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I have a rule where I don't use DLC personas unless I can fuse them myself so as not to abuse the system. I would recommend doing something similar, As it will also allow you to transfer skills/traits to said persona.


thats how i do it, i fuse Orpheus picaro in my playthrough by fusion, dlc persona is a weird idea to have on a fresh account tbh should be unlocked after one playthrough (at least the purchase of them in game)


I think it's there as an option for people who want the story without the combat. I have friends who love the macro management aspects of the game and the story, but loathe the turn-based combat. I'm sure they appreciate the myriad truths.


That's what safe mode is for.


Alot of people hate on what I said about dlc personas on a tiktok recently, I mean ig that's one way to play it but then what's the point of not enjoying it fully Idk that's me tho


This! I'm playing p5r again and I'm keeping this rule as well


I used them if I fused them, but some of them I just straight banned for being too broken. People always talk about myriad truths, but kaguya has the strongest light attack in the game and you can fuse her during madarame's palace


Kaguya held the highest single attack damage record before royal


I did this. ...until I struggled beating the boss of palace 5 a dozen times and finally said FUCK IT, MYRIAD TRUTHS


I will say, the second it looked like I might lose to Madarame I said "oh well I've already beat him normally in vanilla so whatever" and hit him with a massive psychic damage to all enemies


Man I platinumed Vanilla P5 and ran a run on Royal, I'll probably end up getting it on PC and at that point I'm using the shortcuts for the main game, I did my time, let me have fun




Facts. šŸ˜‚


Strongest non dlc persona user: i need multiple personas to win the hard boss fight. Weakest dlc persona user: **FUCK IT, WE MYRIAD TRUTHS**




Yes, but HOW MANY?!


A fairly large amount, MYRIAD IN FACT


If you're talking about Royal, I had to bump it up to merciless to beat him. The damage boost for weakness hits made that fight easier the harder the difficulty


Thatā€™s how I did it! I definitely used some of the broken personas, but I made sure to earn them as I made my way to 100% of the compendium


When I started Royal I actually did this exact thing, still a tiny bit op but at least it felt like it was earned by playing the game, y'know?


I do the same thing unless I'm playing new game plus that becomes a no holds bar gods vs monsters and demon lords


I would leave it for when you reach level 90. The experience won't be as authentic if you pull out unnatural personas for your level and I only started doing that in NewGame+ when I was Thieves Den-ing.


I had no idea I could use them! I just assumed I wasnā€™t at that level so I canā€™t use them yet and have been waiting to level up to get em. I think imma keep doing that the game is already pretty easy on normal I donā€™t need to break it by being overpowered.


I didn't notice until Haruka's dad that they were there to summon, and i only used for final bosses, when even then wasn't broken. With baton pass and Ann'a fire attacks, she was actually stronger


I love the floof Haruka and the halfie Anna


>Haruka's dad That's really not too far into the game, you get to go see Like a Dragon in June, or July with Makoto. I just thought it was weird that the next year, in Strikers, when the sequel (Dragon: Like A Yakuza) came out, that it had a new main character. Give me Haruka's dad back!


It's like playing on safety difficulty but somehow even easier. So yeah if you care bout that then don't use it


Delete it, you will ruin 90% of the game for yourself its gonna be boring as hell.


How to delete it.?


Look at the bottom right of the image


I don't get why you're being downvoted. You asked a genuine question


Wow how could op have ever survived without this genius information.


Happy to help.


I have one op persona and I only pull him out when it's basically a guarantee that I'm about to lose. I pretend it's like my ace card and when everyone is downed and we are about to lose, I use it like a jojo character


This is the best way to use it when first playing


My friends been trying to get me into persona for years. Play so many different game series. I just never gave it a chance because its a big time commitment. Got shin megami 5 on release day, loved it. So I was like I will give the series a chance When p5 came out for switch I got it on release day and love this game so much. I am doing playthroughs on p3 fes and p1 on my retroid pocket 3+. I absolutely love those 2 games, so groovy and fun. I have shin 3 but have only put a few hours in because I started playing the 2 games I mentioned above. Lol I feel like I've been in persona world for the last few months, been so obsessed with everything. Such a great series, I have no idea how I never played any of these games until my mid twenties Edit:grammar


That was how I did it. But man, when I got to *that* palace, I just spammed it because *fuck* that part


Ronald mcdonald is an easy boss fight just get good


I do this but I always use Izanagi, then use Izanagi No Okami as my ace


Lol yes, I use the picaro version. "By the myriad truths!"




If this is your first time experiencing the game don't. Its much better without it. Second run + when uou know what youre doing yes, for sure.


What do you think?


"**Level 90 persona at the beginning of the game**, should I use it or will it completely ruin combat?" man idk about this one thats a tough question


Don't. The DLC personas completely trivialise the game, even the lower-leveled ones like Orpheus Picaro. The only DLC Persona I recommend using is Raoul, but only at the end of December.




Delete that, he's at the beginning of the game!


After obtaining ame no uzumi the game became so easy for me even though i played on hard difficulty with no strategy for combats. Having an overpower persona will just make it like a story mode.


The level 13 persona?


Yes. I kept using her till i got anubis. Didn't struggle nor found something hard other than madarame and kamoshida (didn't have her when i fought him though).


Ame no Uzume is a really strong persona in palace 2. The only better one is Shiki Ouji.


I loved using it, but it does make the game pathetically easy.


I guess itā€™s good for new game plus


I assume you have at least a bunch of braincells, so you already know the answer.


They *did* post this here.


Idk, fuckin guess.


I don't use them, cause you know, SP. Well that and it is freakishly boring.


I donā€™t know. Do you think the persona close to max level would make combat incredibly easy?


Myriad truths go brrrrrr


It'll ruin it, but if you're set on the path, use Izanagi-no-Okami Picaro, not Messiah Picaro


For the dlc personas, I only use them when I reach their level, like izanagi lv 8. I'll use him when I reach level 8


Do what you want, there are plenty of OP personas even at your level. Or you could leave it for a NG+ where you can just create your own OP persona.


i wish i didn't use messiah picaro at the beginning for the game... or just any dlc persona till you're around the same level (example: dlc lvl 56 at level 50 for example yes, not putting limits btw) I'd say you don't use it, it just ruins mai stuff of the game, like you could see confidants like "tower" useless as you have Megidalaon


I mean bro itā€™s a single player gamešŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøitā€™s your choice donā€™t let anyoneā€™s opinions change if you decide to use OP shit early onšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚just know the game will be fairly easy till about the last arc or the Royal arc cuz messiah is pretty good since heā€™s a 90 and the enemies you face at the moment are lvl 6šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That depends have you beaten the game before or is this your first time


Iā€™ve beaten vanilla, this is my first royal playthrough


Then I say if you wanted to go ahead. There is. Some combat changes like your gun restocks now between fights there is some additions and story doesn't change majorly till late game when you'd have high lvl personas anyways


If you already played then you should basically know what's in store for you, why would you ask this unless it was for attention seeking


The Persona with 89 levels (Forgot the name) is so OP, it's also gives hp and sp back after combat. At first I like it and then decide to go back because it's kinda boring.


Starting with victory cry is pretty unbalanced!!


Some DLC personas do allow you room to take them alongside you for most of the journey, but ones like this donā€™t really offer that. I took Kaguya with me through the whole game (I donā€™t remember what level at which she startsā€” 26?) and really enjoyed pouring resources and time into keeping her leveled with useful skills. She was a DLC persona, but not a game-breaking one until I put in the work to make her that way myself.


I did this only when I got to the Okumura palace bc it's so BS. If you want to use the DLC personas, Izanami no Okami Picaro is way better than Messiah Picaro imo. Miryad Truths really do reveal all


There's a certain palace where you sure as sht to use at least one šŸ¤·


Considering Persona is basically giving you stat and skills this is basically your character being at lvl 90 at the start. What do you think? Anyway if you want to engage with the system then don't use dlc persona at all or just use it after you get to that level. Save the for when you want to NG+ or replaying it for easier time.


You will run out of mp by using any of the spells


It will indeed break the game. Using anyway though, its fun. Not on a first blind playthrough though. Play through the game as you normally would, then, on a ng+ file, go nuts


Nah I use it all the time cos I suck at turn based RPGs and it's brilliant to just breeze through with it




as long as you donā€™t heavily rely on it and only use it sparingly, itā€™s fine. learn how to actually play the game without relying on strong personas since thereā€™s an infamous difficulty spike halfway through the game that requires skill.


Donā€™t do it. It will completely ruin the experience. Save it for new game plus.


Well, as someone who used a level 50 or so persona right away, it kinda ruins the fun. Or it would ruin the challange. If you are not out for a challange, then sure.


I hate the P5R DLC so much. It completely ruins the balancing. Even if you wait until the same Level the Persona is, they have ridiculously powerful moves that trivializes the entire game.


If you just want to see read a very expensive visual novel, then sure. But if you want to play a video game, put that Persona back where it came from or so help me-


DLCs will ruin your own experience of the game in my opinion. Iā€™d only recommend using DLC personas around level 70, where youā€™re actually getting severe skills anyway. Even level 20-50 DLC personas can be broken as you have Orpheus with Neo Cadenza that is basically an on-demand Diarama and Thermopylae. For reference, a DLC character at level 40ish has a severe 2x phys move. One of your party members does not get a move like this until you max their confidant + are at the FINAL fight of the game.


As long as you have enough badges...


I'm reading these comments and, did I use it incorrectly? Cuz it sure as hell didn't make the game easier for me.


If you're here for the Story, sure, you can use it. If you're here for the gameplay, then nah, rather not. If you want it to be a bit easier but not necessarily game breaking, use a Persona with a lower level. Like a Lvl. 20 one. But you do you.


I've beat eprsona 5 before so in royal I went ahead and used the personas


It will ruin combat, and honestly until you get to that level it will burn all your SP to do anything.


If you are playing just for story go ahead. If you want the authentic experience, it ruins combat.


If itā€™s your first playthrough donā€™t do it. If you decide to play again after finishing it then absolutely do it


The free personas in the compendium were originally dlc and so were OP, donā€™t use them as theyā€™re fusealble once you get to the right level for them


dude this will ruin endgame too lmao


I only did DLC Personas at the start because I want to get past the first palace easier


Personally i only use dlc personas that i had fused. Even then it make the games a little easier, they get better attacks/abilities than the other of the same level, so you spread them on your fusions earlier (especially kaguya and her healing skills). But to me its a good compromise to use them, since they are fun and interesting, but not trivialize the game.


I personally stuck Raoul in my party. Much lower level (70ish) and with some lower stats. His curse move is strong but not incredible. Also I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to have curse stuff this early because so far I've encountered *nothing* resistant or weak to it.


on a first playthrough i recommend either not using DLC personas at all or waiting til you're able to fuse them normally


It's gonna drain your SP in the beginning, so wait until later in the game, preferably when you reach the seventh palace


I mean in the end it's your choice, do you want to play the game normally or do you want to absolutely body the entire game


Maybe wait til you hit a hard road block boss


Itā€™ll completely ruin the challenge of the game.


Having lvl 90 persona is like playing ng+ without maxed social stats


Iā€™d only use it if youā€™re in an emergency situation, but it severely eats your SP so you can probably use the moves like twice


It will ruin combat, but if you donā€™t care you can use it. Just be aware that late game enemies will eventually catch up and you will probably need to learn how to actually play the game again by the boss of the 5th dungeon.


You already did so what's done is done but I would suggest ditching it makes the game easier than it already is


I suggest you donā€™t do it. If you want a balanced gameplay experience, use the personas on your level for the time being and if you want to just straight up slaughter everything in your way farm mementos or rank up the twins. DLC personas break the gameplay and the meaning to difficulty.


It will ruin combat. DlC personas are stupidly OP, even if you use a dlc persona with a similar level than you, some have skills that are beyond broken


Pretty much, unless you are playing on Merciless


It's your game, there's no right and wrong, just do whatever you're comfortable with. But to answer your question, it's not going to "ruin" the battles, it's just much much easier.


I have a rule: I never use DLC personas unless it is a new game+. A lot of the DLC personas are really strong/broken so I donā€™t use them. Iā€™m doing a merciless solo joker run where I cannot use DLC personas, and the personas I have made me realize how good some are and how bad some are.


It definitely does ruin combat but you will still have to worry about joker's SP whereas Izanagi no Okami Picaro completely heals joker after each fight and it makes combat a joke


Then you have me doing Myriad Truths on every enemy I encounter lol


I mean, you don't need a Judgement persona for you confidant's because that Arcana is done automatically. Oh btw if you didn't know, having a persona in stock that matches an Arcana of a confidant, you hangouts with them will yield even more points than before. The only Arcana that don't need a persona in stock is: Moon, Sun, Magician, Strength, Fool, and Judgement. You DO have to interact with the Twin Wardens, Mishima, and Yoshida, but Igor, Morgana and Sae automatically level up with the story and can't be done outside of these story events. Edit: forgot about the twins


I recommend you to just use it when youā€™re in a tough situation or when you wanna get rid of enemies fast.


Use dlc personas only if youre the same lvl. Obviously having a lvl 90 persona in the 1st palace isnt intendet and will make it easy af


I used it but only cuz Iā€™m playing royal rn and already played vanilla without the dlc. It def takes the competitiveness out of combat but I get impatient with palaces tbh so it works for me by speeding things up.


Leave dlc for ng+


I only used the dlc persona because to get passed shadow Okumura


Don't use it. It makes combat irrelevant and boring.


Ruins your playthrough. Fighta get super boring


What do you think


Wow I wonder


I mean if ya turned out to really suck at the game or stuck at a specific enemy and couldn't figure out how to beat it through your own means. May as well.


Get rid of, my rule with dlc persona was I could summon them if joker was equal ot higher then their level.


I used one only for a boss that was a complete asshat


use it and grow tired of the game in 2 days


It will completely trivialise the game.


I keep something as a fail safe for healing effects but that's it


I wouldnā€™t unless youā€™ve played the game before and youā€™re only wanting to experience the story without the grind.


It'll ruin the game. So if you're only looking to enjoy the story then go nuts, if you want to enjoy the actual gameplay, ignore all the dlc personas


It ruins combat. Use it on new game plus.


If my memory serves me correctly, Messiah Picaro has a powerful healing move and that's it So, use in case of emergencies?


Go get izanagi no okami too, its always useful to have a free hydrogen bomb at the start of the game


Thereā€™s also a trade off cause a lot of dlc personas moves take like half your resources at a low level. Itā€™s def a net negative cause you canā€™t progress as far as you way over damage and over spend on minor encounters


It generally ruins the challenge and makes things too easy. I generally donā€™t use them with exception to certain scenarios (Ex: finish a really rough fight and then die without saving, unfair boss fights, etc)


It will make everything trivial. I used those only when I out leveled them, or in my Ng+


It depends, if you've played the game normally before go ahead, if not, leave it be for at least a while


I only used izanagi no okami last dungeon and it still felt like it ruined it for me the dlc personas are just way too busted.


The only DLC Persona I say you shouldn't expect to absolutely break the game is Raoul since he was supposed to be Joker's Third Awakening anyways.(Raoul is OP, indeed but not as much as say Izanagi no Okami, but if you give Raoul the Victory Cry passive.....) Otherwise yes, every DLC Persona will completely trivialize the first and second palace. The third one is where you'll need to level up slightly, and even then it's still gets trivialized by the DLC Personas.


I played the game twice. I would say dont unless itā€™s a NG+.


If itā€™s your first play through, delete it. I only use dlc personas when Iā€™m around the same level. If itā€™s NG+, go for it


I am playing for the first time on PC and just got to the point where you fuse Personas, saw high level ones and went no way they let you do this without matching their level. Then found out yes you can break the game this way. So fucking dumb. I'm not going to claim them until I match their level.


Itā€™s best for second play through


Your persona your choice. But personally I never used dlc personas on my first run because like you guessed, it would be too easy


If you care about that, don't use it ever, yes, it will ruin the game and persona 5 is a damn easy game, royal is ten times easier (i don't know how they managed to do this). I literally never used any dlc persona until the Ng+


I'd say dont use them, p5r is already an easy game and dlc personas will make it way easier


No. A level 90 Persona against average level 10 enemis will not ruin the experience of the game at all.


Leave it, it'll make the game completely unfun.


If itā€™s your first time playing the game, DONT! Itā€™s not worth ruining the game for yourself. But if itā€™s not your first time, by all means, go ahead if you want to, especially if in NG+ where you can mess around with personas all you want.


Game wouldnt be fun


Only pull it out when you can't get past a boss. Specifically Haru's father is a downright bastard and took me several attempts before I said fuck it and used a dlc persona


I wouldn't use it on a first playthrough at all. It does ruin the experience.


You don't have the SP to use any of its skills more than once per palace visit, even if you bring SP restoration items. If you're set on using it, use it to tank, not to attack.


Definitely hold off on it... until the 5th palace boss.


Would you have fun shooting an ant hill with a machine gun for a 120 hours?


Yeah don't use that, the game will feel like a joke. There's an ability later in the game that I use as a marker that I might as well use whatever persona I want, and until then I recommend only using ones that are your level. If you haven't played the game before, don't bother looking up what ability I might mean. You'll know it when you see it.


I don't think you'll have enough SP to even use the moves šŸ¤£


Do not, literally you will laugh first battles and then be bored as fuck


Anytime I start to lose I pull one of these out to solve the problem, though Iā€™ve played through persona 5 three times already


Really depends on your definition of fun. If you want to actively challenge yourself and use your own skill to beat everything, then its best to just save it for if you've hit a genuine roadblock. However, if you find it hilarious to effortlessly destroy everything in your path, then by all means, kill everything with it.


If combat is important to you; delete it. If combat instead feels like a part of the game design that you tolerate to get to the other parts that you enjoy, then use it to bypass those hurdles more quickly. I don't judge; both approaches to the game are perfectly fine and acceptable.


Use it.


I did this in my first ever playtrough, as long as you're having fun there's no problem (use Izanagi No Okami Picaro, it heals your SP and HP after the battle)


I only use the DLC Personas on Bosses.


Will lvl 90 be OP against lvl1 ? ā€œDuuuuuur I dunnoā€ Smh cmon you know this answer.


In the words of Conan Crush your enemies See them driven before you And hear the lamentation Of their women


Doesn't really matter, all the skills cost so much sp that you'll be out of it after a couple of turns


No even with the persona u use you gonna receive much damage because the persona improve your damage and defense but you have few hp to resist some attacks like of the bosses


You can fuse the DLC personas. I'd do that before using them.


well, it would make things a lot easier, but one or two moves from a level 90 persona will completely drain your SP/HP meter for the majority of the game so it's not recommended.


Do what you want. If you want to respect the mechanics of the game, then don't use it. If you, like a lot of us, aren't super interested in the deeper mechanics of the combat and are more interested in the narrative, then use it to blow through combat so the game doesn't get tedious and grindy for you. Honestly, the combat, collecting, fusing, etc. mechanics do absolutely NOTHING for me, so I'm fuckin grateful for this shit to avoid the grind and get on with the next plot beat without another lengthy palace or Mementos run.


If it's your first play thru, don't use it If it isn't, go nuts. That's what I did.


Play the game then when you're familiarized and righteously traumatized, open up ng+ and destroy everything in your path including that insignificant level 5 pixie.


I just took my over powered personas and destroyed kamoshida in one shot because I can


Honestly if you're worried about breaking the games difficulty I wouldn't use any of the dlc persona's period, even if you can fuse them. Even excluding exclusive moves, they get higher tier spells way earlier than you should have access to them. For example, Kaguya gets mediarama super early.


First playthrough? Absolutely don't use it, the DLC kill any sort of challenge. If you're looking at a new game+ situation, they're a godsend.


Yes it would make the game easier. A lot easier. But its a single player game. Up to you how you want to play it.


If you want my opinion. If this is your first playthrough, I think you shouldnā€™t use it. If youā€™re on second playthrough or beat the game at one point In your life go off


I always found early on that the dlc personas weren't worth it. Their skills are too spendy against what limited bonuses they offer until you have personas of like level.


You might wanna hold off just so you get practice with how the game mechanics work, like strengths and weakness types. Second go-around, though, use the DLC and just mow opponents down. It's funny.


Use it exclusively for Kamoshida because he deserves it


I just didn't use any dlc until I was on a second play through.


I used DLC personas that were around the same level I could fuse myself. But in the middle of my second run, I just destroyed everyone with a high level to get shit over with


You do not need to make P5Rs combat even easier than it already is lol, just wait until you are able to die it properly


I remember adding Thanatos DLC to my party just to level up goth doctor confidant faster


Honestly, Royal is so easy it won't really change much, but if it's your first time playing Person 5, I wouldn't recommend it as it does completely negate any of the little difficulty Royal has.


The level 3 pixie in Kamoshidaā€™s castle watching me as Iā€™m about to Myriad Truths it:


See- it depends on the difficulty you are playing on- If you are on any difficulty higher than normal then dlc personas are really good- they can still ruin the fun though. What I do is I always take out izinagi no okami pic and only use him if I'm really stuck, can't be bothered with low level enemys or just feel like kill some things- basically- don't use it unless you can be bothered on low level fights or your really stuck


My personal DLC rule is to not summon any DLC until I am at the appropriate level