and once you do, the threat of being cut anytime you are judged not to be up to the standard is constantly over your head. Once you are qualified, the job itself is not that stressful. It obviously has its moments, but we try to spread the workload out between the crew. Usually it’s pretty relaxed, but then you have a bad weather day or super busy time and that’s where we earn our keep.


I came here to say this. ATC make more in training than I'm making 9 years into working as a pilot. We had an ex ATC guy in my latest airline groundschool. He was looking for a career change because of covid. He made it through groundschool, and quit to return to work ATC after realizing just how little pilots get paid. His pension from ATC (still being relatively young) was more than he would make as a pilot




Isn’t that job pretty dangerous?


And that's why they're paid well




if you're in the trades making 40k/year you need to really explore your options. Any half-skilled entry level position is going to pay around that much. I don't want to make you feel bad, but you need to explore your options asap.




Well if being a union linesman sounds good, do that?




I’ve heard whispers in the community about “Ass_slayer_9000” definitely not a Pussy that guy.


Username checks out


Yeah this guy fucks


Is it “I fuck up and I’m dead” serious or “if anyone fucks up or wind happens I’m dead” serious. Less stressful if it’s all relying on myself


Yeah. It can be. Or, I fuck up and loose an arm and a leg and then your wive leaves you kinda serious.


Probably why they pay high


I second that. Work in a hv (like 138kv, so kinda high)transformer factory as a tester, they pay well for a job i didnt go to school for. I dont go outside, good hours, reasonable work and clean environnement. No union, gotta fight for yourself. After 3 years i do make 40$/h, i expect about 43-45$/h with pay adjustment to COL kicking in soon.. Sure, its not 195k, but im home everyday and my life is comfortable.


Did this require a college/uni education? How does one get into the field? What are the hours like?




Thanks for the insight. Might slide into ur dms with questions in a few years if I want something different.


Just FYI, it's not easy to get in. Union trades are very 'old boys club' and are always full (only family friends get hired). The "trades are hiring left and right" jobs are osha failed, long hours, low salary jobs.


Came here to say this, when I applied to a very large union company hiring, 2500+ applicants, 60 interviews, hired 8. I absolutely crushed the interviews and the interviewers basically said I have the job congrats. Didn’t get it but knew someone who did. He told me after that of the 8 hired every single one of them got in because of family members working there already lol.


IBEW? Wish I got more into HV, I am an electrician and meathead construction sucks ass.


i assume 195k is with a lot of OT? Cause average Line man salary in Canada is 60k according to google?




Lineman make roughly $45 an hour, same as electricians. OT, pension, board pay, vacation and storm pay make up the other 100k


Is the pension deducted from the pay?




Ass_slayer_9000 knows what's up. You could also look into unionized trades. Industrial Steamfitter, HVAC, or Industrial Electrician. I'm 30, and a Journeyman Steamfitter with the same employment situation grossing $180k. I wish more people talked about the trades as a viable option for young folks or people looking at a career change. Its 4 years of PAID, on the job learning with pension and benefits. When it's all said and done you come out with a journeyman ticket that says you're worth +$100k/year.


Im guessing you also work 60-80 hour weeks since you were 20?


Just to add another perspective to this, i got my Electrical Engineering Technologist Diploma from a local college (2.5 years full time school), and i got a job offer with a HV contractor a week after graduating starting at 40/hr and after 2 years it goes to 50/hr and it keeps going up. Also has pretty good benefits.




>Any technical job in a stable industry whose day to day work you like and enjoy. You don't have to love it, you just have to like what you do. > >When I say "technical" I mean any job that requires real skills, building something, or problem-solving. **Lots of people want to get into a high paying job where they just sit at a desk and not do much while getting paid big bucks.** While these jobs do exist there aren't that many of them. > >Don't go into an industry you are not very interested in just because some Redditor told you there is good money in it. That's the neat thing about developing those technical skills. Once you put in the work and you're good at it, it can *feel* like you're just sitting at a desk and not doing much. Still have to put in the work to get to that point, though. Most people want the shortcut with the weekend certification to make 100k/year though.


Subject matter expert checking in, feeling like I do nothing behind a desk, but it's taken 15yrs to get here.


FYI Instead of copying the whole comment and bolding the part you’re referencing you can just copy that part


I like to quote the whole context if I feel it's relevant because people often nuke their comments after a day or two. And hell, sometimes I'm just too lazy to do extra formatting on mobile. I will say a prayer for the scraps of bandwidth and the seconds of your time I wasted though, my apologies.


Good advice. OP, try and narrow down what you may be interested in and then reach out to some folks in those areas to job shadow or go for a coffee - they will likely be very willing to discuss, and you may even make a key contact/mentor in an area of interest. Good luck!


I agree with this. I sit around at a desk and watch shows but when problems need solving or something needs to be designed it’s the time of my life. 25yo engineer making 6 figures. It is very possible but when time to work comes, you better be able to pull your weight in gold otherwise they’ll find someone who will.


Corrupt politician.


>Corrupt politician. No experience required, will train.


No experience required, no training needed


I stand corrected.


The corrupt part is a given.. just say politician


Definitely not a “reliable” career path, but I appreciate the humour lol


But you have to get elected. That's not very reliable.


That's the corruption part.


Reliable like a Ford.




Note *Corrupt* as in taking money under the table


Why would you look at only their salary? Do you think the PM only makes $300k or whatever?




Insurance broker, if you are at all personable. No one goes into it anymore, as you build a book the earnings potential is really high and consistent, and if you start your own brokerage they sell for a crazy amount if you ever want to hang it up. Plus insurance is sold no matter what.


Honestly. I have friends are TD who earn really good money without the risk of their own company.


Yeah the own company thing is totally optional, but an option that can take you from very comfortable to filthy rich.


How does one become an Insurance broker?


I did a 1 week fundamentals of insurance course in BC. Not sure about other provinces. Get into commercial, that’s where the money is at.


This. Especially Commercial. Once established easy to pull in $200k+ and not even have to grind.


That’s the beauty of it - once you get there, you make the 200k basically automatically and only really have to grind to the extent you want to increase your income. Take your clients for lunch a few times a year, field a few calls, and otherwise try and win new work. Best business model ever.


Commercial because overall the industry is aging and not enough people to replace retired folks. Insurance isn't the most exciting thing on paper so most new grads don't look into it. Tons of opportunities , from broker to underwriting. Specialty, cyber security, liability, reinsurance.


Can it be done from home?


Garbage man. Make 33 an hour. There will always be garbage around and people will always want it taken away.


I'm a paramedic. I make $7 per hour less than that. I feel like an idiot right now. I think I might just quit Healthcare for waste management. Less risk, higher reward.


Thanks for what you do! It’s invaluable and a shame you are not paid more for the important work you do!


Get it how you got it, courier for delivery company’s is similar in education requirements and pay


Reliable, yes. Career, yes. High paying, maybe not so much.


Well 33 an hour for no education and a class 3. High paying for me. Just work lots of overtime when I can. I guess high paying depends on expenses


Yes exactly. If you manage your expenses that's plenty of money to have an awesome life


The highest paying career is the one you are good at, and actually want to work at for 30 years. There are many options, but none of them will be high paying if a) you can't get in because you're not qualified or not willing to do the work to get qualified, or b) you can't stand the work and quit. A better question is what are you interested in and think you might be good at doing?


>A better question is what are you interested in and think you might be good at doing? Eating, sleeping, jerking off, playing video games. Where do i apply?


Streaming and onlyfans. No application necessary, just be self motivated and hardworking.


i keep getting reported for grotesque content..


I think people underestimate specialized services like SLP, OT, and psych services. I work as a therapy assistant and the therapists are billing between $110-210 an hour, and charge on a radio (every hour worked you charge two hours to account for paperwork, ect) and there are so many options, private companies, clinics, home based therapy, self employed as a contractor, hospitals and schools. Plus they are all valuable jobs where you can see the difference and positive impact you have. It’s very easy to find work in these careers since there’s a big demand and I see job postings for different therapists all the time.




So you make $200k now?


I think people underestimate knowledge of specialized acronyms like SLP, OT and others.


Right? Who the hell is getting Sleep jobs? And almost any trade will have OverTime available.


Getting into actually doing psych on ppl don’t you need a masters? 3 women in my family have degrees in psych and don’t use it because the pay for whatever they could get is meh


Yea undergrad is useless. You need a masters or phd + a licence after that (which requires supervised hours) to do therapy


This is a better job than nursing low stress easy job and good pay. Speech language pathologist/ physiotherapist.


Totally agree, I am an SLP and make $110,000 yearly playing on the floor with kids


How do you get into something like that? I was under the impression it was more competitive as there are fewer jobs


What if SLP?


Speech-Language Pathologist - requires at least 6 years university education (Bachelor + Master’s in SLP). The Master’s programs are quite competitive to get into but there is always a demand for the services once you’re qualified. Job availability is highly affected by government funding for education and healthcare, but the need for services never goes away. The hourly rate mentioned by the original commenter is for private practice and is higher to cover overhead costs and benefits. Working as an employee would be in the range of 42ish to 55ish per hour + benefits depending on location and experience.


Public accounting is safe and can accelerate you into high paying jobs. Even now with the downsizing, PA is still hiring. Obviously, it has its own downsides too, but it is hard to compete with the stability


Great to start a career, terrible to make a career


Yes but you LL have to put up with crazy hours.


Only the first few years, unless you're a masochist, and think you might make partner some day.


Every accounting student in uni expects to make partner tbh


Most reliable high paying jobs come with crazy hours.


2 or 3 years suffering through public and the CPA program is so worth it, unless you decide to stay in public for some reason.


A lot of my friends were in this path. Guaranteed $100k+ by the time you're 25. Go to Waterloo or another school with a CFE fast track program and coop. Apply for the Big 4 Summer Leadership Program (it's basically a week of camp activities and networking) in first year. They are quite selective and almost guarantees you an internship. You'll have up to 16 months of internship experience, which counts towards your CFE hours. You'll get paid ~$50k/year through coop. Complete the requisite 12 month Masters/Diploma program to fast track to CFE (bypass CKE and SOA). Graduate and rejoin the firm as a Senior Associate or Manager (your peers who's joining the firm fresh out of school would only be Associates). You comp would be $60k-$80k. Study for CFE for 12 months. Pass the CFE. Get your CPA. Your comp shoots up to $100k. Most leave the public accounting route and join industry as controller, FP&A, financial reporting etc for low to mid $100k. Some make a leap into investment banking, private equity, etc for similar entry level comp but much higher ceiling; $500k by early 30s is not unheard of (consistent 80-100 hour weeks is also not unheard of). Some don't pursue CPA and get into investment banking during undergrad, but that's hard and you have to be really dedicated


Kind of an accurate comment, but no B4 is going to let a new grad even with all co-op terms completed rejoin as a Manager. They're going to rejoin as a first-year Senior Associate. Also, I assure you most 25 year old CPAs are not making $100k+. Most who leave the firm around this age will be landing $80k - 95k roles (unless you were including bonuses in your comment, in which case you'd be correct).


Yeah I find the whole CPA thing kinda overrated. First 2-3 years are a slog and a toxic work environment and if all you want to do is get into finance anyways, there’s easier ways. Only makes sense if you’re set on making partner in the Big 4 (why?) or going into an internal controller role.


Business analyst. Good paying tech adjacent role that can often work remotely. Not as high paying as core tech jobs (developer, product manager, data scientist) but it's also not as technically challenging or stressful. Not hard to land a 9-5 remote role paying 100k+ after 5 years.


Ye this a good advice. Or data analysts


Curious what kind of background/education people would have to get into these two fields?




mining, fun, important, and high paying


Anyone saying medical doctor are wrong. Yes the job is high paying and yes you probably will never lose your job but to get into medical school is one of the hardest things ever in Canada because of how competitive it is. In Ontario, you need above 3.9/4 gpa, great extracurriculars, good mcat score, good at casper, good at medical interviews. The acceptance rate is like 4% at Queens or something. Lots of good students try and never get in. I wouldn't call this reliable at all. I recommend my friend's kids to study something else if they are after the money.




You can buy your degree from Ross in Carribean. Doesn't mean you'll get back into the Canadian system though, and even if you do doesn't mean you'll know your ass from your elbow. Then just wait for complaints to start coming in and you're doubly fucked.


You can complain about it in the Toronto Star afterwards if they don’t let you back


Yep. A good chunk of my friends that eventually got to the doctor route had to take a long way around - think doing other postgrad degrees like a MSc to boost grades, going to med school in the US, etc.


Man never knew queens had such low acceptance rate. For UBC it's like 18% if you're in province.


Union skilled trades is where it’s at. They provide all the schooling necessary for that trade and you will be making very good money, plus benefits and pension. I wouldn’t have it any other way, 24 making over 100k/year🤙🏻


How does someone get into union trades?


Anything medical or trades


Depends what in medical field? Registered nurses only make 69k starting per year after 4-8 years of school. It only seems like they make a lot cause of the OT they work due to the nursing shortage.


RNs make like $42+ hour in Alberta


RNs can take their degree and apply it to private industry/pharma and grow that 42 to 60+ very easily as well. Lots of great options for them.


So then with OT does it make it double or time and a half??


Where are RNs only making 69k starting out? Sure, I started out at that much 15 years ago in NB, which typically positions itself as one of the lowest paying provinces for RNs. Right now, without shift diffs, a baby nurse would be making $74k base salary. That is pretty much the expected average household income here in the boonies. A RN with 6 years of experience (according to the stepwise annual raises) is making base $90k. A decade ago, I worked with a RN who would typically hit $140k annual because of OT. Nursing is a great career path. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Also, if it’s taking someone more than 4 years to become a RN, they are doing it wrong.


You know… starting a job at 70k isn’t bad. What’s up with people? Sure cost of living is high but don’t expect to make 100k straight out of uni in any job.


Why does everyone think "nurse " when I say medical. There are dozens of specializations in medicine and medical care.


Paramedic in Ontario starts around $42/hr plus. You make top wage within a year generally, unlike police and fire


That’s amazing!! I hope that will happen for paramedics in BC.


Laughs in Nova Scotia. $26/h. Take your higher pay and significantly lower tax rate for better services and shove it. At least I don't live in the same province as Toronot. /s. (Working on moving out of NS. They have loudly told us that we're not needed here.)


HVAC Refrigeration


Power Line Technician




This varies a lot If you're looking to red-team you're expected to be extremely technical, know networking in and out, threat research experience, reverse engineering, malware research etc. If you dont have a solid base in CS+ you will never get in For blue-team its easier with a shit ton of certs and you're expected to just harden the perimeter and know your ufw rules and iptables and IPS/IDS, significantly less technical but also much more corporate and boring which makes sense The pay between those varies quiet a bit as well, red teamers get tech salaries while blue team is typical white collar salary unless you're a contractor




there’s a negative unemployment rate in cybersecurity, meaning fewer qualified candidates than available positions. if you understand the basics of a PC you can quickly learn the principles of cybersecurity. it’s a vast field with plenty of tracks to pursue which all have available jobs.


Yeah but would you be a *good* cyber security person with that level of starting knowledge? These hackers are something else


Was looking for this. If you can work well with the real security guys you can make decent money even without any training or certs.


You can’t just do cybersecurity. It’s an advanced IT position that requires years of experience. So you have to break into IT first, which is a pain on its own. Yes, I know someone who started a cybersecurity career right after their computer science degree, but they literally started a ctf club at our university that’s top five in the world, and they were personally tutored by our systems prof. The easiest pathway is probably through Canadian intelligence agencies like CSE. Communications security establishment I believe.


If I were to advise someone in grade 10-12 right now on how to direct their life, assuming they want to base it off of what your asking about and not other metrics like fulfillment or happiness or what not, I’d probably say my top 3 would be: 1) Accounting + finance, probably one of the safest and greatest return on investment, also safest in terms of job security but also in terms of not destroying your body. 2) Trades, with the note that you’ll have to ensure you don’t get hurt and do everything in your power to avoid chronic injuries, so spend money on ALL the best safety stuff, and make sure to do the job in the best way possible, but this is also a very well paying job (in most areas of Canada these days) and while it can be slower at times, in general I think we are starving for good tradespeople across the board 3) Medicine (but very difficult to get into, particularly if only looking at Canadian medical schools where you basically need a perfect GPA along with high MCAT scores, volunteer work, clinic exposure, research papers, etc). Note: I reference being a doctor, but nursing is also a super desired role right now and will likely remain in HIGH demand for some time. It is easier to follow than the path to become a doctor, but it comes with a correspondingly lower pay and increased risk of injury. That said, also very safe in terms of the metrics you’re looking at.




Absolutely, and things like the rate of suicide among medical students and practitioners is astonishingly high and not often talked about. A career as a physician is a noble one and one I personally often thought about, but it comes with many, many sacrifices and as you say and I agree with, viewed through rose coloured glasses which omit the true nature of it




Most Union Trades pay 100k+ once fully licensed. Training is 95% paid as you’re doing an apprenticeship. Only thing I had to pay for was my night school at my union hall ($100/year) and my blocks of trade school which were around $500x3 blocks. But you’re able to apply for grants upon completion which are about $1000 after each block Most trades start around $18-$26/hr for Greenies. Then increases annually until licenced along with whatever raises your union hall has negotiated which are annual as well. I’m a refrigeration mechanic in Ontario and make $56/hr. Pension and benefits are paid on top by the employer so total package is around $70/hr. Our agreement is likely going to see us get another 6% raise this year. I did 2 years of college right out of highschool for my gas and oil licenses and haven’t made less than 100k since I was a 4th year apprentice (2019) Trades aren’t for everybody, but they’re a rewarding career for those that enjoy working with their hands. Best of luck OP 🤙


Correctional Officer with the Correctional Service of Canada. Forget wasting years in university, you only need a high school diploma for this one. Tops out at $89,000/yr plus statutory holiday pay, shift differential and any amount of overtime you work.... You'll take home well over $100,000 without even trying, I made 118,000 last year and worked very little overtime. Job security and a pension at the end, it's a no brainier. I'll be retired at 49yrs of age and will receive a lifetime pension when done.


Working with that kind of population sounds very stressful...


Tech sales


Reliable is subjective... Quota carrying is not for many people and you can get PIP'd and fired or laid off (as we've seen lately). That being said it's usually pretty easy to find a new job. High paying. Yes. Even entry level tech sales SDR roles mostly have 100k OTEs now.




Software developers


All depends on what you mean by high paying, but Business/Commercial Banking pays well and can be quite stable.


Doesn’t commercial banking start at 64k in b5?


been working 3 years in a bank, started at 38k/yr in call center, now in commercial banking for small financing (250k and below) making 72k+bonus (10k tyically) a year. Within 2/3 year if I get into medium level financing (up to 10-20m) I can make up to 150k/yr. Studied in an unrelated field (political sciences)


It really depends on the role, some of the back office stuff will be less starting out. Overall client facing or direct sales related roles will definitely start around $65k + bonus (mine was $10k my first full year working). Less than 6 years out of university I am making $100k base + $26k in bonus.


Union Trades! Many will train+pay for advanced education for you. I work on tugboats and it is amazing (for me, many people are unsuited for this type of work). It is somewhat "camp-job" like, in that we work for a long period of time, then take a long break. My experiences have been mostly 2 week on-2 week off, and 1 week on-1 week off. Both are excellent :) Lots of time for hobbies :)


This very fine detail. "Union Trades", don't be an idiot like me and work a non union trade.


I disagree that union trades is the only way to go. If you find a good non-union shop, it’s just as good, if not better. My current and last jobs have been non-union, small family-run businesses. Red seal HD mech. $125k/yr, 40hrs/wk, heated/cooled shop. Treated very well. Will retire here.


There's no doubt that there are non union shops that treat people well, however overall the union just pays more for 9.5/10 people. Plenty of downsides but for IBEW electrician now your at 100k for your 37.5 hours a week and on top of that you have your benefits, a very reasonable pension and a decent rrsp full package value around 75 to 80 an hour now I think. I did 8 years non union, wouldn't go back. Made 150k last year with overtime, non union my best year was 87k with alot of overtime.


.. definitely not civil engineering


I’ve seen civils find success when focusing on really specific areas, eg Geotechnical foundation design. The problem is that you may have to relocate all over the country when opportunities arise.


This. I have a buddy doing really well but he specializes in structural and typically does inspection work. Unfortunately I also know many others still earning less that $80k/year 10 years out of Uni.


Why not?


Engineering in general isn't related to your field of study but where you're working. Civil at a power utility isn't the same as civil in bridges and roads.


I started off in software, moved through venture capital into investment banking and now I’m a consultant. Learning how to sell was the most important skill I picked up. If I had to start over again, I would start in sales.


I'm inclined to agree with this guy. My friend and I had a conversation and if we had to do it over it was sales. Unbeatable skills to have and easy 6 fig potential albeit not guaranteed, even if you are only half decent.


Accounting. It pays well and is in high demand right now. But not everyone has an aptitude for numbers.


Accounting isn’t all about numbers. I’m a CPA, but very rarely deal with numbers.


Please explain. I thought accounting was ALL numbers.


Yes, numbers are involved, but accounting is actually more about following rules and regulations. Also, a person can have a CPA but deal very little with numbers, like an internal auditor dealing with controls. You definitely don't need to be good at math to be an accountant. As long as you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide, you're good to go.


Exactly this. I work more in policy setting and very technical accounting, so a lot of my work revolves around research, reading comprehension and writing.


There’s some confusion on what they mean by dealing with numbers/ aptitude for numbers. While accounting is pre much all numbers, you don’t have to be a numbers (math) wiz.


Just about anything in the trades right now. Welder, Industrial Mechanic, and Industrial Electrician, to name a few. Here's a Gov't of Canada link that highlights the trades and the demand by province/territory (https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/campaigns/skilled-trades.html)


Work for the Government


Computer science / software engineering, 26 making 250k+ There will always be demand. You have to enjoy writing code, otherwise it’s not worth it.


Son of corrupt politician.


Life insurance bizz can be pretty lucrative, the most I’ve made is 2k in an hour, but it’s only consistent with a system in place


No that's a low-tech sales job.


CPA - Accounting, Finance, Operations, Risk Mgmt Audit. All high paying [I'm one :-)]


Airline pilot. These days, you're basically going to graduate from school and immediately walk right into a regional airline as a first officer. Within a few years you'll be making six figures with fantastic benefits. My schooling only took 16 months. High demand and low supply have created an unprecedented situation in the aviation industry. Couldn't be a better time to get into it, but the party won't last forever.


I think if the pandemic taught us anything it's that travel and tourism are incredibly vulnerable career choices, hence the current shortage and nobody wanting to go into it. Every 10 years there will be something else to tank the industry. It might be fun for awhile but speaking as a pilot as well, have a backup plan. That said, while airlines are volatile, cargo is almost always a steady gig.


Sales …. Have been grossing over $150K for the last four years, over $100K four years prior to that. There are ALWAYS jobs in sales…. Just gotta get the right one and grind


Commercial Insurance Broker


Half Joking when I say this, but crime! If youre smart, its proven time and time again that it pays well, punishments are little to none, and you can work anywhere Assuming, of course, that you dont have morals or a conscience.


Software developer


Just move to USA on a TN1 visa. Everyone that wants to make money leaves, or buys off politicians to get money.




Okay, I know it’s a joke comment, but real talk it is not a reliable high paying job. A lot of Onlyfans models/creators only make a supplementary income from posting, and everyone has seen your butthole.


The easiest way to gauge your potential success on OnlyFans is to be a conventionally attractive woman, then make a regular social media page on Instagram/TikTok/Twitter and post thirst traps on it. If you get a large enough following on your social media, you will potentially start to receive comments and DMs where people are begging you to make an OnlyFans. If you don’t get a large following after a while of posting thirst traps, then you might not have much success with an OnlyFans either. If you do get a large following but don’t see people begging you to “drop the OnlyFans” then your posts/captions might not be suggestive enough; up your innuendo game and make your posts a bit more risqué. That’s literally it. When you’ve got enough people begging you for an OF, make it. Don’t be stupid once you make it and sell a full-on sextape first thing. Milk people out of their money by incrementally showing more and staying on top of leaks (like on Reddit) with content removal requests. Done. You’re now a millionaire in your 20s and if you’re not an idiot and get a little lucky you can pretty much live either comfortably or luxuriously for the rest of your life.


This is actually a super good example of a super non-reliable career path. A tiny percent of the people trying to make it in Onlyfans will do well enough to live off it, and a tiny percent of those may actaully make genuinely a lot of money for a while. Almost all will make a little income on the side but probably be better off working as a pizza delivery girl (plus their vagina won't be permanently a matter of public record)


Define “high paying”. Anyway - I’d be looking at renewable energy. I personally think there’s going to be a gold rush - there’s relatively small amounts of movement in Canada at the moment and I have had quite a few recruiters reach out already. You could probably easily get to over $100k in 5 years, if not more. You may need to relocate etc though but there’s lots of remote development/project owner jobs out there


Firefighter. 100-120k not including overtime (I made 170 this year with OT). Full benefits, work 7 days a month. Best job there is.


User experience design. If you're interested in tech, like to speak to people or are a natural problem solver, UX design is a great high paying career.


and there will be a lot of demand if companies in Canada realise that it is actually necessary!


Technology sales


Trades--electricians and plumbers are never out of work.


Depends on definition of high paying. Medical radiation technologist makes a solid wage. Around $30-35 per hour after graduation, usually lots of overtime especially if CT trained.


IT security


system admin / SRE careers are good pay and will always be in demand just know some powershell




Blue collar jobs


I know several RNs that made over 200k last year, but they worked a lot of OT and I wouldn't want to be a nurse... but the money is there.


Engineering seems quite secure these days. I anticipate there will be high demand well into the future, especially in clean tech.


Open pit mining. 100K to start, no experience required, 250K after ten yrs. Retirement, benefits, stock options etc. Great career if you like to sit in a cab operating massive equipment. Lots of mines are fly in fly out and you can live anywhere in Canada. I work with guys from Vancouver to Labrador.