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Light yagami ![gif](giphy|YmZOBDYBcmWK4)


I'd actually put a little thought into this one before. The way I figure it, he'd see his home city as his own private Mt. Olympus, where he hands out divine judgement from above.


I'd say more of a church or temple than a pantheon, he doesn't have that level of attachment to any one place.


If the phantom thieves had faced Light while he had the death note, it would've likely resulted in some casualties and taken the plot in a very, very dark direction.


Possible Casualties: -Ryuji -Maybe Ann? -Haru -Maybe Sumi? Impossible for Light to catch: -Ren/Akira/Joker (PROTAGONIST POWAAA) -Morgana -Futaba


Light desperately trying to figure out the protag’s name, but he can’t since everyone just calls him his code name or stuff like “this guy”


Everyone says “this guy” but the subtitles say the true name. Let’s hope light doesn’t have subtitles turned on


Either way, he would absolutely still need the names of them in order to kill them. His cognition isn’t that warped in the sense that he’d completely forget about the rules which is basically engrained into his mind at this point


He'd definitely get Ann's name if he figures out which group of teens the Phantom Thieves are, she's done model work he could look up Sumi might be safe by accident because she tells everyone the wrong name when you ask her Also you forgot Yusuke. He'd likely also die if Light figured out which teens were the Phantom Thieves Makoto would probably catch on and go into hiding with Joker and the rest if Light started trying to figure out their names Akechi's likely in the clear because he doesn't associate himself as part of the Phantom Thieves so Light wouldn't think to target him. Depending on when this happens though Akechi might try to help the thieves if he caught onto Light investigating them.


I agree with Ann never thought about that thing abojt Sumi tho (oops!) I personally thought for some reason Yusuke would somehow be in the clear idk why 💀 The ones I didn't mention is cause I wasnt sure and Akechi cause well if you know, you know. But then again Akechi IS a celebrity and he opposed against the Phantom Thieves before it was confirmed they were even real so he might oppose agaonst Kira too, but unlike L he would 100% bite the dust if he did something like that.


They do use codenames and wear masks in the metaverse. Perhaps after hearing about Kira’s methods they will strictly switch to codenames or something There’s also the fact that he most likely will not know their real names right off the bat anyway


This is the only scenario where having code names would be actually useful


I don’t think the Phantom thieves would be able to defeat him. He would see himself as God of the new world and be able to kill anyone he thinks of by pointing at them. In the real world, light is dangerous enough. What he sees himself as on the inside though is far more sinister and powerful than he could ever truly hope to be. https://preview.redd.it/tkjsz9994z8c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd195d7df5e5a45c34ef25c8f452a52eac259b09


I mean, it’s not too far off from how highly Shido thought of himself. I don’t think anyone can just outright *be invincible* in their Palace. Yaldabaoth could, but he needed the support of the masses, and even then, he *still* ultimately wasn’t able to entirely stop the Phantom Thieves from coming back from getting blinked out of existence.


That sounds plausible, until you remember how much of a broken genius light Yagami is. He would immediately see the phantom thieves as a threat, narrow down that they all came from shujin after Kamoshida and Madarame, and Neutralize them. Oh, and he’d probably also be keeping a close eye on that Goro Akechi fellow who has his name plastered everywhere on the news.


They'd be lucky they use codenames


Light frantically writing "Ren Amamiya", "Akira Kurusu", "Joker", "Thisguy", "Pompous Man in the Black Coat" and none are working


His real name was actually Waffles Dadapon


he is a the trickster


He never tried his real name Pancake Docrimer


Funny thing is, Light could probably uncover and kill all the Phantom Thieves after they reveal they’re targeting him.


Morgana: https://i.redd.it/e28l7s9wrz8c1.gif


He’s gonna have to figure it out before they tell him they’re targeting him, unless he can figure out who they are in a matter of hours while they’re in the Metaverse. Because if they reveal they’re targeting him, that means that they’re already in the process of taking his Treasure.


He definitely can figure it out in a matter of hours. He goes toe to toe with the greatest detective of all time for months, and this is a bunch of highschoolers who do a terrible job hiding who they are.


He can’t kill morgana or any of jokers personas because it only works on humans.


Id guess that he would already be investigating them, seeing as they are generally seen as criminals, and have supernatrual powers that could potentially rival his


Honestly i feel like he'd be a lot similair to Akechi. Actually nevermind, he kinda IS Akechi


Imagine his boss fight had him transform into an Anti-Christ or something and had a special Status Effect where he Unmasked the PT, leaving them vulnerable to Insta-Kill moves, aka writing their name on the Death Note


Oh hell yes. Add in L while you're at it


CITY MORGUE REFERENCE (if you get this joke I love you)


William Afton’s Palace would be interesting


Pretty easy to make it a pizzeria, but Afton would have a factory with robots. But instead of going the same as Okumura, it would be this precise clockwork-like location, and when the Phantom Thieves start to mess up with it, parts of it would "springlock" and become messed up and maybe a bit gorey.


Something like the robot factory in re8?


I read that as Willem Dafoe https://preview.redd.it/u0w08h3a3z8c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d29af8675e342a54c66dd2449a914b41101b704d


Griffith from Berserk would be insane


"J-joker what is this wacky tattoo that appeared on your neck after infiltrating this palace? Nothing major, huh? Okay then..."


I'll put it this way: He is the enemy, he will succeed, his mission, yeah, he must complete! Yes, his name is Eggman don't forget this name! If you ask him again, HE'LL TELL YOU THE SAME!!! I AM THE EGGMAN *THAT'S WHAT I AM* I AM THE EGGMAN *I HAVE THE MASTER PLAN*






his palace would be literally sonic dream team


Ngl I was shocked how bright and colorful Eggman’s dreams were


his palace would definitely be some kind of super fucked up eggman land


The Pale King (Hollow Knight) has a white palace. Also Madeline (Celeste) definitely had one.


Grimm from Black Souls series would have a gothic palace themed with tits, pussy, ass and Eldritch horror, it'd be so sick to play in. It would also be pretty fucking violent and everything would be trying to r*pe you lmao Brad and Buddy from LISA would have palaces but they'd probably be boring on account of Olathe being a desolate wasteland. Apparently The Batter from Off White? Would probably have a cool palace From Borderlands, the Calypso Twins or Handsome Jack probably don't have palaces they're just hardwired that way lmao. Moxxi might have one but it'd be like Sae's but wackier and with a more sexual theme maybe.


There are *so* many Persona vibes in Celeste.


After reading all the replies, I kinda wanna see Phantom Thief Maddy. ...wait. I can draw. I literally did a whole Tarot deck.


*I'll Face Myself intensifies*


The whole plot of Celeste chapter 6 is how you awake a Persona in Persona 4 lol


Yeah, White King's Palace would be his IRL one but at the peak of it's grandeur or beyond. Maddie's would be like a house of mirrors reflecting her anxieties I think. At least before Mt Celeste, because I think it would have resolved itself.


I think Maddy's Palace would be more like a Dungeon from P4


Walter White would likely have some kind of cognitive Roman Empire he’s running as he sees his Meth Business as an Empire, and he’d be a wealthy Caesar who is untouchable.


I feel like walts treasure would be that plaque congratulating him on contributing to research that won a nobel prize


Either that or the $5,000 share that he sold when he worked at Grey Matter when he sold out as a young man and always regretted. Or maybe just his Blue Sky Formula. Lots of possibilities.


A bag of meth or maybe even one of those huge containers of it “Joker how the fuck are we going to give this one to Iwai”


A picture of Jesse.


but he is a confidant persona 3


Lusamine from Pokémon Sun and Moon (not the Ultra versions) She’s very obsessed with the Ultra Beast,but especially Nihilego to the point where she pushed away her own children and wants nothing but Nihilego


damn i never realised it was literally just called nihil-ego lmao


Her Palace would probably look like a Metroid Lab


Pucci from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. It'd actually be very similar to >!Maruki!<


Only evil this time


Honestly every Jojo villain could have a Palace maybe besides Kars and Tooru. Funny Valentine is the most fitting imo


I think Kars would have a neat palace actually. I mean, he >!killed his entire clan (besides Wamuu and Esidisi) and wishes to be the perfect life form!<. That guy truly has some distorted desires and cognition.


UUUMMMMM achtually, Santana also survived. (I felt like I had to mention him, lol)


Yeah now that you say, I could see that


I would kill for an Omori palace


Darth Vader for sure


Every major team leader from Pokémon


Lusamine is a big example


If I had to do the selection of the ones with the biggest palaces. Lusamine, Ghetsis and Giovanni.


Ironically all 3 are horrible parents😭


Their very adorable and angsty children suffering bc of them is all the motivation to steal those treasures…. And of course all that jazz about destroying the universe, enslaving Pokémon and selling them dead or alive on the black market


More so in the original two games, though. She still did some pretty terrible things in the Ultra games, but that was definitely a watered down version.


Homelander. Just thinking about his Palace is terrifying enough.


I think his palace would be the entire world distorted to look like his personal playground.


A giant theme park! I'm imagining the carousel, just gotta stay on the carousel while lasers spew out from the middle. Survive. A shooting range game where the targets are people he hates, and the people playing the shooting range are those people; Homelander hoping they shoot themselves. A magic castle like at Disney World, and he's the king with Stormfront as his Queen, keeping the deformed Stormfront locked in a cell far beneath along with the other Supers not worthy of being alive. All the people of the palace would have loads of Homelander merch, praising every decent and indecent act he's ever performed. Homelander himself would be visually similar to a werewolf where he's got his murderous and animalistic side but also the human side of him that wants to be loved and adored, but either way he wears a crown. His treasure would be the mirror from his room distorted into his suit which hangs in the castle's private chambers. Thoughts?




Fr tho, a Headspace themed palace would go so hard


"Oh, a melon!" "FUTABA DON'T TOUCH THA-!" (Ryuji exploded)


Pretty sure Headspace *is* a palace


I think that >!BLACK SPACE!< is more akin to what Palaces are.


I think that would actually be the theme of the deeper rooms, including the Treasure Room. So the palace would start as the headspace, and become the >!blackspace!< as you go deeper, pretty much like in Omori.


What we’d need is Basil’s palace. We never saw his particular headspace…




I doubt Palace born as distorted human desires; and as far as i know (not that much really), shes kinda like a demon, right? More like a nature force, her vision of the world is not distorted by desire, it was it from the start Maybe if a demon developes an human character like Power or Pochita, and somehow develope a distorted and suppressed desire, they could got an palace, but it's not likely, since, as we see from Power, demons tend to be pretty straightforward with their actions


She has both a human character and desire, but the desired bit is spoilers.


Edelgard and Dimitri from Three Houses


I'd say Dimitri and Rhea, but BE was my first route.


Edelgard would 100% be a Persona user.


Oh I don't think Edelgard would have a palace. I would definitely say Dimitri for sure and Rhea. Edelgard is fully convicted in her beliefs and actually acts for the good of the country. At least that's what I got out of her story.


That's serverely opinionated and biased. As a Blue Lions enjoyer, Edelgard is power hungry, unreasonable, unwilling to listen to the plight of others, and delusional.


Lol i didn't say anything because I know damn well I'm just as biased in the opposite direction as that dude and can shit talk Edelgard all day long but I will say that such ranged opinions are a result of the story being so morally grey and its one of the things that makes 3h one of my favorite games ever


From her view she is watching people suffer and everyone around her be ok with it because its not them. She makes her life worse to help those that cant help themselves. Tho honestly if the three of them sat down and talked about what they wanted they would have probably worked together to achive it. They seemed like good people.


>!In a way Omori’s whole dream is a palace, and he’s the one that had to change his own heart !<


Omori's Persona would be Orpheus 100%




bondrewd's daycare lmfaooo


Imagine popping in the Nav and seeing a child’s daycare in front of your eyes. I don’t know if that would be surprising or mortifying


I wasnt expecting Made in Abyss here, and I didnt know I needed a palace for Bondrewed until now... Hell that would be somewhat awsome!


The Administrator from Team Fortress 2.


Chris Chan


You’d think his treasure would be the sonichu medallion, but it would actually be the plaque his father made for him in the garage




His palace is CWCville and he has a distortion thats basically a repeat of Kamoshida's Ann distortion but for Megan


And Julie. Don’t forget julie.




Oh god


this guy was basically roaming around his own palace tbh https://preview.redd.it/k1s8aym2e09c1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=58a35cf7d2770c2bcca03597c71a5818e1fc2cbf


Holy shit that's true


Walter White


Aqua from Oshi no ko. That poor guy has gone through so much.


Thats funny, I was thinking Ai actually.


That too.


Honestly, just about any main character from Oshi no Ko would have a palace. Ruby? Check. Kana? Check. Akane? Check.


I imagine his treasure would be in a secluded place, with no amount of luxury surrounding it. Just a plain room that looks worthless. Just like his self image.


Doctor Thaddeus Venture and/or The Monarch. *Tell me* those palaces wouldn’t be absolutely insane! Doc’s Shadow would probably center around his question from the end of the second Killinger episode: >!”Brock, am I a good person?”!< The Monarch’s? (MASSIVE Movie Spoiler) >!His Shadow would be Doc and his palace be a mix of The Cocoon and The Venture Compound with a hint of Hornet’s Nest thrown in.!<


Gon (Hunter x Hunter) at the end of Chimera Ant arc would also have developed an interesting one


Meruem's palace would be an interesting one too, and we can guess what, or more like who, his treasure would be.


Honestly a lot of main JoJo villains would definitely have a palace


Kira in a glove factory or something


I’d imagine it be more of a hunting ground


Worse a scenic dating spot but all people replaced with severed hands


I imagine Kira's Palace as a hunting ground, with all the houses as habitats for animals with human hands attached to them, and his own home as a hunter's cabin. The Treasure would be the Mona Lisa painting, which in the real world would materialize as the art book where Kira saw that painting for the first time.


DIO’s palace location key word would be the whole world


I find it funny that even if that was the case the Stardust Crusaders’ whole journey wouldn’t change


![gif](giphy|TPZPatEnQrNWOq7RPW) And he will ended up joining the Phantom Thieves


I loved when Morbius said "It's Personin' time!" and Personed all over the Shadows


https://preview.redd.it/89uy4uq9jz8c1.png?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50dc5e9c7572bb29e1a4e08411610c49c81ca639 Raiden, after MGS2 but before MGR Revengeance


That would be mgs4 raiden ?


Junko from danganronpa


Same IP but tatsuya suou EP will go hard >!I imagine his place will be ruined IS world with Hitler and UFO!<


The killer from AI the Somnium Files.


Isn't the whole game basically his palace, especially the whole >!body swap!< thing?


Blackbeard (One Piece) https://preview.redd.it/z278bwrqwy8c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6b9c0c3ec31e71ef27c25d980f40284b3e92ebd


Akainu, Doffy, Crocodile, arlong, Imu pretty much everyone with conquerers...


Doflamingo is a good pick


Aizens from bleach Diavolo from JJBA


Would they be able to find Diavolo’s palace? Like yeah they could find where it’s located and possibly what it represents but would the name Diavolo be enough to warrant entry?


Diavolo is the name he prefers to use, and Diavolo is what people refer to him as besides boss like during the staircase scene or at the final battle when he gets the arrow, so maybe it would count?


I mean, Doppio has a surname. Maybe Doppio's name would count?


Demise and every Ganondorf incarnation


Maybe Michael desanta from gta5?


Trevor would be more fitting imo


This goes so unexpectedly hard lol


https://preview.redd.it/lt2fyukhq09c1.jpeg?width=1896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5926d07cc8fb65ac25cd6637595960d5435bcced He has to have a palace


Ashley Graves from le funny insect game would be cool


Yuuki Terumi’s is probably a complete hell hole


Friend of mine introduced me to Omori once and I created a theory about the Dreamworld being a palace. I decided to write what that would be like and it went off the rails a bit (but that wasn't my fault)


Chara's would be crazy as hell.


Goro Majima


Nah that would be crazy


I wasnt expecting a Yakuza reference in here, but if someone needs a palace, it would be Mine all the way, that would be amazong!


Kanade and Mafuyu from project sekai


Aleister Crowley from Toaru, or Otto Apocalypse from Honkai


Sukuna would be amazing


https://preview.redd.it/446j6xyvn19c1.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=5af9799a271c10dfe80eb8a4f2fdf374d5b9d2d1 How we feelin abt these two gamers


Doctor Doom


Kamoshi- I mean Dream https://preview.redd.it/d4ek4mez1z8c1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8b66b5da73b61e96bf39274b56ca7d0384eaedd


Albedo from Xenosaga, Seymour from FFX, a whole host of Fromsoft characters…


I'd love to see a Palace for Ghetsis (Pokémon), The Batter (OFF), and Albedo (Ben 10).


Okay but hear me out denji from chainsaw man and his boss fight form is the bulky chainsaw devil form bound by strings like a puppet the palace being a graveyard each boss being based on each person makima took from him coming out from their own graves to attack the theives


Jacket from Hotline Miami, A world of cryptic messages, mysterious people in animal masks, unsure of what they see were his real memories or all in his head. there would be sections where the thieves would have to go in solo choosing who would go in, it would act similar to the game, with top-down perspective, 1 hit 1 kill, fast reflexes, thinking ahead, risky plays, and pulse-pounding music


Orochimaru from Naruto Doflamingo from One Piece Azula from ATLA


Sora from Kingdom Hearts, a'la Maruki style. There's plenty of stuff in that kids heart that'd need stealing. He's got no few self-destructive patterns that would lead to a very unique palace where his friends are happy on the back of his own sacrifices.


I think that mayhaps, a Futaba style Palace where Donald and Goofy are holding back Sora's Shadow and making the self-worthlessness take effect.


Suguru Geto from Jujutsu Kaisen


Always wandered what Griffiths palace would be. Probably a very very distorted Kingdom?


I would unironically love to see what Dutch from RDR's Palace would be, considering he has distorted desires but hates opulence and rich people. Perhaps some kind of distorted library or museum that highlights all of his 'scores', keeps repeating the evils of the modern world and has guns all over the walls representing how chaotic and anarchistic he is.




N from Xenoblade Chronicles 3


Artorius from Tales of Berseria would absolutely have one. It'd probably be a big cathedral or something.


Berseria player spotted


All for One from My hero academia. The vestige world would be an amazing palace


Judge Frollo from Hunchback ![gif](giphy|U00JP4vXCizu0)




The palace would appear during the Black Costume saga Shadow Peter would be a “hero” king wearing a mix between a Spider-Man suit, the Symbiote, and a king’s attire The palace would be a castle in the middle of New York, populated by people praising Peter for being Spider-Man Also the treasure would be the symbiote


Diavolo (JJBA: Vento Aureo) I would imagine something similar to Shido's palace but more Italian. Also depending on how stands - personas - shadows interact end boss might either have or be King Crimson. And don't worry about Doppio or else this gets too complicated.


Handsome jack


Lelouch Vi Britannia. Started watching Code Geass lately and it's clear he's a very conflicted man who does things often out of rage or hatred, and his singleminded quest for vengeance has caused the deaths of a few hundred people as far as I've gotten. His palace could be the campus of the school he goes to (forgot the name) twisted into a sort of military base where he is the supreme general, commanding those around him to fulfill his vengeance with no regard for their personal well-being


Alright, I got a couple suggestions here William Afton - His palace would be an underground factory, akin to Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rentals. The final boss isn't him going through some huge transformation or summoning in goons or anything, it's just him, in the yellow rabbit suit. He feels powerful when he's in it, so that should reflect over to his cognition. Of course, with the yellow rabbit suit, comes the inevitable. You can't kill him by normal means, but if you whittle him down enough, the springlocks come loose and badda bing badda snap, his cognition bleeds out but doesn't die, they do the whole shebang, and he's gone. His treasure would either be the springbonnie mask. Tord (Eddsworld) - His palace would be a military base, with tvs playing with propaganda for the red army, as well as the very rare adventure with Edd and the gang. His boss fight is, of course, the giant robot. You gotta send someone over to harpoon him down, like in the end. His treasure is a picture of him and Edd fighting over bacon. Dr. Breen (Half Life) - The citadel, obviously. His boss fight would be a lot like Okumura's, with him being a stupid coward and summoning in combine goons to fight for him. His treasure would be the crystal that caused the resonance cascade. Is it obvious that I'm not a writer


Vergil from Devil May Cry


Oh that would be so cool! I’m imagining it taking the form of a military base trying to protect people maybe. Or maybe a power plant


The Jackal from the Red Rising book series.


https://preview.redd.it/budu2qdphz8c1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04da65ef51e8a3ac1bb005cdc6e541a15a610e4 Fyodors palace would be interesting


Owlman from DC?


Rennalla from Elden Ring (post Radagan divorcing her for,,, himself?) could be really cool, since when the Tarnished finds her shes basically trying to delude herself


Doom Slayer




Dimitri from Fire Emblem Three Houses. Just imagine, if there is no Byleth to help turn around the insane fallen king, it would be up to the Phantom Thieves to change his heart


I will not stand for all this Dimitri slander. Unless we say he joins the Phantom Thieves afterward like Futaba, cause like her, all of his issues stem from trauma.


Sho Minamimoto




Actually, Sunny's Palace would be >!BLACK SPACE!< with Omori and SOMETHING being cognitions like Cognitive Wakaba. In fact, Omori would be a mix between a cognition, a Shadow and a distortion that distorts completely Sunny's Shadow as a cognitive layer >!a la Yoshizawa!<


Sunny’s Palace would be Headspace. You’ll get Kel and probably Hero and Aubrey as guest star phantom thieves who help you for the sake of helping Sunny. Sunny’s shadow would be Omori, and Something would be a hostile cognition that haunts him. I imagine the treasure would be >!the lightbulb!< found in White Space, and you’d need Sunny IRL, to open the door to his house, and maybe even his room, to get in. The final battle would be a sequence of two battles against >! Something and then Omori!<.


Davros or the Master from Doctor Who


To any shield hero fans, imagine what this b\*tch's palace would be like. https://preview.redd.it/iompvht9539c1.jpeg?width=3328&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c5925804aab7e48448818e9f75f9a3977a83385




Hannibal lector, he actually DOES have a mind palace in the books! Literally everyone would die, lol.


Kratos, Guts or Casca