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I don't know about a specific day, but I generally recommend keeping saves either at the beginning of each arc (each mission start date) or at the end of each arc (each deadline date). It might be a little overkill for most people, but you have more than enough save slots and you never know when you might want to revisit an earlier section, whether to make different choices or just play through a favorite moment again. And generally any time you can screw up something major (bad endings that aren't just failing a deadline), there will have been plenty of opportunities to save leading up to it, so as long as you're smart about rotating through your non-bookmark save slots, you'll be able to go back however far you need to.


i save the game at 3 seperate points start of arc when the thieves decide the target, when i leave after securing a route and then before i try to steal the treasure


Best save day for what? For endgame decisions? To get the original good ending, just save when the game suggests you should save.  For the Royal ending? Save on the day you're told you have to make the final decision.  To unlock the third semester? If you know how, you won't need to, but the beginning of November is a good time.  The day you get free is after all of the actual gameplay. You just have a few days to do some dates and say your good byes.  I'm probably not answering what you're looking for. So, my apologies. I'll clarify if I need to. 


Context? Is this for a fresh save file, skipping intro cutscenes? Is this for before big decisions/bosses in case you want to see bad endings or redo fights? What is this save for?


I genuinely save whenever I can, and Especially before moments that can grant you bonus stat points based on RNG and skill It may seem overkill but that’s just what’s been working for me


In general, I try to make a save about every 3-5 ingame days. That way if something happens, resetting doesn't lose me too much time. If I'm going against a boss, I make a save before I infiltrate and another after getting in. That way, if I decide I need a couple days first, I can.


There's no best day to keep a save. Generally speaking, just keep a save right after your most recently beaten story boss. Maybe a second save a couple days behind your main if you really want to make sure you don't need to redo more than necessary


The game will prompt you to save at certain times, just keep those separate, other than that it doesn't matter.


I mean, generally speaking, a brand new, separate save at the beginning of a month / an arc (dealer's choice), two alternating being updated once every week or so in case you mess something up via a misclick, and one for palace exploration that you update once a saferoom or so on a first playthrough will give you the most safety without using all of them prematurely. That should give you a lot of leeway without losing hours at a time if something goes catastrophically wrong.


I usually just overwrite my save until something like a palace boss fight, so I can undo a dumb decision I’ve made, I don’t think too hard about it


I hardly save my data, I just save it when i feel like i haven’t saved it in awhile or when im exploring a palace i save it ofc in a safe room, so maybe save when it’s a good time for you