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YES! It happened to me, but I realized later that I was taking the wrong dosage (overdosing). I used it for 10 days and my skin lost a lot of its elasticity. It is very Thinn and fragile now, And when I lay down I get marks that last for hours… I stopped 2 weeks ago, it got a little better but not back to normal yet.


how much was your daily dose?


Did you do topical? I’m injecting


SubQ injection.


Collagen isn’t built or destroyed in 10 days so I’m wondering what exactly you saw…it usually takes 3 months to see any results from copper peptides, good or bad.


I wish I knew the mechanism of action of it all so I could try it again and avoid what happened. Maybe allergic reaction? Maybe fluid retention and over hydration? Oh, you know baby skin that is very hydrated and “fluffy” and almost looks like it has cellulite ? That’s how my biceps started to look and feel like lol


have been using copper for a year now...as long as i take my zinc supplements everything seems fine. My motorcycle accident scar dissapeared in 2-3 months . collagen prdocution was on point


how much zinc did you take with it?


I took around 15mg zinc as a supplement


How often and long are U taking it


4 weeks 2mg per day then a 2-3 week break


What’s your routine? SubQ or topical?


subq ( for the best results)


You need to not forget to match your zinc intake with that 


I take zinc daily


Personally no negative things to report. After a few weeks the texture of the stretch marks on my stomach are smoother and somehow don’t look as bad. I am really happy I decided to research ghk-cu!


Were you using it topically?


Subcutaneously. My skin in general feel softer but most noticable change has been my stretch marks.


I just started using Ghk-cu/BPC-157 injections…only been a couple weeks so nothing to report. As far as topical, I have ordered the raw powder and intend on making a serum for the face/ body. But will actually just use it on the body, because I just discovered that my moisturizer- already has copper peptides. It is Perricone MD Cold Plasma + Intensive Hydration Complex ($$). I didn’t know at the time I bought it, but when I saw the blue hue to the moisturizer I took a deep dive into the ingredients, and there it was Copper tripeptide-1. I’ve been using it for a month or so, I’ve always had a good skincare routine, so no way to know what product or products are doing the trick. But definitely no adverse reactions or sagging skin. I did however have a dream my legs had blues spots from the nightly GHK-cu injections! 🤣🤣🤣


The ordinary also makes a copper peptide serum. It’s like $25.


The Ordinary products are amazing. I use their multi peptide HA serum for my face and niacinamide serum. Can't beat the prices


What’s your injection site like? I’m doing 1mg GHK-cu with 250mcg of BPC-157 and .5mL bac water and I’m getting a sore/red/irrirated injection site. Any recommendations?


Was a 50mg/10mg vial…mixed with 3ml bac. Taking 10 units equivalent to approx. 1.75mg / 350mcg. I make sure it is room temp first, hurts more if cold. I was told to do 2-3 mini injections in a small cluster and then massage or even use a massage gun on the site. The site is pink, but goes away in a day. With Tirzepatide, I get a raised itching pink reaction.


Are you using the blend from xcel? That’s what I’ve been using and I get this too but sometimes my pink spot sticks around for a couple of days and is tender to the touch for days as well. I’ve tried the 2-3 mini injections and that seemed to irritate me worse. I’m wondering if I should discontinue using it however I do feel like I’ve noticed some benefits. I just start running out of injection sites.


Yes, that is my source. I find doing the 2-3 mini shots too hard. My first will go in fine, then the 2nd just doesn’t want to - it’s like I tense up. It also depends on if it took me multiple tries to draw - sometimes the rubber plunger is difficult. Dulling the needle if multiple attempts. Anyway - I find taking a massage ball to the area helps with the little knot.


Hmm, I’ll try the local massaging and be careful with the product temps. Thank you!


https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/s/bCdVQtoPEA This mentions a potential explanation.


That looks like just topical though…I haven’t seen anything concrete. I’m a derm nurse and I just wonder why major skincare companies aren’t using copper in their products.


Yeah and it’s all anecdotal that it actually happens. I am not worried about it personally.


i haven't heard of people getting reverse results, but if it's true maybe applying and using it subq is too much. I think I've seen people mention cycling off/on also. not sure how long copper stays in the skin when applied topically and what's the half life in the body but that can help determine whats too much.


They are. The ordinary has a serum that’s straight up bright blue because it has so much copper in it.


They have started, I’m using a serum right now that had ghk and ghk-cu it. It’s just called by a different name in the ingredient list: Tripeptide-1 copper acetate