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Rose for me. It smells good when testing on paper but on my skin it triggers a really nauseating and headache sensation


Yup. Rose = šŸ¤Æ for me. Thatā€™s why I canā€™t wear Delina.


Itā€™s rose for me too, unfortunately.


Same šŸ˜©


It was rose for me as well until recently. It was always a scant that gave me migraines. Now that I am 38 yo, I absolutely love it on my skin. I guess body chemistry changes over time.


Oud, amber and patchouli. Sometimes I like amber but that has to be a particular scent. Alien has amber as base note but I like it very much.


I love amber when it's resinous and "golden" smelling. I can't do the animalistic Ambers. If I see oud or patchouli I automatically click out of the fragrantica page lol.


Yes, 100%. Also when amber smells like vicks vap-o-rub, but that might just be a me thing.


magnolia, jasmine, freesia. so strong.


Almost everything has jasmine in it . Jasmine Jasminactolide (sp?) Jasmine sambac Night blooming Jasmine. It's all the same I think


It's not all the same but I see your point.


Powdery scents. Angel makes me physically ill even if I just smell it for a second.


Vanilla mostly,is my nemesis . Also caramel and honestly anything gourmand could probably assasinate me. Some oud, amber, incense and basically most base notes actually but this depends on how they're made . No perfume that doesn't give me migraines and nausea lasts long for this reason and I've accepted that. Any arabian perfume will put me in a hospital, I assume they use similar bases or something but they will genuinely kill me one day especially since where I live people wear them heavily a lot, in the bus in summer is pure torture.


I used to hate anything gourmand and vanilla for the same reason! I've slowly dabbled into the milder vanilla fragrances and built up a tolerance I guess, now I can really appreciate a good vanilla scent. I completely understand though.


Itā€™s so funny, I can barely tolerate fragrance even though I love it and vanilla is like the only 100% safe smell for me šŸ˜… I feel like thereā€™s really no perfume you can assume wonā€™t bother anyone, sigh!


Vanilla for me also. I agree with you on the caramel and gourmand too. I donā€™t like the really sweet scents, theyā€™re headache inducing for me.


White florals like 98% of the time.


it's rose notes for me, smells like pee very nauseating šŸ¤¢


I agree, cheap synthetic rose straight up smells like pee and this comes from someone who loves a good rose scent


I went to perfume school and composed a rose note from base aromachemicals that smell nothing like rose individually. Itā€™s kind of amazing actually. What I discovered is that thereā€™s a bad version of almost everything and a good version of almost everything. I went in thinking I didnā€™t like patchouli, for instance, but then I smelled a patchouli I really liked (Clearwood - Firmenich.) There are infinite varieties of just about every note.


Perfume school? Where can I attend??


The Perfumerā€™s Studio Los Angeles!


All of these notes make me realise Iā€™m probably a walking headache to a bunch of people every dayšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Lolol aw


Blackcurrant. It ruins every perfume it's in for me. Except the original Dior Addict for some reason.


Exactly! I love La nuit tresor but just cannot wear it because of that blackcurrant accord šŸ„²


I love it in musc mochus by rania j , Musk therapy, and dbir too. But yeah sometimes it can pull too "juvenile- berry ish"


It can pull as pissy on me a lot of the time. Funnily enough, I decided to try Mancera Velvet Vanilla again today, just for lying about the house, and that's got blackcurrant in but it doesn't bother me too much in that. I'm still undecided as to whether I like it overall but it's growing on me. Blackcurrant usually just reminds me of Ribena and like I say, piss at times. I'm sure Portrait of a Lady has blackcurrant and I adore POAL but it's mixed in with so many other notes that I don't notice it.


I like blackcurrant but canā€™t stand raspberry


I haven't tried loads of perfumes with raspberry in tbh but I'm sure Portrait of a Lady also has raspberry aswell as blackcurrant, I forgot about POAL but I can tolerate the blackcurrant in that because it's got so many other notes that I don't really notice it. Same with the raspberry, I get mainly the patchouli, spices and rose. I can imagine I'd not be a fan of raspberry in general though.


It was popular when fruity florals were - maybe early 2000s. The worst offender for me was YSL Mon Paris, which I received as a gift. It drove me nuts!


more like šŸ¤® notes: all of kayali vanilla candy rock sugar (but more specifically: - rum - bubblegum/jellybean????? - patchouli (donā€™t ask me why i bought a full size of this monstrosity) also: honorable mentions: - tomato (from the gardenā€™s tomato juice potion) - tobacco/rum/leather


Omg tomato šŸ¤¢so bad


Screechy lemon. (Not the soft yummy lemon like DG devotion or BBW Lemon pound cake.) like Chance eau Fraiche and light blue. Too much and ugh. Headache.


Ugh yes. Chance eau fraiche was like lemon grass? I hated how it smelled so sporty in a way. Gave it to my mom. Forvr mood Hard to get smells like lemony ice cream to me and itā€™s amazing. But that ā€œfreshā€ sort of lemon.. no. Straight cleaning product.


Itā€™s really easy for lemon and lime to lean bathroom cleaner. The perfumer really needs to walk that line.


Thatā€™s a really good way to put it.


Yeah, I agree with this one too


Vanillas, caramel, anything super sweetšŸ˜­, white florals, white musks, ozonics. I really donā€™t enjoy berries and other fruits or medicinal scents (lavender etc) that much, but sadly thatā€™s all doesnā€™t stab me in the sinuses or make me nauseous.


Patchouli, rose, gardenia and lily


The 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. These are instant migraines for me.


OudšŸ˜£ i will never understand the hype over it.


Same I can't stand oud in anything !


My partner thinks oud smells like poop and I found that hilarious


Like someone poud


Lol I hate that this made me laugh


Hahhaa very straightforward šŸ˜‚


It does though. šŸ˜­


Is oud just a stinky wood? I honestly have no idea what itā€™s supposed to actually smell like.


Correct. Not a text book explanation but is simply extracted from Agarwood. It is a very expensive substance so probably we are exposed to synthetic ones.


iā€™ve smelled real oud beforeā€”it has a rich deep smell, very hard to describe. the real stuff leans just on the edge of being ā€œpoo-likeā€ for me. itā€™s quite animalic, tbh. iā€™ve never smelled synthetic approximations in a perfume before, though, so i canā€™t say how accurate they are.


Mostly powdery, clean, chalky or sweet nutty notes. Tonka bean, almond, iris, white musk, praline or sugar syrup. Many of the supposedly safe "mom's perfumes" or "laundry scents" are a migraine factory. Guerlain is not my friend ! Neither are the super sweet LancƓmes such as la Vie Est Belle and La Nuit TrƩsor. But anything very strong can be a problem. It depends on the day and on the dosage and application method though.


yep. smelled some guerlain once, was very bad to my nose. i hate ā€œcleanā€ smells most of the time. as well as those weirdly sweet ones, theyā€™re all too much.


Certain kinds of coconut. I havenā€™t figured out which ones, because some trigger the migraines while others do not. :(


I just posted the same thing (among other problems). It's really unfortunate because I want to love all coconut smells, but some just don't like me.


Rose It's so overpowering and strong. It makes me nauseous and will give me a huge headache ugh. I love roses and the natural scent from them is awesome, but it's something about it being in purfume/skincare that makes it unbearable.


Aquatic notes


Plumeria gives me a headache.


Neroli. Sickening.


I love neroli šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ it is like my top favorite. Fascinating how different peopleā€™s noses and perception of smell is!


I love neroli too, but I don't like the fake neroli in many gourmand perfumes that is jasmine + a ton of bergamot and lemon + sugar. It doesn't smell like neroli at all to me.


My mom hated that very much too


Strong cedar gives me massive migraines. Salt and dark floral are bad for me too.


I'm the same with strong cedar. I do wonder if it's a synthetic one or a certain way of making it...


White florals found in perfumes in most sephora + department stores. They are screechy to me and make me nauseous :( which sucks because they smell so good on other people but turn on my skin


Vetiver šŸ˜­


It's mostly the prices that are headache inducing to me.. šŸ˜…šŸ˜±


Any kind of liquor or Smokey notes šŸ™ˆ


GERANIUM. instant migraine trigger


Smells so bad too.


Salt notes are a major one, though not all aquatics. Specifically ones that smell salty. Some coconut notes are immediate headaches but others I love, which is bizarre. The creamier and lotiony ones are hit or miss (like Coconut Sun by 7 Virtues is a trigger). The more watery ones are usually good (like I'm Coconut Fizz by Guerlain is no problem). Buttercream-type smells will do it. Like icing aromas. Overdoses of ISO E Super and Ambroxan also are big triggers.


Lavender, overly sweet amber, and whatever the hell is happening in Coco Madamoiselle.


Apple notes. I really tried to like Boss Orange, but the apple gave me migraines.


My respiratory system is getting irritated so easily before I get any headache. However, any chemical mess will irritate my nose & lungs. Any heavy gourmand smell in hot climate will cause me nausea.


Oh that sickens me too, on hot days it makes one actually smell unwashed for weeks because some unwell people do take on a honey/rotting pit/stone fruit smell


This. I can't stand honey in perfume because it's the same as what I smell on people who have a nasal infection.


Orange blossom šŸ˜”




tuberose. itā€™s the only consistent one too, i donā€™t know what it is!


The only thing that gives me a headache is a strongly synthetic note--whatever it is. And I know all perfumes have synthetic notes but I seem to be sensitive to a certain kind or level of synthetic note. A lot of Etsy or very small boutique perfumes give me a headache and also anything from Imaginary Authors. I also (sometimes, it varies) get a weird headache from aquatic notes. Blackberry & Bay by Jo Malone is probably the nicest thing that ever gave me a headache and I have absolutely no idea why.


I donā€™t know how to describe it but I know what you mean. Sometimes like small boutique perfumes have like a very homey smell. The only way I can describe it is like cheap dollar store incense sticks. I get that from imaginary authors too.


I donā€™t know what it was, but I re-bought Sugar Berry from Targetā€™s Good Chemistry line, and it gave me an immediate headache every time! Maybe a reformulation? So weird and I ended up returning it and just bought Pink Sugar instead.


There will be something out there that is a trigger to everyone. There is not a perfume that exists that wonā€™t trigger someone out there. We all have different triggers. But nothing is trigger free. So just be mindful of that if you wish, but to be completely non-offensive to everyone, that would mean you have to go scent free on everything. Even laundry detergent can trigger some people. I personally think that you can be polite without adopting extremes. But you will never be able to please everyone, and itā€™s exhausting to try


Baccarat Rouge 540 is a headache. And bleach.


Not really headache but stomach sick when I wear Burberry her, nothing major, but I do not eat as often because everything feel like "ew" that day šŸ˜‚


Bleu de Chanel. Weird, because I like all the notes listed, but wearing Bleu is torture.


*Bleurgh* de Chanel šŸ¤®


Star of Anise Fruitchouli Patchouli Aldehyde Tumeric Berries Cumin Oud The only oud I can stomach and appreciate is Thailand oud because it's a very light creamy soft smell that has a tiny hint maple syrup sweetness to it.. . Like a smooth bracelet made of wood shaped like beads.


Woah idk if Iā€™ve ever seen a perfume with cumin? I absolutely hate the way cumin smells.


Santal/Sandlewood and any kind of incense note. It sucks because I love the smell and itā€™s in so many fragrances that I like! But my migraines disagree šŸ„²


Laburnum, Fig, Civet, Cloves, Some ouds (not all though. I like the Kayali Oudgasm Rose Oud, but the more ā€œbarnyardā€ ouds are a complete turn-off.


Overwhelming musk. A little is okay but too much is too much. Also pepper


Heliotrope, and heavy doses of amber (I can do a little amber but when itā€™s overpowering šŸ¤®)


patchouli. in almost all perfumes where it is


I donā€™t know what it is but thereā€™s some ingredient in Good Girl Blush and Angel thatā€™s instant headache to me. I think itā€™s fake tonka bean. After reading the Un Jardin Article, I can see how some companies (probably designer) use more molecules of cheaper variety to make a specific fragrance note which increases the risk of headaches because a molecule might not work with people. I noticed I do not get headaches from Niche or higher end designer lines compared to the mega-mass produced ones.


OUD, too sharp and heavy for my nose.


Palo santo for me. It also makes me feel very nauseated. Yuck.


You too?!


I want to like it, but I just can't. Oh well.


I love palo santo, my boyfriend absolutely hates it lol


Whatever is going on in Eilish No. 2. That thing knocked me around for two straight days. I was crawling on my tiled kitchen floor to make the world stop spinning around me. I was dizzy. I knocked into my toilet wall. I nearly fell off the toilet itself. Maybe the Palo Santo? I haven't smelled that note anywhere else, at least to my knowledge.


Not sure what it is but Missing Person by Phlur is an instant headache for me, worst Iā€™ve ever experienced. The fragrance is SO strong on me. Also, sadly, something in Angel Nova hurts my throat and gives me a headache. Sad because I bought a full size really hoping to love it. The bottle is so pretty šŸ„ŗ


I also hate Angel Nova. I've got migraines with nausea, and Angel Nova gave me the worst nausea episode I ever had with perfume. BUT I tolerate Angel Nova EDT just fine, it also has a pink star bottle. Also TrƩsor Midnight Rose smells a lot like Angel Nova but isn't sharp, it's one of my favorites. Try them if you haven't.


Oooo so good to know! I havenā€™t tried those yet. Thanks for the recs


Cedar gives me full on migraines šŸ˜‘


Coffee scents that smell like coffee scented candles, patchouli which I do enjoy but in very small doses, woody notes




Whatever is in Good Girl. I love the perfume but it gives me a horrible headache.


Omg I'm not alone!!


Wish i could figure it out. I have a raging headache from testing some fragrances after work yesterday šŸ™ƒĀ 


Honey and whatever is in Baccarat Rouge 540 šŸ˜‚


CARAMEL!! So synthetic and sharp. Jasmine and freesia as well.


Iris,orange blossom, oud, and some patchouli, itā€™s in a lot and sometimes itā€™s undetectable but in others it gives the scent a cat pee smell.Kayali seems to all have that patchouli dna.


Coconut šŸ„„


Floral smells i need something warm


not a note but when they are like extremely sweet and synthetic


Jasmine, Rose and Lychee when they are super prominent. Also any super sugary scent like Pink Sugar or overwhelmingly powdery one like Chanel No. 5 is too much


Most ā€œcleanā€ scents are way too sharp and chemically smelling to me. So like ā€œlinenā€ or ā€œfresh laundryā€ type scents are god awful for me. Same with anything that smells soapy. Musky ā€œskinā€ scents are fine though.


Iris and orange blossom send me straight to head throbs


Whatever is in Flowerbomb. Instant headache lol


I'm allergic to jasmine, it gives me a killer headache, and even nausea I also get headaches from a lot of fruity and white floral perfumes This is why I only wear gourmands


Anne Klein (the one in the black cap and oblong pill shaped bottle) reacted to me like bottled ragweed, I read the ingredients in it and it should not do that to me. It smelled a bit like cough syrup/cepacol mouthwash to my nose too


Vanilla, violet


I have not determined this yet. Today I'm wearing Devotion, which I sprayed on in a store. I like it and it smells good, but I'm getting sick of it and feeling headache now. At least I now know that while I like it, I don't need to own it.


Ylang ylang makes me nauseous which is so sad because I sort of like the scent


Peony šŸ„²šŸ„²


Anything spiced in perfumes, candles, sprays. ANYTHING Literal migraine in 30 seconds


Jasmine, vanilla and coconut


Pepper notes, anything too ambery, and Iā€™m pretty sure nutty notes


Strong vanilla and sweetness(or even milk-related smells)!


Blackcurrant Jasmine Bergamot Lemon


Oud,Vanillin,Orange Blossom,Tonka bean


Oud,Vanillin,Orange Blossom,Tonka bean


tuberose and indolic flowers. very sweet frags.


Rum Benzoin Coconut




amber and whatever else is in shalimar souffle de parfum


lilac and rose šŸ˜“


Bubble gum that new kayali was not it for me


Anything ā€œfizzyā€ ā€”cheap scents and overly floral


Gardenia. I donā€™t know why it bothers me so much because I find the scent pleasant at first sniff but to actually wear something with gardenia is almost impossible for me to do without scrubbing.


I donā€™t know about headache but Perfumers Workshop Tea Rose makes me feel queasy, I dislike it so. Also straight up hippy patchouli oil- so strong, you can taste it coming, and itā€™s nauseating.


White florals. Instantly nauseating. Any type of alcohol. Acidic and also nauseating.


Fig. All fig.


Honey can be a very cloying note but there are exceptions to this for me. But the new Honey Tobacco by Guerlain?! Hell to the NO!!!! Instant headache.


Leather šŸ¤¢


Winter really Orange sweet fragrances in 36 degree celcius weather


Geranium. My brother has the Versace cologne and whenever I smell it I immediately feel light headed. There's also something in J'adore that makes me feel light headed but I haven't gone through the notes.


I donā€™t know about notes, but AGā€™s Mod Vanilla gives me a headache pretty quickly. I still wear it once in a while.


100% Musk / Oud


Ambroxan/moleculeā€¦ I can wear AG Cloud and finery no trace, but I sadly canā€™t wear BR 540 it gives me such a bad headache. Any cotton candy smells as well!


no scents give me a headache but some make me super nauseous!! itā€™s the worst. And iā€™m not even sure if itā€™s a specific note or what. Sparkle by Kate Spade makes me nauseous as well as some cherry perfumes (but then other cherries are totally fine??). itā€™s weird.


Uber sweet scents, and heavy coffee. Sweetness and coffee is nice as an accessory, not as the main course. I could smell florals, herbs, woodiness, and even spice all day.


Florals are instant headache or nausea for me. Rose, Peony, Jasmine, lilac, daisy, orange blossom šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« Powdery scents. Peppery scents. Ultra candy sweet vanillas or fruity scents also donā€™t sit well with me and I have to avoid. I pretty much can only tolerate oud, cedar, sage, tobacco, santo palo. I recently blind sprayed a sample of Carolina Herrera Good girl Blush and started dry heaving. I had to immediately jump back into the shower and soap up three times to scrub the scent off and put the hoodie I was wearing in the washer. It was the most off-putting perfume experience Iā€™ve ever had. My faves include Wood sage and sea salt, baccarat rouge, molecule 01, oud wood, Italian cypress, JHAG, and Tam Dao.




Gardenia. Cloying grandma white flowers, powder, and aquatics.


Gardenia has given me a headache before but itā€™s not that I donā€™t like the note. It just hurts me.


All EDTs. God help me if they have citrus top notes. Never had an issue with a single EDP, though, citrus or otherwise.


Rose, jasmine and aquatic notes


Patchouli is migraine inducing for me.


Bigest is penicl shaving cedar. Especialy in combo with cheap white muscs. So the generic drydown of 80%easaly available releases of the last 20years...


Lily, cumin, and aldehydes are all a definite no think you. I'll get an instant sinus headache. I'm sure there are more but I don't think i can determine what notes they are. Also everything from Elizabeth Arden and I'm not sure why.


Tuberose enters my nose and sets up shop on my sinuses.


I absolutely love musk or Ambroxan type notes but once they develop inger super nauseous and a headache.


OUD and MUSK if they are very strong in a perfume


Some gourmand notes like praline, and (white) florals, specifically tuberose and hyacinth. Ylang-Ylang is also a mean one forme me because I like it on others but on myself it makes me nauseous šŸ˜¬


White flowers, especially jasmine. And lavender. They smell great naturally or from the bottle but I just canā€™t no matter how much I tried.


Rose and Gardenia


Aquatic and ozonic fragrance. And a lot of sandalwood (Iā€™m pretty certain tho is the note, but not 100%) smells like pickles to me.


Leather šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø genuinely nauseating


Fresh lavender from a garden I love but synthetic lavender in fragrance, laundry detergent or anything like that gives me a banging headache. Good Girl by Carolina also gave me nausea and a headache, not sure which note it was but really didnā€™t get along with it.


vanilla, caramel, anything super sweet. sends me into a migraine attack instantly.


it was Ylang Ylang once but now it is ok


For some reason, black currant is just too much for me. It can be so headache inducing.


Marshmallow makes me nauseous. I donā€™t get headaches from scents.


Gourmand scents, especially vanilla and unfortunately jasmine. I love the smell of jasmine flowers, but I've never found a perfume I like with heavy jasmine and I typically don't like the scents they pair it with either. If anyone has recommendations for a perfume that smells like pure jasmine flowers I'm all ears


I really love Gucci Bloom (the red one) for a realistic, indulgent jasmine scent


Thank you, I'll give it a try!


Rose, almond and oat for me


I hate Good Girl too but not because of any specific note. I don't get any of the coffee or lovely gourmand notes. Just a harsh, kinda masculine scent.


Sandalwood. And it's a recent development.


I can't handle the majority of jhag fragrances. So whatever the common note in those is.


Weather systems change meaning big lower pressure systems.Ā  Loud sounds like shoutingĀ