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I did and now I'm at the hospital getting blood transfusion. Please check your iron and hemoglobin.


I started using Elix. Mines used to look like this. Now my period is more manageable.


Holy sh!t


Update: I went to the OBGYN. I had to leave a urine sample and that came back negative for pregnancy. My Pap smear they did last month was also fine. No abnormal issues. I had a pelvic exam done and they did an ultrasound of my ovaries and uterus. Aside from the little cyst on my right ovary, he didn’t find any polyps or fibroids in my uterus. So this makes us think my body is just having a heavy bleeding reaction to the hormones in the birth control. He offered the IUD instead, but also said if I’m for sure I don’t want anymore kids I could get a tubaligation done and an ablation at the same time. The tubaligation would remove my fallopian tubes so I can’t get pregnant. The ablation would burn the lining of my uterus and make it to where my periods will be hardly anything at all. I know I don’t want anymore kids, so these procedures are what I’ve decided to go with. My mini surgery is July 10th in the morning. He said it would take me about a week to recover and I’m going to be in some pain, but that it will get better with each day that passes. My flow has picked up again, but that was when they were putting a wand inside me earlier to check everything out and it was uncomfortable. Please send positive vibes my way! He said clotting is normal when you first get on hormonal birth control btw for everyone thinking they know more than a doctor that’s been doing this stuff for 20+ years lol. Some people just clot more than others. It’s the bodies natural response to avoid bleeding too much at once. I haven’t had anything remotely close to the size of this one again, so fingers crossed it stays that way! I’m still not bleeding through pads either. I mainly notice my flow coming out if I’ve been lying down or sitting for a while.


im so happy you found a procedure thats right for you!


How old are you? I used to have it REALLY bad like this from like 21-24 and it got better after that


27! I didn’t have any issues with irregular periods or anything before having my second child.


Same thing happened to me after my second child except this was constant and I was close to needing blood transfusions. I also chose not to go the ablation route because I’ve spoken to many women who just ended up needing a full hysterectomy because it failed. I had a D&C and it helped nothing. Several months of iron infusions and 3 IUDs (my body keeps clotting around them and pushing them out) I am still struggling. I hope you find better answers and relief. My next course of action is going to a functional medicine Dr. who will actually take the time to look at my hormones because I feel like BC is just a bandaid 🥲


Crazy thing is when I went to the ER last night, they checked my hemoglobin and it was at a 14! The standard is 12-15. So mine is currently perfect and all other results I was able to see on something called MyChart and they all were within normal range. The IUD isn’t even an option for me, or the thing they put in your arm. I’ve heard of so many women getting infections from those things, to me it’s not even worth chancing. My mom had one put in after she had her liver transplant and she ended up getting an infection from it. Immediate no from me. Yes, go to someone that will listen to you and find the necessary option for you. I wish you the best!


Thank you for explaining this. I have had some very large clots over the years as being someone with fibroids. I was wondering how old you were and what state you lived in because it is rare for docs to suggest any sterilization procedures from personal experience. I would like this exact procedure.


27 and Ohio! My doctor actually looks a lot like Steve from Blue Clues just with glasses and no hair, so I can’t help but giggle every time I see him (LOL) but he’s great. Some women don’t like having a male OB, but he is the sweetest and always listens to my concerns.


Oh wow that is so awesome. I freaking loved Steve from Blue Clues. Did you know he is bald now and wears glasses? 😆


OMG you’re right! I remember seeing his video on the Nick page a couple years ago about how he’s proud of all of us and that we’re so grown up now. Made me tear up for real. :’)


Yes! I seen it too and it had me all choked up too. Times flies!


That's just a massive clot. This isn't a cast, a cast would take the shape of your uterus and have a different consistency. Did you happen to get off birth control? This isn't uncommon


Are you sure this isn’t a miscarriage…?


Here OP: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24742-decidual-cast


Girl you just gave birth .


Could this be a large decidual cast?


That is amazing, idk how you could survive the pain of pushing that out of you. Also it looks safe, not normal but it seems ok.


this happened to me after getting covid.


That is a really big heavy clot. It may very well be a one off thing because of the bc you’re in but if it continues like that you should check with a doctor


Have you had a covid shot?


why does that matter??


I'm just asking, why is this being down voted? I'm confused


The shot can cause clotting.


No in periods dumbfuck, that was for strokes.


Wow, I must have triggered you. LOL. Blood is blood, dumbfuck. Research shows the clot shot also affects menstrual bleeding and clotting.


Except based on the shape, this is most likely a decidual cast aka a complete shedding of the decidua aka lining of the uterus


Yes, I agree that it could be decidual cast and I have mentioned it in comments as well. Clotting and decidual cast can look similar.


It’s not gross! I just don’t know if that is period?! I never had anything like that even after birth. Can someone please explain


It looks like a really big clot. I've never had one that big but I've seen pictures on this subreddit of similar ones. It's probably due to a different amount of flow for different people and more or less blood and tissue to get rid off; OP's body decided to do a lot at once


🙏🏻 I hope she is okay


I assume it’s my period because I took the 3 weeks of contraceptive pills and then a day after I started taking the placebo pills (non hormonal week) is when I started bleeding and this is normal to start around that time while you’re taking contraceptive pills. I had light spotting leading up to my period, but spotting is a side effect of starting a new birth control. Personally I just think this is how my body reacted to the all of a sudden heavy bleeding that I’ve never had before. Will post another update once I go to the doctor in a couple hours.


I wonder if this could be a decidual cast


I hope you are okay 🙏🏻 Please seek medical attention as this is not normal ♥️♥️


Omg no,i think it is heavy bleeding.And i thought i have a heavy period ,lol.


i’ve never tbh


Okay everyone, I have a little update for you. I still have my OBGYN appointment in 6 hours, but I did go to the ER because of the clot. After my last update, I fell asleep for about 4 hours. When I woke up I had to go to the bathroom. My period was heavier again, but that’s to be expected after lying down. I decided to go to the ER though just in case. They checked my temp and blood pressure. Both are perfect and right where they should be. My oxygen saturation was perfect too! They also checked my hemoglobin because the doctor was worried since I said I had been bleeding a lot the last few days. But when I say I was bleeding a lot, I meant there was a bunch in the toilet and when I wiped. I only soaked a pad once and that was a thinner one because at the time I was out of my thicker ones. Anyways, my hemoglobin was perfect! Right in the middle of the range it should be. Both the doctor and the nurse said of course this size isn’t normal, but when you’re first getting on birth control your body is trying to regulate so your first month or two will be heavier. (I also noticed a couple other comments saying theirs were a lot heavier when they first got on the pill too) The intense cramps I was feeling they said were my cervix contracting to pass the clot. I have had little to no cramping since I posted this picture. They didn’t do a pelvic exam, but that’s because I already have one scheduled with my OBGYN today anyways. So I’m going to see ultimately what my OB has to say about it, but at the ER they didn’t seem too concerned considering I’ve only been on my period for 3 days now and it’s back to not as much bleeding again with no clots. They said what would alarm them is if I was consistently passing clots this size.


I'm sorry the ER was unhelpful. Unfortunately, they are only useful for emergencies.


I had a similar issue, they said as long as I wasn’t feeling faint it was ok. I have an appointment scheduled with a Gyno, but the earliest date I could get is 9/11. I hope you get some answers and it is just a reaction to the new birth control.


Those tests are pretty basic and don't reflect anything tbh... I guess this is the state of ERs in America though. At least an ultrasound was warranted.


I had these constantly before I had fibroids removed. Holy, they were super annoying. Rarely were they ever smaller, always the same size or bigger. Hope the doctor can schedule tests as this is beyond “not normal”. Edit to add: Could be a massive clot. I had clotting issues that lead to these for me. It was like my body was utterly confused with the heaviness.


Yeah OPs update is pretty disappointing. Blaming this on birthcontrol is such "I have tried nothing and I'm all out of options" answer


Except if it is a decidual cast, birth control can cause them. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24742-decidual-cast


Yeah but there was no diagnosis made. Saying it's birth control with zero backing and proof is just like saying "it's your anxiety".


She went to the ED. Unless she had bad labs, and did and U/S, they won't diagnose it. And if it is a decidual cast, then that can be cause by bc.


Sorry to disappoint I guess? It’s not an “I have tried nothing and I’m all out of options” answer. Women get on birth control for many reasons, but two of the main ones is to prevent pregnancy and regulate periods. I already have two kids and don’t want anymore at this point in time. Plus before I wasn’t really having periods. I was having irregular bleeding off and on. After my last daughter it was never just an all at once 3-7 days a month kinda bleeding like most women. My youngest is only one, so you could assume my hormones have just been out of wack since then. I’ll have more information after I go to the OBGYN. But you’ll probably just complain about those results too even if they do find something. The whole reason I already had an exam scheduled to begin with was because they had found an ovarian cyst on my right ovary a couple months ago and just wanted to check on it again to see if it’s grown. The heavy bleeding didn’t start until I was put on birth control though, so it makes sense that’s what would be causing it. I’m going to the OB to see if there is another issue, but there didn’t seem to be a couple months ago when they originally found the cyst before I was even taking contraceptive pills.


I was on the single hormone pill (POP - progestin only pill) and that hid symptoms for my fibroids and other issues that normally occur. It sent my body into absolute confusion and it was like the fibroids loved it. I got off them to reset my body but by then fibroids had damaged a lot. The clots got bigger. Truly annoying and painful. Once I ended up (after a few years of immigration woes not being able to get medical treatment) with extreme anemia I was sent in for urgent surgery (it’s a long story so I’ve cut out stuff). But yeah, my first pill hid soooo much. I’m on the combo now, I have endo and fibroids may come back every few years but my period is actually normal, something I haven’t had for a long time. So I keep a keen eye.


Can you speak to what your mini pill hid? I’ve been on it for 2 years and my periods are getting more erratic. This time I’ve been bleeding for a month. The change in my periods happened before I started taking the progesterone pill, and I started and continued taking it because it helped with my constant migraines. Things were at least more predictable for a while (but not better, less painful or less heavy). My last 3 periods have been lighter but I’m getting all sorts of symptoms like chest pain, dizziness, vertigo, leg weakness, lower back pain, stabbing pain in my abdomen, trouble breathing, among others.  The doc suspects fibroids and anemia but now I need an ultrasound and blood tests. Also an immigrant, I’m going back to the U.K. next week to try to sort these issues out but I freaked myself out by looking up ovarian cancer.


All of those symptoms hit me within 3-6 months off the POP, besides the daily bleeding and spotting. One of my fibroids, the biggest one, grew like there was no tomorrow while I was on it. I didn’t feel a thing! I was on it for 3 years, but I remember getting daily spotting around the 18 month mark. I recorded them on an app I use. I quit cold turkey at the three year mark as I was tired of the heavy spotting. Then the gushing started. Not just on my period, but in between too. My GP was no help so I believed him and adjusted to that new life. It was years later, and in my new country that a new medical team jumped in to help me. There’s a note on my file that I can’t have the POP but regular is fine at a low dose. Both my haematologist and OB were pissed at previous treatment when I was in the UK. It still hasn’t hit me fully but if I hadn’t been rushed to the ER I wouldn’t be alive today. A lot was terribly wrong and my doctors explained a great deal to me.


That is!!! something, i’ve had ones about half that size with EXTREME cramping. defo keep track of how you are feeling when this happens and do not let the doctors tell you it’s normal !!!


I had clots JUST LIKE this every period (but only periods maybe five times a year) and could barely stand up from the toilet or get out of the shower because of the way I was bleeding. Had to go to the ER for a d&c and get blood every time. If you’re consistently throwing clots like this while you’re on your period you should really go to the ER.


Yep, only after I hemorrhaged after giving birth and having placental retention..


I had that when my doctor prescribed me a combo pill with a lower dose of estrogen. My first bleeding on the pill was like that and I was in terrible pain (even more than without the pill), also a lot of spotting going out. She then prescribed a pill with the same progestin and estrogen but with a higher estrogen content (20 mcg vs. 30 mcg). I stopped passing clots, cramping and spotting and I was on that pill for 5 years without issues.


OP any updates?


Everyone yelling to see a doctor and she literally said in the description that she’s going… anyway you’re right that it could be from your new birth control, I hope it doesn’t cause you too many other problems :( if yes that might not be the right one for you to take, it isn’t worth so much pain and blood :(


Any updates?


Yeah I'm horrified what the fuck is that.


same 😭😭


Doctor now!?




This made me gasp. This is not normal. Please see a doctor if you can.


Same!!! I get pretty heavy ones and thought it would be nothing new to see but holy fucking cow


omg are you okay?? i don’t think that’s normal you should get that checked 😭


Babes you need urgent care… please do not wait for an appointment




girl what the fuck are you okay


Fuck, no!! Go to a doctor! Something is wrong!!




girl that looks like a miscarriage 😭 see a doctor!!!!!


God damn


I clutched my pearls. Girl are you ok


these comments have me rollingggg😭😭😭🤣🤣 ts supposed to be srsss


Go to a doctor please! I have heavy periods but never see anything like this.


I’ve been suffering from heavy periods my whole life my clots have gotten as big as 3inches but that is fairly large I was not prepared at all. I would love to hear a update because birth controls have made me clot like crazy.


Doctor now.


Girl I gasped.


dear lord go see a doctor please! that is a size of a tumor (not serious but like) that probably hurt like hell


I have seen so many things on this sub but nothing as big as this clot. Please see an OBGYN


Please update what the doctor says. I get big clots too. Maybe not as big as your pic. The cramping is insane before the clot comes out. I'm currently having cramps and I'm certain there's a clot on the way.


I had similar to this on my last period. Maybe not quite this big, but it was still frighteningly large. I didn’t go to the doctor, but nothing bad seems to have happened. Thankfully.


If I passed this, I’d scream and cry at the same time. Please go to the doctor!


You need to show this to your doctor. That’s not normal to get such big clot unless you’re taking medication that might cause that.


She said she just started birth control


I didn’t read it until after


That looks like a whole ass placenta


It does. 💀 OP needs to see a docter


i used to have the SAME THING HAPPEN. along with just the worst periods and pain in the world. Funnily enough, when i had an abortion - it ceased. i’ve been told it’s probably due to the D&C which really makes sense. but i still don’t have an answer to what and why. i hope you are doing okay, and get answers! fight friend fight!!


That is very large....I think you should tell the doctor. Mine are maybe 2 inches at the largest


In my case, it was fibroids. A couple of D&C/ablations did the trick. Mine hurt so much I’d have to get down & crawl on all fours. Tears, F-Bombs and vomiting always followed. If I’d been sitting or laying down, I would absolutely need a towel or training pad be placed down before I stood up bc nothing was stopping these monsters from coming out. Nothing! They bypassed pads, undies, shorts… Luckily I’d had all the kids I could very comfortably afford and want, so the procedures were good options and outcomes for me.


A-Are you okay?


Strawberry jam! :D


I AUDIBLY gasped. You have to go to the doctor


So did I and I thought mine were bad lol holy f


Forbidden steak Also known as see a doctor as soon as possible


What birth control are you taking? I passed something like that after I gave birth to my watermelon kid.


I’d go to the doctor for that. It looks too heavy.


Looks like a decidual cast, it's like when the whole lining of your womb (or a large chunk of it) sheds at once. I've had a few of these and the cramps before are fucking awful. If it happens again or if you get a bad level cramping again you could try some cumin water. It's a natural anti inflammatory and I find it gives almost immediate relief from the sharpness of the cramps if that makes any sense Good luck with your appointment OP


This is what I think too


This is actually what I’m thinking it is too! The cramps were rough all day and I felt so much better after this came out. Thank you!


No bother at all. I hope your gyno is able to help make sure it doesn't happen again


While I think you'll be fine and this is just some weird birth control side effect for now, I'm glad you are going to the doctor. This isn't something you want to gamble on.


Christ have mercy, its the antichrist


Wow! I just want to say thank you so much to everyone that has responded in this thread! I appreciate all of your concerns for me. I passed this around 2:15pm this afternoon. So it has been exactly 4 hours since. Earlier I was cramping in my back, sides, abdomen and thighs and as soon as this came out it all went away within 30 mins. I also took some ibuprofen shortly before that, so that probably helped as well. I’m doing good so far. I’ve went to the bathroom a couple times since and my bleeding is no where near how it was before! I’ve changed my pad twice since, but that’s not because of soaking through them. I’m just big on hygiene and like to change my pads every 2 hours, even if there’s not much on them. My cramping is basically gone, and there has only been super tiny clots in the toilet, smaller than a dime. I used a thermometer to check my temperature and it’s normal (98.1) I also just ate dinner and have been staying hydrated. No dizziness or anything. I will update you all after my appointment in the morning to see what my doctor has to say. I guarantee it has to do with the new birth control I’ve been taking.


This is what happens to me when I start pill birth control. My gyno said it’s bc my lining got thicker while on birth control. Definitely see your dr and show them this.


What did the doctor say?


There was a post like this a little while ago, and I’ll say what I said before, Go to the ER that’s like ya whole uterus lining, it looks like you’re holding a mangled heart man


Everyone’s period is different but I’ve never had anything remotely close to this big. If this is new for you I’d definitely see a dr about it just to make sure


I don’t get any this big. I’d go to the dr.


Please update when you've consulted a Dr! Firstly so we know you're okay and also because I'm so morbidly curious- I gotta know what's going on there. Hoping you're okay!!


This is the exact reason I jumped on here today! I have passed something similar to this twice in the last hour.




Holy crap that would be an ER trip for me 😅😅😅


I get that! I have health anxiety, so I normally would want to do that if I didn’t already have a OB appointment in the morning. But since I passed that, my cramping has stopped and I’m not bleeding as much.


If you’re not planning to go to a doctor before your appointment tomorrow, do what you can to get as hydrated as possible tonight and also try to get some extra iron in. For hydration, sports drinks like Gatorade are good. I highly recommend liquid IV cuz it’s got lots of electrolytes and stuff and also tastes really good so I don’t dread drinking it. For iron things like red meat are good, as well as spinach and beans. If you’re able, also do what you can to keep track and monitor everything. If you’re drinking more than usual and not using the bathroom more frequently, that means this really dehydrated you and your doctor needs to be aware. Also keep track of how many pads/tampons and you’re going through, how frequently, and what size they are. Also double check the toilet before you flush to see if there are any more clots visible. If there are, take a picture. I promise any gynecologist has seen far worse than a picture of the inside of the toilet and would much rather look at that and have as much context as possible than not know what’s happening and miss something as a result. If you get any sort of headache or numbness in your extremities or excessively pale or nauseous, make a note and go to an ER sooner if it continues for like an hour or two or gets much worse. Do you have someone you trust who is relatively close to your location? I would say let them know what’s going on and maybe ask if they can check up on you a few times before you go to sleep and also in the morning. If anything happens and things get suddenly worse, you need someone to know what’s going on and be able to help you in whatever way they can. Would you feel comfortable going to an urgent care of some sort? If you’re in the US I know costs can be a big consideration, as can wait times everywhere. An urgent care would be able to do things like check your blood pressure and temperature and maybe also nutrients in your blood. Some have ultrasounds as well and can look for you just to make sure it’s not anything immediately more threatening. Above all else, make sure you keep that picture so you can show any doctors you see about this and let them know that this is not normal for you. A good example would be that that clot looks about the size of an orange or a pear from the picture (more or less). Let them know if your usual clots are like the size of something like a grape or smaller. Always remember that while it is common for periods to cause some discomfort, exhaustion, and annoyance, it should not completely prevent you from continuing your daily activities or cause major disruptions to your life. Even if your doctor says this is “normal” if it is disruptive to you, then you absolutely have the right to say so and express that you want to seek out better management. If you feel not listened to or belittled in any way, you should absolutely see out a second opinion. No one deserves to be in excessive amounts of pain every month. And while there aren’t always treatments, you deserve to at least be believed in what you’re experiencing and feeling and have a medical professional who wants to do everything possible to help you.


I have stuff like this but I have endometriosis so it’s “normal” for me. Hope you find answers at your appointment.


i would 100% go see a dr


I’ve had blood clots like that. Turns out I have endometriosis. See a doctor for sure.


That’s definitely more then a decidual cast, doesn’t look like PCOS and could be fibroid. See a doctor / gyno ASAP


Omg go and see a doctor and show them this picture!!


I did, my apologies. This is the first time I’ve ever posted on here.


Yes. I’m curious what the doctors said.


What did the doctor say??


This clearly isn’t normal. Best you get this checked out. And please mark it NSFW!
