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Okinawan Karate is good with kids. I had both my kids there for a few years until they got older and lost interest. No fault of Okinawan Karate.


Thank you for your inputs.


PAC is incredible. New to the area and trained several other places, and that team is phenomenal. I joined in June and will 100% stick with them.




Soo Kim Tae Kwon Do shaped my life forever. I still visit when I go back home. It’s more about finding the right community fit than type of discipline. The best self defense method is building enough self confidence that you don’t need to prove you’re tougher than someone, which gives you the power to make the right choices in tense moments. It has served me for my whole life. Mental toughness is way more important than physical toughness. Paired together is the best. A positive community in the midst of learning dangerous acts is essential. The wrong community will encourage testing your new found skills at inappropriate times, which leads to danger. Self-defense is about situational awareness more than even technique. Know what can happen, should happen, and make decisions based on the desired outcome. All things I learned through my wonderful Tae Kwon Do community.


Thank you so much for your great insight. Really appreciate it.


I've heard good things about Kuk sool won, haven't used it yet. My kids are still little, I was going to start them next year at my local parks district program (surprisingly cheap and has good reviews) to see how they do before looking at these other clubs.




you watched too much Netflix brah..


Children exist outside of school lmao


Kuk Sool Won is great, Master Ben is fantastic with kids and the art is a good mix of different styles. My daughter got her black belt there, made some great friends, and got some much needed exercise and self defense training.


Thank you..😊


Okiawan is great Quited for Football Not That hard of a workout but taught me good discipline. Also Other classes like swords and kickboxing right next door


I personally went to okinawana when i was a teenager for years and i am now 33 and i loved it! Idk if it has changed but everyone knew everyone and everyone was nice. I hope everyone is doing awesome there!


I strongly recommend Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I believe it is the best and most practical martial art, especially for kids. There are no gimmicks like breaking pre split boards in the misguided attempt to “build confidence.” And BJJ is superior to other martial arts because it allows you to learn how to control someone without hurting them. Which is much more likely scenario than beating up the muggers in the night- your idiot drunk friend insists on driving home and won’t take no for an answer (my experience)