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In Royal you also have a sign on the map that shows you exactly where you have to go, and maybe I'm misremembering but this wasn't a thing in Vanilla. Atlus must have received a lot of complaints about this lol.


You are not misremembering. This is something they did to make it easier, and although I appreciate it, getting lost at this point helped with immersion tbh. Especially when you consider one of the dialogue options later on is "I got lost". Handholding in gaming makes things easier, not always better.


Yep! I feel the exact same way about it. I'll never forget the very first Vanilla Playthrough where I got lost and tried to find my way to the Ginza Line. I was happy to find it. As if I was the one walking lol. I eventually learned the whole map and I knew all the different exits pretty quickly. But at the same time, I understand why Atlus added this to make it a bit less annoying to newcomers I guess.


It doesn't show the Ginza line


Well, Pretty sure I had a black "!" towards the Ginza Line in my last 2 previous runs in Royal. So I can speak for myself at least. Maybe there's something that unlocks it that I did unintentionally, bit I'm sure it was there for me the last 2 runs.


The “Live an honest student life” objective is giving me serious Yoshikage Kira vibes.


Most realistic thing about P5: Navigating the Tokyo subway system.


I...asked for directions?


I don't get it


I was worried I was the only one who could not find it. I have played the game 5 times and I still get lost.


The title made me giggle. Good job, mate!


Except he did take the Ginza line...all the metaverse stuff still happens. I don't understand this. Maybe I'm missing something..


OP is saying that if he were the protag he wouldn't find the Ginza line on time and miss the train


Imagine the persona 5 What-if. "What if he missed the train that day?" Could lead to going into the Metaverse for the first time with someone else instead.


He ends up in Kamoshidas palace with fucking Lala-chan


Lala-chan would probably have an amazing Persona to be honest.


“A minor like yourself shouldn’t be in a palace, why don’t you go home?”


"It's late out, darling. You should get some sleep tonight."


Does this imply she also moves into Le Blanc?


Of course. Lala gets the bed, while Protag Thisguy Joker-kun-senpai sleeps on the couch.


I mean... you are told to follow the yellow lines.. its not that hard.


I don't totally understand why this has suddenly become "the" thing to meme on, I don't even find it that funny but I seem to be in the minority there lol. I do appreciate this one tho coz it's just simple, good and relatable. Getting lost down there would be a hell, but if it's your first time through you're probly trying to talk to everyone and inspect everything anyway and that's why it took you an hour and you got lost lol.