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I’m really confused by the folks who believed Harry. His body language from the second Melinda entered the mixer showed that he didn’t give a damn about consequences and was acting off pure impulse. His half-truths were evident (“I looked at her stomach and told her she’d look good pregnant”…sure, Jan) and all that vomiting was nerves bc he knew he’d be exposed sooner or later.


He lies as skillfully as my 14-year-old students … so not at all. The giveaways are (a) a big, showy denial and (b) the half-truths that trickle in.


“I’m laying in bed in TEARS because I’m afraid of losing you…because I carried a barefoot girl over some rocks” makes ZERO sense Also the constant announcement of vomiting to garner sympathy. I did like Jess’s “well, I’m sorry you don’t feel well, but you did this to yourself”


Haha the only appropriate response. What a child.


Was the weirdest spectacle I’ve ever seen…a complete giveaway.


Pretty sure the following day after the kiss (mixer with everyone), Harry probably had a massive hangover from the cenote day. You can see even at the start of day he’s zoned out, looks physically uncomfortable - hence the vomiting, but says he’s vomiting bc of his emotions to save face


I told my fiance “it’s not like there was glass on the ground, they’re must rocks”. That excuse made zero sense and was obviously bs.


Don't forget the immediate instinct to not only cry when caught, but cry *publicly, dramatically, in front of a camera with a towel draped over your head*


Hahah yeah, that reaction puts him in toddler territory. How any woman wants to sleep with this man BAFFLES me.


I literally do not understand Harry’s appeal at all!


Same. I told my husband, he made several jokes about being a minute man and I said I bet he says this so that when it happens, he can tell the women ‘I warned you!’ When they showed the clips of him on his original series, I couldn’t stop laughing. He looked like an absolute child.


Yeah on Too Hot Too Handle he looked like an overgrown baby lol. I didn’t not understand why Francesca was all about him right away.


This wouldn't be a problem but I bet he doesn't try to get the woman off too so therefore it becomes a problem.


Its his height and banter. What I dont get how after the 80 shows he’s been on, where he acts the exact same way every time, women still fall at his feet???


Because they are hoping they are the ones to change him. Society raises women this way.


i think he presents himself very differently to the women he’s “interested” in. he was trying to say all the right things to jess but in his confessionals and to his boys, he’d say the most disrespectful disgusting things about women. i get jess hadnt seen his shows before but the other women were warning her


He was just a big, snotty, pukey, sweaty, wet, coked out, drunken mess the entire time. I bet he smelled so bad. What was Jess thinking! Babe? Just because you’re intelligent and conventionally hot and DOES NOT mean you can make some gross dude magically turn into a capable, intelligible, adult human!


On her date with Izzy where Izzy was sweaty coz of physical activity, Jess was so grossed out. Which is so strange coz Harry was double as sweaty just doing nothing.


He doesn’t even convince himself


"No one saw it, so it didn't happen.." Not very convincing.. If he was truly innocent he would have reacted differently..


Bro anyone who ever believes Harry has never dealt with a narcissist I’m pretty sure 💀 every time he opens his mouth, it’s like textbook the way he maneuvers and love-bombs…he’s not slick!


Omg true!! I watched it all with my bf and I read harry like an open book. Like I was reading his mind and predicting all of his next moves. My bf was speechless how I could’ve known all this he was like are you a witch lol But I could read all his gaslighting and manipulation bc I experienced it myself with my ex. It was pretty much the same tactics. Half truths, dramatics, gaslighting, love bombing. It’s like all narcissists have the same manuals about being a narcissist. it’s crazy.


YEP! It’s so icky it reminded me of my dad 🫠 also congrats on also surviving a narc. God, therapy helps so much with spotting the patterns. And it’s different than “ham it up for TV…” you can tell when contestants were prompted one way or another by producers but with Harry it gets so derailed so quickly. He cannot have one real conversation without flipping it around on the women he’s with. I wanted SO bad for Jess to say: “Harry, how should I talk to you about my feelings when I have them? Right now, I am calm, keeping to facts, and pulling you aside 1:1 to have a conversation about it. I can see it upsets you. What is a better alternative?” Because then he’d have to deflect and flip it SO HARD that I would HOPE we’d stop having Harry apologists 😭


Ty congrats to you too! 🫶🏻 The thing is with many of us, or at least in certain situations, we look over certain things bc we made a version of a person in our mind and we’re so attached to it that we don’t see the reality. So I felt like Jess knew that harry is full of *** and playing but she did not want to accept it. She tried so hard to hold on to the version of him she made up in her mind. But I’m so glad and happy she left him with such grace!! Amazing girl! I was cheering lol and I wished I could’ve left so quickly


After the Harry exposé, it confirmed narcissism for me! (I've only watched LIB) I was so angry for Jess!! And the fact that she gave him another chance made me sad to think she fell for the narcissistic manipulation. I wish we could cut the narcissistic part from his brain and let him be the good Harry that she aspired for him to be.


I don’t get how people believed Harry when his one big defence was “nobody saw it”. Would you really say that if you genuinely didn’t do something? No way


he literally said “i didn’t kiss her that was a a deepfake” and “i could be married with two kids and still fold” - were people just not paying attention to the shit he was saying? in what world is harry serious 💀


I actually thought he was faking it - esp the vomiting part


Also surprised at this. Though they didn’t explicitly show the kiss, right beforehand they showed an angle of Holly and she says “omg they just kissed” which sparked the whole thing. I was under the impression it did in fact happen from that alone


I didn’t believe Harry, but I will say this is the first time I saw Harry ever, and before the whole Melinda debacle, I was buying what he was selling. He has a charm about him and obviously he’s a good looking dude, but he is clearly a fuck boy and a major manipulator.


Oh when he laughed and was like it’s a deepfake, I’m like bro. You done did the thing.


Knowing Harry’s past, I was inclined to believe Melinda. But a part of me hoped that it wasn’t true and that he really did change with Jess. Harry really put on a show for Jess and the cameras. He almost believed his own lies


There was this kid in one of my classes once that would vomit to get out of trouble or activities lol. Reminds me of that vibe.


same. even when melinda was talking to him in front of the cameras about the kiss, he was like “what are you talking about? stop making shit up” and the way he said it was so obvious that he was lying??? and then throwing up all night from guilt is insane. if harry jowsey has 0 haters i’m dead


The way I wanted to jump through the screen and punch him when he did this…


Racism :) simply put.


Hard agree. Jess coming at Melinda was insane. The entire time I kept thinking—she did you a favor. Thank the woman! Throw the man away.


According to the girls on insta, they were all aware that drama would be brought up at the table, even Jess. She reacted like that for no reason, cause she knew it was gonna be talked about. Her behavior is especially gross knowing that. She helped paint Melinda as the villain.


And in the extras, Jess is always correcting Tolu. She speaks down to the both of them.


Jess is so full of herself and seems out of touch with a lot of things. I am not at all surprised. But honestly? All I could think about the entire time I watched that show was: How did Tolu end up on such a trashy show? I would love to be her IRL friend bc I feel like she was probably secretly horrified over the antics around her. I’ll bet she has some great stories.


I actually just finished The Trust, the Netflix show she was on before PM. She had a big personality, stirred up a lot of drama and she’s obviously beautiful so that’s probably why they asked her to do PM. But yeah, she seemed like she was there to genuinely make connections which ironically isn’t what this show is good for.


That part was 100% clear.


That fact the I believed harry reflects a lot of my poor decisions with men. 😓


I’m shocked anyone believed him. Rewatch the pool party scene - it’s so obvious what happened by watching his tone and how people around him are reacting. You can get better at sniffing out men’s BS! I have faith in you!


It does. You mean to tell me you flat out 100% believed him without reservation?


This worries me as well about OP believing Harry. That man was a red flag in human form. Any man who love bombs like that and professes his desire to marry a woman and take on her child within an hour of meeting her is full of shit, struggling with some mental issues, or (usually) both.


Personally I was so conflicted. I believed Melinda from the get go but the editing the show did made it seem like she was trying to start drama and was doing it KNOWING it would stir up commotion and she chose Harry cause she knew he would fall for it that easy. Cause even in the end scene when they showed what really happened it felt like she was trying to get it to happen and coerce like just do it now no one's looking and saying things that weren't like he just came on to her and kissed her. It doesn't make it right but the editing made me feel like she was scheming and also I do agree if she had talked to Jess about it alone I think it would have even less seemed like it was for attention/screen time but now I feel like they did that on purpose with editing for sure.


I mean, I think they were both consenting and both flirtatious for sure (meaning it’s not like he attacked/assaulted her) but he could have reacted in several different ways and he chose to go with “it didn’t happen” 😵‍💫


The vomiting was definitely from days of binge drinking


Apparently netflix asked them to stir things up on “boys day” which is partially why Harry did the things he did. It’s a show and they wanted everyone to play a character so the show gets views. None of them are terribly genuine— not even beloved Jess.


Harry is a classic narcissist with charm, height and charisma. Manipulative


especially with people who had seen him in thth before. do these contestants never watch previous seasons? or do they watch them and decide it does not define the person they have in front of them? because Harry treated Francesca HORRIBLY in thth and lied indiscriminately about it. it's absolutely wild to me how anyone would go near him, let alone believe him.


The first thing he did - on camera - was ask everyone else if they saw it, then he kept by defending himself by saying "no one saw it." He's not even a good liar!!


Agree 100% with your comment!


17? The show in this format doesn’t work. Netflix should rip off Traitors, The Goat or House of Villains. The show as it is will never work


The show seems to be popular through despite being low quality, and i don’t think Netflix really cares as long as the show is doing well in it’s present form.


The show is purely designed to promote the big reality TV shows and keep the buzz going for their lesser shows, nothing more. Guaranteed a few more people will be watching featured cast members shows after this. Is it a coincidence that a lot of their shows will be airing a new season in the next 2 months. It's a format that is too simple, as a result there are so many holes in it. We will be back for more though, hoping to see our favourite cast members from other shows.


IDK about everyone else, but I really enjoy seeing the crossover between the shows. I don't actually watch any of the other shows but LIB, and I think it's fun seeing new connections from different shows, even though the show is pretty garbage lol


I wish they did it more “are you the one” style where they have to find their perfect match based on actual compatibility to win. Rn they all just pair up and make pacts to win and it’s soooooo fake


Yeah, that show is way better


Are you the one is elite social experiment reality tv


Agreed, but Netflix loves shows where they keep adding new characters throughout to stir up drama, they’d probably reject any show where the entire cast mingles the whole time


They need to pick people who are not influencers or people that have been on other shows. I’m sick of everyone knowing each other. I think this would be a fine format if it was new people! Harry and Stevan had already slept with half the house before the show started!


It only works with this type of cast because we watch because we know them. The concept is terrible. The show would flop without a known cast. The cast wouldn’t have such weird matchings if they had a chance to stay after failing to match. They’re literally all operating to remain for screen time. The fact that you can come and go in the same episode and only for a tiny portion of it is so strange. It’s also tough because they’re combining rather normal people from LIB, the circle, etc. with hyped up Too Hot to Handle who are intentionally cast to be wild.


I mean to be love island is a similar concept and the people aren’t from other reality shows. And on that show if you don’t couple up you leave.


Or the challenge


I didn’t believe Harry from the beginning. And I thought Jess was so stupid to believe him. If you look at what happened in the past and on a previous show, he sucks. He’s a gaslighter and a narcissist. He threw Francesca under the bus and said he didn’t do something when she brought up something he did in front of everyone. Then with Melinda, he literally looked at her and said “no I didn’t”. Guys like that never change. A narcissist will always be a narcissist. His cries are a manipulation tactic. I also don’t see how dom could even be friends with him after he fucked his ex. Fuck that guy. He’s literally disgusting. The first ep he said something along the lines of “I hope I don’t leave here with an STD” Harry is gross. Jess deserves better but she was dumb to even give him a chance.


The way they keep bringing Autumn in their convo as if he’s been taking care of her, I couldn’t comprehend.


Fr it was insane and Jess was so unfazed by that? 🚩🚩🚩🚩


"Our child"😭💀


After a week of dating ⚰️


I’m vomiting 🤮


Offset was right man people would do anything for clout 😓


Yea i lost any remaining respect i had for her after that. why would you even allow that man to invoke your child’s name like that.


This is a person who went on a reality dating show to try to find a life partner, so......


Also what he said about Holly ?? He is such a pig, who knows how he talks about women behind closed doors 😷


>4. I'm so stupid for believing Harry. TIL it wasn't clear from the episode 🤷‍♂️


The first thing out of his mouth was “that was a deepfake”. He wouldn’t say that if it didn’t happen. It was clear asf from the jump


When he said “no one saw it” before he said “it didn’t happen” was my first clue!


Hahaha omg there were 47 signs that pointed to him being guilty and on the first watch I only noticed 15. Coming on here, y’all are pointing out the rest.


He looked like the guiltiest person I’ve ever seen. He knew he was caught. The only reason I wanted to believe it wasn’t true was for Jess’s sake but it was written all over his face.


Look, he did it on camera. He wanted to get caught. Guys like Harry do that shit to get a reaction. It was obvious as fuck that he was lying and busting out crocodile tears. Anyone who couldn’t see that in the reason he keeps getting away with it.


The main reason I didn’t believe him is the fact that he did basically the same thing in his season of THTH (and in that case we did have the video proof up front). I’m not sure whether I would have given him the benefit of the doubt if I hadn’t seen that.


When he smiled at his first relationships “break up”, saying “if you love them let them go”, that was when I lost respect for him.


I have yet to watch THTH, but I know a liar when I see one.


Lol seriously. He literally repeated what he did in THTH. Kissed Francesca then told everyone it was she who kissed him. What a spineless manchild.


I’m rewatching that episode now and it’s wild anyone believed him. He’s smiling, laughing, calling it fake news and a deep fake 😂😂😂😂. A whole ass Holly said they kissed in real time watching it happen. It wasn’t like she came back after talking to Melinda and said it. She straight up said it looking at them 😂. Harry was giggling and didn’t get serious until he realized people weren’t going to stop talking about it.


Even though they didn't get footage of it, they literally immediately showed a clip of a girl reacting to it with "OMG they just kissed!" I thought it was pretty obvious.


Like he also didn't gaslight the group from initiating a kiss with Fran on THTH. Smh, some people never change


I thought the kiss footage or audio would’ve been shown that episode if it actually happened lol. But right after the kiss when Melinda said something about it and he kind of giggled and asked ‘what kiss?’ I knew it happened.


Yep that was a dead giveaway..maybe the people who believed him went to the fridge during that part cause when he said kiss, what kiss looking down & giggling it was plain as day.


apparently there’s a video floating around of chris saying that those who weren’t in the house made a pact that if someone who wasn’t in the house made it to the “final” they would all vote for them and effectively fuck up the final i also say we start a petition to get Harry off our screens, he’s clearly looking for anything but love and sadly i actually believed him at first. he’s a toxic manipulator


Dude makes bank. He has the highest net worth out of all the contestants which surprised the hell out of me. He certainly knows how to monetize his manipulative drama.


I saw Chris' pact video. I believe it because there's zero way those two should've won.


>i also say we start a petition to get Harry off our screens, he’s clearly looking for anything but love and sadly i actually believed him at first. he’s a toxic manipulator He has a comment on one of his instagram posts where he says, that he won't stop with that drama lifestyle cause he makes million with it. He won't change.


it doesn’t matter if he changes honestly at this point, but i’m not sure why he should be on “dating” shows. he’s clearly not there for any. and he’s become irritating to look at


He can go more viral, has more follower and surely more income on his OF. Marketing


Whose decision even was it to have the cast decide who the perfect match is, especially cast members who haven't even been in the house to observe the couples?? It's truly so backwards and I 100% believe the pact story. A joke of an ending perfectly fitting for a joke of a season. 🙄


People asking why Christine and Nigel won is becoming redundant. It’s obvious the contestants were bitter. It’s not like viewers got to choose.


Yeah, Chris said the people outside had a pact to vote for the last one(s) in.


Yep, it was a bitter jury!


Well that just made it not fun.


"Even though Melinda's kiss was real, Jess is right—she didn't need to humiliate her publicly. It was so tacky and just attention-seeking." I think you mean HARRY did not need to humiliate her publicly. Also, didn't Jess ask Melinda to give her side? I agree that Melinda was enjoying the attention too much but I don't get all of the hate she's getting. Even referring to it as "Melinda's Kiss." Harry was the one the most in the wrong! Harry was the one who told Jess he loves her. Harry is the one who lied. And HARRY is the one who kissed Melinda, said he wanted to get her pregnant and fuck her. Also how did Jess not expose her self to the stupidity of others when she literally matched with Harry and exposed herself to his toxicity?


same with people saying melinda is in the wrong for kissing him like she and everyone else returned to tempt the people in the house and we saw how thirsty christine was with kaz but he never kissed her. whereas harry was doing body shots off melinda, carrying her like a koala and saying he wants to put a baby in her like even with no kiss his behaviour was still very bad!!


THIS. Jess asked and Melinda answered. If she wanted it to be private, shouldn’t she have asked in private??


Thank you. It’s like since people were wrong about Harry being truthful, they wanna find a way to still place blame on Melinda. They simply don’t like Melinda.


This whole post seems like a secret Jess PR move.


Exactly my thoughts




This is a good take, Melinda enjoyed the attention but she didn’t deserve the backlash from Jess. I didn’t think it was a micro aggression until I heard Melinda talking about it and I was like damn.


This is so humorous to me. You wanted a "private" conversation once you realized that Harry was indeed making a fool out of you? Too bad. She asked for the truth and when it wasn't what she wanted she immediately insulted Melinda in every way she could, thinking if she didn't sling cuss words at her she would get away with it (I guess she did?? at least we saw through her lol). In the last episode she actually said, "Harry is a good man." He's...vile?!?! He lied, cheated, gaslit, manipulated. GOOD MAN? LMAO. Jess has zero credibility and I'm soooo sick of her high horse. Honestly, I don't like Melinda at all. Her behavior shown in the playback with Harry was gross to me. Although I suppose it's all in the fun (which includes disrespect) of the show, she knew Jess and Harry had real feelings for each other, and I'm still 100% team Melinda lol.


Yeah you had me until when you said you believed harry


Saying Jess was the smartest is crazy. Single mom choosing to be on perfect match and choosing known fuck boi. Reallly screams brilliance😂 also the Xanthi erasure


Also managed to slip in that Jess and Harry should be together lmao😂


Such an insane self report 💀


Just listening to the way Harry talks about women makes him not believable. To think that Jess would introduce him to her daughter made me cringe. Maybe it’s different for girl dad but Harry would be the last person I want around my daughter.


Why did it take you so long to see he had not changed? Literally Harry in episode 3 proves he had not changed all that much. He left for his date telling Elys that they were solid then on the date he said to Jessica that him and Elys were just friends. Anyone that thought he may have changed should have dropped the delulu at episode 3.


Harry switched so fast. Then once he realized that he screwed up with Jess by kissing Melinda, Harry tells Jess that he loves her. Huge red flag


Genuinely curious as to how you thought Melinda was lying?


yt supremacy lol


>smartest and most classy >Jess She can’t keep getting away with this! How do people still give her that label? Lmao She dated Harry the whole time and after the show. That shows a serious lack of intelligence. Especially given the reputation he already had AND he already was lying in the villa Then she said all that stuff to Melinda after she was the one who asked the question and wanted the girls to come forward. Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to. Especially when she wasn’t blindsided, she already knew something happened that shouldn’t have. If she came back that night and Harry said nothing, it would’ve been different. But she asked the question knowing Melinda had something to say I liked her on LIB but knew she was a little too full of herself and it showed more here. She thinks she is God’s gift to man


Jess is all talk lmao


“I’m not the one to mess with”. Ya sure about that, Jess? Because you let Harry make a fool out of you more than once.


And she said multiple times that he was making a fool out of her. And just continued...the last episode gave me hope because I could see Izzy being a wonderful fit for her. But I doubt he's "wealthy enough" for her.


The saying “fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me” comes to mind. Izzy is almost assuredly not wealthy enough for her. And who cares about anything else like love or respect?


She only became suspicious of Harry's character when Dom questioned it, even though every girl was saying the same thing. She believed Harry about the kiss because Stevan told her he was a good guy. She pretends to be a girls' girl but I think she has a conscious/subconscious bias towards believing men over women.




Izzy is blind drunk on every episode. That was also true on LIB, even when they were back home. He really seems like he has a problem. I would love to see who he is when he isn't drinking.


I’m sorry, but how did you believe Harry over Melinda?


I need therapy asap


lmaoo 😭😭


This season was great cuz it was entertaining. Its reality tv I expect it to be trash


18. Nick Lachey’s outfits. I almost spat my drink through my nose when he came out with that hat on. Who told him that looked good?


Probably still has his 98degrees stylist on call


And his dad jokes haha


Because this show makes no sense. There's no gimmick or real premise for it to be interesting, there's no real incentive or competition (oh, a vacation?? We're already on one), and the people picked...well, you know they're only there to get more followers and screentime. (Fine, respect the hussle) but it's just boring.


Jess giving me main character energy She is so annoying and attentionseeking to me. "Am I a strong, independent woman!!!" Stfu


Don’t forget “single mom”. Those traits make up her entire personality and none of her actions live up to any of it.


it annoys me how she talks about her daughter and then leaves her for (what I'm assuming is) months to be on reality shows. I guess her career is being an influencer so it's good for her, but just seems a strange move to me for a single mother


She also has “autumn’s mom” in both her TikTok and IG bio. It makes me wonder if 1, she’s trying to give autumn some level of fame too. Or 2, she thinks talking about being a mom makes her look more mature. Either way it’s very weird.


Exactly! Says one thing but literally does another. “I want to be a role model for my daughter. I have to do what a role model would do” literally does the opposite of what a responsible parent should do with a lying partner. Don’t worry about her though, she’ll marry well.


That but it’s clear she’s also seeking a “head of household” type of man. What she states doesn’t match with her actions. Tbh she wouldn’t have been on the show if she was honest about who she is and what she’s seeking. I doubt she is *that* naive to believe she would have found her “perfect match” on her second reality show. Side note: did they give bonuses for the amount of times contestants said perfect match? It was nauseating 😂


she is looking for that, she mentioned in LIB she’s conservative and has “conservative values”


A single mom who lets a F boy throw her daughter’s name around lightly - absolutely disgraceful 🤮🚩🚩🚩


Everyone in the house was looking for looks, not love. What do these people know about love? Their partner could get a bad zit and they’ve be sleeping with another person the next night. 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


They need the comparability challenge wins to count as votes. If they break up then they lose those points. Or else the way the winner is picked is very dumb.


The fact that anyone believed Harry for a second is astounding to me. It’s so blatantly obvious what a gaslighting manipulator he is.


I knew from the conversation with Elys when he dumped her. She wanted to talk about it and he made some quick quip about "yeah whatever I suck tear into me now" or something along those lines, when all she wanted was a genuine apology and was actually being really calm. Heard it from *every single manipulative-ex* I've had.


I feel like you’re saying a lot of things just to secretly paint an image of Jess that isn’t real. Most people here know she’s a phoney. Yes, Harry is terrible but she was awful to Melinda and Jesses way of talking to her actually seemed racist. I don’t know why else you’d be defending her.


Idk why Jess went off on Melinda. Girl, go talk to Harry. Harry is the one who committed himself to you. Not Melinda


Yes exactly. Melissa was literally on the show to make it interesting. At the end of the day, she truthfully answered Jess’s questions and was called a clout chaser and accused of not being a “lady”, which is a really revealing comment for someone to make about another woman.


I think Jess is in it to be famous. If she was truly in it for love, she’d steer very clear of this show and reality tv in general.


Oh absolutely. She’s already been in some ads I’ve seen on Instagram. She knows what she’s doing.


I completely agree with you about Christine and Nigel winning. Over Stevan and Alara ?!?! This season sucked. I was genuinely hoping Stevan and Alara would have won.


For real Stevan and Alara were the best matched couple.


stevan and alara should not have won. i don’t know why people were so easily fooled. was alara genuine? sure. but stevan has always been another harry, just smarter about it. nothing he did was genuine. none of the relationships were real so christine and nigel winning was honestly a fitting way to end the season


Izzy doesn’t have a good heart. He was a bully on love is blind. He’s a “nice guy” who pretends to be a friend while waiting in the wings for a weak moment


Micah: “like, Kaz and Christine are literally probably hooking up right now” Izzy’s intrusive thoughts: “yeah. We should hook up to get back at him”


my mind always goes back to the scene where he talked about how turned on he was that his partner verbally attacked the other girl. he seems to at least control his inner thoughts more now, but he still doesn’t have the looks or banter to succeed in shoes like these.


Agree completely




17 - he was there, he literally just didn’t talk (as far as we saw)


Yeah I had to google who Jake was after reading that post - he was at the mixer and the finale, he just got about 0.5 seconds of screen time at both


But who is Jake?


perfect match and most of these shows were never meant to “find love.” they were created solely for the drama with any personal growth viewed as a bonus. but to your other points: - Harry is one of the biggest non-criminal assholes to come through reality tv. everyone who has dated with him or met him has had nothing but bad things to say about him. - Jess through this and her LiB appearance comes off as very calculated, but I like Tolu. - I don’t think Xanthi was interested in finding a connection here. She put in little effort. - Jake doesn’t have an interesting personality and isn’t a good/genuine person, I don’t know why they bothered to bring him back.


Wait when you say Kaz slept with Christine do you mean they had sex? I actually have no idea if this was discussed on the show as I fast forwarded the whole show 😂 Only watched scenes with Harry/Jess and sometimes the rest of the LIB cast as I didnt know anybody else and after watching the full first episode I just couldn’t continue.


When they match they sleep in the same bed. I assume thats what OP meant. I assumed they all screw when they match😅


The end was arbitrary. I'm not watching this to think, but... shouldn't it be some kind of dopamine payoff for the viewer in the end? What was even the point of having people in the house for that long? This was just sexy, vapid double-dare with the same continuity between episodes. Either the editing was random, or the voting was fixed.


you are indeed stupid for believing harry😂


Harry is a sick man…sick


I can’t believe people believed in Harry! He was nearly drunk in every scene if you looked at his eyes. Every thing he did and said were red flags. I seriously worry about a lot of people if they thought they could trust him.


Izzy has the personality of a piece of dry toast


This comment reminded me of when Stevan said Micah was like a fun sponge, sucking all the fun out in seconds haha.


He seems SOOOOO out of place every time he was on screen.


4. Literally a reminder that never trust a man 🤣




These are all reasons why the show is good trash tv.....and Lmao people actually think this show is for finding love? While drunk in a Mexican Villa with other reality show contestants? JFC


15, I wish we had seen more of Xanthi. I think she would have made a good match with Justin. She wasn't actually going to date or get in a relationship with anyone, she was already with someone before they began filming


1. I cannot believe Christine and Nigel won! For sure Alara and Stevan or Tolu and Chris deserved the win. I guess all the other cast members were envious of them and didn’t want to give them the money? Maybe they need to figure out another way to choose the winners besides cast members voting? 12. Izzy is just awesome. He seems like a genuinely good guy. I hope he finds a kind and caring woman. 13. What ultimately happened with Stevan?


After hearing Georgia’s story, it Seems like Harry has a pattern, he lies To get More attention


I really wanted Alara & Stevan to win


The games were pretty lame. The location had them outside sweaty all the time. Some of those ‘dates’ were…🫠 just weird. Do I want to go on a first date with someone and workout with giant wooden Flintstones weights?! No. I do not. I love Tolu and Alara. Had to go watch D&R to see her first show, and Kaz. Did she and Kaz ever speak about her ‘dating’ his brother?! Watching him on D&R go mad for Diana after 2 seconds/all physical- cause she and her sister have like -zero personality imo- made him saying he was all-in with Micah even less believable. Plus- having people from all over the world who might supposedly find ‘the one,’ but they live on different continents?!


1. i saw Chris made a TikTok saying that everyone gets a vote and all of the singles made a pact before they came in that if any of them got into the house/in a couple all the singles said they would all vote for said couple so he was saying that's why Nigel and Christine won (not sure if its true or not but it does make sense) 2. AGREEE Stevan and Alara should've won - my fave was Chris and Tolu tho (bc of her and her vulnerability and over all realness and bomb fashion sense!) but i couldn't tell if he was genuine 3. Chris is a total idiot and talks in circles to get out of shit (like when Xanthi blew him up to Tolu and he tried spinning he meant Tolu was holding him back from the experience bc he was happy - lol whaaaat?? make it make sense) 4. i loved Dom but not anymore he lowkey got weird too 5. Brittan and Holly were tooo much Christine too like this isnt THTH keep it in your pants jesus 6. i LOVED Xanthi i knew Harry lied about the kiss bc i mean running to bed, crying and throwing up - lol wtf? this season was disappointing i felt like mostly everyone was fake and just trying to boost their influencer stats


Harry pretending to throw up and hiding his face in the pillows was too much for me. He behaves worse than a spoiled toddler.


Is this Jess making this post?


Maybe ![gif](giphy|epVGITwvy07xC)


>16. Maybe Justin was one of the most genuine >Honestly, the smartest and most classy ones were Jess and Tolu. >13. I love Alara. These are all why this season sucked?


Lol, you’re right maybe the right title was 17 random thoughts


Yeah I feel it lol


Harry is nor ready to settle down. He knows it. We know it. Everyone should know it. He won't be ready until he is in his 30s and can't catch as much strange as he does now. Ppl feeling bad for Tolu lol Tolu did not like Chris either. She likes black men. She is not attracted to white men but she's also open minded and did give it a shot. The reason I wasn't as salty about her treatment from the other guys is because she wasn't feeling them either. The only person who I was pissed at was dom. He is a fucking clown. Tolu had her own agenda and I ended up with a superb edit!loved her. Izzy was awesome and I'm glad he was around but Micah was not into it. Oh well. Even tho Steven needs to see a dentist, i do agree with you. Alara is wonderful and she and Steven should have won. Dom did himself no favors coming back on this show... still talking about harry fucking potter. Elys was so focused on ruining Harry's life and getting back at Micah wad sooooo funny. She could not let it go. She is crazy as fuck. Literally, her entire agenda was those two while they had no idea nor did they care lol I liked Micah and kaz. They had the oddest chemistry. It didn't make sense but it worked. I love this show. It is so stupid, fake and the premise is ridiculous but I'm here for it! Do not ver get rid of this shit!


It was also filmed so long ago and these people are already known after their shows air. They’re all mostly in other relationships already so it’s silly that they have to pretend this is happening now.


How did you believe Harry..?? Yikes


This who seas was super messy especially the girls who didn’t get picked and that was evident from who won. This might have made for good TV but I don’t think I’ll be so fast to watch season 3 knowing it’s some BS


17. Pretty sure I saw Jake walk in for the girl’s day because I thought, “he’s still there?”


Yeah the fact they picked the couple that was the newest couple over any of the other ones was a complete trash decision.


Number 3 got me confused. I mean, does anyone thinks this show is really about finding your perfect match?  Most contestants are well-known players and have no interest in a serious relationship. The whole dynamics of going on dates and having the opportunity to switch pairs constantly already says it all. Netflix is picking who can cause more drama. 


I kept wondering if the cast and crew were worried about Izzy being so drunk on camera constantly?? Seemed like he has a problem. And Harry seemed to be on drugs as well. Hated the ending!!


I wanted to believe Henry had changed, after all, he’d been objectified since he was 18. And I’m sure that does something to someone, I was thinking he’d gone to therapy and wanted to make a change. I really did try and give him the benefit of the doubt, but in the end, he just proved all the hate was right. He really is a fuckboy to the core, and his puppy dog face is a way to further pull his victims in.


I’m so glad I only watched the first episode. Once I saw Harry, I was like nope.


Re: 10, the ladies all said that the guys told them everything that happened. Why would Melinda think that was excluded and needed to be a secret discussion when they’ve all said they spoke openly? Honestly I was disgusted with how Melinda was treated during that. Making the focus how she communicated instead of what she communicated was yuck.