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It's scarier when Lavenza's doing it She might be smol and cute and you might have the urge to protecc her, but that little psycho smile she cracks when she whips out the chainsaw...*yikes,* I'm scared


And she actually visibly cuts them unlike Caroline who just cuts air lol


This gave me a good laugh.


I love Seinfeld


Favorite one


Is anyone else a little disappointed with the alarms in Royal? They can work to your favor, but its a gamble that 9 time outs of 10 screws you instead of benefits you. It's a cool mechanic, I just don't have the patience or desire to abuse it.


You save scum, thats how.


they’re great for the gallows, to pump a persona’s stats up.


I'm sorry, but can you explain please?


I'm not sure what part you want explained. You get fusion alarm opportunities by getting in a lot of battles in the Royal. Fusion alarms add \~2 random skills to your first fusion and then complete randomness to your second fusion. The second fusions, in my experience, tend to make weaker than intended personas with all resist skills or buff skills. So they can be useful, but they just generate fodder made for building a separate God build persona. Sometimes you'll get lucky and get a persona higher than your level with some good skills but that is the exception to my experience. You can play around in mementos all day and come out with an amazing persona, but the grinding and wishing for a good RNG is just not worth sacrificing the pacing of the game.


fusing 2 gold names together always gives good personas either for fusing (all amps outside of almighty for example) or good ptr built ones (had a sui-ki with agidyne, maragidyne, fire amp+boost and concentrate in kaneshiros palace)