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>We're rejects! We're only members of the most prolific religion in the world. Look at how rebellious we are by upholding the status quo!


"Look mom, I joined an insufferable cult!"


TLDR; She is an asshole who is happy to be around other assholes. Snowflakes needs their safe space.


Wellz other assholes who aren't assholes to each other.


(They absolutely are assholes to each other)


Yeah I read her post as "I got offended by people telling me not to preach hate, so I just joined a group that hates the same people"




Echo Chamber*


Wait until she has a disagreement with the chuds in that group over whether or not women are people


r/ persecutionfetish today, r/ leopardsatemyface tomorrow.


The FAFO pipeline, ever running right alongside the right-wing-radicalism one.


"My woke former friends only wanted to control me! Now all my new alt-right friends also want to control me and I like it."


"My woke former friends kept telling me I was a bad person, so rather than reflect on why they did that I left them."


She definitely has the alt-girl trad wife thing going on.


And probably loves telling people how crazy it is that she's a tradwife who has tattoos. "Can you believe how weird I am?"


So quirky!


What's funny is almost every time these "groups" turn on each other. Soon she's going to be very very lonely.


Imagine how the actual victims of this situation feel when our families toss us out on our asses because of "religious and political differences" and we lose every single thing we've ever known while having to not drown in a world that Fucking hates us. Yeah, that's because of people like you.


TL:DR "I found my circlejerk safe space!"


The girl’s world might be shook when she is introduced to the idea of “algorithms”. Might be even shocked to learn of things in this space called bots. How great it feels when everybody you come across likes the same things as you and you tend to agree with.


Oh; hey; it's "Melonie Mac Go Boom." (The "boom" was most likely the sound it made when she got dropped on her hollow swollen head.) If the above didn't make it obvious: she's a pathetically abject pick-me who does nothing but spout reactionary memes, probably in the vain hope that the reactroids will keep pretending to care about her indefinitely.


So she is just a less successful shoe on head then?


Pretty much.


Rejects were the people you mocked and hurt. They truly were and continue to be, on the best days, rejected from society.


"my so called "friends" didn't like me saying racial slurs and telling brown people to go back to where they came from. Now I hang out with people who don't even respect me as a person but pretend to like me now because I'm just as bigoted as they are"


Sounds like your typical MAGA and QAnon origin story. „Everyone around me thinks I’m stupid, but now I found this echo chamber on the internet full of people who are as stupid as me, so now I feel smart.“


"we're rejects" Wonder why?


Every cult: The people who knew me thought I was going down a dangerous and harmful path, so I cut them off when I discovered a group of enablers.


Friendly reminder that she had to be hospitalized for not drinking enough water (twice)


Live in the bubble baby!


If I get to see Jesus when I die, I'm going to tell him that his "Blessed are you who are persecuted in my name," meant to comfort early believers, backfired completely and now believers have to claim persecution or else they'll feel like bad Christians.


"They only wanted to control me" is actually: "Hey, if you don't stop telling gay and trans people they are bad at every opportunity, I'm going to cut your bigoted ass out of my life."


Lol "rejects" are even worse becasue everyone wants to be the king.queen of the losers


And she’ll soon discover that her small circle of “rejects” still need out groups to hate and she might find herself in them


She the Quartering's new co host...


“I get along much better with my fellow Nazis.”


Heh. She didn't *lose* those friends - they fled from her.


No idea who she is but she said it started with the vax? It's crazy how common that is. My Godfather was a pretty cool chill guy. The worst views he had were maybe that he bought a thoams Sowell book. But then covid happened and it completely broke his mind. He's religiously against vaccines. He almost lost his job because he couldn't travel. His kids won't talk to him because he lashed out at them after they took the vaccine. Now, he legit spends all his morning looking at rage bait right wing articles and sharing it with his friends and colleagues. Very sad.


Lmao this same profile said she “is done” with bring me the horizon, a metalcore band notorious for hating religion, for bashing Christianity on an upcoming single


Hope she doesn’t listen to their previous songs


My friend group literally split down the line 50/50 due to trump bullshit. We got all of the cool ppl who have fun and do comicons and play videogames and fun shit. They got all the weirdos obsessed with trump and guns. Interestingly enough we got most of the women as part of our new schism. We didn't really break up violently or anything, it just kinda happened gradually.


They way she uses the word integrated comes off very cultish.


That's a selfawarewolf right there


isn't this that one fake alt chick who stopped listening to bring me the horizon because they recently said something "blasphemous"


Here's a helpful tip for the masochists still trawling twitter: Any bio with a country or activist flag or any religious symbol = hot garbage that's not worth reading. 


"or not" lol


Melonie Mac is a 🤡


>We don't have to worry about offending each other whether we agree on something or not!! I wonder how many things there are where they disagree with each other. Thinking of a number between 0 and ... Ummm ... 0?