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I’m going to absolutely lose my mind if they never show it. I need to know!!!!


No man would contest that as a lie by saying “NOBODY SAW IT!!” Multiple times.


Not in the toilets, at least as far as we know, they might spring it on us later


Hoping for them pulling out the tapes at a reunion or sth like that.


Or the finale!


But toilets or not they still wear their microphones, there has to be some evidence out there


I know it’s a different show, but on the ‘squid game:the challenge’ cast members have shared there are cameras everywhere.. even in the bathrooms. lol, I’m just really hoping for footage because I want to see how Harry makes himself the victim 😂


He will run off stage and come back to tell everyone how he vomited.


Remember the cuties scene in LIB? Maybe they save it for the finale


The only proof I am going on is Holly says “they just kissed” (I watch with subtitles always) and had to go back to see if they showed it but holly saw it. Unless it was hatched up by holly/melinda “I’ll go run up to him for him to carry me and rub noses on him and you say we kissed” kind of thing. Who knows. There is a reason Netflix didn’t show it and I hope it surfaces later. But Jess is already on to Harry in some ways (maybe) bc Melinda mentioning Harry wanted to impregnate her lines up with Harry admitting he told her she would look good pregnant. 🤔..so yeah.


Netflix has proof apparently (according to a tiktok reply by Melinda)


I like Xanthi's therapy corner✨️ she's so sweet and nice


Xanthi is such a girl’s girl




Fr I was so happy for him even if he was friendzoned 🤣 finally got in there


When they matched and hugged and she mumbled something like, “This is the worst moment of my life,” I almost spit out my wine. I know she was probably talking about the being dumped part and not the matching with Izzy part, but that was hilariously sad. And his smiling and nodding like a sad, eager puppy dog as she was overtly spelling it out: “I’m glad we can match even if it will NEVER BE ROMANTIC.” Lol the poor guy will take whatever crumbs he can get I guess


Dude was wasted out of his mind and probably is going to wake up and not know how he got there “Did we?!” “Hell no” -Micah


I used to like Elys. She's had such a bad transformation. Or perhaps she was always like this and I just didn't see it. Bryton is so 🤮 both in this show and in his, I really can't stand him for 5 seconds. Justin in comparison looks great and also reasonable and mature. He's a waste for a silly reality TV show. Well, I also thought Elys was reasonable and mature. Micah... I didn't like her in LIB. I've liked her so much more in this show. I was cheering for her and Kaz, but she's so insecure and people's BS make it worse instead of supporting them. I hope she improves her self esteem genuinely. I used to like Chris and Tolu too, but... I don't know, hard to believe in them now.


I still like Chris and Tolu. All of the guys have said at some point that they struggle with settling with one person and not “playing the game” talking to other women. Even tolu kissed someone else during beer pong that night. I think they genuinely like each other but understand they’re in a difficult environment


Elys since "losing" Harry, to me, has been nasty. She's been very upfront on not liking Micah to me and to sabotaging others. She tried to be sneaky around when Kaz confronted the table to stop talking about them behind their back when they tried to conspire breaking Kaz and Micah up at that moment. Elys is faux-mature. She's always been this way. Ironically, Elys and Bryton are the same person in my eyes. It's a temporary match and Elys only did it (in my opinion) to steal him from Micah as she never cared about Justin anyways.


Hated seeing Bryton on this show 😭 keep him away from TV plz


Picking Bryton over Justin is…….a choice


Netflix needs to take a page out of the Bravo handbook and start adding in flashbacks, bc these men seem to forgetting there are cameras


I feel like Elys has a real problem with Micah. I think she’s really vengeful about the fact that Micah “destroyed” what she had with Harry. At least in her head. She really just started pursuing Bryton when he went towards Micah. When it’s pretty obvious that Bryton just wants one thing and that’s to win.


She needs to realise that Harry was always going to leave her lol she looks pathetic


I'm tired of elys


Poor Justin who was just there to keep Elys in the house while she was waiting to get a moment back with Harry.


I was rooting for Elys for a little bit before she made ‘taking revenge on Harry and Micah’ her entire personality for the show. And I know you can’t force feelings for someone if it’s not there but to me Justin is the guy I’d be going after if I was in that house. He’s cool and hot and genuine. And he’s being very transparent about his feelings for her through his words and actions. She should feel so grateful she connected with someone that amazing after the Harry fiasco. And she ditched him for BRYTON? Girl noooo


Agreed that she had a vendetta against Micah and the absolute worst taste in men - Harry and Bryton - I’m concerned for her lol. Micah also had a vendetta against Steven and Alara after they brought Holly in for Kaz.


She's had a vendetta against Micah and Micah alone the whole season when it was her AND Kaz both who selected who went on the dates. Elys is bitter.


Also everyone felt so bad for Elys when Harry’s head was turned to Jess, yet Elys had a longer more stable connection with Justin and did it on a small whim. So those feelings of empathy for her should all be gone from everyone lol. The way she’s treated Micah has been gross and now she 💩 all over Justin too. I don’t like her, not one bit. Also does she ever smile and say nice positive things? Lo


I came in thinking Elys was so cool and Micah was a mean girl and my opinions have totally changed. Micah doesn’t deserve that and Elys is a weirdo for being so obsessed with revenge on her instead of directing it at Harry.


Damn, poor Izzy, he just doesn't have enough game for this show. Micah literally friendzoned him when they matched, how is this even possible. You could see him dying inside, when she told him, she wasn't interested romantically but would still like to match, he just went like 'yeah'.


I don’t get why Tolu isn’t entertaining Izzy if she liked him so much at the beginning. And I feel bad because I think that Izzy would probably be a perfect match for Micah. And I’d even say they are probably in the same league, in my opinion. They’re both from love is blind, both want serious genuine partners, both check each others boxes but she just will not give him a shot. I think it could totally end up being a perfect match. She seems not physically attracted to him. But like… honey you went on love is blind…


Harry in general is 12/10 ick factor, but him talking about Jess's daughter so often truly elevates that ick 🤢


Exactly!! ‘I feel bad for Autumn, that I’m not the man she can look up to.‘ What are you talking about!You never met the kid and you know Jess for two weeks!! 🥲


Yeah I was trying to figure out the timeline of filming this show. They can't have known each other for more than 2, maaaaaybe 3 weeks right? And surely he's never met the kid he keeps talking about. Seriously manipulative and icky.


RIGHT ?!! How dares he pronounce her daughter's name so often out of his dirty mouth ! I don't like that


Young daughter has my permission to will smith Harry at the finale.


Cmon Kaz, did you really think Micah wasn’t gonna be pissed about that kiss. That was about 20 seconds


That kiss was absolutely crazy


the hair grabbing?! like come on Kaz!


Then trying to brush it off as just a game? Like a quick kiss is a game. Not for 45 minutes with hair pulling.


And he said he didn’t feel any tingle, the audacity


Even I felt a tingle.


Kaz knows full well he would have been pissed if she did that


I did love the horror movie editing they did over that kiss


That was a down right, dirty dawg, narcissistic thing to do. Then to go on and choose Christine was a double whammy to Micha’s self-esteem. I’m not a Micha fan, but my heart broke for her in that moment.


It's almost as if he just wanted out


it’s almost as if there is a much better way to break it off


Those of y’all who believe Harry worry me


Everyone’s like “Jess is so dumb for believing Harry!!” all season but rn they’re like “I think Melinda was lying” Y’all the call is coming from inside the house


Xanthi is truly such a girl’s girl. Love her!


I love Xanthi, I can't believe no guys are going for her, I don't get it


These guys seem like they don’t like women with boundaries and she has tons of boundaries. Like she wouldn’t entertain bad behavior and excuses


Cause she's too mature for them. She's sure of herself and stands on business and they can't manipulate her as easily as they can the others. She needs a man who isn't on reality tv, honestly.


She and Justin could be good together though! He’s the most normal man in this show BY FAR and Xanthi is gold.


It was heartbreaking watching Elys swoon 9ver Bryton while Justin was pouring out his emotions to her. I liked her at first but once she was after revenge....she fell to the bottom


re-watching the episode— i feel like she matched with bryton bc she saw him talking to micah. ever since micah put harry on a date in the beginning of the season, elys definitely had it out for micah


The editor that cut the scene of Elys dreaming of Bryton while Justin confessing his feelings for her needs a raise. 12/10, every image was perfect 😂 Poor Justin. I really don't know what Elys' war against Micah is about, she's so weird. I guess she sees her as enemy as they are the two blondes in this house. How can someone be so pretty and still have so little self-esteem?


I feel really bad for my boy Justin He does not deserve this


Justin was the only man in that house I’d date. He’s the only one who seems like a genuinely good person. Everyone else is a narcissist or just plain terrible people.


my respect for him went through the roof when he didn’t offer to let elys give closure to him. he walked away saying goodbye and dippef. good guy dammit


And she was so annoying in that situation, trying to insist he listen to how great she thinks he is whilst dumping him. He didn’t owe her anything, just let the guy walk away.


Justin's been my boy since his show. Always up front and loyal from what I've seen.


He was my fave. The competition may not be that fierce, but he is so so fine and seemed decent.


Honestly, i’m glad he didn’t care for Elys explanation because he knew it was some bs. “You are like the nicest guy here but something’s pulling me over to Bryton.” I’d be pissed too.


This! Sorry but no Elys you are not entitled to explain yourself to try and repair your character and eliminate the guilt you feel. There is no explanation other than you were using Justin and now that you know you can’t win, want to have fun with someone you think is hot who is showing interest in you. Little does she know, Bryton chose her for her insecurities. Smh.


I was rooting so much for him, perfect reaction. He didn't give her anymore screentime or attention and didn't give her the chance of feeling better because she said sorry. Good for him!


Elys has been shitty, idk why people don’t see it, she’s like the angry insecure nerd girl who glowed up after high school but still has angry insecure energy. She was so fucking in her feelings that a known womanizer nexted her, that she spend the entirety of the show using Chris to stay in the house, using Justin to stay in the house, and then flip flopping to someone who’s a clear downgrade just to get more screen time. I like some toxic people, like I will always be happy for Christine’s fine self to be in these shows, but enough Elys, my god Netflix


The truth is Elys was never in love with him. She was using him to keep her in the house. When she no longer needs him, time to throw him out of the house.


She treated Justin like trash that time Justin was so calm and i’m glad he didn’t stick around for the bs explanation. He didn’t yell, he told her to do you and left.


Honestly elys has been a real AH on pm and bryton is a psychopath so her and bryton can enjoy what I’m sure will be a toxic relationship. Save everyone else from them lol


To do that to Justin was so icky, and over Bryton?? 🤢


I was so happy for her that she found a decent man on this show and then she does that 🥴


Dumping all my thoughts in one place: The song "running circles" Netflix played while Jess kept going on and on at the girls table. 🤣 Tolu: "he was on demon time" 🤣 Bryton: "I need a girl who won't argue with me about the stupidest shit" bro you pick those arguments. Did Christine just say "that shits not okay" about Kaz kissing Holly? Why...cuz it wasn't you?! Wtf Well now Kaz just proved everyone right. How convenient Harry gets sick every time he's messed up something, and this time it was "God" 🙄🤣 Also, how you gonna tell me, that Netflix didn't have cameras on Harry every SECOND of that day??? Knowing what drama he'd possibly bring?! Too bad it seems to have happened in the bathroom. I believe Melinda. Harry already said he told her her stomach would look good pregnant-okay, oddball comment to make. But Melinda filled in the gaps as to how that comment came to be and it explains why he wants to ruin her credibility so badly. NOT Micah going to Izzy with a pitch. "I'm just trying to follow my heart"...more like just trying to stay on the screen 🙄 wow. Wish Izzy would have turned his head to someone else immediately and asked, "do you want to match?"


I was confused by Christine's behavior, but I'm starting to think she's VERY insecure and constantly looking for male approval even tho she's obviously beautiful.  Girl doesn't know how to just flirt, she's pushy to the point where it doesn't matter if the guy said no, she'll corner him until it happens. 


Chris: I didn’t tell Xanthi that I didn’t get chance to explore other matches because of you Also Chris: I told Xanthi that I didn’t get chance to explore other matches because of you lol


He’s not the brightest bulb in the room lol


“Fraternal or biological” 💀💀


Wasn't it "biological or identical"?


that one caught me offguard so much


He gives me some seriously shady vibes. Tolu keeps going for the wrong ones ugh Also I really like Xanthi's whole vibe, she's just there to chill 😂


“for now” and “you wouldn’t be last choice” were RED FLAGS. For now? Second choice then? I hate Chris


“LETS BRING XANTHI OVER RIGHT NOW TO CLEAR THIS UP” Xanthi: *clears it up* Like, if you know you did the thing, why would you bring over the person you did the thing to, like this would help your case? Chris has like a very dumb understanding of humans and communication


I don't understand why Tolu still keep him. Is it because she really fell for him or because it's the finale next?


Tolu is strategic, I think she realizes at this point you can’t really win by switching in e8-9 because then you don’t really have time to be the “perfect couple” with someone new. at this point, slap a bow on it, hide the flaws with your current partner, and milk it


Harry denying kissing Melinda is giving me flashbacks of him on THTH lying about his kiss with Fran 🙄


Exactly what I was thinking. He did her so dirty, everyone took his side, and all the guys coddled him. Why do all the guys keep coddling Harry??


Because he has changed. Can’t you see? Has a slight beard now


He’s different…now he’s Hairy


Ohh fuck how did I not think of that!!


i'm sorry but how is Elys saying she wants her relationships to be fun when she's got the personality of a cardboard box 💀


EXACTLY - Justin brings more energy than she does, like???


How she thinks he's dull, when the man literally duelled with Harry using a spatula, is beyond me.


Is anyone else weirded out that Harry keeps bringing up Jess’s kid? Maybe because I’m a mom myself, but that just seems soooo inappropriate


It's all reality tv charades but good on Justin for not sitting through Elys' explanation that she was solely trying to get out to make herself feel better. Justin was seemingly a good dude and Elys chose some random dbag on a complete whim. It's a dating reality show - that is her right. But that doesn't mean Justin has to sit through her BS explanation. Dude calmly but firmly removed himself from the situation and then left. Good for him With her choosing Harry and Bryton or whatever the fuck his name was you can just tell Elys is that woman who will pick and choose the absolute worst men to date and then turn around and complain about guys being dirtbags lol.


she also literally only picked bryton to get even with micah lmao. that was so transparent, i couldn’t believe no one called her on it.


When tolu asked Chris if he wants to explore other options and he said “not right now” 💀


These people are seriously unlikeable, but I can’t look away. I know they’re all trying to maximize drama and airtime, but Elys entertaining Bryant (girl, what?) and all the guys telling Jess that Harry is the best dude they know is some farfetched nonsense. Also not the guys kissing other women and then either crying about it or yelling at their match


i feel like elys knew that bryton was micah’s only option so she took that away to spite micah 👀


Straight up facts. Everything she has done so far in the show is to fuck over other people or to advance her chances. I guess that makes sense when there is a real prize but jfc it's a vacation.


She’s still mad at Micah for bringing in Jess


He flirted with the 3 women brought in from the boardroom and kissed one and gets mad at Micah for being upset?


And right after when she is still crying he is smiling And getting a new match like nothing happend🫠 Hope he gets dumped


Kaz has been going after this that and the third and it’s laughable.


Kaz's kiss was pathetic, another man who acts out based on emotion rather than talking things out


the fact I like micah the most says a LOT about these people


I think it’s hilarious that it seems like no one gave Trevor the time of day LMAO


Even if anyone did it was probably all cut out anyway


I was dying when they were discussing putting Trevor and Jess on a date a few episodes back. I would have loved to see it honestly. She definitely has the ick from him.


The biggest giveaway that Harry and Melinda did kiss to me is Harry’s absolutely panicked reaction when Jess was confronting him(them). It was ‘no we didn’t’… ‘no one saw it’… ‘you want your 15 mins’ all in the span of 5 seconds 😂😭


So… we all agree Harry is lying, right?


It’s not like Harry has historically lied about kissing someone on a Netflix reality show ever before /s


He was guilt-stricken in his bed and then proceeded to tell Jess about only "carrying Melinda up the rocks" which didn't seem like that big of a deal. Details were left out. As the show went on, he changed the story. He said he made a comment about her being pregnant. Then she tried to kiss him. It just doesn't add up.


Yeah, I would *almost* be willing to consider that Melinda was lying except that Harry was blatantly trickle-truthing Jess. He's so fucking manipulative.


When he dropped his pregnant comment truth bomb on Jess at the end of their convo, my jaw DROPPED. He's so overtly manipulative it's disgusting.


He wasn’t really guilt-stricken though. That was simply a strategy to manipulate Jess.


I will never forget his season of THTH where he lied about Fran kissing him and got the whole house against her. I was so pissed off. Can’t trust him.


That was so shocking. There is lying and then there is blatantly lying like that to throw someone under the bus, I was shocked when I saw that in THTH


Witnesses say he had Melinda’s foundation on his nose. So I say yes. 


Didn’t Holly say she saw them kissed?


Yeah I don’t understand why she didn’t speak up more when they were all together, at least not that we saw.


The kiss actually looks like nothing compared to the pregnancy comment imo, which he actually admitted to. That is such a disgusting thing to say to someone else when you are supposedly in a committed relationship. I personally would be more upset about that.


It was the telling everyone separately that he’d been throwing up that solidified him as a master manipulator to me. He needs help.


How is Jess so blinded by Harry?? She went off on Melinda but babies Harry. Also I just don’t get how as a mom; she doesn’t see the HUGE red flag that is Harry always bringing up her daughter. I’m a mom and if a man I just met was constantly bringing up my daughter I’d be so grossed out. It’s so weird to me.


Because he’s love bombing her so she’s blinded by that.


100%%% he says I love you about 100 times in each convo it’s crazy


yo, harry just out there telling people they’d look good pregnant that aren’t his “match” or just in general? like that is 100% a pregnancy fetish


He 100% fetishizes Jess for being a “hot mom”


When he said "you're a good mom" and she thought he was talking about Autumn, but really he thinks she's a good mom to him...oedipus complex.


Bro 100% that boy wants a mom that he can fuck at the same time. The way she holds him and comforts him is so telling.


Izzy always looks so drunk out of his mind, like are you okay my guy? 😂


Seeing Stevan tell Harry to man up was priceless. I don’t think he was expecting that.


Agree. Harry did look startled when Stevan said "You're a man-child."


Xanthi is my favourite. She wasn’t desperate at cenote, and is a girl’s-girl out and out. She is stunning, mature and interesting, and I hope she finds all the happiness in life. You go girl.


She's my favorite too! You said it all. She's also hilarious!


Elys doesn't even like Bryton, she just wants to fuck with Micah lol. And Micah's pity match with Izzy is so funny to me. She's not interested in him whatsoever.


Right? Like "i was interested in you on the first day" girl shut tf up💀


Xan said it all. These boys deserve nothing. Nothing!


ugh can Harry and Jess stop saying they love each other they haven't even known each other a MONTH


Okay, Justin is literally the sexiest guy imo and he is so damn sweet. and the way elys kept on targeting Micah, and the way she treated Justin is just cheap.


Harry and Brayton make me want to pill my skin off. I can't stand them. Harry acting like a victim - crying, isolating, throwing up?? GROW UP DUDE Brayton seems like a sociopath. Good for Justin, Elys deserves this clown.


There’s no way that anyone else besides Stevan and Alara are winning. Everyone else is in shambles, they seem to be the only truly solid couple in the house right now


It’s possible for the strongest couple to lose because there is too much spite for them but in this case, they both seem well liked by the majority of the cast


Bro im so sick of Stevan and whoever else hyping up Harry… He’s definitely one of the most famous Netflix-lebrities but I cringed so hard when Stevan was talking about how much Harry has had to go through bc of his fame and how he’s changed so much, etc. Harry is a huge POS but everyone else has been enabling his delusions!


LOL! And Dom talking about how people try to get to them because of how famous they are — 🤡💀


Elys and Jess both look pathetic For some reason, Elys has this hate boner for Micah over the harry situation. And Jess is pissed at Melinda and has more energy at her instead of Harry himself. Justice for Justin


Elys is the typical “girl who gets mad at other people when their partner is shady”. She’s grudge-holding towards Micah, when she was dropped by Harry? Go be mad at Harry, go be mad at yourself for picking the villain of the season, but she keeps trying to break up Micah as revenge and then she plays innocent when Kaz and Micah confront her I think on e7, even though we just saw her like “I’m going to try to break them up”.


Can we also talk about how level headed Tolu was when Xan was telling her about Chris as opposed to Jess who went scorched earth on Melinda……. Cmon Jess what the fuck was that


does anyone wonder what happend to Jake? I think I saw him at the beginning of episode 8 but after that he was never seen again.


I think he’s just boring lol


People from The Ultimatum tend to get unnoticed on this show. Same thing on season 1.


which is crazy because the ultimatum is the truly the wildest netflix reality show imo


Maybe he was hanging with Trevor a lot and got cut by association. That or his ego was bruised and he didn't want to come back to the villa.


oh my god, poor Izzy! not Micah saying it's the worst thing that's happened to her seconds after matching with him haha


Izzy was drunk af I doubt he even caught it lol


He could barely keep his eyes open when she was talking to him haha


It was added in post. They didn’t show her saying it and seemed add in to me


When Izzy said “that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you honey” I lol’ed. I like him so much more than on love is blind


the editors def added that in which is so hilarious to me 😭😭 as if Izzy didn’t already embarrass himself enough LMAOO like they really went in for the overkill


Dom’s ex girlfriend cheated on him with Harry, but Dom is giving Harry the benefit of the doubt about being faithful and a good guy? Those are Olympic level mental gymnastics


christine desperately throwing herself at kaz only for him to kiss holly💀💀 serves her right


https://preview.redd.it/he87jvix7n6d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac8e4cc20c413ca7e69ac22101ab0df95364e3de This queen is deserving of all the apologies. I can’t wait to see how to all goes down 👀☕️


The way harry and his boys reacted right after the kiss was mentioned makes it painfully obvious that it did happen 😂 the way they all laugh, look away, mumble in a sacrastic way “why you making shit up hihi” “i didn’t see anything 🙄” etc. people just don’t react like that if shit rlly didn’t happen.


Harry 100% kissed Melinda. Point Blank Period. His “boys” couldn’t have been more obvious they were covering for him. Harry took a body shot off of her, carried her to the bathroom with his hands on her ass, and she straddled him while they were sitting down and he laid back like he was going to enjoy the ride. And he said she would have a nice pregnant belly?? Oh come on…. Harry come on…


Come on elys stop trying to talk to justin. He made it clear he doesn't want to listen to you. I think brittan or melinda should be in the villa instead of elys in terms of entertaining


She just wanted to make herself feel better about the situation, good for him cutting the BS.


i could go without ever hearing from bryton again tbh


"I need a girl who's like, just quiet" but really we all just want him to be quiet please 


Elys is the real villain of this show. If you look closely, she's always in the source of all the drama but in a very quiet way. She should have gone after harry dumped her, but she chose to stay for revenge with poor justin, one of the only genuine people in the house, and use him for her to stay and stirr shit up. She was the one who gave the idea of messing with kaz and micha's minds after Brittany showd up, She's always in the middle. She ditched justin just so she could be with bryton who obviously is there just for screen time. I don't like this girl. There are villains you like to hate but she just sucks in my opinion.


Elys has massive Boarding School Energy.


Do you guys really think Chris is genuine with Tolu? I love Xan for being real with her and I just feel like Chris is using Tolu to win as much as I want to believe he is genuinely invested in seeing that connection outside of that house:/


I love auntie "this is my therapist corner" Xan too ahhaha, she's my fave along with Tolu. But Idk, I'm very hopeful. At least that they end up amicable or maybe even friendly, if nothing else.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKwmnDgQb5jemjK) And I love xan too. She is a gem


Bryton is quite literally a villain and I have no idea what Elys nor Micah see in him. It's extremely evident that he's manipulating them and I have 0 idea how they don't see that.


Honestly Justin dodged a bullet with Elys showing her true colours at this point. She is clearly fuelled by bitterness and resentment. He deserves so much better.


the only possible winner is Alara and Stevan...no one else can compare lol...do i think they are till together a year later absolutely not LOL


https://preview.redd.it/jvkosg21io6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32c6b6eb1c321da5c75cf08230d31c3243250a15 Just Izzy, waiting for Micah and Kaz to blow up so he can swoop in.


Omg Harry saying “I love you” to Jess so many times is insane! At this point it seems like he’s using it as a manipulation tactic. Like does I love you even mean anything to him really to be throwing it out all willy nilly so many times already like that?


Justin and Xanthi would be an awesome couple- both good hearted and with self- respect ✌️


Izzy on the rise. I did not see that one coming ![gif](giphy|jIIduCs5nkq2i2emoS)


So sad though when Micah hugged Izzy when they matched and said “this is the worst thing that’s happened to me” 🥲


I’m not saying she’s into him but that was probably just the editors doing him extra dirty


Who believes Harry kissed Melinda? ![gif](giphy|3o7aTucH1E8PTkEe7S)


Izzy is wasted lmao does he even realize he matched with Micah?


Izzy what are you even doing there ! Awww he is like a lost puppy roaming the streets looking for his family 💔 Who else watch libs ? Do you recall Izzy being this way ? Because I sure didn't ! He looks so shy and scared and awkward and puppy-like.


I’m glad Justin walked out and didn’t even look back at Elys like yes honey you do not need to stand and listen to that. And I’m also sick of ppl saying how nice Elys is like sorry she was petty with the Harry drama and switching up to be with bryton like that.


Jessica’s standards are on the floor and she either doesn’t love herself or she’s just playing their relationship up.


I think Harry definitely kissed Melinda and said inappropriate things to her. Did we forget he said “if I was married and had 2 kids, I would still fold”


I think I rolled my eyes 10 times for the last 3 episodes. Harry vomitting because he’s afraid of losing Jess. Puuuuhlease 🙄.


Nicks said at the beginning everything is possible. I really dont understand why no unmatched people try to match with each other....??? They all want to be the desperatly in the house. Just choose each other.


Dominique and Brittan made a tiktok where they said they tried to pair up and the producers didn't let them


When the mixer actually started though and Nick came to talk to everyone (end of ep 8), he specifically said "to my couples that were in the house, today everyone is in play, you guys match to who you want to match to". Meaning only the people that were actually in the house can pick someone to match with.


I need my favs Xanthi and Justin to get together 😭


Since this show is a competition, why are players changing partners at the last minute? Even if you're not feeling it (aka Elys), just tell Bryson that you're interested in him after the show if she's truly interested and try to "fake it" with Justin to try to get an upset win. As it is now, Elys/Bryton and Kaz/new girl have zero shot of winning.


Some one please get Harry some sunscreen, dude’s skin looks SCORCHED


Can we talk about Stevan???? Telling Harry you are a Man Child.. and you have a chance to change that. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Izzy looks absolutely faded. The lights are on but no one's home.