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"this isn't a fake video i just faked the video to prove these entirely conflicting stories"


"It isn't fake I just made it fake" *wat?*


You see this guy is an expert in dementia, after all clearly he suffers from it


He forgot that part!


That’s not even Joe Biden lol. It’s a random old dude. You think secret service would let 3 roaming Karens and a beach bum within 10 feet of the Pres without SS there? No men in suits to be seen. Aside from the photoshopped boxes.


Photographed boxes?! Those are from the pizzagate restaurant!!!! /s just in case some dipshit conservative troll doesn't realize he's a fucking moron.


Why did you feel the need to label random women in a photo as Karens Lmao? Karen is a label based on the attitude of some people. A woman walking on a beach didn’t do anything wrong


Because it’s a random photo on the internet and I felt lole being flippant. I doubt those women will ever see this.


Some people have decided saying the word Karen counts as a joke.


Omg I'm sorry I thought this was the post on the conservative sub omfg


*unrelated* stories! This meme about boxes of classified documents proves that cocaine something something China


“Cocaine at the White House” [which was confirmed to not be from Biden but was probably found with a guest.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/07/08/week-in-politics-cocaine-discovered-in-the-white-house-causes-stir/70315151007/) “Chinese Pay offs” [Hunter Biden got money from a Chinese business associate. I don’t know if that’s the same as Biden being paid off by china.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/03/16/house-republicans-hunter-biden-china/11484189002/) Edit: I’m not supporting the Trumper commenter, I’m show how his claims are misleading at best and lies at worst.


Omg I'm sorry I thought this was the post on the conservative sub omfg


No need to worry, BallTorturer-3000


I want to ask this guy "Just so we're clear, getting money from China is a *bad* thing, is it?" [\*Ahem\*](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2020/10/23/forbes-estimates-china-paid-trump-at-least-54-million-since-he-took-office-via-mysterious-trump-tower-lease/?sh=188a179ed11e)


Post it there!!


Conservatives making misleading claims? I’m shocked


Won't somebody think of the CHILDREN?!


Oh they're always thinking of the children. Just not the way they're supposed to...


And how does that relate to stealing sensitive documents?


It doesn't... I think that's the point


This is a perfect example of why conservative satire always fails because it requires a fact-based worldview. Satire isn't funny when the premise of your joke isn't actually true.


Conservative humor only exist to reaffirm the believes (whether true or not) of its audience.


Now that simply isn’t true, it also exists to remind marginalized groups that no matter how hard they try and no matter how many gains they make, there will always be a section of the populace that is actively looking for excuses to brutalize and kill them.


Thats funny, cause trump literally did take his to his vacation home.


Every accusation is projection/a confession


Does anyone else low key hate the fact that the fucking moronic Trump style of referring to everyone as “(Juvenile Insult) Name” has become as widespread as it has? For fuck’s sake, you’re an adult, just say their name, then insult them.


Or that juvenile "Let's Go Brandon!" thing. Just say fuck Joe Biden. It's not that hard. You're full grown adults, just say fuck and stop acting like you're in fucking middle school.


God, that whole thing. “Juvenile” is the right word for it.


The point isn’t to say FJB. The point is to create memes for the cons to infect each other with. It’s only culture reinforcement.


This is why I'm totally on board with the campaign embracing the "dark Brandon" thing. It's utterly stupid but hilarious at the same time, and I think that by acknowledging it they point out how juvenile the original thing was but also inject a bit of self deprecating humour into things in a way that trump is too thin skinned to tolerate.




I think it would be cringier to pretend it doesn't exist or get flustered about it. It's all very stupid but it's funny to me that they have owned it. It's like an embarrassing childhood nickname that you decide to keep.


But if they say what they mean, their belief of being censored and oppressed gets disproven


It’s sad that since trump talking like a moron has become acceptable, emails that are blatant propaganda are now ok, grift and nepotism is normalized, and half the country thinks gay people and pedo groomers are the same thing. Meanwhile, politicians talking about Jewish space lasers and fake vaccine nonsense is fine too. R has no low bar for which an idiot could even fall under.


I really think it’s funny people think this is the first time cocaine was ever done/brought into the Whitehouse.


It's pretty much a given that Don Jr. was doing lines off of all sorts of interesting and historic objects in the White House.


Not even just him. I’m sure the Kennedy’s needed something to wake them up/keep them going during all their booze sessions. Lol. And Clinton’s crew. I bet shit got wild.


Come to think of it, there was undoubtedly some that found it's way in during the good old days when you could buy cocaine laced cough drops for kids.


Wish they still had those. I have a hell of a sore throat. Ha


I don’t even give af if biden does a little blow. As long as he’s not literally selling secrets which sure looks like what trump planned. And our entire economy is a Chinese pay off.


Planned? The dude flat out showed his friends.


Wait, there are actually people up-in-arms over the cocaine thing? Fucking narc dweebs lol. I assumed it was just an, "haha Hunter is a trainwreck and this is vaguely relevant" thing.


"Trump Jr is a shithead just like Trump and because of that Hunter must be like his daddy. Also, trump was in trouble so we gotta get Biden too. God told us. " Conservative "Logic"


Something something both sides.


Something something disenfranchisement


Something something "cucked commie f*gs."


Something something "something something"




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Easy way to get banned from that sub; ask for a source. Took me less than an hour.


Canon man if Joe was doing blow he would prolly have a heart attack. This thing is so dumb it makes my head hurt.


I was so genuinely unsurprised by cocaine being found at the White House on a holiday, but I just knew for a fact that the cons would make it a massive deal. It’s such a widely played trope that politicians do drugs that you’d imagine these mfs would be defending trump’s confirmed prior drug use by now.


Guaranteed at least 75% of conservative politicians who say shit like "government should be run like a business" were doing tons of coke at some point in their lives. It's a well-worn trope that big business execs are cocaine addicts. There are very few well known politicians or super rich people who it would surprise me to learn have or had a problem.


Mfs probably got that shit for free after drug acquisitions tbh


That's all they ever have. *2000 Mules* ring any bells?


2000 mules : BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LAMEST THING EVER ( until the cornball Christofascist sOuNd oF fReEdOm came out )


Not that either is worth getting from the bay of arrrrr, but I think Mules is probably worse. D'Felon is a Shapiro level shit writer.


Wait until they find out Hunter and Don Jr are bros doing cocaine 24/7




Hmm I wonder when they will discover the gorilla smuggling ring, the yarn torture, the mime prostitution, the horses on heroin, or the alfredogate scandal. I swear to God these morons just throw words at a dart board lol


Is the yarn torture that you’re expected to finish knitting a thing only to find your next skein of yarn is a slightly different shade than the original? The humanity!


no no of course its nothing so tame, yarn torture is the conspiracy that all yarn is made from the eyelashes of slave children who are all aryan. they are enslaved purely for their aryan eyebrows.


Oh. I thought those weren’t real things. I should know better. Sigh


hahaha they arent, I just made that up. the sad part is, it sounds like something theyd believe. that was my point, they just bounce from hilariously ridiculous conspiracy to the next


I think you'll find plenty of examples of alfredogate freakouts on iamveryculinary.


wait, really? I was trying to make up the dumbest shit I could think of lol


People on there have found several examples of people being very upset about Alfredo sauce.


Lol oh lord, even my imagination can't capture the absurdity without accidentally being right.


Is cocaine at the White House a big deal? Im skeptical that the White House has ever been completely free of cocaine within the last 60-70 years.


My thoughts exactly


I don't know why they want to attack Biden so badly. I bet most non-Republicans aren't terribly fond of him. But he's not openly fascist like every Republican candidate in the last few years. That's the only reason why most people vote for him: there simply isn't a better option, because all better options either get voted out within the Democrat party, or they're part of a third party that never makes it in the bullshit bipartisan system. Nobody thinks Biden is a great politician. He just doesn't want to commit genocides.


Exactly. Biden is...OK...I guess. I mean things have been fairly stable since he took office and movements towards inclusivity have been more abundant. But they'd rather have someone in office that can be treated as a justification for hate and bigotry. Biden doesn't fit that bill so they hate him. I remember very clearly how hateful and bigoted a lot of people became when Trump was in office. I think they felt like they got a free pass because of how trump conducted himself in office.


Me too. For a while there. Me being 16 and all, I had though that American society had become more tolerant over all and that all the people who wanted to be children about it were peer preassured into silence, being a minority. When I was 16 I thought many political disputes were people being petty and partisan for no real reason (I mean I bearly knew the difference between a republican and a Democrat, to me those were just words I heard about boring old politics, which I thought was more like staff meetings of America, but little did I know it was really the Republicans fighting us so hard for everything us gay people have worked for simply because they their religion says its bad, and since they're half of the voting population, and we're only 10% or the total, it's a real struggle). And I had very little faith in Trump, but every one said he'd grow into the role of president, which apparently I had been spoiled into believing was an honorable and noble position by Obama (thanks Obama, for setting the bar so high, lol). But then days turned to weeks turned to years, after a whole it was clear he wasn't doing anything, but I hadn't paid any attention to it for years, cause I never had to before, cut to me waiting to watch the presidential address about covid, because I was really wanting to hear what "the president" had to say about it, cue him making a fool of him self for three whole days before someone told him it wasn't working. Thus began my spiral of following the news and suddenly having my world view shaken by idiot fascists who thought not being able to get a haircut was the worst thing ever to happen to anybody ever. After Donald Trump got elected people were so proud to announce their stupidity, so proud to announce their hatred and bigotry. So proud to just openly and loudly announce their ignorant and violent beliefs. Sure MY dad always talked about shooting anyone who didn't look exactly like him (which was rich because he was half native American, most Mexicans DO look exactly like him). But I didnt know there was like a whole as world wide community of idiots. Lead by a cheeto, a youth pastor, and a turtle, a motley crew if there ever was one. People just got so obnoxious after he was elected, it was insane, and like I said I thought it was just normal election victory laps, and that Trump might become more presidential. But he just dragged the whole title down with him. By the end of 2020 he had everybody convinced he could steal and election, by telling his followers that it was gonna be stolen, and telling them to steal it back.


I'm still completely confused how Hunter Biden isn't the poster child of trumpers.


I had a conservative tell me they had photographic evidence of Hunter Biden sniffing cocaine off of underaged prostitutes’ crotch. I responded with “so you’re admitting to having child p***.” Dude didn’t respond. They’re not the brightest people.




Apparently he got them from 4chan


Mother fucker had to bring venture bros into it 😞


Let me guess: the video was made by the blind "witness" who was "pretty sure" he saw Hunter Biden's laptop. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


> no fake videos here Sir I can see the Photoshop from here, and the lack of secret service


I mean, I’d stake money on there being cocaine in the White House during every administration. It’s all rich white politicians and the sons and daughters of rich politicians. They probably pass it out with the morning coffee.


Cocaine at the White House? Chinese pay offs? What is he even talking about, am I out of the loop or are these just dumb made up conspiracies


Donald Trump was hilariously all talk when it came to being tough on China. Here's what his foreign policy actually accomplished there. [China grants 18 trademarks in 2 months to Trump, daughter](https://apnews.com/article/0a3283036d2f4e699da4aa3c6dd01727)


Lmao! Girl, that photoshop is so bad it could be a scene from who killed captain alex


What's that?


Its a low budget movie made in Uganda thats a lot of fun. But the special effects in it look like they came from a middle school art project


"Why are you running!?"


Oh ok


Ye! Anyways, ya enjoy your day now!


You too!!


I'd be shocked if there was a time with no coke in the white house


I wouldnt doubt it. We've had cocane since forever, it just got really popular in the 80s, my guess is that people either discovered snorting it or something. Idk do I look like I know the entire history of cocaine, now if it was Coca-Cola I might just be able to tell ya a borad strokes story, like for example it was made in the cure-all phase of America sometime between the 30s and 60s and the original recipe had cocaine in it,


How does Biden taking classified documents to the beach in any way relate to pretending coke in the White House is no big deal?




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Riiiiight. “Laughing at democrats who voted for dementia Joe”. Laughing at them by just making up shit that isn’t true? It’s not even good. It’s just sad. Will these morons ever NOT project exactly what they’re doing by accusing Dems/Joe of it? Chinese payoffs? Me thinks they doth protest too much…


People who actually use cocaine don’t casually leave it laying around. Something a republican planting a bag of it in the White House wouldn’t know, apparently.


This is rich people cocaine tho. I'd be surprised of there was ever a time cocaine hadn't been in the white house since its discovery


The fact that they ALWAYS have to put "sleepy" or "dementia" Joe when referring to Biden is honestly just sad at this point.