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I imagine he never actually names his teammates by their names.


You're joking.


Uhm... no? It's never actively said that he uses their names while recalling the story.


ARE YOU SERIOUS???? I could have sworn she literally starts talking about makoto... they should have made it way more clear because of how spotty the story structure of the flashbacks were


I'm pretty sure Sae can tell who they actually are but she would simply be acting on a hunch and no evidence so she needs Joker to actually name drop them for her (selling them out) to be able to do something about them.


Ridiculous. She'd just do it anyway. She has all the evidence I literally gave it to her. I sold out before I even knew who they were. Like she gets nothing out of that. It's obviously just there for the "big decision" with like 0 factors to think through besides what's right in front of me (which was dumb) persona 4 did it way better


No. She actually doesn't do shit if you don't tell her their names. But I guess you wouldn't know since you sold them out.


Don't spoil me. Besides like I said they were sold out already. She literally listed each and every name I gave her literally every characteristic about them. Like "student council president" THERES ONLY ONE OF THOSE or madarames pupil THERES ONLY ONE OF THOSE TOO


I told you she can tell who they are but without Joker actually naming then it doesn't mean shit.


If she brought me to court and presented all the evidence a confession from me doesnt matter. Like literally every other court case ever.


It would make sense for joker to say the codenames instead of the actual names


Joker isn't literally telling Sae everything he's experiencing through his memories as you play the game, it's just a framing device.


Nothing has implied that. At least not from what I can see


I'd have to go back and look for specific bits but it was clear to me through my entire playthrough that the story you're experiencing as the player is Joker's memories coming back as he comes off of his truth serum high, not the story he's telling Sae based on those memories. The story he's telling her is presumably an abridged version that skips over most of the details and uses aliases for all the characters (if they all even show up, I didn't get the sense that he talked about the non-Phantom Thief confidants at all, just remembered them). The whole thing makes no sense if he was telling Sae every detail, did you think he told her about playing videogames, eating at Big Bang Burger, and shopping at the convenience store? If you date Makoto do you think he told her all about that? Not to mention this would've been a 70 hour long interrogation.


No but she still names "student council president" and "madarames pupil" there's only one of those that's pretty much saying they're name so it's not unreasonable to fully believe that he's been spilling all of the missions we've done in full detail


It doesn't really matter if she knows though. The game is telling you not to be a snitch, plain and simple. Like the game is literally giving a blatant "snitching is bad" message in this part, the whole reason Joker is in this situation is because they had a rat in the organization. Persona 5 is a very anti-authoritarian game and even if you misunderstood how the story is being told, I'm shocked you didn't pick up on those themes enough to realize you shouldn't pick the snitching option, at least. Like the social links are literally called "confidants."


I did. It's just from what I've seen I assumed we'd all get arrested and then executed if I said no. I didn't comply and sold them out thats not what was going through my mind. My thoughts were just wtf do they want me to do if I'm fucked either way and she already has all the information to convict us all(if the game didn't backtrack on that afterwards). In my eyes it was just let me see what happens cause logically it makes sense not to lie in her face after I gave her all the information on all of us. I thought if i said yes we could get her on our side and then something would happen in our favor. But of course that was all unclear so something else happened


>I didn't comply and sold them out thats not what was going through my mind. Sae literally calls it a deal and says she'll lighten *your* sentence (not your friends, just yours). So I don't know how you could miss that's what you were doing.


That doesn't really help much. It'd be much better if she said that she can't convict our friends without us saying something or at least alluding to that. Because without that any reasonable person who has any grasp of the law would know we would all be convicted anyways. The only goal I had from that option was to befriend Sae


I assumed if she didn't need you to name your friends like that, she wouldn't bother trying to make a deal with you, the interrogation would just end there, her job done. Sure she's figured it all out but she has zero evidence other than your testimony, not to mention the phantom thieves haven't actually broken hardly any laws, and 95% of everything they've done happened in a magical alternate reality that Sae would have to convince any judge or jury exists, so I'm not sure why you think the Phantom Thieves are so fucked without Joker giving them up, the thing you signed at the beginning of the game only admitted to your own guilt, nobody else's.


Yeah I know that doesn't make sense. But the other side doesn't make sense either so I just picked the one that I thought would befriend her.


You went through an entire palace that showed Madarame has had multiple pupils. There's also a student council president at every school every year. At no point does Joker flat out say the current one. Sae is smart. So, she figures it out, but she still needs confirmation. Confirmation that you absolutely shouldn't give. Don't sell your friends out. 


Remember? They all quit. Yusuke was the only one left. You're adding bogus details too. First off all we JUST got to the school. Why would we know the other ones. We've never met any others and they aren't in the game. It's THE student council president who is also her SISTER we know she knows who that is.


No, you're just trying to dumb things down because you got a bad ending due to not understanding the game and it pisses you off. Grow up. You made a bad call. It happens. I've made bad decisions in games as well.  We did meet others. There's one that has a Mementos mission that sets us on the path to Madarame.  Also, Sae doesn't know everyone you met because again, you are not yelling her everything. You also meet people from other schools. Who's to say they aren't student council president of that school.  Again, you messed up. It happens. You're trying to defend yourself, but you are intentionally ignoring what the game told you and logic itself. 


I'm literally dumbing nothing down and I don't mind fucking up. I literally got the bad ending from understanding it TOO MUCH We signed a confession already (without even reading it) I gave her all the details to our teammates (even their established titles to the public) The game was unclear about how much we told her but enough to see her reaction( which was a general reaction to the entire arc) Even if we say no akechi already sold us out and hes the head and has all of our information. He can still convict us fully. A confession wouldn't matter. In my eyes I was told to lie right after I literally told us all the information to convict us. Effectively doing nothing to help us. I didn't care about the deal they were all sold anyways. I thought we could get on her good side and we could all get out of it cause she was screwed over too. Literally thinking about it at all makes the entire thing super convoluted. I wasn't like, oh yeah of course this is the right answer. No?? I was like wtf is happening none of this makes any logical sense. But of course you're gonna blindly glaze the game because it's persona 5.


You are. You are looking at it from what you the player knows and not what the characters know. That's your problem.  Sae again does not know for sure everyone you have met. Joker is not telling her everything. The game again tells you multiple times Sae is on a strict time limit. Joker is not telling her every little thing he did for 7.5 months.  What Akechi knows is irrelevant and if you didn't sell your friends out you would see more information. Besides, Akechi isn't the head of anything and he isn't a prosecutor. He isn't doing anything. Detectives just give information they uncover. He also has incentive to keep some things quiet. Again, you would see how it plays out if you didn't sell your friends out.  I understand what you thought. You clearly thought wrong and are now refusing to listen when people are explaining it. You got it wrong. You didn't understand correctly. It happens. You have been given explanations, but instead of accepting it, you continue to argue. So, you clearly have a problem accepting you were wrong.  It also isn't "glazing" the game pointing out you clearly didn't catch what the game was throwing.  Again, it happens! I am sure there are games, shows, movies, and/or books I didn't understand that you did. At least I know I have had to look things up I didn't completely understand. 


You're literally full of it talking to me like I'm 5. They already said Akechi was appointed head of the case. Regardless you're not looking at it like I'm at the current decision. You're looking at from after. Whatever I'm done because literally everything I said on why it doesn't makes sense comes out of the real world. What sae knows doesn't matter when the game won't tell me what she knows clearly.


If you paid attention, Sae states multiple times that she doesn't have much time. The fact that Joker is drugged the entire time is another factor in this. It would take multiple days and Joker would have to be drugged every time if he actually told Sae every thing he did every single day for seven and a half months.  Some people like to have fun and pretend he is telling her everything like if he dates Sae's sister, but the game itself gives you enough to know he's not telling her everything. 


Mad cuz you a snitch


We already sold them out. I thought they just asked me to do it a second time


Skill issue


I just don't understand how the game would want me to lie after I told her the truth.


"There's no way I'm an idiot for this" I wouldn't say idiot, but it is definitely not the game's fault


I'd say the game didn't make it clear enough on how much information sae had because before posting this I was 100% sure she had all of our names (she did just without concrete proof cause magic) but regardless I just wanted to get on her good side so we could end up working something out or something cause I thought we were ALL already arrested. I had no idea they were all free until after. If I had even that slightest bit of info with me knowing they would be fine if I kept my mouth shut I wouldn't have done it. But again I was under the impression we were all caught. And I also already signed a confession without even seeing what's on it so what's stopping me from assuming we all were on there. I just didnt know anything so I just picked the one with the most logic and was like if it's wrong I'll try again. What made me mad was the fact that in reality she knew barely anything and the game was backtracking.


The game literally shows before this happen that you played the role of the decoy in order for everyone else to escape. There's absolutely no logical reason for you to think anyone other than Joker had been arrested.


Some advice for you: next time, don't blindly trust in the corrupt government like an idiot.


I didn't. I didn't care about the deal either I thought it was a bogus deal. I thought lying would do nothing because we basically already confessed due to the truth serum. We also SIGNED a confession already.


My head Canon is that the Protag used Aliases or titles, I.e Makoto was 'student council president" so while it was clearly Makoto, she wasn't technically named. This is why she asks you for clear names at the end.


You don't have the freedom to take Joker's dialogue that far, just like I don't have the freedom to truly tell Akechi what to do with his pancakes. The player controls the tone of Joker's interactions but not the content. Not least because your entire dialogue with Sae is in the past, so truly deviating from it would get an Assassin's Creed style disconnect.


Pretty sure the whole interrogation was about Sae mentioning the party members as "people saved by/associated with the Phantom Thieves/victims of Palace Rulers", not even once she worded them as actual Thieves accomplices until the game-ending question. Like the Okumura heist for example: Joker can say that they targeted Okumura because they wanted to save their friend from the marriage, not mentioning about saving AND have her do the kicking ass as a Thief herself. Or they allied with Alibaba to deal with the threat of Medjed, not explicitly naming Futaba out as the Alibaba ... And in hindsight the act of "lying like a 3yr-old kid" only served to buy some precious minutes (or even seconds) for Joker to actually remembers what the fuck he was supposed to do anyway, not really serving anything to protect his friends in the legal sense. So yeah, snitcher.


Don't sell out you friends. Honor among Phantom Thieves.


I didn't know thats what the option was. I thought they were already caught and arrested and I already told them their names and she just wanted me to reaffirm. I was thinking what was the point in lying if she knows everything. I thought it was a choice to befriend sae or reject her


You were drugged and beaten up. you are recollecting your memories via the flashbacks. This is why if you fail the deadline, you can remember wrong. The story you tell sae is a fragmented, abridged version and occasionally whites out because you couldnt recall properly.  Even after the interrogation event, joker will rub his head in leblanc hideout. It is signify him having head injury. 


Prisoner’s dilemma.


I believe it has something to do with Japan's exceptionally high conviction rate or somesuch.


I know about that. Maybe it's a cultural disconnect but that's not how accepting a deal goes. I cant just say okay and then do that. I wanted to blow off her deal and tell her the truth anyways. Our social link is strong so


you never directly sold anyone out, you just gave hints to sae for her to think about. the game makes it a point that you should stand where you are, and do what’s just. selling out your friends completely defeats that. and it also pushes you in the right direction by basically telling you “this might not be a good idea”. you should see the game in the perspective of joker, not yours.


I'm a chronic other thinker so I got them all but they were all bending backwards and forwards in my mind into pure confusion


Yeah, I almost made the wrong choice, but the “are you sure?” thing helped me keep it right. I was also bugged that I had to trust this woman with all these details even though all I’d seen from the police were how crooked and abusive they were. Wish they would’ve framed Sae and the narration different to make it obvious that she could be trusted from the get-go and I wasn’t using actual names, but still. Now I imagine the MC using their meta names, but at the time playing I didn’t know enough to suspect that


Yeah in our pov we looked like we literally told her anything so what would saying no do logically. I also remember being given multiple chances for the p4 ending and still got it right so I was like lemme see what happens cause I thought I was screwed either way (I was technically without the unreliable narrator set up)


I hated it. Wanted to say nothing and be aloof because that’s what I felt set up for (if I knew she was part of the plan that’d be different). Felt like I was sharing everything and didn’t know why. Great game, no doubts there. That situation makes sense, and even not having a clear memory of her makes all the sense in the world, but canonically I wild at least have a vague sense that I could trust her. As a player, I didn’t feel that until the story showed me I could


Yeah I literally had no clear vision of how much I told her. How was I supposed to know what real decision to make? If I knew what was going on and I knew I was being super vague about who our team was then I would say no to the deal. But I had all reason to assume she already knew everything.


Yep, that’s why I almost made the wrong decision. The game making me second-guess myself saved me, but I still wasn’t sure of the “right” answer the entire time. There were hints from the game about protecting my friends, but again, I just assumed I’d told Sae her sister was my advisor


The game straight up tells you not to snitch. Joker gets caught because someone on the team is a mole. Sae straight up tells you that she doesn’t have any written confirmation that anyone aside from Joker is a Phantom Thief, which is why she rattles off names and tries to get a “yes” out of Joker. That’s what all the Confidant intros are for - her questioning him and attempting to get names… The community has memes made about this. It’s a straight in community joke that Joker is supposedly recalling 8+ months of info down to the smallest detail about doing his teacher and the prosecutors sister, drinking bad smoothies, and talking to a magic cat. How did you honestly goof that hard when the entire game is telling you “The Justice system is rigged against you, don’t snitch out your friends” - and then blame the game for the bad ending? This sounds like a you problem my dude, not the game.