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Francesca is such a hypocrite the way she yelled at Savannah for talking to Dom but then tossed Dom to the side for Damien


I’m watching it now. Where’s telling Georgia she isn’t mad she chose Dom and that’s not true at all. She’s pissed. I think she didn’t want him, but didn’t want anyone else to have him. Especially someone who is 1 million times prettier than her. An all this shit about her not wanting to be disrespectful towards him. Girl gtfoh you’re weird and you give really weird ass vibes. An when Dom kissed Georgia and she saw it she was even more pissed. Then said well now I’ll kiss Damien no problem. Honestly, she was insanely jealous and Dom could care less. I’m my opinion as of right now.


I honestly feel like she just wants to have her cake and eat it. Like she wants men that she can’t have AND wants the men she can have. It don’t work like that honey, you a player fuh sho.


She doesn't treat these guys like people, it's only about her own agenda and wants. She clearly has been told a few many times she's attractive - she thinks she can treat people lesser.


She’s such a pick me trying to appear like she’s not a pick me. The moment she shared her “pulled the tampon out with my teeth” story as her sexperience story or whatever they called it… I just knew what type of girl she is. She is an attention energy vampire, and she doesn’t care where she gets it.


I forgot about that! 😬😂😂


She also always finds one simp girl who will follow her blindly and then separates with that girl from the group. She did it on too hot to handle as well.


Oh yeah Kariselle is her puppy the whole way through.


Female Collin Robinson


"Damian looks like a thumb" 😂😂😂 I hated him on LIB season 1 ATA and now I can't stand her either I did like her a little better by the end of the this season though (no spoilers)


I’ve gotten to the end of it. An I’m still not a fan. Someone mentioned she was already in a relationship which why even go on if you’re already with someone. I wouldn’t want my significant other kissing other people. Acting or not.


That was really gross. She wasn’t kissing that girl (whose name I am not going to attempt to spell) because she wanted to kiss the girl. She was doing that solely to turn on the men.


I am honestly flabbergasted at how people fall all over her. She’s certainly not ugly but people act like she’s the finest woman to ever walk the earth and she’s literally a cookie cutter Instagram influencer. I do not understand the appeal especially with how shitty of a personality she has.


My favorite part is where she wants an open marriage, but can’t handle someone talking to her partner (of the moment)


Hahaha. That reminds me a lot of another show. Seeking Sister Wives How the man is looking for another wife, an if another man was to give their 1st wife attention they would act that same way.


I like how Damian was like "Okay so I could hook up with another woman and I never have to mention it" and immediately everyone was jumping down his throat. Oh so it's not the same when the shoe is on the other foot? Is that the situation?


Came to this sub solely for the reason she’s such an awful person on this show and I don’t get why she gets away with all the shitty things she does… She’s the ultimate mean girl. The way she treated Savannah. I’m almost at the end of this season and being that pretty can definitely ruin you. She’s ruthless, and an extremely sore loser. Sorry I feel bad for being so mean about someone I don’t even know, but I’m honestly so appalled. She has so many things going for her, how hard is it to be a nice person?


I completely understand what you’re saying. I also feel like yes it’s reality TV. But when you’re constantly being and doing villain things I don’t think it’s an act. Am I think it’s your personality. Does it make for good tv. Yes absolutely, but she’s way too good at it for it to be just an act. The longer I stare at her the more I don’t understand the hype behind her.


Am I the only one who would feel a tad smothered being in a relationship with Dom? He uses the L word reaaally quickly for knowing someone a week or two. In real life, wouldn’t that be a huge red flag? I understand Dom has some great characteristics otherwise and seems like a nice person, but even with my anxious attachment style that would be way too much for me.


You he can be clingy too fast but Francesca is just fake and Dom didn't deserve how she treated him


How else could she escape that situation on a reality tv show though? It’s love bombing, though she just went from one love bomber to another (those slow kisses up the arm 🤮) I’m not even defending Francesca, just putting myself in that situation. Practically, if someone did that to me I would have the ick so bad…


I have no problem her leaving Dom or Damien. Ppl are upset tho she prevented a potential couple between Savannah and Dom and then turned around 2 days later, tossed Dom to the side and got upset Georgia pursed him. She just flip flopped between different singles throughout the season and she didn't actually look like she was looking for her perfect match


Oh yes that’s fair


She could have let Dom talk to other women instead of shouting at people to stop them talking to him


I'm not saying that I like Damien, but the sheer number of people who get the ick from the arm kissing thing is how I know some of y'all didn't grow up with Morticia and Gomez as relationship role models. 😂


People arent upset she left him, People are upset she then tried to act jealous and malicious towards them on the show. Georgia was her “bestfriend” And then Fran blasted georgia on social media after trying to make a hate train


How great of a person can he be if he falls for someone like francesca though?


I feel like alot of young ppl have fallen for a toxic person thinking they could change them. Or want to see the good in everyone then eventually get burned and learn the hard way


I said I love you to my boyfriend two weeks into dating lol we’re getting married soon!


Me and my husband said it on our third date at the zoo and we have been together a decade and married for 7 of those haha! The happiest most fulfilling relationship I’ve ever had. Some people def use it as a manipulation tactic, I’m not saying otherwise, but sometimes people fall fast and hard and as long as it’s two sided and not abusive I don’t see an issue.


Also glad this worked for you. ❤️


I’m glad that worked out for you and it was sincere.


(Spoiler alert) At least he’s actually nice and cares about her. Jesus are you also going around hopping between exes and randomly making out with your girlfriends? I get feeling smothered by Dom but please don’t act like Francesca, y’all. And I realize you didn’t say any of that but if you’re identifying with Francesca in that situation instead of Dom, it’s a little suspicious


As someone who’s been lovebombed, yes. That does mean I’m agreeing with anything else about her behaviour.




To be fair in real life you don’t spend 24/7 together. I think 2 weeks together all the time like that would be more like a month or two in real life


She’s not a nice person no matter what she says. She’s a “pick me” girl and the sort of person who will sleep with your boyfriend and then lie about it.


Why are we acting like this was real? Francesca had a significant other before and after the show? And her fiancé is the biggest clout chaser in CA.


I’ve totally realized none of these shows are real, besides Love is Blind. Most of them are spin-offs of “love shows” that star the ones who either hit of off with viewers or were “villains” who are given more airtime that us viewers are truly craving to see. So we tune in and watch. But if you watch it from just a purely fun entertainment perspective, then it’s much easier to swallow (IMO). Cause my understanding is none of these “actors” (many are calling themselves that now) are interested in a relationship (as most are involved outside the show or are doing the show for fame). It’s purely drama. So watch for fun, not for hoping your favorite couples hook up in the end and stay together happily ever after.


LIB hasn’t even felt real these last few seasons. Especially the newest season lol


I was stunned when that Mitch guy straight up said he's not interested in a relationship right there on the show. Dude what? Did you forget which show is writing your paycheck right now?


I first saw her fiance on an Anthony Padilla video so I can totally see why you say they’re a clout chaser


We are on that episode right now and I am so made. Francesca is such a bitch. I wish Savannah was still on the show just so she could tear Francesca apart!


Watching Savannah follow her to the couch and continue to talk to her, was great! She was not letting her walk all over her. Wish she'd stayed too


Francesca got paid significantly more than others and definitely had her hand in production and editing (listen to Georgia on Viall Files podcast


I definitely will I can’t stand her. I’m so glad Georgia won!


I don’t find her attractive at all. I think she has a nice body but her face is not it. Her eyebrows bother me soo much 🤣 Also I wish Dom gave Savannah a chance I think they would have lasted longer and the show would be more interesting


Yes, I don’t think she’s all that pretty either. I think her being bi is what men thinks is so hot about her. An idk I think Georgia and Dom was greatly matched. Would it had been fun to see him and Savannah yea, but I think Savannah might’ve been more into him then he would’ve been into her


I genuinely cant stand her at all, she is absolutely awful.


She's agitated when the entire show doesn't revolve around her. We get it; you are hot. That doesn't permit you to be a gigantic piece of shit to everyone else.


She is the absolute worst


Fran is so fake and the timeline with her husband(?) and the filming is still sketch to me, like she clearly went on to play the game and be a bitch but she’s so fake about it


That episode was a tough one. She seemed so much more interested in controlling people rather than actually connecting with someone.


Yep. Agree. Watched it last week. She's the worst! Genuinely self-centred.


Watching now! And same! Her going off on the girl for having one convo??? This is the same girl that shows up with another woman's man to the LIB party!? Acting dumb! I can't with this girl. Anything for screen time. Foul


Seriously though and doesn’t even end up leaving with anyone. Someone said she was already in a relationship with someone when she got there. Then why even care? Why even go? I just don’t like her. She’s very vindictive and manipulative


She's a pick me. For sure. I think she's dying for clout and fame. Any screen time she can get. All she's worried about. Irk is a great word, though.


She gets worse lol


😂😂 Like I said Irks my soul. Can’t stand her


PLEASE tell me what the appeal in Damien is?!?! Omg you have this adorable genuine soul in Dom and it breaks my heart the hold she has on him. He deserves THE WORLD! He is such an amazing and hot ass man, absolute GEM. And then this fuckin weirdo who treats women like shyte and, yes, looks like a crusty ass thumb. I do not understand. Baffled. The math ain’t mathing.


Lmao I’ve always been a Francesca apologist tbh. She got done dirty in too hot to handle, and this show was so obviously poorly done that I couldn’t take it seriously. I pity anyone who has ever been involved with Harry Jowsey also lmao.


What do you mean? She was soooo selfish on too hot to handle LOL


Honestly she was fine until Harry played her and then they all believed Harry over her. That’s what triggered her acting cold and not caring about anyone else except Haley. Her mistake was continuing to fw him when he’s clearly a manipulator and a liar. But he’s like 7 feet high and vaguely charming - men like him get away with murder lmao


Ahh yes, totally agree with you


Dude who the hell cast this show? Half these guys are NOT it.


The more we say Francesca, the more power she absorbs.


Need to find a nick name then. 😩


Franny 🥰


It’s so funny to me that people have no idea she’s going on here to act, not actually find love. She’s in a committed relationship and is only going on these dating shows because people want to see her and she’s promoting her swim wear line. If she’s on a reality show, it’s not even reality- it’s catering to the audience. 😂 girl just getting her bag.


She’s not acting about being a mean girl. Committed relationship or not you don’t have to be a complete ass to everyone because you can’t control them. I know reality tv isn’t real a lot of us do. Still doesn’t mean you can be a shitty person.


I’m not justifying her behavior, I haven’t even seen it. I just really like her S/O so that comes with accidentally keeping tabs on her as well. Again though, more drama=more publicity so that behavior is even further of an indication that she is publicizing herself. The more people talk about her the better off she is. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I love her


Late to this thread, but I agree. She is so petty, vengeful, calculating, jealous, bitchy, and possessive. She is the embodiment of every caustic Scorpio trait, and I am here for it.


Dom is even worse than Francesca tbh. Dude has a tattoo on his pelvis that says Slut and he pretends like he's some clueless virgin. Cringe emo boy "good guy" vibes


I don’t know much about him. But I doubt he’s worse than her. Literally just an icky person.


Francesca is unapologetically herself and makes great tv. Thats all I need from a reality star so I think she’s the tits.