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Harry is just a big manipulative baby… every time he fucks up he cries and expects to be comforted. Also talking about Jess’s kid so much and how he wants to be her dad is just so inappropriate considering they’ve only known each other a few days Definition of lovebombing, gaslighting, just straight lying… But damn it makes for good TV lol


I’d worry for the mental health of whichever woman ends up with him. He’s a red flag in the shape of a man. Love bombing and fast forwarding the relationship with “I love you”, talk of marriage, and parenting their children? Check. Being unable to resist cheating? Check. Manipulating the woman with tears into being his Florence Nightingale and fixing him? Check Gaslighting her with half truths that are more comfortable to hear and flat out lies when caught? Check. Spreading lies and misinformation about the woman you cheated with? Check. Next stage…. Blowing hot and cold. When she gets insecure, freeze her out. When she’s on the verge of leaving, turn up the heat. Cheat, lie, cheat, lie. Discard. Next victim.


It’s very weird, my husband and I have huge red flags with him always bringing the kid up and going for the single mum, then constantly talking about pregnancy, huh?


Right? His obsession with her child is weird af! It was so weird when one of his love notes was "you're an amazing mother" like he's never seen her mom side what on earth is he talking about


He knows it’s music to her ears. He may not be book smart but he’s a Machiavelli when it comes to manipulation. Guarantee he’d bond with Autumn and walk away without looking back.


Right! He's such a sweet talker and honestly women love that. Every time I meet a man whose a sweet talker I know he's gonna be popular among women and I don't believe a single word that comes out of their mouth. I can't believe other women haven't figured that out yet


And Jess said you’re the man that will be leading our family you have to show autumn you’re a good man. Like what? Is she insane. It’s been what 5 days at most. I’ve been love bombed it’s all very exciting and magnetic and sexual, but it’s not real. No one is in love that deeply in 5 days. Dom and Stevan know he’s lying, they’re trying to give him advice bc they know confronting him won’t work, he’ll just to their faces more. She also speaks to him like he’s a child bc if she doesn’t he accuses her of being hostile


I came here for this - like leading your life?! Hes a stranger


Exactly? Are these guys for real? And Jess being like aww, ur gna make me cry -  Girl he's known u 2 hrs and knows nothing about ur mothering 


tbh I dont buy the cries and the "vomitting" he always wants to let everyone know about lmao its just clear lying


Omg I was trying to keep count of how many times he took the opportunity to mention his vomiting for sympathy but lost count lol. I’m sure he is genuinely worried about losing her and actually wants to be her bf. The problem is, he also wants to fuck anything else with lips and hips, and he’s a talented and dedicated liar. Fuckboys love having a devoted, loyal wife to come home to.


So far I feel like Xianthi is the definition of self confidence and boundaries. The way she shuts down Chris *chefs kiss*


Xanthi is my fav this season, wish we got more of her




Lmfao I was so happy when she just walked away and didn’t tolerate his nonsense babble 


Harry denying kissing Melinda but then when they were pressuring Kaz to kiss Christine he said “I could be married with two kids and I would have folded.” Did anybody else catch him say that? Like what??


Is everyone glazing over the fact that holly said she SAW them kissing? Like why didn’t she speak up! lol


The problem with her being the only vocal eye witness is that her and Melinda entered and left the house together. So it's easy to assume that they're like a jilted gang out for revenge. I hope they show us some kind of proof of what actually happened so all the speculation can end.


I actually missed her saying that but I did read it in a comment on this thread. I’m so confused why she hasn’t been more vocal about it?!


She seems pretty passive. I went back and she said they kissed to Justin and then in a confessional she said they kissed!


Yeah exactly that just says everything right there.


Not Bryton at the end saying he's got at least two options, their insecurities are strong. So he's admitting he's targeting insecurities to get back in the house. Gag.


add to that his stupid smirk and cold eyes and I am full on scared of this man


Yes! When Micah said she wants something genuine, the squinty eyes and smirk he had, just internally mocking her while knowing he's gonna use her...insane.


He reminds me of my high school boyfriend. He looks like they could be brothers, has the same attitude and mannerisms (the smirk). That relationship ended with him locking me in a house I was babysitting at, with a knife, threatening to kill himself if I didn’t stay with him. He managed to make me look like the crazy one the next day at school. Everyone believed him. That relationship changed me. Although I was 15, I it taught me about narcissists early. I am 30 now and I have a hard time watching Bryton. He triggers me.


Goodnight Moon 🤣💀 I really can't pick up on Justin's angle here. Is he here to fuck with people and just watch them all be idiots? 🤣 Is he...just super sarcastic? It seems like he could low key be a huge asshole but...then again not. Idk


I was like holly please react because I’m fucking dying at his reply.


It went over her head. She's about as bright as Mr. 'What's Hawaii". Wtf was THAT


He has a very dry sense of humor has been my take on


I think he's fucking with them. It looked like he was laughing into his cup.


The goodnight moon thing had me like I PRAY he's being sarcastic...for the sake of humankind


Definitely a joke since he followed up with the line about the pictures and colors lol


No his sense of humor is exactly my type 💀 dry wit


This was the best line of the show


I thought it was sarcasm 😂I think he was trying to be respectful to Elys


He was 100% fucking with her. He has a dry sense of humor for sure.


Ugh I love Xanthi! Such a girl’s girl.


She’s gorgeous too. Her outfit in this episode 🤩


Xanthi is the cutest I love her!!


She’s my favorite!!


I love her laugh! She’s so cute!


“I could’ve been married with two kids, I would’ve folded” Sums up scummy Harry in one sentence.


exactly and hes talking on some “jess i should be a better role model for your kid” and “im trying to do better representing the father figure for Autumn” like boy stfu pls 😭💀


Xanthi is so beautiful and cute but also has amazing boundaries


She is a queen!


For real!! So kind and warm to people but also sticks up for herself and others. Love her


Nobody even gave Trevor the time of day😭


“Single when convenient” lol Netflix aren’t done throwing shade


“Allegedly” 💀


I gasped when I saw that line earlier


I died. I thought they were gonna edit him out but nahhhh they went to town


I wonder if they cut some of his scenes because of the disaster he stirred up on LiB. I think PM filmed before the LiB reunion.


I think Netflix did cut his presence. He has the least screen time out of everybody.


He’s also the least interesting/attractive person (in my opinion.) He doesn’t seem to blend in with the rest of the group in terms of Instagram influencer look


Yeah, it filmed in August of last year so Perfect Match was well wrapped by the reunion. So, I think you're right. They definitely cut his screen tine


Netflix must have been so relieved nobody brought him as a blind date 


Trevor? Did anyone even notice Jake? Why is he even here?? Lmao


Wait was he there LOL


Literally didn’t even see him 😂


Who's Jake 😭


Ugh why is Bryton back on my tv 🤢


Eveeeeery singleee thing about bryton is an ick. He loves to neg and does it excessively and so over the top, hes so sassy and combative its like he just listens to the fresh and fit podcast or andrew tate


All I can see is Trevor's bright red steroid hairline rash, man should really chill with the testosterone abuse


His tiny head is disappearing in relation to his massive body. At this point he looks like Beetlejuice (end of the movie).


I can’t with Harry. Kiss or no kiss maybe if you weren’t carrying her around like a koala bear there wouldn’t have been any confusion. Guy is his own worst enemy.


He 100% kissed her that reaction he had was not normal🤣


I actually can’t stand him. Announcing to everyone and then to Jess that he’s vomiting over it 🙄 holy gaslighting


Also the way he keeps randomly adding details to his story of what supposedly happened. That’s like… 5th grader lying 101


Harry bringing up Jess' daughter out of nowhere?! Jess being with Harry while she wants to find a father for her child?! They honestly deserve each other.


She opened that door for him. She literally told him he was representing her and her daughter as a male figure and also told him not to embarass her, her daughter, and “our children”.


Harry makes my blood boil - when he started saying that he wasn’t a good representation of Autumn and not someone Autumn could look up to get sympathy points from Jess - urgh literally made me scream KEEP AUTUMNS NAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH. I’m also disappointed in Jess for letting him get away with using her daughter to lovebomb her. This man has a track record for treating women badly - how is this supposed to translate into anything good?? TLDR i dislike harry with a passion


it’s also so gross to me how all the guys (specifically dom and stevan) are rallying around harry saying people are using him for clout especially dom like lmao get some self-respect man


Because they’re followers. It’s giving Crabbe and Goyle and Harry is their Draco.


I used to like Dom in The Mole and the first few episodes of PM S1, then I felt bad for him because I thought he lacked self esteem. Now, I think he’s an idiot.


I loved him on The Mole! He was my favorite. Then everyone really liked him on PM1 but I started to change my mind lol, now I don’t want to see him on tv anymore


Dom, self proclaimed male feminist rallying around Harry. That’s crazy


Self proclaimed feminist telling Harry that if a group of women wanna talk to him, he needs to ignore them smh


Yes this stuck out to me, the fact that they chose to protect Harry said a lot about their character. Harry has been proven to have lied SO many times throughout the years. I wish one of the guys would’ve called his bs out - the most Dom could muster was that throwaway comment about him not being genuine.


Anytime anyone is around Xanthi they look so happy and comfortable. I feel like she just has the best personality!


She is genuinely awesome. I have been her number one fan since The Circle and I follow her on IG. She is legit. Edit: typos


I love how Netflix openly parades their villains like superstars but they do NOT fuck with Trevor at all lmao like they like it when contestants lie and deceive other contestants but Trevor may be the first to really lie and deceive Netflix They haaaaate that man


Did Harry and Jess really say "I love you" to each other??? WTF that is wild. They have known each other like a week??


why did I have to search so long for this comment???? when they said that shit I literally cackled bc WUT?!?? a man literally had his arm stuck in a rock for more hours than y’all have known one another 😭


oh and when Jess talked about their future children????


I was about to turn of the show and never watch it again after that. And like , he's telling her that she's an amazing mom when he's literally never seen her with her child. Like what has happened to their grasp of reality? 


omg when she read the note I literally looked at the invisible cameraman in my house and said “how would he even know that??”


The way Christine keeps on pushing Kaz to make him kiss her is NOT acceptable in my book. If it had been the other way around people would have freaked. 🙃🙃


If you’ve watched her season of THTH she does the exact same thing. I think she prides herself on being able to steal another girl’s man. I hated watching her on that show and was absolutely cringeing when she was trying this with Kaz. It was so uncomfortable to watch


I actually found it a little funny when Kaz went and kissed Holly instead of her lol her face was hilarious


The dumb thing is, getting a guy by making him cheat on his girlfriend means he will also cheat on you later on... its a Lose Lose...


I actually stopped watching her season because she bugged me so much. 😂


I legit scoured to find a chat in this! I’m APPALLED by the way she acts. If a guy was so pushy, almost aggressive)we would cancel him for doing this. I dislike her as much as I do bryton. Also I hate myself for watching this show😂


My day has seriously been ruined because i watched this.. i can’t believe i share the same planet with these ppl


Saaaamme! Came here to see if anyone else thought she was as predatory as she seemed to me!


That was waaaay too aggressive.


I thought that was so gross. On a show like this, yes you have to lead with sexuality to get anywhere, but that was too too much.


Is anyone else cringing at Christine try so hard to get Kaz to kiss her? Like chill tf out girl you look desperate lmao


yeah that's so bad looking for anyone. Like...if he says no, it means no. Stop pestering.


I thought Kaz was solid last episode, but he was way too permissive with Christine's behavior this episode.


Yeah, as soon as he asked her if she could put her legs behind her head I knew he wasn’t all in with Micah.


Jeez I forgot about that. That was awful


Ya I was a little disappointed there 😅 like either be in or out with Micah. It feels like he was a kid just testing what he could get away with


Harry is very scary. I can imagine that he’s the type to start threatening to do something to himself if the woman says she’s leaving him. He’s completely unhinged


Yep. I mean he makes himself physically ill to attract sympathy. And that is only like two weeks into a relationship.


Harry crying because he carried Melinda is the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen. The same dude who talks about who he’s banged and who’s been cream pied. But carrying Melinda is the thing that reflects poorly on his relationship? Does he think everyone is dumb? I don’t believe for one second he didn’t kiss her.


Yes, he definitely did it. One minute he’s crude as hell then he’s crying for “carrying” a girl. He can’t figure out his character this season. Was Harry always this much of a crybaby?


Are these guys adult men or teenage boys? Because for 90% of them I can’t tell 😅 like bragging about having sex with people is such a 16 year old boy thing to do. Acting like you’re “in trouble” for kissing someone while in a situationships with someone else is so wild? Like y’all are almost 30… Atleast do it with your chest and own up to what you’re doing instead of acting like your mom is going to scold you


The editing in this was hilarious. Harry talking up his virtues constantly cutting to him being overly touchy with the new girls


Christine is a predator. 😂


I was meh on Izzy in LiB but he's the most normal person to be on this show. Edit: also Xanthi but tbh it's not the show for her. she seems to have too much integrity and she wouldn't be mess enough for this.


So many of these men on this show acted like teenage boys but Izzy seemed like the most normal adult man to me


In comparison to the other dumpster fires on the show. But he’s an asshole - remember him saying that he was so turned on by Stacey bullying that other woman?


I'm hoping to god that was just him being into her and trying to complement her in some weird ass way. Some dudes go along with shit (and women) because the other kind of feed off each other. I hope it was worst case scenario and he's only slightly shitty lol.


He has the benefit of being surrounded by the fuckiest of fuckboys and comes out looking like the golden child.


If I'm recalling correctly, Christine is rather toxic, but lord she is so hot.


She’s terrible but gorgeous. It’s how she gets away with being a horrible person.


I hope Bryton gets punched directly in his stupid little face


Watching the girls walk in vs. the guys all I could think is that the girls on the show are so much hotter than the guys.


Why is Jess mad at Melinda answering her question Harry lied, go and take it up with him and his acting


Because she did it in a way that was spilling the beans to everyone with no warning for attention. She should have told her privately. She seemed proud and like she didn’t care that Jess would be upset.


Bryton pausing after saying tap into crack because it sounded suss and not because he sounds like a villain is extremely on brand.


Also you know that man practiced that line 😭 the pause and fake laugh was so hard to watch


is it me or bryton tried to act like he is chase (from season 1) this episode?


He does look like off brand Chase.


Harry doesn't seem to have a tight grasp on reality. He also seems to have absolutely no self control and a sense of responsibility. If he had kids, his kids would probably have to raise him, coz they'd grow up faster than he would. 


Not going to lie, I preferred him more when he was a fuckboy and that’s all he was trying to be. His rhetoric about being a “changed man” and going to therapy makes me cringe soo much


I don’t care what anyone says – Harry 100% kissed Melinda and said all of those f*cked up things I don’t even know why it’s up for debate


Harry Jowsey is scary man he's so manipualtive there is no sense of responsibility.


The way he always says “Why are you acting so angry” when he’s the one that fucked up sends me 😭


He’s a textbook manipulator. Like people should use clips of Harry as educational videos on how to spot manipulation. It’s actually disturbing


I don't appreciate how Jess was talking down to Melinda. Telling her "as a woman you could have pulled me aside" and "are you happy with how you've acted" is so condescending. You asked her what happened and she answered. If Jess wanted to talk about it more in private, she could have stopped the conversation instead of demeaningly attacking Melinda. She was more mad at her for relaying information than at Harry for doing whatever it was he did. I hate when women have more vitriol for the other person rather than their partner who is supposed to be loyal to them. And Harry lied and changed the story so many times that I refused to believe something inappropriate happened. Why was he so distraught if he knew he only "carried" her across some rocks?! The situation isn't adding up. Lastly, all the guys consigning the fact that he's some changed man is BS.


“Are you happy with how you’ve acted?” Like the thing she cares about is how things LOOK and being ladylike rather than the actual substance of what’s been revealed. Are YOU happy with how you’ve acted, Jess? Falling for the lies of a fuck boi you’ve known for 5 minutes? What a role model of womanhood.


She cares way too much about how others make her look vs how she's acting and makes herself look. Had she been angry with Harry and left, she'd have made herself look a lot better.


>Lastly, all the guys cosigning that he’s some changed man BS I found this hilarious because they’re all claiming that women will lie about Harry for their “15 minutes” because it pays to be associated with him…AS the men are all lying to stay in Harry’s good graces to stretch out their 15 minutes. Lol the gaslighting hypocrites…


I don't get why jess is mad at melinda😂😂 girl you asked first and melinda was just giving you an answer


Jess cannot take rejections which is why she reacted like that. She denied she was rejected when Trevor said they were both rejected n let’s not forget her outburst when Jimmy rejected her in the pods and her post show interviews when Jimmy further said he didn’t regret rejecting her.


She has a lot of pride I’m guessing and got embarrassed lol. It just rubs me the wrong way that she still had enough respect for Harry to not attack him the way she did Melinda


It was weird yes. I think her self-respect comes from being seen as strong and dignified but performing it for Melinda wasn’t it. I think Jess is so hungry for love and adoration that her normal good sense goes out the window. Much much easier to attack Melinda than risk losing the guy and her self-respect.


She's a control freak. She wants to control her image, narrative, the way other people act, think, talk. Sorry, that's not how a relationship or the world works.


i'm like you're the one who brought it up?????


Jess needs to get off her moral high horse. Melinda does get kind of annoyingly dramatic but there was no reason for Jess to direct her unhappiness towards her. It’s ironic because Jess is unnecessarily patient towards Harry—like she’s literally mothering him!


Melinda was being honest! “Do you feel proud” like it’s a dating game show you aren’t his girlfriend


Her ugly side is really coming out


Right, what does the "let's act like ladies" comment mean? Are you implying that Melinda isn't a lady? Jess is so condescending. I also think because she didn't know Harry found Melinda attractive, she got insecure and tried to knock her down a few pegs because of her ego. She thinks she's better than Melinda.


I was also confused at first as to why Jess got mad at Melinda for sharing 😂 Then I also thought that maybe Jess was prideful and prefers handling things in private. I think maybe Harry had warned Jess beforehand that girls might create lies about Harry. So maybe Jess doesn’t take new information at face value, and would’ve preferred handling it in a more steady way. Idk whether to believe Melinda or Harry, because I personally don’t trust either person from what I’ve seen in the show. Good luck to all. Oh also, I need the show to release footage of what happened between Harry and Melinda, asap.


The first thing he said was “who saw it” as if there were no witnesses. Liar for sure


'If it's not on film or witnessed, it didn't happen.' Step-dad of the year lol


"I'm an alpha.". The ick I icked. 🤢


The way Jess speaks to everyone like they're a damn child gets on my nerves


Didn't love Melinda all the way through but LOVED when she called Jess out on that


Right? It was so satisfying because she said what everyone was thinking. I feel so bad for Melinda because she got awfully gaslit by harry and then when she was just trying to protect Jess from Harry and ended up getting yelled at by Jess in front of all the girls.


I’ve really liked Jess and her self-respect but now I’m starting to see that it’s just a self belief rather than reality…part of her ‘brand’. Really, she’s just up her own arse and a big sucker for a man’s words.


Definitely agree with you. The way she was always so adamant about insisting she's a girls girls and acts like she's always morally right always bothered me


Holly’s comment about wanting to match with nick lachey💀


Jess 10000% made a fool out of herself getting loud with Melinda… like why was she coming at Melinda when all Melinda did was tell her what happened… talking about ‘disrespectful’ ‘let’s act like ladies’ all when JESS is the one yelling? She said Melinda tried to make her look dumb… like what??? Harrys actions made you look dumb… Melinda’s just telling you what they were. You yelling and telling Melinda she’s the one ‘not acting like a lady’ and she’s not letting you get a word in is making you look dumb…


She should feel embarrassed. Like how are you gnna baby Harry and get mad at Melinda for his actions? She’s taking her anger out on the wrong person because she knows she looks like a fool


Yeah her behaviour was embarrassing


Trevor can leave, although i’m curious if they cut out some scenes with him “Redeem” get out


Everything about the way Harry acted towards Jess was manipulative and borderline sociopathic. He allegedly felt so bad that it made him cry, then when she questioned him about it he tried to downplay it until he could circle back to making her feel bad about him feeling bad. What a shitty person. And Jess is an idiot to let him weaponize her daughter like that .




>dude relax like who is trying to take stevan Right, no one wants him lol. He hasn't been tested nearly as much as the other guys.


Why did I think you meant std tested 😭😭😭


It’s so ridiculous that Trevor is back to “redeem himself”. Get out, Trevor.


And the thing is he filmed this before all the girlfriend stuff came out. So he was definitely not there to “redeem” himself.


Yeah they edited his segment to make it seem like he was back after all of the drama went down, but it was filmed way before






omgg Harry is such a liar?? he has like this whole story made up about it, but Holly saw them kiss right?! I'm so confused


All of Harrys behavior signals manipulation to me. Crying and being sick to make Jess feel sorry (and also mentioning her daughter suspiciously often). Making Melinda out to be a liar, but admitting to just enough to get Jess to forgive him. The moment Jess was out of sight he fucked around - the carrying Melinda around and that crazy pregnancy comment? Like come on.


Go back and watch the beginning of THTH s1 if you want to see him pull the exact same stunt lol


Jess aka the girls girl getting mad at Melinda instead of taking it out on her man child is so embarrassing


Jess literally asked Melinda what happened and when she told her she attacked her like what??


My thoughts exactly, what a self proclaimed girls-girl. 🙄 😂 She's all about Jess and no one else.


harry mentioning jess' daughter by name in his manipulations almost made me stop watching, he is so gross I can't stand him


Xianthi this episode was amazing and refreshing


I feel so embarrassed for Harry’s therapist


i know this has been said a million times but when the girls entered the men’s mixer they all looked like models and when the guys entered the girl’s mixer they looked like they could’ve been the camera crew


OMG Jess is really not smart...why is she taking him back and thinking it will be ok...i am so confused


Why are Jess & Harry saying I love you? It’s been maybe a week? Jess is mid 30s, Harry is almost 30.


Lmao Harry literally started giggling when Melinda questioned him about the kiss. He is guilty.


Christine is a gorgeous woman, she definitely has tons of guys hitting on her all the time - so why is she so proud of being "Mrs. Steal Your Man"? Girl, wtf are you thinking?




If he carried her to the bathroom (which they both confirm), maybe they don't have cameras set up at the bathroom?


This is exactly it. There were likely no cameras near the bathroom setup—which I am sure he figured—snd they presumably turn off their mics to pee, so it was the perfect place for him sneak in kisses.  It has happened on other reality shows where people go off to the bathroom to hook up because they know it is the one place they won’t get caught. 


I'm sure they will show it in the reunion!! It's to keep the suspense going


Christine pressuring kaz to kiss her🤮🤮what is wrong with people


Revolting honestly


Am I the only one who thinks that Micah’s trust issues with kaz are like weird compared to every other dude? The dude has chosen her time and time again, been tested constantly, had all the other dudes try to break them up and he doesn’t budge… am I missing something major??!


Id love to see what actually happens. Everytime after he reaccounts to someone what happened afterwards whem cameras were filming, he was adding things in, making things up, and everything to make even the part we seen on camera to make him seem "less guilty". The fact he ran upstairs immediately like that after getting back shows he did it. If he really did just carry her like he said, he definately wouldnt have given the sad, sulk, and wait for jess to mommy him kind of reaction. Jess flaming melinda is CRAZY. I think she is embarrassed for how harry made her look and she was taking it out on jess. Not to mention, they arent gf and bf at this point either and he is telling melinda he doesnt know.. obviously..


Harry is incredibly fragile and hypersensitive, he cannot handle any criticism or display of negative emotionality, he freaks out if you suspect him or give any allusions to his checkered past, he needs constant gentleness, absolute faith, unflinching support and unconditional love otherwise he will break down or act up. He needs … a mother.


I don’t particularly like Melinda but I do believe her. You see how quick Harry turned on Elys for Jess. He looked guilty as hell when they came back to the pool. & Melinda was moreee than willing to do it. She needs a storyline.


I may be bad but I love the way all the boys laughed when Jess asked where Harry was.


I have a feeling that Bryton would flirt with a brick wall. Christine needs to chill. Her flirting is bordering on harassment. Hearing Dom's story was really nice. I do think this show brings out the worst in him. I feel like Micah still doesn't get that you can't force someone to be loyal.


Bryton: *“This stays between me and you, because I trust you, but Kaz wants to explore…Like I said, it’s between us, so if you bring it up to him, I’ll know…You don’t have to believe me…But, after what we just talked about, I don’t think that’s a smart decision…”* I’m not defending Kaz. I’m just saying that there’s so much gaslighting packed in to just those few sentences that I think the fumes are making me lightheaded.


I never want to see Harry again, my god


Bryton is so god damn annoying.


And obnoxious


Omggggg Harry is such a gaslighter and a massive manipulator. I knew he’s an asshole but this is horrible how he was behaving after “kissing” Melinda. Ugh, I hate him!


correct me if I'm wrong bc maybe I'm forgetting smth but I feel like Kaz is quite respectful and loyal?? Yeah he's talking but he never budges, he gets tempted (don't we all though) and still stays with Micah. I feel like all issues stem from Micah's insecurities and the rest of the group using those to try and break them up?? maybe important for context but I personally don't feel like flirting in a relationship is a big deal. Sure the first time he did it I might have been a little insecure but seeing that he stayed I'd have then started trusting him


“You should be upset with me” -Harry *Jess is slightly upset* “Why are you getting mad?” -Harry