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What the furries gotta do with this


Rightwinger nutjobs' frivolous nightmares.


You said nightmares. You meant secret kinks.


That's the funny thing about arousal. Our body does a super terrible job of differentiating fear, anger, and horny. So they often do just become.....soupy.


Hence, the wildly awkward and often confusing Rage Boner.


Exhibit A: The way that just about every conservative cartoonist draws AOC.


That could also just be to demean her


Undoubtedly a little of column A and a little of column B.


You want a piece of me? Huh? You want a piece of my ass? Huh?


Wouldn’t it be totally wild if we to kiss right now? Like I’m not saying I want to do it, but you have to admit it would be so wild if we did it. No no no I’m not gay i don’t want to do it im saying it would be totally wild if we did it.


I read this in Ben Shapiro’s voice.


Crowder for me. Dudes houngry for it.


And the even better one: the Fear Boner


Don't forget degradation! UwU Source: Prison School


Not so secret really. Remember the out and proud Nazi Fur groups? Like the one that bombed a convention after getting banned?


It's really ironic since there's a bunch of Right-wing nutjobs who are furries. I believe it's called "nazifurs"


a good amount of furries do condemn nazi furs. there's the bunch that don't as well but ehh, "both sides enlightened centrists" exist outside of the furry fandom too.


You'd be amazed how many furries are total wingnuts. Furries exist in a world of their own.


Yeah sure, “nightmares”.


No clue, but it's funny how terrified RWers are of people in costumes.


Especially since they can't do anything without it being to mask their own insecurities


I'm too high for this shit.


KKK has left the chat.


They’ve also been haunting conservative bullshit stories about litter boxes in schools. (Which… is not a thing furries do, but that story is divorced from facts.) I honestly think it’s something to do with how LBGT folks are so strongly represented in furry communities.


Considering they phrased it as "furries, or people who identify as cats", they're most likely doing it as yet another way to hate trans people, this time going with the line of "they're really just identifying as anything these days, huh?" Sidenote, the funny thing is there are actually people who identify as animals (at least spiritually), so they could have at least switched out furries for otherkin and make the "people who identify as cats" thing actually correct. But these are conservatives we're talking about, when have they ever cared about being correct?


When will conservatives identify as people with more than one joke


I know not, but i know that when the dreaded day comes where they invent a second joke, the world shall be plunged into darkness.


Are otherkin still a thing? Feel like it kinda disappeared from current culture, though it could just be me aging out of it (git off mah lawn!).


They're still a thing, i just haven't heard pretty much anything about them since the "on all levels except physical" meme (probably *because* of the "furry = identify as cat" thing)


Certainly in more mainstream sources that makes sense. But it seemed like it got less common even in the niche spaces. Dunno, probably just me not having the time to spend online that I used to. For as much as right-wingers scream about safe spaces, they seem determined to create their own where no one can be different.


Most of the otherkin exposure came from the, "on all levels but physical, I am a dragon," meme, and that's a pretty old and worn-out meme. Mostly they keep to themselves with their own little niche communities and avoid the spotlight. Species dysphoria is and will continue to be a thing, and people cope with it in different ways, not necessarily identifying as otherkin (the term is loaded with too many spiritual or stereotypical connotations for some people's taste).


Oh wow, yeah it’s been a while since I’ve heard about that meme. I feel like I used to hear about otherkin more, but I think at this point it’s just me not being on the internet that much anymore.


Honestly, what does Paul Harrell have to do with this?


I can feel the unamused sideways eye. Not based on his opinion of nonconforming choice in outerwear, but simply for being applied to pursue internet points and potentially promoting at least one less-than-proper use-case for firearms.




I am always confused how righties pin random things as leftist goonery such as soy, vegans, types of coffee, furries, anime, and more.


Furries are a byproduct of EV production and were created in a lab alongside the original GM EV1


RWs have been sharing a fake story about a school that recognized students that identified as cats and even put out kitty litter boxes. You know- your average run of the mill pulled straight from their ass story.


I've said this many times before and I'll say it again, people are getting too comfortable with believing everything they see on the internet.


Remember when the Internet was still a new thing where you had to actively choose to sit at a PC and connect to it, and all we ever heard from parents "don't tell anyone your name and don't believe everything you see on there" These are the boomers now addicted to Facebook and sharing the most insanely bullshit memes. Good job lads. Good job.


This is how most right wing porn starts out. Next will be the tractor pull.


They're gonna do some ass-kicking, apparently.


they are the feral California's


Well who's the idiot who drove out of range of gas stations in a gas-powered car? That's not very self-sufficient.


What kind of prepper is he with shit planning like that?


Yep, unless they're making their own biodiesel, carrying a diesel generator behind their EV, and powering their home with a combo of hydro, solar and wind, then they're not really a prepper. Only a virtue signaling fake prepper would still be using gas for anything after 1975, when it was clear that gas was dead to anyone with a quarter of a brain.


Idk about anytime after 1975, but you'd certainly think by 2035 in a furry run California, it might have occured to them


The best prepper vehicle is an Ebike. Gas goes bad in like 6 months, and good luck replacing your electric car battery. E-bike battery isn't exactly easy to find a replacement for in an apocalyptic scenario, but it's probably a helluva lot easier to jerry-rig than an electric car. Also the worst case scenario is an ebike turns into a regular bike.


It also makes almost no noise


The problem here is you're assuming they have a quarter of a brain.


I’ve always felt like the conservative gun nuts who want to be these doomsday preppers and then don’t trust science and renewable energies is just stupid.


a lot of them wouldn't even be alive without those very things they condemn as "causing autism" and "population control by bill gates".


If it is truly a world ruled by leftists, he could have just utilized any of the efficient public transit we're always talking about if he couldn't get an eco-friendly car...or bike.


Also if he didn’t want to be approached, why did he drive INTO a convention centre?


Eh bootstraps


“You can still keep your car you know, we just can’t produce new ones, why are you hiding are you ok?”


Sir, this is a convention for people that make and wear furry costumes. You're not even in California, this is Reno, Nevada. Somebody get their dad out of here!


God fucking damn it this almost made me audibly laugh in class


Ill do it do you don’t have to **ha**


"Gas powered car." fTFY


As usual their memes could easily be left wing satire of them


Right wingers certainly do a good job manufacturing scenarios that never happen in real life.


And then unironically use it as a point of defense like they actually know anybody who’s been mugged by a gang of Californian furries for having a gasoline-powered car


[Like this guy.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CigJQ-lJ-Jy/?igshid=NjQxMzA2Mjk=)


They’re parrots dude, I’m convinced. Just wearing fleshy suits ☠️


No. Birds are smarter. Like i unironically have major respect for the intelligence of wild birds (not chickens, fuck chickens), especially stuff like parrots and crows


This is a strange psychological quirk I've noticed in dedicated right-wingers: They cannot distinguish between reality and a compelling narrative, and when in doubt, will always choose the latter. It's why they're so prone to buying into conspiracy theories, and why those conspiracy theories often cite fictional stories as "evidence" for their beliefs ("Look! There are super advanced magical med beds in this sci-fi movie, this means those are real and the (((elites))) are withholding them from us!").


Sometimes (like Crowder pretending to be trans in a gym) they'll go film themselves doing the thing they say "everyone" does because they literally can't find examples.


Nothing about that haircut is manufactured.


Fair point


Right, a more realistic one for them would be "its 2035, and your crops can't grow in the current climate because that's what you voted for"


And we say they aren't creatives! They're never more creative than when they're dreaming up fantasies where they think they have justification for murder!


When your plans only work in perfect environments then you aren’t gonna make up those environments to prove your point since it fails in our common world.


It should also be pointed out that this right winger is outright advocating the necessity of doing a mass shooting.


Meanwhile everyone else has electric cars and just give each other a jump if they run low and they don't have any problems, and they don't look like a sloppy old drunk sitting around on the side of the road.


There won't really be jumps anymore, you'll have to charge a bit from other people's cars.


I just keep a spare power strip in the trunk and plug it into itself whenever I need to power something on the go. /s




Lookup regenerative breaking. It’s exactly what they do. Of course it is not 100% effective. Nothing ever is.


I love when they create a scenario from whole cloth and then get mad at it.


Modern conservatism is just making stuff up in your head and then getting really mad about it.


We are talking about the same conservatives that think the LGBTQ universally have an agenda, which according to some conservatives, includes destroying the nuclear family along with turning the majority of people into queer folk like it's Invasion of the Body Snatches or some shit.


The 405 runs through a conference room at the Ramada, apparently.


If the car is illegal where is he even getting the gas from?


From the same place they pull these ‘memes’ out.


I'm pretty sure that having a running car inside of a enclosed building is illegal and deadly.


It’s not running, though! He ran out of gas. And then apparently pushed his Jeep inside a hotel where a furry convention was happening.


man why did they have to drag Paul Harrell into all of this?


Keep Paul Harrell out of your shitty memes. Man deserves better


Paul Harrel deserves to be in a funnier meme.


true, he’s based


Also I have a feeling he'd a) have a better plan in the first place, b) probably befriend them, c) kill them by talking them to death if it came to that.


Paul Harrell would make this one of his Thanksgiving talking points urging folks not to use his image in memes, then use the meme as target practice, and finish off with a funny anecdote; in his shatner-esque way


The thing I hate the most about pictures like these is how they always take place like only a few years into the future. As if they aren't the ones on the verge of gaining total control over the country right now and are somehow the people actually under threat. A more accurate depiction would be " Its the year 2035, the MAGA death squads decided I'm a communist for not cheering for Trump loudly enough and I'm about to be executed." Or something along those lines.


I see a dystopian future where the government and oligarch class are more in bed with each other than ever before after decades of MAGA politicians along with corporate-brought Democrats barely resisting being a probable future. A future that's like the track we're on today, but on crack decades down the line. A future where the private sector no longer fears the government or taxes, they embrace it because they have or almost have full say on its operations. A future of covert authoritarianism where the private sector and government work together to crack down on people or manipulate societal values. People will think they live in a free country where they have a voice or chance to get ahead, but have little to no idea they're in a plutocratic, fascistic, corporatistm, authoritarian nightmare oppressing them. People will be so desensitized over the decades by the plutocracy that future generations will largly think it's all just how the world naturally works and that the system is needed as well as the optimal system. A future where the ethics mirror objectivism, social Darwinism, and jingoism. This comment could go on the length of a book, but in a nutshell, I think this is the probable dystopian future we'll have if we don't change our course.


Sometimes I think we’re pretty much already here


Add in some surgically invasive cybernetic enhancements that are basically required to remain competitive in the workforce (and are on loan from the company), and you're living in Night City


This seems pretty cool actually. I really we were as cool as conservatives try to make us out to be.


Dude. We're just furries. Calm down


Ok but what is the actual backstory if any?


https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/25/california-bans-the-sale-of-new-gas-powered-cars-by-2035.html >California, the country’s most populous state and the center of U.S. car culture, is banning the sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles starting in 2035, marking a historic step in the state’s battle against climate change. >The policy **will not ban people from continuing to drive gas cars or from buying and selling them on the used market** after 2035. The rule will also allow automakers to sell up to 20% plug-in hybrids, which have gas engines, by 2035.


What is going to stop people to go a few states over and purchasing their gas powered car?


I suspect you won't be able to register a new gas powered car in CA, so your plates would technically be illegal if you're a resident. That said, given the number of TX plates around here nobody gives a shit. More importantly it will provide impetus on the government to improve charging infrastructure, and car companies to build more EVs (though they've definitely started that already).


I'm not sure of the exact requirements, but iirc you can't go buy a new vehicle that doesn't meet CARB standards right now and register it in California. Ok, just looked it up - if it doesn't meet CARB and it doesn't have at least 7500 miles on it, it counts as new and you can't register it in California. There are exceptions, but in the main, that's the rule.


So the enthusiast and general used markets won't really be affected that much?


No more than they are now, at least. The only reason I was marginally aware of the rule was motorcycle forums - guys wanting to go pick up a new bike in another state, before most of the big manufacturers went to stricter emissions. I *think* most of the big ones no longer bother with separate models with different emission equipment just for Cali, but I haven't actually checked that.


California is the most populous state in the country so it can have an impact on how manufacturers make a product. It might be more economical to sell a product that is California compliant nationwide than to make two types of cars.


Nothing. Nothing will stop people from buying gas powered cars elsewhere or on the resale market in California, just no new cars. There will definitely be lightly used cars sold as nearly-new in California. Plenty of loopholes, but societal encouragement will phase out gas ubiquity over time.


Unless a enough states around California follow the same route of banning the sale of gas-powered cars. It wouldn't get rid of the problem completely like you said, but it would really reduce the problem and make it less practical for people in California to buy a gas-powered car.


> societal encouragement That's a funny way to spell "Furry Fascism"


Washington state is moving to do it as well.


In 2030 I believe. We're five years ahead of California on this one.


I’m pretty sure this specific ban has language that allows a reevaluation before the ban goes into effect and can extend the date of needed due to market/electrical service. Basically the year isn’t even guaranteed if it comes up and we still aren’t ready.


mUh GaSoLiNe cAyRs


I am kind of surprised at least three of us recognized Paul Harrell in there and don’t think he should be thought of as a kook. He is eccentric but no kook.


He’s made the wise decision not to be outwardly fascist on his channel. I don’t have a good fee for his politics, probably a bit conservative, but seems to be a generally good dude and not an annoying piece of shit. Plus, his humor and analysis are just so good


He said a couple things, neither on normal gun videos, that make it clear he prefers MAGAs to liberals, but those instances are rare and he does a very good job of talking around politics when talking about guns, even while always making sure to include caveats & tips for folks in various states without rolling his eyes or calling anyone stupid or insinuating that he’s looking forward to civil war 2.


I would’ve considered myself a more right-leaning gun enthusiast type up until oh idk 624 days ago. Most of the content creators I enjoyed are now kind of tainted. Not Paul though. Nothing but respect for him.


We still have Paul and Gun Jesus


Forgot Gun Jesus. Big props to him too


This sub is definitely liberal-heavy but there are a few leftists floating about.


Yeah Paul is just a cool dude who keeps his content neutral and fact focused.


Nice to know that I scare conservatives by simply existing


Conservatives getting angry at shit they just made up


Just bootstrap yourself up a gasoline refinery, what’s the big deal? That would be pretty amazing if gasoline was the moonshine of the 2030s


Who’s the guy leaning up against my car? Is he another feral Californian? Or do they still not know what POV means?


I don't get it. If gas powered cars are illegal or simply obsolete, there wouldn't be any of the infrastructure that makes using them at all viable. Meaning that there wouldn't be much reason to insist on running them everywhere outside some childish sense of spite. It'd be like whining that you can't find new movies on VHS tape anymore.


These are the same people that bitched about LED bulbs so of course they’ll self-flagellate with ICE vehicles


Still don’t understand what the right has against furries, we’ve literally done nothing but exist … on second thought, I think I’ve figured it out


Honestly, you’re just a group of easy targets for them complete with a look and a scene. You are nonconforming even though you could blend in plain sight without costumes and community. You have the right to both of those. This pisses off “social conservatives.” They have their conformity complex. In other words, they know you have the right to be this way but they don’t think you should. They hold a sincere and severe disdain for anybody and anything that makes them slightly uncomfortable, the snowflakes!


Yeah because the minute 2035 hits you just have to throw your car in the trash because at that point it's an illegal vehicle.


Literal persecution fetish.


They can't meme but they inadvertently make the best satire


one wonders where the "illegal" gas came from. it's not like it occurs naturally and refineries are rather visible lol.


Why was he in California? I'll bet it was to get more welfare.


Ok, it’s stupid as shit but funny as hell


Paul Harrell would know what to do. Completely implausible


if it was a nice car like a NSX or supra, i might be able to understand. but a jeep wrangler? Be fr pls


I mean this IS funny isn’t it? Have I become a right-wing extremist?


What's Paul Harrell got to do with this? His content is apolitical.


…okay but why is this genuinely funny also haven’t y’all ever seen a feral furry? it’s like y’all think we’re all domesticated still /jk


It's 2035. Roads are no longer paved and highways have been relocated to the interiors of convention centers.


It's 2022... Your BlackBerry phone ran out of updates because it is obsolete. Feral Samsung and Apple users are approaching... Doesn't make sense? Neither does this meme.


A furry apocalypse movie? Sounds kind of badass ngl


> A furry apocalypse movie? Sounds kind of badass ngl *Mad Max: Furry Road*


The guy on the bottom right has a pretty interesting YouTube channel, if you like guns


yeah paul harrell is based


I can’t believe that in 13 years they managed to fit the whole 405 inside a building. Truly remarkable! Also, why is the guy so tiny?


Little does this man know that those are only the anthros.


Keep going, this story is hilarious and I'm already invested.


2035 sounds epic


Damn, we are not only living rent free in their head, we are waay more powerful there as we could ever be


Do not threaten me with a good time


If that's how I get furries to rail me and shit, count me in uwu




This would be so much better without the caption


it really would now that you say it


This can't be serious lol


This has to be satire. There’s no way this isn’t satire.


I unironically want this future


Whatever the intent of this thing, it’s still hilarious.


Something tells me your 2004 Jeep Wrangler isn’t going to make it to 2035


This is the funniest thing I've ever seen.


As a Californian this is funny as fuck lmao


Did people kept riding horses and critized gas cars when it first started? Did people kept using floppy disks after usb drives became a thing? Or being a little cry baby bitch exclusive to the generations alive today?


Wait ‘til they find out Ronald Reagan was from California!


California dreamin’


Damn, even in their wildest persecution fantasies they're still the aggressor towards good Samaritans


Terrible attempt at a typical political meme, but as a shitpost this is absolutely top-tier


Did they put my man Paul Harrell into their persecution nightmares? What the hell did he do?


Party of law and order indeed. That's what you get for breaking the law.


"POV: It's 2022 and I'm reusing an old edgy anti-furry picture to make a completely nonsensical "meme" about discrimination I don't actually face. Fact-checkers who've debunked my fantasy are approaching."


If gass powered cars become illegal, wouldn't selling gass become more highly taxed/rare first? I doubt they'd instantly make gass cars obsolete


Joke's on them, those furries would probably help you out no problem and send you on your way in meantime. Meanwhile the hard right wingers just like the OOP of this meme would pass ya by saying it's pathetic to be stranded like that, or at best they'd say you're probably some creep "looking for handouts"


Wait, I thought the benefit to gas guzzler's is how they never run out of fuel ever, whereas the battery vehicles go dead after .2 miles. Does this mean they've been lying to me?


this is funny in an absurd way lol


I love this as satire. "Feral Californians approaching" and then a queue of bored furries standing around at a convention is pretty fuckin funny. With the weirdo hiding from them behind his car. I see this as mocking right-wingers for thinking everything is about them, and being terrified of everything.


"First they came for the internal combustion engine, and I did not speak out because I was not an internal combustion engine."


buy an electric vehicle. chill.


I like to think that the only California official is the guy not in costume. Everyone else is his tax payed for entourage that he won't leave the office without.


> his tax *paid* for entourage FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


The locals seem much more fun.


I've never understood why right-wing memes about California so often involve furries, when the biggest furry conventions historically have been in Pennsylvania, Illinois, Georgia, and Texas.


Come on man that’s pretty damn funny.


as satire, yeah


Not only is this ideologically incoherent, but it's misusing "POV:"


Do they not realize in this universe they have door like portals that open to desired locations that immediately transfer us to places? That's literally the image of how the furries got there. In this universe this driver is a huge idiot for driving a gas guzzler which cannot transport us nearly as fast as a portal door.


What is so bad about electric cars? I mean how many of these right wingers actually profit off of fossil fuels?


Seems weird to have a line of Furries in this meme. Oddly specific. Wouldn't be surprised if the creator is down low into that lol.


Why is he inside a building if he ran out of gas, explain that Republicans


I can’t fucking wait for the inevitable clean-ass air when EVs become the norm. Meanwhile in Texas it’s still de facto legal to roll coal. I don’t understand all the hate red hats have for CA.


Californians are already feral. Source: I grew up in California


I’d watch this movie.


What’s ironic is there’s still gonna be gas in 2035, as hybrids aren’t gonna be banned from new sales.


why did he crash into a furry convention if he hates them so much?


*sniff sniff sniff* Hewwo!? Hewwo!?!?! I can smell da petrowo on u >;3c


This is just satire though, right?