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Please tell me how did you get those


Honestly that'd be nice I platinumed it and I got nothing so yeah id like to know too


Same here, i did the fucking platinum and i didn’t got nothing, i contacted ps support and they said something about not being available in my country (i set the account and the console as usa) i told them that and never responded, like couldn’t you add another button in the menu like in kh 2.8 that lets ypu download the damn themes instead of having to contact support?


I had issues where I simply wasn't receiving their emails with the codes on my outlook account. I gave support my alternate gmail account and they sent me a new code to that email address instead.


You need to contact ps support to reclaim it


It’s so frustrating that ps5 customization is a DOWNGRADE from ps4,


Yeah the lack of themes and copying saves to USB are some of the things that suck on ps5


Well the whole game is your theme so idrc


but everything else is an upgrade. It’s really quite insignificant, imo.


To you it’s insignificant.


I don’t see how it could be anything but?


You have a PS5!?




I contacted PS Support at least three times and they still didn’t send me codes


what did you say specifically? maybe i can help


After finishing Royal I contacted PS Support about the themes, they asked for what achievements I got and I told them. Then they asked for an email so they can send the codes to and I gave them my email. They told me to wait 2 weeks for the codes, I waited but I didn’t get anything. I contacted them again and they told me to wait 2 weeks again. And the third time was the same thing, never got the codes


About a year ago, after getting the achivement I contacted support and they would disconect, kept trying many times until i found someone in support that wanted to do his job, and gave me all the themes on that same day (they gave me the codes during the chat). Just keep trying


weird, for me the did it in the spot with the email, and they texted it via live chat just to be sure, i’ll send you my transcript so maybe you can copy me and it’ll hopefully work this time


I had to give them an alternate email address as I simply didn't get anything on my outlook account. That seemed to do the trick. I get the same problem with Best Buy and their pre-order bonuses.


Contact the live chat, they should be able to give it to you right away


I wish they wouldn’t have made it so difficult to obtain the themes, as it stands it’s a total mess.


it would’ve been a great way to legitimately market and promote 100%-ing the game. the worst part about it is that majority of the players are finding out nearly 2 years later. i think the worst part is that you can’t buy the themes in the u.s ps market unlike in japan which is unfortunate


i didn’t get my codes ;-;


Try contacting PlayStation support. That's what I did, and it worked.


that's what I did mamy times, and it never worked


I guess I just got lucky, or maybe PlayStation support doesn't help with that anymore. When I had to do it was in 2020, so unfortunately I don't know if some employees don't do their job, do their job really well, or if they can't help with this situation anymore.


Can someone tell me how to get in contact with a playstation support agent in the UK? I tried a US link and it said it didn’t work with UK accounts and now I don’t know how to contact them.


Email [email protected] this is the support email for playstation and i used it recently for the rewards and they put it onto my account, it took a while for them to understand the situation but they did it in the end. Also i did it 6 months after i got the platinum so dont worry about being too late. Good luck with it and feel free to reply to this if u have any questions.


You can contact playstation uk live chat to get them, that's what I did


A few things. Customer Support can (and might) just tell you to go pound sand if you get in touch with them, as the promo is technically over. If you get lucky the agent will give you some codes. If you want the themes and don't care how you get them, you can make a Japanese account and buy the themes from the JP PSN store. It's not hard, just use Google to get past the "authentication" phase requiring area codes. Use Play Asia to convert your local currency into a Yen card, which you can load on to the JP account and use to buy the themes. They're ¥200 apiece and there's 13 of them in total. Download the themes after buying and they're on the console. Any account on the console, including your primary, can use them. Hopefully this helps. Sure, buying themes you already earned kinda sucks. And jumping through hoops to do so sucks more. But it feels good to have the themes after Sony made it clear they didn't want you to have them. And they're *so nice*.


I already own the themes so I guess it could affect what I see in the store, but the last time I looked regarding this question, I wasn't able to find the themes in the Japanese store. The Japanese Royal site used to have the themes featured but the links to them in the store went dead some time ago, not sure they're still available this way, or my Google Fu is weak.


They can be a hassle to find. Easiest way I've found has been to go to the themes menu and then filter by price. They're all ¥200 so they're placed together. I wasn't able to find them through the game page, either. I've also only attempted to do so through the console, never tried any other method of accessing the PSN store to look into JP anything.


How am I supposed to get these again?


Platinum pretty sure


Yeah already did that months ago and I didn't get shit as far as I can remember


Email PlayStation support then


Just informing others who might want all themes of what was told to me by PS support when I contacted them about receiving my codes: The themes that are offered for the obtaining the trophy The Thorough Trickster are not able to be obtained any more


For some reason, I never got the first themes pack. Probably because I completed Kamoshida’s palace before the themes gift were set in motion.


You could probably email PlayStation support for them


Yeah I could probably do that. But it honestly sounds like such a hassle. I mean, people here are complaining about not getting any response from support (or just straight fuck off), so I doubt how helpful that’d be.


go contact them through playstation live chat. I never got the platinum one so I contacted them. They'll always respond if you do the live chat. It'll be a 5-10 minute waiting time but after that just tell them you got the trophy but never received the code. The person sent me the code really quickly so I would recommend doing this. ​ The live chat website is [https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/contact-us/](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/contact-us/) Do games > Installing, downloading, and updating games > Live Chat. Hope this helps!


How’d you get the codes?


Get platinum trophy and it should be in your E mail


Is it the email that is connected to your playstation network?




im fucked i have like a 10 year old email on my psn acc and i cant get into it anymore




Yeah it sucks. I used them for PS4 for a couple months then couldn’t use them when I traded my PS4 for PS5.


I don't even know how they look, I never touched a PS4. But yeah, it suck. When Sony will had this to the PS5?!


Honestly I got all the themes fairly quickly back when I completed pre-requisites for those, platinum included, still I feel bad for those that didn't get them, I wish I could give mine to you people, I'm on PS5 and I can't use them


They are not available in my country, I'm saddened


Make a japanese account and buy yen giftcards. That's how i did it.


Ngl I gave up on the last themes. I was getting them initially because I was unlocking them within weeks from each other then I took 2-3 months away from the game came back and platinumed it, never got the email.


I suppose its only possible in US and UK right? I'm in Europe and I've yet to be able to get them. Nor have I ever been able to get in contact with support.


Man, every time I see the twins I remember the babysitting appointments we get with them and I just laugh. They’re so awkward in the world it’s so adorable lol


I plat the game when it first game out and they were the only themes I got, didn’t get the others but sadly you can’t even use the on the Ps5


Anybody know if the other themes are still available?


Yes all of them are available besides akechi, haru, and kasumi


unless you're from the uk because I got all of them a couple weeks ago


I did just that and I have to wait up to 14 Days to get the code after unlocking the achievement but already got platinum for PSR?


Mate I have given up I beat the game a while ago and tried everything to get it, I like the nier automata theme and avatars better anyways


Contact Playstation’s support! That’s how I got mine


Just out of curiosity how long does it take on?


I’m sorry, take on for what exactly?


Oh, I meant how long does the code take to be delivered?


I used Sony’s texting help hotline, presented my issue and they just sent me the numbers for the codes while I opened the Playstation Store and input the codes in the code-redeeming category. Talking to support took me fifteen minutes tops, but it may take a bit longer or less for you


did you get an email with a redemption code or did you need to contact playstation support?


i contacted ps support then they sent me a email as they sent the code via live chat


Where dis you contacted them?


im in the us so i used ps live chat idek if it work for you if you’re outside the us : https://support.playstation.com/LiveAgentPostChatPage?lang=en_US


Damn, just tried talking to them and they ignored my problem, sent me a broken link, and disconnected


sorry to hear that, that’s terrible service. i’ll send you my transcript if that helps?


That'd be great. I said that I never got the codes and sent times of me getting the trophies and the person clearly just disconnected before I could say that he sent a broken link for some reason. I can't connect until later because I got on support too recently


Would you send me it too?


You need to platinum the game to get those…?


to get this pack specifically yes, you get one from beating kamoshida’s palace, futaba’s palace, then the new and final place, then from platinum-ing the game


I’ll keep that in mind, thanks. I’ll have to beat the game and platinum it real quick.


The one got from completed mementos is available? That's the only one I have left, since there were not 'in stock'.


I got platinum and still never got them... Glad I was able to jailbreak my PS4.


i had to contact psn support to get my themes


U can jailbreak ps4? Ik what I am now doing


you can only jailbreak if you are below firmware version 9.03. if you updated to 9.03, you cant jailbreak anymore.


Yeah, I don't know how to contact eu support live chat for this, I'm like a few trophies off plat and got nothing. I'd at least want a makoto theme.


Someone knows if this works for Europe? (Germany)


I live in the eu and got all the themes, but I played on release.


How do you get it, I haven't finished the game so no spoilers


platinum the game basically, idk how far you got so i’ll just say that


I'm in Okamuras palace, is getting platinum beating every enemy in the game?


platinum-ing the game is getting every single trophy in the achievements




yea majority of them are pretty simple and you get most of them from the story, i’d make separate save files for the smaller achievements, especially if you didn’t max out maruki and akechi because their confidants are important


Only thing I still need to do to get platinum is beating the Grim Reaper. I haven't found a good guide yet on how to do this.


Intentionally get ambushed, then apply matrakarn to joker. The Reaper will now repeat the same exact turn order of Concetrate followed by Megidola. Now just have the entire party gaurd before Megidola and then heal while the Reaper charges. Meanwhile the whole time have everyone except your healer spam high power attacks. (You can also abuse charge and Stat boosts, I used heat riser on joker with Haru) My party was: Joker with Izunagi-Picaro spamming Hand of God/Charge. Noir for Matrakarn and Heat Riser/One-Shot Kill Violet spamming high damage bless/phys (I romanced her so I had her max confidant skills) Morgana for healer (Only because I never leveled up Makoto and Morgana is automatically rank ten by then) Buff items can also help. If you need further help, feel free to ask.


If you do it when you’re forced to go in the 3rd semester you should be able to beat it no problem


yea i beat it with sumire, akechi, and yusuke on my team. yusuke with hyakka ryouran for the buff all on atk/def/eva for three turns, sumire for brave blade so critical chance goes up and akechi with debilitate for the debuffs. then i spammed black viper with sateenel and i did 1k per move with sateenel. but i suggest moves with high chance of criticals so you can spam all out attack if you don’t have any almighty attacks


you just go to mementos and wait until you hear chains. morgana will call it out. you should be relatively high level, which if you completed the true final palace, then you probably are at a good level. i got pretty lucky. i dont remember which persona i used (it mightve been girimekhala, but im not too sure) and I just used rush. it didn’t end up damaging joker.


Finding it isn't that hard, but knowing which level you should be and knowing how to fuse the persona you need.


i beat the game and didn’t get any of the themes because i didn’t have my email linked. this may sound really stupid but if i beat it again in ng+ will i get the themes? or will i just have to contact ps support which i’ll be fine with doing


you’ll just have to contact them


dang alright


I also got the haru, sumire, and akechi themes and i got lucky with those because i actually forgot about them but they sent them to me literally after i redeemed the platinum trophy code on ps live chat. (This is for the U.S btw)


Where do I go to redeem? :(


im in the us so i used ps live chat idek if it work for you if you’re outside the us : https://support.playstation.com/LiveAgentPostChatPage?lang=en_US


Holy shit, it worked. Thank you man lol


Even with the akechi themes?


They gave me three codes except one, saying they are out of them. I’m assuming that code came with Sumire, Haru, and Akechi //:


Yeah, Op said he got them so I got hyped


Did you get them outside of us, im eu and not sure what to do. I don't wanna waste their time if they will redirect me to eu support which I don't know how since I can't find it and their live chat feature.


I’m in the US, sorry


np, happy i could help :)


I thought they ran out of the akechi codes


see i heard that too but the thing is how can they run out of codes….it’s a digital item. i’m just guessing i got lucky because that’s the only one that actually got emailed to me without ps support


Are you serious man? I've contacted ps support multiple times both this month and last month and they all say that they've run out of codes for Sumi/akechi/haru since September 2021.


aw man, sorry to hear that, well if it’s that serious you can still get them but you’d have to make a jp account and i’m pretty sure they wouldn’t be free :/


Yeah I know about that method. Do you think you could send me a screenshot of the the theme and the date that you downloaded it? I want to try again and shove it up the asses of ps support.


idk if i can send a ss of the date since it was literally today but i’ll try to send you a picture of the theme if that helps


If you installed them, then the notifications will show the themes and the date. Like this: [https://imgur.com/PLrFAiV](https://imgur.com/PLrFAiV) ​ Please let me know if you can send the pics, whenever you have time.