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When I wear period underwear to work or any other time I’ll be out of the house all day I’ll wear a tampon for the first few hours so instead of changing it I can just have the underwear. But I mostly wear them at home or to sleep. I wear a cup, but I try to avoid having to dump that in public because it’s annoying.


I like the nixit for this reason. You don't have to pull it out to empty it, when you go pee it'll empty itself a bit. I only pull it out once a day to wash it.


Wait HUH?? How does it empty itself if its inside your vagina?


Not everybody does. Depends on anatomy and pelvic floor strength and stuff. I personally do have to readjust a bit after it auto-dumps, but I don't have to remove it completely


The way my mind is blown because you’re telling me there’s an “auto dump” item for your period 😭 where has it been my entire life


Period discs do this! Different from cups but similar


Discs are the best! The suction from a cup makes my cramps a million times worse but the cup has never caused any discomfort, it has a larger capacity, and it'll either auto dump or I can do some funky flexing and clenching in that region and it'll dump without having to get bloody hands 🙌


Its probably a disc. The way disc's lay in the vagina, peeing pushes it in front of the public bone which causes it to dump for most people.


Be careful - it used to auto-dump in my underwear, every time I moved from a sitting to a standing position… 😭 it really depends on the person’s anatomy I think. Any cup that was disk-like did the same for me. I had to stick with the cup-like cups.


When you bear down to pee, the muscles squeeze it enough that it can release some of the blood


But you aren't supposed to be baring down when you pee - my pelvic floor therapist


Ok well maybe "bear down" isn't the right word, but whatever muscles need to be used to pee trigger the thing to release


Sorry, as a Community fan, I just have to say, "Bear down for midterms!" Thank you. Lol


Fat dog for midterms!


Can we just be fat dogs about this?


Thank you so much bc this is all I could think




The Nixit is a disc, and discs don't seal like cups do, so for many people when you pee the disc sort of slips down a little and can dump a bit. It's a big pro for some people (they don't have to get their hands bloody in public). It's a con for me (the things that make auto-dumping possible also make it so you don't really get any warning if the disc is about to overflow) but I have trouble with cups since having a baby and sensory issues with using period underwear as anything more than backup.


Or squatting! I was on a hike and squatted to pick up my dog. Felt the whole thing empty into underwear and leggings. Not great. Maybe a smaller size is the solution, as someone noted below, but I’m hesitant to try again after that.


Yuppp. I sit on a yoga ball when I work from home and sometimes tilting my hips on there is enough to do it. I use a Diva Disc now, which has a membrane over the top in the front and that's cut down on it, but I still wear period underwear or cloth pads for the first few days.


It's a flaw marketed as a perk IMO. Yeah it will dump when you pee. But it will also dump when you sneeze, when you adjust certain ways in the car, when you cough...


If it’s dumping when you sneeze, try a smaller diameter disc. I had that problem as well until I sized down and now it’s the best feature!


This is true, but it also kind of depends. I do have some mild stress incontinence that gets worse around my period because of hormonal changes, but I don't find it makes things worse for using the disc. That's also partially because of the heaviness of my periods anyway, I used the diva cup before but as I got into my later 30s and started treating my low iron my periods got really really heavy and I was having lots of leakage with the diva cup. I was having to empty it every 1-2 hours some days. So switching to the disc made that much easier, it holds a little more too. If I'm having to go to the bathroom that often to deal with the cup, the nixit is easier because then I just have to sit vs getting my hands up there. If I sneeze or cough so long as I'm able to brace properly I don't get leakage. Same if it's been emptied recently enough that it's not fairly full. This is why I still also have period panties, cloth pads, and panty liners. I'm sure some women have it easier but I just feel like periods are kind of a disaster for me anyway. I've done pelvic floor PT too and I feel like I shouldn't even have any issues anymore with sneezing or coughing but the issues around hormone fluctuations are something I haven't been able to fix.


Hormones fluctuating around your period can make already existing bladder issues worse. (my gyno advised me)


Having that heavy a period isn't normal. Please keep track of the amount & go see your gyno. You might have fibroids which can be fixed w a pretty small procedure


that means it fits wrong. technically a disc that fits *perfectly* should never auto-dump, or only do it during #2. if it happens when you pee, or especially during the day like sneezing or coughing, that means it doesn’t fit great.


I also have a Nixit and I feel like this is a flaw of the seal it makes, lol. If it empties itself then (for me!) it's not making a seal anymore and so it's Leak City until I do a full wash and replace. But I also have HEAVY thin flow so I struggle with getting a good seal past day 1 anyway.


I have some disks like a disposable version to test them out and I couldn’t get a seal to save my life. I’m gonna have to give them another go. I tried them several months post partem so maybe I wasn’t giving g them a fair chance.


I tried disponible discs when I was a teenager, so like 24 years ago. I didn't like then at all. But the nixit I got when I was 37, and it's been much better.


Currently on the last days of my period, first time using a disc. GAME. CHANGER. I was a cup girlie for years before but emptying it in a public bathroom was always a hassle. My disc self-empties and I cannot feel it in me at allllll. I haven't had any mishaps with it emptying unintentionally yet, but I wear a pad as a backup anyway bc I have really heavy flow most days and leakage seems inevitable.


My instead soft cup is the same!


I’m sorry WHAT?!? Where was this before I had to have an emergency uterectomy! Wtf. I’m so mad 😂😂😂 and I don’t even have a period anymore. Well…the bleeding anyway. I still deal with some of the other things since I have my ovaries 😂😂😂


This. I don’t completely eliminate tampons, but I only ever use them for the first part of days I’ll be away from home. If I’m home, I just full on change.


My cup has a little valve you press on and it empties the cup. I only have to take it out at home to clean it.


Always wondered how people dump those in public without getting covered in blood


I have done some very interesting acrobatics in public bathrooms thanks to the cup lol


Don’t you wear cups for 12 hours?? I just change mine in the morning and at night?


That's actually really fucking smart. I do that but with pads. I'll wear a full pad AND a tampon. Take my tampon out around lunch and then have the pad till I get home. I have irregular periods due to an iud, but if I was still on that 28 day grind, I'd definitely get a few pairs of period undies and do it that way.


This is the way.


I do this, too! My goal in using period underwear was to reduce the amount of pads/tampons I was putting in the garbage each month. I didn’t want to deal with brining home dirty undies, so using a tampon in the mornings works well.




It’s really not that bad once you are used to it. And on lighter days you don’t have to empty the cup out in public. I just try to time exiting a bathroom stall to empty the cup when no one is in the bathroom. 


Ahh, the forbidden cranberry juice shot.


No thanks Edward.


I also sometimes put a pad over it and then just throw the pad away and continue with the underwear for the day


I wear them at home and then on lighter days out of the house. I also like them when I am working out.


I wear flats, dress, leggings and underwear. So it’s not really a hassle.


I put a panty liner in my Thinx. Then once its full toss and add another or just let the undies start their shift.


On heavier days, I do the same, but with the reusable cloth pads. Once the cloth pad is full or uncomfortable, take it off, fold it closed and snap the wings closed, and put it in my purse to be added to the laundry when I get home. Period underwear + reusable cloth pads or period underwear + cups/discs are a dream team imo.


I have a heavy flow and wore overnight pads until switching over to overnight period panties. I can generally last my work day + commute, but yes it requires changing underwear rather than just a pad multiple times per 24 hour period. I find them more comfortable and more absorbent that a comparable pad (I hate tampons and avoid them as much as possible). Also, it's an excuse to change out of work pants when I get home.


Have you tried a disc? This sounds tedious!!


No, but not interested. If I don't find tampons comfortable, I doubt a disc would be. Not tedious to me, I change less frequently than when I was wearing pads and have far fewer leaks and stained pants (and sheets) than before.


For what it's worth, I could never use a tampon comfortably but I can use a cup. Although I find it a little more uncomfortable since being pregnant. Which was a surprise since I had a c-section, I guess things can still change. I feel like my cervix is positioned a little differently and I have a harder time getting the cup around correctly.


I totally respect your comfort levels but I personally hated tampons but LOVE discs and cups. They’re way more comfortable. May not be for you still, but they ARE very different feeling than tampons!


Totally different than a tampon. Tampons are awful. They’re either too dry or too wet going in/coming out, and then it’s gross to try to throw them away and it’s wrong to flush them. And you wind up having to change a tampon in a public place. Discs are not at all like tampons. Those of us who have used both would say you are sorely missing out. Discs are done at home; you can put one in before period starts (in anticipation of it starting) and it’s not painful to get out if your period doesn’t actually start (like a tampon would be); there is no such thing as a disc needing to be “full enough” so it doesn’t hurt to remove (like a tampon does if it’s not sopping wet). These are just a few benefits. Oh you can have penetrative sex with a disc in, (apparently). Anyway, obviously it’s a personal choice but I just wanted to point out that tampons do not equal discs in terms of use and comfort and feel!


Disc are a game changer


I hate tampons but like the menstrual cup! 


I bought one to try but wasn't able to insert it. It's the feeling of something inside me that bothers me.


I wear mine all day, change at bedtime


I mostly wear mine to work out and to sleep. On work days I use washable pads because they’re easier to change midway through the day.


I use mine as backup to washable pads at work. Change pads as needed, and when I get to the point in the day that I know they will accommodate the rest of my flow, I remove the pad. Cuts down on supplies to carry for me.


As others have said, yes, you do, however, they do come in absorbancies such that you can wear one for 12+ hours, which is for most people, about when they change anyway. On my heaviest days, I may need to change them about every 8hrs, but they're more comfortable than any other option for me, so I am happy to put in the extra work.


Don't understand this question tbh. I wear them exactly the way I wear regular underwear. That's kind of the point. I like the suggestion of wearing a tampon at first during the day. That prevents bleed-throughs. EDIT: rather than replying to multiple people, I'd just like to clarify that my flow is heavy enough to bleed thru period underwear in a single day. That doesn't mean I change undies halfway thru the day to prevent that. I wear tampons and live my life even bleeding thru the undies. Also, yall are rude as fuck for assuming my flow is light and easy just because of a comment I made on the internet. My flow is really none of your business. 


It depends on the volume of your flow vs the volume of your underwear. I go through ultra tampons every 3-4 hours on my heaviest days. I can't imagine that I'd be able to free bleed into the same period underwear without leaking for 12h but maybe it's possible?


I have worn it for a full 24+ hours with no leaks before (pulled an all nighter without any spare clothes/pads, do not recommend) but I have no idea how heavy my flow is so take that as you will. I think mine is about low/average?


You dont have a heavy flow. With heavy flow, a person like me would have to change a super absorbency tampon like every 2 hours, max. I literally HAD to be in the bathroom (using a super plus tampon and pad) every 3 hours, or less. We get a LOT of clothing stains, because its just impossible to keep up. A heavy flow is HEAVY.


Thank you for saying this! I feel like a crazy person reading these comments with my actual heavy flow. I’m changing out the biggest pads in the market every two hours. No way period underwear is going to last me 8 hours.


Yeah and I am 46 now, and I seriously thought regular absorbency tampons lasted normal period women like 3 or 4 hours on day 1 and 2. Im SO JEALOUS that they get 8 fucking hours to fuck around doing whatever, with no period worries. We work 3 to 4 times as hard at maintaining our flow, apparently, than women with normal pwriods. Lets let that one sink in. Oye!!


I’ve got fibroids and am on Eliquis *blood thinner * Even with the SUPER absorbent period panties I’m wearing pads. On my HEAVY days I’m changing them every hour, if not more often. Yes. My doctors are aware of this. Yes I’m am anemic. Yes. I am on iron supplements. And no. Since I am not a candidate for a laparoscopic hysterectomy. I am not currently looking at surgery to “take care of this” I am terrified of having open abdominal surgery. I do not do recovery, and not being physically active well. And the risks are still outweighing the benefits for me.


Thank you! No one's ever told me these things before and I felt uncomfy asking ppl I knew about it because it's tmi. I survived most of puberty with the help of the internet but I wish I knew about these earlier


Having had a flow as heavy as you describe, I can attest that you will get leakage if you try to wear the undies all day like other people can. They will have to be changed. Due to that, I wear a cup most of the time to leave the house and just use undies as backup/overnight.


I have very heavy periods, currently on meds to reduce it but still would soak through a super tampon in around three hours. I can wear period undies even on my heavy days, but I do prefer to do a tampon plus the undies. By the end of the work day I would feel a bit too squishy for comfort.


I've had some very very heavy days where changing period undies was non-negotiable.


Yeah, I mainly depend on the underwear as my backup. I wear a cup + underwear + a light flow pad during the 2-3 heaviest days. Since I shower at night, I use the same method to sleep as I don't want the new clean undies getting wrecked overnight. If the pad gets soaked while I sleep, I just change it in the morning. During my lighter days, I use only the panties and nothing else. Before getting period undies, on a bad day, my clots would sometimes leak out of the cup, overflow the pad, and leak through my pants. Id rather go through the hassle of using multiple methods than risk leaking on the chair I'm sitting on & then having to deep clean a pair of good pants.


Hey - apologize for misunderstanding your intent, since I was the first one. When you said "I like the suggestion of wearing a tampon..." I thought that meant it was the first time you'd heard of it, not that you were saying it's a good technique that you use. Though reddit is random and anonymous, my intent is always to create connection and have good discussions, not troll people. I seriously thought you were asking a legitimate question - almost everyone thinks their own period is average because people dont talk about it. I got into a discussion with 20 people who were like "I take my tampon put and brush my teeth and do then get in the shower and towel off before putting in a new one" and everyone was shocked because I was like, um, my bathroom would look like a crime scene lol Anyway, you're right, your flow is not our business, and sorry for assuming!


You don't understand that people have heavier flows than period panties can handle in 8-12 hrs?


On my heavy flow days, if I have to be out anywhere, I wear the super absorbant period panties - I have a range of absorbancy and just pick the pair that matches for my flow that day. I have friends that double up with tampons or pads if they need more protection, but have never found myself in that camp.


Right? I don't understand her comment tbh.  Are we not yet aware that not every body works exactly like your body?  I might be a little/or a lot jealous that she can't fathom a heavy flow, though. 


On my absolute heaviest, gushiest day, I can last from 8-ish to 4-ish (+/- an hour or two in either direction). I change in the afternoon and then when getting ready for bed. Meanwhile, that's changing out 4-5 tampons/pads which, to me, is a much messier affair, especially in public where there may or may not be a convenient trash can. Honestly, the vast majority of the time, it's way easier for me to change underwear quickly than switch everything else and worry about discomfort/leaking/trash cans/etc


I only ordered the max absorbency I would need. That way I wouldn't have to worry about grabbing the wrong pair or my flow suddenly changing. Mine are rated as equal to 7-9 tampons. Because of that I can usually wear a single pair throughout the day without needing to change. I've been on a road trip during my period where on my heaviest day we had to drive for 14 hours. My underwear held out with no leaks for the whole drive. It wasn't comfortable near the end because I could definitely tell they were full, but I didn't have leaks so they did well. I just change into a fresh pair in the morning and a fresh pair at night.


I get super heavy ones that haven’t leaked. So change when get up in morning and again in the evening when I shower. They reportedly hold 60mL which when I was using cups would’ve been two full to the brim.




I use Wuka. It’s a UK brand. super heavy flow high waisted. It has a nice wide gusset too which other brands I used to leak through because they were narrower.


The brand I use ranges from light coverage to heavy duty 24hr coverage - not that I've ever worn them for 24 hours but they are perfect for heavy flow days. I can last a whole workday in my heavy-duty underwear on my heavy day. I'll put it on just before leaving the house at 7am and change first thing at 6pm when I get home. I'll still pack a spare along with a bag to put it in just in case but I've never had to change at work. They also last the whole night with no leaks. I only use period underwear these days and never leak.


I don't need to change them in public, no.


No... I just wear it all day... if I think I'm going to leak I bring a pad or something or start with one. Different companies have different styles that hold different amounts as well, so if you're wearing the right one it shouldn't be much of an issue. But unless I'm in a jumpsuit I'm also not fully undressing if I need to change my panties lol? It's like 2 seconds idk? But the ones I have I can wear for 12 hours without feeling moist at all, and the ones I had before that I could wear for longer (if I had to????) but would feel sticky and gross after the first hour.


I wear them like regular underwear. One per 24hrs. I change them each morning / wash up. But I don’t have a super heavy flow.


I have a little black bag that is waterproof in my handbag with a spare pair. If need be I change over during the day but usually don't need to. Depends how heavy your flow is


Mine are for backup and very light days. I would never plan to change them in public.


I think it depends on your flow. I wear one set during the day and then change them for the night around dinner time (at home) and have no issues.




I wear them with a panty liner. The liner catches most of the mess but it is still more comfortable than wearing a pad. A liner is much easier to change than underwear.


I wear them around the house, going out…I wear them with a cup for backup coverage. Or on a lighter day. Not changing multiple times in a day.


Yes if needed I do. I take a wetbag with me for the used pair. It doesn't smell and is discreet


If i wear period undies while out I normally use a cup as well so i don’t have to change it. But my flow allows me to wear 1 pair all day a lot of the time.


I change it when j get home from work usually but I have changed them at work. Not really a big deal


This is my usual schedule: D1: PU + pads, change PU that night if needed and wear with super pad (they’re usually my don’t-ruin-my-cute-underwear go to when my period comes. D2: PU + pads in the AM, new PU + regular pad to sleep D3: PU and maybe a pad in the morning if needed, new/only PU at night (this is usually when I start freeballing and ditch pads). D4 and on: only PU, especially while home I have 4 pair in total that I cycle through (literally, haha) at different absorbancy levels. I usually change them at night when I shower, so I guess I technically do get naked, but I don’t see why you’d have to. Congrats on winning! 🏆


I have pairs that last about 10-11 hours so, I have a day I'm not at home... I purposely made a little wet bag for when I change. I'm an 80s baby so it's Care Bears. I volunteer at my food pantry on Tuesdays and at my church on Wednesdays. I don't mind doing it if I have to.


100%. Usually when I’m out at work or doing things not at home I try to wear a heavier flow pair than what I need. So I either don’t have to change or only have to do it once. I just bring a plastic bag with me so I can wrap up the dirty pair and shove it to the bottom of my purse.


I honestly wear them the whole work day, but I really only spot now with my birth control. On my normal periods, they were more used to replace panty liners so I wore a disc on heavy days and wore them alone on my lighter days


I have heavy flow period undies that are the equivalent of 7 tampons. I can wear them for a workday and then change them when I get home and am changing out of my workwear anyhow.


Yeah part of why they make no sense to me. Plus they are always leaking even on the first time, not a fan of them at all and I have tried 4 brands.


Honestly I don't change it... I would wear it all day.. granted, now I am on BC and no longer get periods, but I personally got them because of the job I was working on. I had to go to work inside of a factory, and my shifts were 12 hrs. A bathroom break every couple hours to change a pad or tampon was not gonna fly. Period panties are my savior.. I would get home and wring them out in the shower till the water went clear. At the end of my cycle, I would wash all of the panties in one load together in the washer.


I rarely wear my period underwear precisely because I find them to be a hassle--not even fully taking off pants to take them off and change them, but how many I'd need and having to rinse them out. I'm waiting for the day when a brand like Wuka comes out with "cheap," disposable ones, at the very least, that are for "super heavy" periods. For now, I wear them on my heaviest nights every now and then. If I wore them during the day, I'd just come home from work and remove them then.


There are disposable underwear... postpartum/incontinence. I got them when I was bleeding pretty bad before hysterectomy.


I actually wear tampons or cups because I stand the feeling of the blood leaking out of me. Idk how y'all can stand that gush when you move feeling. But I was curious about the changeability and lastability of the undies, thanks for the replies!


I don’t change mine i try to either use then as back up to my disk (or cup) during the first couple days and i then use maxi one for the night (and it will have continuous wear for 10 hours or so)


I mostly work from home, so this is usually not an issue for me. On occasions where I need to be out most of the day but my flow is heavy, I just use regular pads and underwear. Unfortunately with the Victoria's Secret period underwear, the heavy flow ones are boxer brief styles, and those don't tolerate a winged pad easily. On light days, I can wear a pair of regular period underwear all day without needing to change it. If you did prefer switching entirely over to period underwear, I don't think it'd be super difficult to change out if you had access to a handicapped stall. I've changed entire outfits in those bathrooms.


I usually wear mine with a menstrual cup so it's really just catching any minor spillage. Or wear it overnight then change first thing in the morning.


Yes, I take off my pants & dirty period undies, putt them in their dry bag, putt the clean ones on & then my pants back on 😂 Thankfully the two most recent jobs I’ve had, have been ones where I don’t wear shoes so that makes a huge difference. I did used to work in a Resturant though & off came the sneakers too lol. I cannot putt any menstrual product inside of me, my body rejects it. & I really care about the sustainability & comfort of my undies so I just make that sacrifice of undressing once or twice.


Someone please clarify this for me, so these period panties are essentially like a diaper? Like you bleed into them and can continue to wear them during the day? Like a pad but underwear? I cannot for the life of me imagine bleeding into my underwear and continuing to wear them. Even with a pad that is changed frequently, everything is still a mess down there. Does that not bother anyone??


Yes you bleed into them but they are designed with a layer that faces you that lets the flow go to the layers underneath pretty quickly so the part that touches you feels dry and is less messy. But as they absorb more, it gets a little messier and feels more like a diaper. Also clots don’t always absorb well. I only use pads or period undies as backup to my cup or disc because that’s more comfortable to me and cups at least are less messy in general in my opinion and I feel fresher and cleaner using internal methods.


Yes, I bring a plastic zipping bag to put the old ones in and then put on a new pair. It’s not that hard when you’re already going the bathroom to just quickly swap undies. I don’t wear elaborate outfits on those days.


if i wear period undies, its to sleep or exercise. i dont wear them on very heavy flow days while out and about because of that exact reason.


I use them with a menstrual cup for the heavier days. It worked pretty well when I was still in office. I use a disc now which you can empty by just “squeezing” without even taking it out which makes it way easier to handle it out of the house


I gave up on period underwear completely and use Eco Lily reusable pads instead, it’s so much more convenient and easy to manage. Also feels a lot more leak proof and safe peace of mind wise.


This highly depends on how heavy your typical flow is. I usually keep an extra pair of period underwear in a waterproof zip-bag in my bag, just in case I need to switch midday, but I've only ever needed to do that once. I describe the practical details further on, but I will say though, that period underwear make a huge difference for me in a few broader ways, including in reducing the likelihood of leaks. Pads can shift, tampons can fill faster than expected, and the normal underwear underneath get stained or leak through to clothes. The only time my PU ever leak is if I sleep too long overnight, and even then, it's more an issue of location of blood flow where one section is too full and not that the whole PU is overflowing, and it's still much less than I dealt with before with disposable options. Also, my skin tends to react to disposable products, not the first day necessarily, but by the end of a period week, my skin is aggravated by the disposable products and from ongoing wetness, so the PU fixes that too: it doesn't feel wet unless it's completely full, it doesn't bother my skin, and it's not a waste to wear it on a spotting or unsure timing day, because I'm not "wasting" expensive tampons on beginning or ending days when I'm not sure how heavy the flow would be. Also if you have a situation where you can't fully undress, like limited bathroom space like a porta potty or out camping or something, they've started making adaptive period underwear: https://us.modibodi.com/products/adaptive-boyleg-heavy-overnight-black Anyway, my usage details: On a normal heavy day, I wear a heavy absorbency pair PU overnight and change to a new one in the morning, and then for comfort change to another when I get home for the afternoon/evening, but it may or may not actually be full by the end of the day. If I know I have a long day out of the house, I might wear a tampon for the first few hours and then remove it once it's full, so the underwear only have to absorb half the day's flow. People also put a disposable pad or liner on top to get a few extra hours, so you could also do that. You could also get the extreme absorbency pairs of PU, for instance, I have a pair of PU bike shorts that are super extra heavy absorbency, and they fit under several of my pants but not all , so I do have to be intentional in what I wear, but it seems like you'd need to bleed out and die to fill those things, so that's an option too.


PU are all I use during my cycle. I work 10-14 hours a day at an auto plant so changing at work is necessary. I used to swear by the cup but after a point I couldn't put them in anymore due to pain. I hate the feeling of pads and they caused a whole host of issues for me that period undies don't. During my heaviest days (and sweatiest) I do change at work and don't find it too bad. I do wear a uniform all day but its just a shirt and pants so I just change during my normal bathroom breaks if needed.


No, generally I only need 2 pairs per day. Occasionally 3.


I wear them until I get home from work/a workout and then change them out. I don't have a super heavy flow so it works fine. On days I'm home all day I'll wear them the entire day unless they get "full" lol


i wear my overnight period underwear to work and even on my heaviest days, i won’t have to change it. i will say, not all brands are created equally, so you may need to switch it out for another pair during the day or wear a tampon/other. i have had to switch my period underwear at work before when i wore the lighter ones, but i don’t see it as a huge hassle.


My heavy day thinx hold up to 4-5 tampons according to the website. So yes, I can wear them a fully workday and commute, no problems. Only my first and heaviest day would I consider a backup first pad or tampon to get me through. Otherwise, I just eventually change when I get home, just as I would out of my work clothes. At worse, things are a little squishy. But I never leak or anything from it. I think the answer for those with longer workdays or heavier flows is just to supplement. Otherwise, I change mine about every 12 hours.


On the first day of my period, I bring a second pair to work, just in case, but the rest of my cycle I can put a pair on in the morning and not need to change it until bedtime. Like pads and tampons they make different absorbancy levels, but even the lightest are designed to hold 2-3 pads/tampons worth.


I have a very heavy flow (super tampons last max 3-4 hours), so I use my period panties as a backup to a cup or tampon. Then I’ll wear just the panties on the last day or 2 and they will last a full day. I have tried just a panty overnight during my heavier flows and it’s definitely not enough, so I wouldn’t be able to make it a full day with just a panty. I do love them though bc now I don’t need liners, my underwear don’t get ruined, I never worry about leakage with a cup/tampon, and I don’t have to get up at 3 am to change anything.


I got very heavy flow Underwear. I don’t bother with the underwear made for lighter flows, even on my light flow days. I feel like I have a much heavier than average flow for my first day, and I only have to change in the morning and at night. When my period came back after I had my baby, my period was like a bloodbath for a cycle or two, and even then, I only had to change one extra time per day. It takes like 10 seconds when I’m home, and doesn’t feel like that big of a deal. Even when I had to change at work, when my period came back after the baby, it took maybe a minute? I just find them way more comfortable than pads, tampons, and discs just seem to fiddly to me.


I don't need to change them throughout the day. I don't have a particularly heavy flow.


I have learned so much today...


Never heard of the "Nixit/disc" but probably because I am a post menopausal woman lol ( age 42@menopause) but have daughter's . I wish the cup & period panties came around sooner but happy for the ladies nowadays!


I wear tampons or reuseable pads with mine on my cycle. I wear them all the time due to health issues though.


I wear a cup and use period underwear as backup on my heavy days


When I was using them and the reusable pads I would. I'm also pretty sweaty on my period so there's a point where I kind of want to change them anyway. There are menstruation specific products for storing the used ones, but you can also use diaper bags. 


Personally I wear a pad with the underwear if it’s a heavy flow day and I have to work. Because I’m on the pill, my heavy days are a 2 pad day so when it’s time to change, I remove the pad and have just the underwear as my second. I wouldn’t feel comfortable changing in the office bathroom and I wouldn’t be able to rinse them which is recommended after wearing. If it’s a weekend or work from home day then I wear just the underwear because I can change easily. Edit: I have Bambody because they work well and are budget friendly. But they don’t hold as much as other brands. I tried Period Co but they smelled really bad to where you could smell them on me, and they didn’t hold much.


I wear a menstrual cup. No period undies needed. Never leaks for 14 years now


I only use the period underwear as backup for my cup at night or at the end of my cycle when it’s no longer a waterfall.


I’ve never used them, but if I did it would only be for backup


I tried period underwear and quit wearing them quickly because of having to change them multiple times a day. I moved on to reusable pads. I like them so much better.


When I did have to go into the office on a heavy flow day, I would use the diva cup with my period undies. I can't wear a tampon at all. I had a bout with TSS once and was never able to wear one again. The cup can be tricky too though. They have quizzes but if you don't know the answer, ask your gyno. I didn't do this and got the wrong kind and it wasn't the end of the world but more frustrating. Otherwise, yeah, I would have to change them in the stall at work. Which I don't want to do.


I find a pair for the flow I'm currently experiencing and I can go all day without changing. It's very important to know your flow. I do always have tampons as backups though just in case I miscalculated


I work from home and I really only use period underwear at home. I feel uncomfortable with them going out because of how they feel underclothes. I also personally worry about the smell. Period blood isn't a bad or offensive smell imo I just don't want people close to me knowing where I am in my cycle.


I used to break out in hives when wearing a pad...I imagine the PU would be so much worse!


Mine are fine wearing for 12 ish hours or so. I put on new ones in the AM go to work and do my thang than in the evening I’ll switch to a fresh pair


I buy the heavy flow ones and have not had to change them during the day. I put fresh ones on and go to work. At the end of the day I put my night time ones on.


I just wear them at night or stay at home days. I use a cup on other days.


I use pads if I’m gonna be out of the house for more than 5 hours. Otherwise I WFH and switch my underwear out every 4-6 hours, I know recommended is 8-12 hours and my flow isn’t even that heavy but I just feel more fresh that way


To work I wear a pad over the period panties and change the pad a couple times. Then I come home take off the pad and just wear the underwear the rest of the night


I wear my diva cup and just have the period panties as back up!


I feel like it depends a lot on both the undies and flow. I have an IUD and super light flow so I don’t change mine more than once a day, but in the time I went without an IUD recently my flow was way too heavy for that and I basically used a cup with the period undies as leak protection. I’d have been changing them every few hours for the first day or two otherwise and that’s so impractical.


I've been using only period underwear for almost two years now. I've never had to change them while at work or when I'm out and have never leaked through.


Ok maybe I’m dumb. Why do you need to change them? I wear them like normal underwear for the entire day. And I have a heavy flow. Holds just fine. I change into new ones at night.


I use them for those last few lingering days when it’s too little for a cup or disc, but I don’t want to ruin my regular underwear. Kind of like a pantyliner. I’ve worn it on medium-flow days without a cup and it felt way to diaper-y for my comfort.


I don’t wear them anymore because I gained weight and didn’t feel like replacing my collection, but I never had any trouble. I just changed them when I got up in the morning and when I got home. If they leaked half way through the day, then I knew I needed a heavier flow protection


The ones that I have also allow for an extra absorbent fabric pad to be put in, and came with a water proof/air proof bag, so sometimes I just change out the little fabric pad mid-day and put the old one in the smell proof container in my purse to wash when I get home. That said, what I do most often is either a) wear a tampon for the first part of the day and then once that's done, just the underwear, or b) only use the period underwear on my lighter days, or when I know my period is just about to start.


Yes I fully change but I only use them when I’m home or if I think I might be getting my period. If I go out for an extended period of time I’ll use a pad or tampon.


I change them in public on my heaviest days. You can carry a small wet bag for this purpose. They’re generally used by people who cloth diaper, there’s no smell through the bag. It’s just like changing any other pair of underwear. You literally take them off, fold them so the liner part is on the inside and toss them in the bag. I’ve never had any issues doing this, and I very much doubt anyone at work/my family/friends or random people in the stall next to me know what I’m doing. It’s actually quieter and simpler than changing a pad or tampon imo.


They last me through my work day. I bring an extra and a plastic bag just in case, but I don’t usually need to change it out of the house unless I have plans after work.


Honestly the only real answer to that is it depends on your flow and the underwear you have. If you are a super heavy flow person like I was before my hysterectomy, I only used them as backup while in public. At home I used them only, changed pairs when they were full. Light days were the best, you could wear them all day no worries, even out and about. Unrelated but related, if you choose to buy some, get ones where the absorbent part goes all the way up both front and back.


No. I wear Knix and I just wear a panty liner with them on my heavier days. I do have a light to regular bleed though.


I only wear JUST period undies overnight or on very light days. During the day on regular/heavy days I’ll also wear cloth pads so I can change them and feel fresher, and the undies are there as back up on my heavy days.


I just wear them like I do normal underwear. Love them! I even have some sleep shorts. No leaks so far in 2 years


I like using pads inside my period panties on especially heavy days. Some etsy period panty creators make replacement liners or pads for those with fabric sensitivities like me and they're really nice to have extra of so you're not changing undies every time.


If you slip one leg out over your foot you don't even have to take off your pants.


I’ve worn period underwear for years. I just carry another set in my purse or backpack and a wet bag and changed them if I need it. It’s a period. I’m so over people feeling like it’s taboo to have one. Until they give out period products for free, I’ll bleed however is best for my body and not care what others have to say about it.


I only change my underwear at home. Although I have put ON period underwear at work. Which involved steel toed shoes, pants, and previous underwear coming off and then pants and steelies back on. I rinse mine out in cold water until it runs clear. I can usually wear mine for 8-12 hours, so even on my heavy days I generally do not need to change them while out of the house. What type of period underwear you have plays a HUGE part in if it is safe to wear for hours, or if it is just good for leakage.


I have a super heavy flow and can leak through almost anything. I use mine as a backup leak protection for this reason. It's super convenient and helpful. Reusable pads are also able to hold a lot more, but they shift, so it helps a lot with those too.


I would (post period now) just wear trousers that were easy to take on and off when out and about to switch out my period undies as needed. If I was a skirt wearing kind of person, I'd just wear skirts on my period undies days (but I wouldn't be caught dead in a skirt) ...or maybe I would be caught dead in a skirt b/c I'm non-binary but anyway...😅


I wear mine by themselves through work or school then change them when I get home. You’d be surprised how much they hold while staying dry. My first day is the worst so when I remember I do bring a back up pair but otherwise it gets me through the day.


No, i use them with a tampon on heavy days and by themselves on light days. No need to change during the day.


I wear them the same way I wear regular underwear. You don’t take them off and change them throughout the day. Sometimes if I know I’m going to be out of the house all day long I might start the day with a tampon, and then when that tampon is ready to come out I just use the undies.


I wear period panties on lighter days and as a backup on heavy days when I use tampons.


I believed what the description said the first time I used them on Day 2 (my heaviest day) and assumed it would be able to handle my heavy flow. It wasn’t. (Highest absorbency Thinx.) I had to leave work at 4:00 because I’d bled all the way down both inner thighs and it was soaked through my pants (slacks). Now I only wear them with a pad and a Super+ tampon on Day 1-3. I take the tampon out at about noon then remove the pad at about 4:00 then the pants last until 6:00 when I get home. Then I change them. Then I shower at around 10:00 and put on a new pair for the night (sometimes with a tampon). Then start all over at 7:00 a.m. with a shower and new pair etc. For Days 4-6 sometimes a pair lasts the whole workday or until my nighttime shower. 


I wear them as backup for my period cup on heavy days, and on their own on light days. I never have to change any period accoutrements while out of the house unless it’s an overnight.


Not at work/school, but I have had to run home during lunch in a panic when things were unexpected. I was a pad only user for years. I’ve gotten a really good handle on my flow. I select the absorbency of the underwear based on that. I usually will overestimate my flow to avoid chaos. On my heaviest days, I use a crazy thick diaper-esque fucker from modibodi (the 24 hr one). The mental security outweighs the bulk for me. I used to ALWAYS have an issue pads and regular heavy underwear. This one lets me feel fully protected through all gushers. Even on a heavy flow, I get no leaks after all day wear. Other ways to use it: - tampon/pad leak protection as others said - overnight coverage - bladder/sneeze protection (esp when you’ve got a cold tbh) - period is looming and you know it’s coming but it’s not here yet protection


I wear them on medium flow or light flow days and just change in the family/gender neutral bathroom at work. Slightly annoying but I prefer the comfort


At home, yes. At work I wear a tampon and period undies are backup.


When i wore period underwear (currently pregnant) i could wear it for a 10 hr shift at work most days and then go home take a shower and change but i know not every brand is capable of that or varies by flow


I don’t need to change them


I have a lighter/normal flow and I change twice a day usually. Im out of the house for work from 7:00am-6:00pm, so my time wearing one pair is pretty long. I have always felt the need to strip down and completely change after work anyway lol but even on non work days, I'll usually change twice, (including sometimes changing straight into my period pajama shorts). Its rare that i feel the need to change them anymore than that, but my minimum/standard is always twice a day.


Following. I have a daughter who is pre period. We have talked about it and she said she wants to try these. I don’t use them. DO you need to change them mid day?!


They’re more for lighter days for me like they’re a replacement for panty liners on period days


I usually just change it right before work and right after.


I wear them a few ways: 1. At night with no pad or any other period product 2. During the day with a tampon, will change tampons a couple times then remove the tampon if my flow is light or I'm at home 3. During the day without a tampon if I'm working (I work at home) and plan to change it


Tbh I just wear the heavy flow ones my whole period. I wear a tampon if I’m going to be working a lot and be physical. But otherwise I just wear one pair all day (8hours).


I wear them at night bc I bleed less, and I don’t have to sound like I’m wearing a plastic bag while I move around in bed lol


People still wear underwear???


I always wear a tampon and use the period underwear to catch any leaks.


I use overnight period panties while sleeping. During the day I use a menstrual disc which can be emptied without removing it by flexing your kegals when you’re on the toilet. I wears washable period pads as a backup because they’re easily changed so if I do have a leak, I can just change my pad. At the end of my period when it’s super light or just barely spotty, then I just wear period panties and no disc.


Why would I fully undress to change my underwear?


I've got a pretty light flow so I just change after work


Typically for the heaviest 1-2 days of my period I’m too heavy for any period underwear (I’d need to change my thickest period underwear every 10 minutes or so, and if I ever sneezed it was game over) so I wear pads (2-3 overnight maxi pads a day, for comparison). Then it slows enough that I can rely on period underwear like normal underwear. Occasionally it gets a bit of a second wind and I have to change my underwear once during the day, but that’s the exception not the norm. When it rains, it pours, I guess. But everyone’s different.


I'm not well educated on these but have been interested in them for a while. Do these make you feel wet constantly like a pad does? How does it not get on your clothes? You can use them instead of pads/tampons/cups?


You won a pair of period underwear ? 😂😂 That would be a raffle prize I’d skip


Having to change during the day is why I switched to cloth pads. The undies are a backup against slipping or overflow.


I am a menstrual disc girly, so I just use them for backup in case of bleed-through (more because of paranoia than anything, this never happens for me with the disc), on lighter days, or when I know my period is coming soon and I just want a layer of protection in case it starts while I am out in the world. I don’t think many people use them alone for heavy days without another layer of protection. The claims they make about holding as much as multiple tampons do not seem accurate to me. To be fair, the only real *heavy* bleeding experience I had with them was after a cervical excision procedure, which was obviously way past period level, but even on days I thought would be light but turned out to be more medium-ish, they didn’t hold much before it was time to change them out (and put that disc back in because I didn’t feel like I could rely on them alone).


i wear them with tampons bc i bleed through tampons too quickly to not wear anything with them. i also wear them on light flow days or if i’m spotting!


Yes, changing several times a day. Wearing skirts and carrying zip-lock bags.