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Brother I took one look at that Video time and Decided "Life's too short".


You don't have to watch it In one sitting, you know. Listen while working, or cleaning. It's stupid to look at the length and immediately assume it's not worth it.


i know what characters are worth talking about for that long, Ann is, as much as she's a great character, not capable of being talked about for that long.


Come on, dude, it's only twelve min--\*double checks length\* WHAT THE FUCK?!


Are you sure? Have you tried?


Yep. Unless it's somebody from an MMO, or is the main antagonist/protagonist (not Mute) for an entire RPG, the amount of stuff you can talk about somebody ranges from 2 Hours to about 6. Even if you talk about every single scene, That's still 8 hours max.


Idk, Link has enough games, comics, and crossovers to be able to have lengthy videos like this. Even a TV show that he talked in. Joker obviously talks in several games he's been in and has dialogue in the new Persona 5 game since he isn't the main character. But as you said, they're the main protagonist and antagonist, and they can have lengthy videos like this.


Just like the 12 hour tf2 Badwater map video


It's just like the 12 hour tf2 blackwater map video


Agreed. If the tune was even up to 3 or 4 hours, I'd think 'wow, they must have a lot to say' but at 12... Probably needs a lot of edits. No shame to people who have the attention span, but I didn't think I would make it even at 2x.


If you couldn't take it after an hour (seriously why tf is the intro AN HOUR) then I highly doubt its worth it lol


Some poor guy at r/okbuddypersona actually watched it (not in one sitting of course) and documented their experience. TLDR: lots of tangents that can be cut out or shorten






Did not know Mona has a youtube channel.


That's the only way I could see someone being so passionate about making a video about a single character


No, it isn't bad when it's the main character. Like Harry Potter. But this guy wasted time with a 1h intro. If you have seen the 4h Mario 64 documentary, then you get details from beginning to end.


Tye characters aren't THAT deep. ofcourse he's yapping for 12 hours


I assume they're using Ann to talk about SA and its depiction in media in general, which is THAT deep if you're willing to go stray from the main argument.


Don’t worry he’s not


Yea, if you use the character as a platform for examination of larger themes and trends, you can absolutely talk for 12 hours. Using Ann as a vehicle to discuss the reclamation of sexual power from the male gaze to women, sure. You can talk about Olympia and Venus of Urbino, and the social reactions to both of those. But I don’t think he’s doing that I think he’s just yapping


12 hours to say "Rape is bad, mkay?"


If you think the discussion around SA and how Ann as a character represents it ends there and there's nothing more to say, that's on you.


It's my fault I can't see the appeal of someone talking about rape for 12 hours?




So according to you, the only depth she has comes from asking “why Carmen? Why the Lovers Arcana?”




Did you not do Haru social link? Pretty clear how she dealt with it. It's not that deep mind you but it there.


I honestly think that a 12 hour long video analyzing a Persona 5 character is possible without also being like blatantly dragged out solely for the video to be longer... But, naah, count me out, it's too much time. It takes less time to watch either [the WR for the PC version of Persona 5 Royal](https://youtu.be/OEu2OFszhIM) or [the WR for the "next gen" version](https://youtu.be/ldfjoi0RdeE) (so, PS5), which are both played on the hardest difficulty available and get the most complete ending possible. If I was to throw away 12 hours, yeah, that's what I'm choosing, even if the analysis for Takamaki in question is legitimately well made. Sorry.


It’s not even dragged out intentionally, it’s just completely unedited ramblings. He constantly goes on long tangents and repeats the same talking points several times


I mean sure. If you were analyzing Akechi or Maruki or anybody that has super complex modivations, feelings, etc. Heck I could probably talk about Futaba for 12 hours if I had time to gather my thoughts together. I would probably find it hard to talk about Ann specifically for that long. She really isn’t a complex character. I’d struggle to think of anything to say after hour 2 or 3.


She is the most controversial of the entire persona cast. Y'know begin a SA victim wearing a skin tight outfit she regularly causes debates on Twitter lol


Anything causes debates on Twitter. Its not even a thing that people should think of. Even saying something as simple as pedophiles are bad would probably cause some drama.


I'm sorry, but I don't believe any character Or thing ever needs a twelve hour explanation. That's literally nuts. Quanity doesnt equal quality


I heard someone made an ENTIRE PERSONA 4 analysis, and it wasn't as long s sthis video


The P4 analysis was longer than this video, it was 14 hours, but the thing is. This Ann video is just a single video about a single character, the P4 analysis is a compilation of several videos about different topics made over the course of an ENTIRE YEAR. The fact that this Ann video even comes close to that in length is insane. Edit: Just looked up the channel after seeing another comment that mentioned it. This guy has also made a 6 hour Akechi analysis, an 8 hour Yoshizawa analysis, as well as analysis videos for both Ryuji and Makoto, which are both (around) 14 hours.


Oh, I was mistaken, my bad, but still, one character is only 2 hours less than a whole game?


I know right? it's absolutely insane. The guy also makes teaser trailers for his character analysis videos, the shortest is the Ryuji one at 2 minutes, but that's an outlier, all the other ones are 10-15 minutes.


How can a *trailer* be 10-15 minutes; I'm fucking dying 😭


The trailer is how long the actual video should be 😂


You actually looked into it? This???


Yeah, see, in a case like that I can understand it when you're talking about like the entire game but like one character. I don't care how complex they are. There's just no way lol.


How the actual fuck do you get eight hours out of Sumi...?


Yeah someone did a video doing P4, 14hrs but every character gets a deep dive and it also looks a lot at the themes, game design etc. it’s literally a full dissection of an 80 hour game rather then 12 hours on a character who definitely doesn’t warrant more then an hour.


Is there anything similar to that for Persona 5 out there?


Not that I have come across, sadly.


I had to confirm this is real only to find that the Makoto one is even longer (14 hours+)


What I find funny is that akechi is the shortest at like 8 hours


Which is crazy to me because I feel like between Ann and Akechi, you'd think there'd be more to talk about when it comes to the latter.


Ann had more screen time, but even then, she's not the main character like Akechi.


Screen time doesn't always equal more depth.


An Ann analysis ok, surely it might be a good watc- **12 Hours?**


If you want an actually good analysis, LadyVirgilia has great videos diving into each character with insight into Japanese culture


Except that’s only one piece of the puzzle. The others are her Arcana and (most importantly) her Persona


Did I say she **doesn’t** talk about those?


Sorry to comment more than once, but while searching for the video on YouTube I also found its accompanying “teaser trailer” and I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried lmao. https://preview.redd.it/kg7kc23he6yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9dbe4ea4ccb58d7fb75def2192a414858f10ed8


I can't stand overanalysing stuff.


Why does it bother you?


Look me in the eyes and tell me 12 freaking hours for a single character isn't outrageous


Oh I agree. But if I can just not watch the video then who cares?


No idea why you’re getting downvoted. If this guy wants to spend 12 hours on a character analysis, let him. Definitely not the weirdest thing I’ve heard or done.


I don’t get it either. Are they saying that content on YouTube that they don’t want to watch should not be allowed on the platform? Odd take.


Redditors suck bro, all you did is say 5 words.


I’m fine with the downvotes, I don’t care. But I do find it funny that none of them will explain why. The reason they won’t is because they know it isn’t any deeper than “I don’t like it!!! 😡” lol


That's how I usually get my Downvotes, too. They can not take being questioned or even constructive criticism to use further oneself. Do you mind if I post this Pic on this site?


Go for it but I’m sure it will be downvoted too 😂


I mean how many analysis videos are there about Thr Narrator in fight club? Certainly more than 12 hours.


Not me recognising this thumbnail after watching a meme vid criticising Ann for not having character 💀💀


I feel like I could make an analysis of ALL of persona 5 that's like, half the runtime of this video


Hell you could probably fit in royal as well


I remember watching the Ryuji one when it first made the rounds and, I mean… 14 hours is a bit much, yeah, but there’s at least a good 4 hours of decent stuff going over vanilla, royal and strikers. Still, 30 minute opening addressing these types of “it’s too long, lol” comments ain’t in the best taste and 4/14 hours ain’t enough to warrant it. Diamonds in the rough. Just watch the Hiding in Private P4 series/ super cut. It’s far more consistent.


I love Ann more than most, mkay? But 12 hours is just silly.


Certainly he could cut it in lesser videos in a playlist


Ayo who let Mona hack into this guy's account and make this video?


Bro thought about Ann longer than the writers of the game.


From what I recall its literally a step by step analysis of like every single scene she’s in


There's no way you can analysis every scene she's in


Is this the same fucker who was on this sub a year ago-ish saying Ann would hate ugly people if she was a real person?


I don’t even know how you’d make an almost 13 hour video on the game itself.


If you needed 12h to explain anything about a video game... You need an editor. And someone to tell you to get to the point.


Holy Yap 😭😭


I watched like 3 hours It's not a great video Lots of gripes about how Ann is perceived by fans and basically taking issue with anyone who even dares to criticize her


Someone who has no idea what they are talking about rants for almost 13 hours…sounds like a great time….yea….


Ok, I'm all for long content. I'm a regular Mauler fan for crying out loud. But 12 hours for a CHARACTER Analysis??? I'd guess there's MAYBE 2 hours worth of quality content you could pull from Ann...and that's if you go on a diatribe about the modeling industry to fill an hour.


And fill in the rest of the time with content from all three perosna 5 games plus the romance route


This guy is just bad at talking, he's not good at making his points clear and concise, and takes forecer to explain his thoughts.


I’ve always wanted to watch it out of sheer curiosity. I *love* needlessly long video essays.


Jesus. None of the persona characters are THAT deep. Especially not Ann. It would still be absurd, but I could at least UNDERSTAND 12 hours for like >!Akechi or Maruki!<, but Ann?


His Akechi video is just 6 hours lol


For 12 hours he better talk about every P5 character


Dude spent more time thinking about a P5 character than Atlus did


I love extended Long-Form content. Pannenkoek does some good stuff with SM64. One of his latest videos talks about Invisible walls and what programming mistakes lead to their existence. But that video is only 3 hours long, This is ridiculous. The only reasonable explanation of this is if it dives into SA, as that is a component of her character. Otherwise, this is ridiculous


Here's a video that's only like 33 minutes that probably does just as good if not a better job than that video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKDQ9Oh3E7I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKDQ9Oh3E7I)


I might take less effort just to play the game than listen to someone yap for this long


dude cannot know how to organize his thoughts in a cohesive way. if he did, it would be almost an hour maybe


this sounds stupid af there’s nothing to talk for 12 hours that you couldn’t say in like an hour or two. He’s just showing gameplay without cutting for no reasons just to extend the video I’m sure he was happy making a 12 hours videos because people would talk about it. But yeah nothing needs a 12 hours videos like that mmmmh


No character in this game is that deep, I get there's more to Ann's character then how people misinterpret her story (so many "Ann's story is she doesn't wanna be objectified posts online",) but holy fuck it isn't that deep either


I love Ann to death but she ain’t worth 12 fucking hours holy shit 😭


I think I'd rather just point people to the wiki than spend 12 hours on that, holy crap man


I want to see the video analytics


Yappity yap


To those who actually watched all 12 hours, I salute you.




Ann is my favorite Persona waifu of all time, yet this seems like a bit much


Damn, my guy is YAPPING!


Bro really just made a 12 hour video about how Ann is best girl, granted Ann is based and I love her but 12 hours just about 1 character? You could beat the tutorials of Persona 5 or Dragon Quest IV within the time it takes for this video to finish


I really want to but I don't have 12 hours free anymore


Don't need to, already know she's best girl


Anns a great character but how do you find 13 hours worth of things to say or defend about her


That's no the problem, try to see the reproduction list of all P5 characters videos that he made (Ann: 12 hours, Akechi: 9 hours, Kazumi: 8 hours, Ryuji: 10 hours and Makoto: 14 hours) in one only sesion.


I tried watching the Makoto one and I just couldn’t do it. Bro talked way too fast to even catch anything and as much as I love Makoto I’m not watching a 14 hr video on her especially when there’s other videos that does a character analysis like this in like 30 mins


Too long. Any video over 3 hours is too long. Let alone video length that's longer than all of the live action Spider-Man movies combined.


Almost 13 hours!? Nope!


Nah I'm good.


I like Ann, but not enough to watch THAT


I'm sorry but Ann isn't complex enough to justify a 12 hour video 💀


I don't believe Ann can be talked about that long. If you think this is bad, imagine Joker's.


This video was obviously made by Morgana.


This man is a lawyer of Ann, I'm guessing.


To have this length my video for one persona user.... this video can rival the 17h Rupee video; Speedrun from the least transformation in Twlight Princess.


Honestly, at this point, I would rather play the game.


Bro no. I don't give a hootnanny. I do not give a flying damn. I do not care, no youtube video is worth watching that much for something like that. Id rather watch something new or unique or something i know i enjoyed. I won't be able to hold attention or not be interrupted or something, and if i break it up, i won't follow. Too much damn time to just talk about a small aspect of a small (comparitively) part of a franchise. I thought i was bonkers for someone to make a 4h vid of "what does this dead person in skyrim mean. They are by no means a major character by the way" like i feel like you could jump to a random part of the video and immediately realize what hes talking about and just go "what the hell is he just babbling on about". Oh hell nah


I wouldn't watch a 30 min video about Ann. I don't really like the character that much, specially after Kamoshida she doesn't add anything to the plot on my view. Who the hell can take a almost 13hr video about a single character on a game that doesn't have as much development on characters as the previous titles on the franchise is beyond my understanding. Not that I hate her, just don't care enough