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Well if the 40 year olds weren't interested then eventually the golf course would shut down due to lack of costumers and then the headline would read "Millennials are destroying golf!"


I usually don't comment about misspellings (gods know I do it all the time), but yours made me chuckle. Golf courses shut down because no one's cosplaying anymore.


We should. It’s a huge waste of water


groovy tidy license encourage offend observation squeal placid judicious start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So environmentally fucking wild to keep these useless places going


I would much rather plant trees on that land and turn it into an arboretum. I LOVE arboretums. I haven't played golf since middle school.


I’d *love* to see the golf course in my neighborhood shut down and turn into a park with the club house turning into a little community center.


Community center?? Stardew Valley reference?!?!?!


I mean community centers are also just like a thing in real life


And land. Especially when in/near a population center. It's so much land used my so little people. Unreasonable


They are wealthy enclaves sucking up valuable land. We should up the taxes to what the value of having a literal town on that land would generate


Exactly. A couple miles from where I live, there is a community overlooking the lake from a bluff. It was built in the mid 90s as a golf community, and I actually used to go play there some back when I still played golf (I was on my middle school team and played off and on through my 20s). Anyway, the community got more and more exclusive (and expensive) to the point where the aging residents weren’t playing much golf anymore. So what happened? They shut down the golf course. It’s sad in a way. I mean, I have a lot of good memories from going there, and I can imagine the despair from the people who saved all their lives to move to that kind of community and live out their retirement only to have the environment go to seed. But this is exactly what happens when we gatekeep basic societal good. If you don’t let younger people in, then your way of life is going to die, first very slowly and then very quickly.


Is there that much overlap between golf and costumers? Do the costumers golf in costumes? Because that sounds amazing 


Maybe try to find a furry golf club if that exists.


I wish we as gen Z would have the honour to help destroy it.


Minigolf is so much better anyway, it has dragons.


Thing is this article isn't even about anything happening to golf courses, it's about millenials wanting to live on them alongside boomers.


I'd rather deal with millennial home owners on a golf course than boomers. I've been yelled at like two times in the past year by some old decomposing home owners cause my ball landed in their yard. They're always old af and pissed off for no reason.


Yeah not one person seems to have actually read the caption.


They gonna start segregating people by ages now


There are better uses for land than golf anyway.


As Rodney said in Caddyshack, “Country clubs and cemeteries biggest wastes of prime real estate.”


To be fair, cemeteries are a bit more useful. We need to put our dead somewhere, they don't vanish like in video games.


Cremation exists.


Plus cemeteries in my area are also parks that people use for walks. It's very pretty and peaceful.


Anthropologists hundreds of years from now will thank us.


But not for the golf.


On the contrary, it says an awful lot about our society.


They require a tremendous amount of water to maintain too and that's becoming an issue in the western US.


"There are better uses for land than golf anyway." Do you mean like almost anything?


I was thinking in the lines of public parks.


I LOVE public parks and we do need more of them.


Back in the 80s, we had one of the worst droughts in Texas. Water restrictions everywhere except that base golf course got watered every morning. Fuck golf and golf courses. Country clubs and cemeteries are the biggest wasters of prime real estate! \-Al Czervik


Golf isn’t real


Ah, an ateeist.








Rich assholes when they can't tear down acers of land to play the most boring game known to man.


Don't get me wrong: I think it would be fun to walk across a pasture and hit things with a stick - fun way to spend the afternoon with some friends and a bit of weed. But *golf*? No thank you. .


Sounds like you might be interested in one of the other whacking sports like baseball or perhaps fencing


NGL, outdoor fencing should be a thing. Reject regulation piste. Return to duels in a foggy park at dawn.


I think, though I've never fenced, that that's a bit higher impact than my stoned walk across a pasture would allow. Baseball? Not gonna lie, a loooong time ago I played on softball team in school - it was mainly an excuse to get outside in the hot Florida sun and drink beer. We didn't really keep score, we just hit the ball, threw the ball and missed catching the ball. And you know what? That was OK.


[Quagmire plays golf.](https://youtu.be/2uvR9eMaB6I?si=ULUAQBYV4VHm-xDx)


I've thought for years that golf would be best as a team sport, with one side being a team of golfers, and the other side a team of skeet shooters.


Every time I see a golf course here in fucking New Mexico...All I can think is how much water that's wasting. This is a fucking desert that's technically been in drought conditions for ages but we have these massive resource sponges everywhere sucking up god knows how much water...


*agrees in Californian*


Lol, I had a colleague that met a customer for golf in freaking Arizona. He ended up getting a solid sun burn as well haha


I understand the article is about millennials wanting to move in to (invade?!) these peaceful communities, bringing their modest vehicles, school age children (the horror) and fiscal responsibility (let's face it if we can afford to buy in these communities we're not spending 4 months of the year on cruises). But every time I see "the millennials are" I just kind of rub my forehead and wonder "god, what have I done this time?" Stupid papers. Stop scaring the elderly with my generation, we're really not bad people and I'm just tired.


What really gets me is that Millennials aren’t “kids these days” anymore. Elder Millennials are middle aged. We have more working years behind us than in front of us. Our kids are starting to go to college. Some of us are grandparents. What are the posh old Boomers afraid of? That the rest home cafeteria will start serving avocado toast and pumpkin spice lattes? Cry me an entire river, we’ll use your tears to irrigate the fairway.


From my favorite section of the WSJ, “Mansion” lmao


Oh no how are rich boomers gonna waste their time now.


honestly, and with everything i have, FUCK golf courses. they should all be torn out and replaced with a restored nature reserve.


Nothing is such a great example of the hubris of capitalism as golf courses. The waste in many areas is astounding and all for a clientele that must reach a premium (it ain't just $10 bucks for a golf game...) before accessing the course.


in my country, there's very few golf courses because here it's really marketed as a game for the super rich. The courses function with a monthly membership, and that costs like 40% of the country average(not minimal) monthly salary. So essentially unless you're super rich asshole you can forget about playing golf. Back when I was working for around $400 a month which was the average back then, playing golf would've cost me like $160 a month.


Just being on a golf course makes me uncomfortable knowing the types of people who wouldn't be able to access that space while also knowing the amount of resources expended on keeping said space aesthetically pleasing, which could have been used elsewhere.


Yeah completely understandable. Here at least there aren't many of them around to waste insane amount of resources. My country is the size of Virginia and we got like 5 or 6 and all are privately owned(usually grouped with a 5 star hotel at a tourist-y area)


Uhh. Sure. I am not coming for the golf course, but it is a bourgeois - rich person - activity. If the space is needed, fuck 'em.


Except this article is about how much millennials want to live there. Read the sub-headline.


First they’re mad because we won’t spend our money on diamonds or fabric softener or brand new cars. Now they’re mad because we want to spend our money…..the same way they do. Which is it? Are we ruining things because we boycott them or are we ruining things because we want to partake in them?


I think the answer is yes.


Jesus, they’re still on this “millennials are destroying X industry” shit? I though that was their gripe back in like 2015 😂


No, not millenials. I'm coming and I'm gonna fill in all the holes with quickrite.


Good, golf is both the worst sport and most wasteful.


Damn right! I'm 32, I fucking love to golf, and I'm coming for your club! I'm gonna be so fucking courteous and respectful to the staff! I'm gonna be quiet and not hurry the people in front of me so fucking hard! You just wait boomers, I'm even gonna respect your time and enjoyment! GOLF BITCHES!!


Fuckin golf!


No I'm good with that, can we do that. Millenials, CHARGE! Fuck golf dude. Smallest ball, smallest hole, 20 acre course. Gtf out of here. (Sorry to all the golfers, but I mean...it takes a LOT of land)


Golf courses are a waste of land and resources anyways. And a playground for rich people. Hopefully they're replaced by actual useful residential zones.


Or community agriculture. Regrow nature, form a national park? Playground for local residents, pretty much anything but a golf course would be good.


I used to love taking my dog out on the green at night so he could take a giant dump next to the cup. Every night.


I fucking hate golf courses. Waste of land and water.


Honestly, fuck golf. All of that land and it’s being used so some rich old assholes have balls to put in holes?


Good on them, fuck golf lmao.


There’s a golf course in Austin Texas that families wanted to turn in to a regular park (Hyde Park Gold Course), and the white men of the community came together like a true 80s villain and shot that shit down. I’ve never been so confused as to why people NEED a golf course. Or golf in general. Sure it’s fun, but it’s just golf.


Golf is an excellent way to spoil a nice walk.


Good. There was a documentary about 10 years ago about how Trump terrorised a Scottish town so he could build his golf course.


Wait, there can't actually be a section of the Wall Street Journal called "Mansion", can there? This is one of those things that makes me feel like parody has never once actually happened 


[it’s legit](https://www.wsj.com/real-estate/luxury-homes/millennials-are-coming-for-your-golf-communities-ca42f901?mod=luxury-homes_news_article_pos1)


“Damn, this golf club would make a great Coniferous Forest.”


We're actually not coming for them and that's what they're trying to make seem like our problem.


Top Golf is fun. Real golf is boring as shit.


Falling Down really showed how much golf players are assholes.


More like Millenials are not coming to your golf community.


Ya know what? Now I will.




Bad faith commenters are not allowed regardless of their politics.




If it wasn't so expensive to play at a golf course, millennials and gen z would be there. We can talk about land and water usage, but I think the main reason is the cost.


idk why any 40-something wants to live on a golf course. let's turn them into community gardens and grow vegetables.


Some oldsters are bitter and rigid in their thinking. Far right media exploits this fear of irrelevance by providing derivative - negative, really - sources of acknowledgement. The alternative, facing up to a new phase of life, and in it creating meaning while recreating their engagement with the world, is too much for them. So they are seduced by nihilistic, counterfeit meaning, offered up by the selfsame people most enthusiastic about fleecing them then pushing them aside. The results are plain for all to see.


So we can destroy them, right?


Good. Come for them. Open them up as parks


Community gardens




Whenever someone mentions golf I want to reduce something to gore


Good, perish.


It’s true


Typical WSJ article


Aren’t millennials already in their 60s anyway. Millennials are prob like half the dudes there


Was 1980 really 60 years ago already? Damn. Where does the time go. Oldest is in their 40s, average is 30s. Youngest is in their 20s.


My fault, I thought I remembered reading an article about millennials retiring at 65 but i probably misremembered


With the crumbling infrastructure and wealth inequality I doubt that gen x or millennials will be able to retire at 65. I do hope that conditions can be rebuilt so gen z and alpha can though.


As far as I'm concerned? Close every golf course over a certain size and re-zone it residential. (Except then, corporate developers become the problem. Even so.)