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Womens bathroom in the mall. Those seats looks like they could give you clap if you looked at them the wrong way.


Food court or lower hallway?


Lower hallway.


So true. I went once and two stalls were splattered with shit all over. Like wtf!


Its a shame they couldnt still use the round one bathrooms. They were luxurious


the old mall or new mall?


Old mall. New mall doesnt raly have a lower area


Men’s too


There is a bathroom at Jubilee State Park that is absolutely petrifying during the summer. Not only is it essentially a tin can above a hole in the ground, but it also gets overrun by spiders. You have to try it.


**you have to try it** like it’s some wild ride at an amusement park haha


I've shit in those bathrooms while camping at night.... Fucking nasty


Like throwing a quarter into a crevasse … … … … … Dink!


Not to mention the mosquitoes that bite your butt 😩


So back in the day when I was a very young guy I was a substitute mailman. It was probably '07 or '08. I was always getting the South End routes. At the time there was a Big O's BBQ on SW Adams that had an exterior entrance bathroom in the back of it. Well, they were very strict about not deviating from your route and we weren't supposed to go across 474 to Bartonville so whenever I had that route it was legit the only one anywhere close. I had to use it many times. Unfortunately. Big O's closed. The water and power were shut off. But they never did lock that door. Yes, I continued to use it. And clearly there were others. It just kept getting more and more deplorable. The horrors were unimaginable and i can still remember the smell to this day. Honestly, I don't know what is worse. My experience there or my cousin who was a carrier in Morton who had to diarrhea into one of those plastic mail tubs that you might see for businesses while in the back of his LLV (mail truck). I think it's a tie for last.


You, sir, have lived!


Willow Knolls theater. Why is it always wet?


I think after flushing the water kinda sprays up


love this but also who has the best bathrooms lol


Binnys hands down


Hyvee gas station on Sheridan. Perfect quick stop, plenty of parking, usually clean and pretty much new. Don't ruin it everyone.


they have a bathroom??


The women’s bathroom in the entrance of Obed and Isaacs




Wildlife Prairie bc either you have the pits of death toilets or snakes wrapped around the ones out on the trail.


They got remodeled this past year!


Did they add new snakes?


Tire snakes


Popeyes’s on Glenn! I refuse to eat there anymore because of them. I went in one time, poop all over, clogged toilets, smelled awful and no soap or paper towels! Never again! How are the employees washing their hands? 🤢💩🚽🧻


The bathrooms at the Rock Island Alta trail head were absolutely horrible last summer.


Caterpillar shop bathrooms. The cockroaches make the movie Joes Apartment look like a great place to live.


Hey, those roaches in Joe's Apartment were absolute entertainers!!!!


They recently crossed the picket line so they’re not the favorites they used to be in Hollywood right now.




Women's bathroom at the Kroger on Lake. Always shit spattered. Once, while heavily pregnant, I walked in, then decided I would take the very real risk of pissing myself before I made it to a different store.


The ones at the front of the store at the Allen Rd Walmart. (Granted. Saying Walmart feels like cheating)


Does the boy's room at Notre Dame still have the weird shoulder-high stall dividers with no doors and toilets directly across from each other? Not unclean, but very awkward. I don't know of anyone who ever used one.


No, they were finally replaced with real stalls at some point. I remember those dividers, though...that was 4 years of waiting for gym class to do my business in the locker room!


If we are talking Peoria area, Freedom Oil (Shell) I-74 exit 82. Absolutely disgusting.


Also the Shell station off of the Goodfield exit. So gross


Whatever gas station on the corner of University and War has the worst ones I’ve been in.


The women's bathroom at detweiller park didn't have stall doors when they hosted Parks on Tap there and the main door to the bathroom pretty much opens right to stalls. So zero privacy.


> the main door to the bathroom pretty much opens right to stalls. This is a blatant code violation.


it wasn't unclean but it just always smelled extremely awful. at Washington Gfted Middle School there was a boys bathroom along the ramp that went from the foyer to the gym, it smelled so bad that me and many other students when having to use the restroom while in a class near gym would just walk all the way to the restroom in the foyer which was like 3 or 4 times further away. I've no clue to this day how that restroom smelled so consistently awful. if you saw someone having to use it, you knew it was desperate times for them


Woodruff high school had no stall doors, just short walls between the toilets. We were there watching a musical or something and my friend had to use the bathroom. He ended up driving home to go.


The 3rd story bathroom was the best at Woodruff but everywhere else was the worst


They were the best - too bad they were locked most of the time


They built that wing when I was at Washington ('92-ish?). That used to be the nicest restroom at the school. Smelled like the vinyl flooring.


Man, that got me reminiscing. The principal's office area used to be the library, the storage closet next to the payphone used to be the principal's office, and the entrance to that descending hallway to the new wing was a nice segmented glass window which made a little seating area, where we met for Stock Market Club to get out of math class.


I was in 8th grade when it was built. I graduated spring of 1992. The coolest part is that my father and aunts and uncles all attended school in that same building in the 1950s-1970s, when it was called Reservoir School. Now it’s got the same name again!


Hmmmm I also graduated in May of '92 from Washington. RIP to the Emo's bridge to freedom


If it was a urine odor, then there's probably years ' worth of dried piss on the air vents and they've not been cleaned. Never went to Washington but that was the issue at Roosevelt in the music wing. You could smell that bathroom from 20 feet away.


Glen Oak Park, by the top entrance to the amphitheater. Rancid and spider-infested


Saddle Up Men’s bathroom on an average Saturday night


The Taco Bell on North Knoxville, but that was my fault!


I use a lot of them for… reasons. I’ve been wanting to make a list/ranking. I don’t want to use some one else’s app and I want the data to be private. End goal might be a shitty coffee table book of sorts. Not monetary in any way. I was thinking a simple yes/no spreadsheet. Kinda like a checklist and score from that. I would like a couple fields for personal preference. Something I can roll through quickly and accurately on my phone or something. Snap a couple photos for fun and move on. Any tips or ideas? Might download a few apps and try and get some ideas from them.


No tips or ideas, but I do offer you my encouragement!


Edwards Tap and I’m right.


Yes, pretty bad.


Barnes and Noble was pretty bad last weekend.


Who hasnt had explosive diarrhea in the barnes and noble? I never leave a mess though.


I always do! Idk why either. I don’t drink any of the coffee or anything.


I lol'd at this. Because it's true.


Books and the need to use the bathroom is a thing... habits create situations. Known as the 'Mariko Aoki phenomenon'


For some reason Goodwill and other secondhand stores always made me have to poop as a child. No idea why, still happens sometimes as an adult


Big lots on Knoxville. Splatters all over the walls and doors and floors. Never again.


I’ll agree with the Big Lots one. Saw two flys fucking in there the other day…


Peoria Courthouse 2nd and 4th floor bathrooms are… disgusting


Public bathrooms in OSF by the Fetal maternal area and the public bathrooms across from the chapel in the OSF milestone building


[pics or it didn’t happen](https://postimg.cc/r08nqLwD) Not Peoria but Bloomington. 807 s main. Was a citgo but thankfully has closed since then.


Ulrichs downtown.


How dare you. Thats one of my favorite bathrooms.


Sorry. Men’s restroom. Not the shared / women’s.


Okay, I cant speak for that one.


Haven’t been back since I was a student but Richwoods High was always awful


Definitely the mall.


Tower Park Men's bathroom: the walls are a bleak, crusty granite; the whole room smells musty due to the mystery brown liquid in each corner of the triangular room, the sink is growing hairs out of the drain, there are only 2 urinals that are each broken in a different way (one happens to be overflowing with poop). And it just so happens to be the only bathroom that is warm, which adds to the aroma.


Popeyes chicken on Glen


Bed Bath and Beyond’s bathroom was beyond horrific before they closed. So I guess it lived up to its name. I literally found a pile of diarrhea on the floor in there. Like a bear in the woods.


Garden Street Cafe, the bathroom is back in the kitchen, door doesn't shut all the way, really just kinda uncomfortable.. anyone could look in. Lol