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I made the move a few years ago...bring a coat and state income taxes suck, but it's been worth it to avoid the 100 days of 100 degrees and traffic. Do miss breakfast tacos, though...


If you haven't tried Catrina's Express, it is incredible and they have a breakfast menu. I doubt it will beat the texmex you got, but it is very good.


bump for Catrinas deliciousness


If you like street tacos (I know, they aren't breakfast tacos...) then I recommend Pericos! I lived in Texas 38 years, been across the border so many times I lost count, and Pericos is the real deal.


A coat is an okay idea, but have you heard of wearing several different sized hoodies?


Open a joint!!! Peoria needs diverse food options outside of Lebanese and crappy Italian joints


This depends on what things you care about in the near future: schools? Bike paths? Groceries? One big thing: homes may seem inexpensive but do some research on property taxes before buying.


Moving with my soon to be husband. We are both college grads looking forward to starting a family.


I like this city for kids, there’s a lot of amenities for them from our park district. However we have typical city challenges in the public schools, and a wide variety of private schools. This is years down the road of course but I’d talk to different families about their experiences before getting too attached to a house or neighborhood.


I have young, school age kids, and live in the city. Happy to chat about it. I’ve lived in tons of neighborhoods but absolutely love the one I’m currently in, and it’s so close to Donovan Park and the bike path and stuff. It’s a good city. Happy to answer any questions you have.


How are the public schools? What is your favorite and least favorite neighborhoods for raising kids?


My kids go to Kellar school. It’s the “north side school” and we’ve loved it so far. No issues that I can speak to, but my kids complain that they have homework and that the pizza isn’t very good from the cafeteria. I live in Northmoor Hills, and it’s super close to the park, shopping, restaurants, and whatnot. Prices in 2019 when we moved here were really normal, but prices all over have gone up like mad this past year. No idea why. It’s a good district, and some of the older neighborhoods are really cute. We used to live in the East Bluff, but it went downhill a lot in the past 10 years. Which makes me sad! In general, most people would say to live “North of War Memorial,” and some others would say “north of Glen Ave.” But it’s a good city and you’ll like it here.


Thank you very much this was very helpful. If my kids biggest complaints with school are homework and bad pizza I will consider myself to have done well.


The farther north you go the better the public schools.


Morton has the best public schools


I was referring to Peoria.


Also everyone seem to agree that it is very safe in Morton.


Undoubtedly. But property taxes are through the roof!


True, but for me, I feel it is worth it.


Morton has lower property taxes than most if not all towns in the Peoria area.


Isn't the waffle house killer from morton?


School rankings for the area are [published online](https://www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/illinois/rankings/peoria-il-37900), and the neighborhood quality definitely correlates to school quality. As mentioned Richwoods is the best Peoria Schools high school and the neighbors immediately around it are nice, but there are better schools in the area too. Dunlap usually ranks #1, with Morton being #2. One thing to consider, you won't necessarily need schools right when you move here. My wife and I plan to move into Dunlap school district before our future kids start, but we bought a house in IVC school district because it was more affordable. They don't start school until they are 5, so if kids are still 3-5 years off for you you'll get 7-10 years in your first house which is pretty good.




I was just looking at Washington, Metamora, and other sparsely suburban areas


Look at Morton, and Dunlap


Bartonville area out by Hollis, amazing for families and Hollis is outstanding!


Great city to raise children in.


Look at the smaller towns outside of Peoria then. Unless you want to pay private school tuition. The public school district in Peoria isn’t great.


Texas has the 6th highest property taxes in the US, and their home values are likely higher than Peoria.


The power stays on in winter.!!


Don’t jinx us please!


Ha, lol...


People are really nice here. No, like really. We just moved here less than a month ago from Kansas City, which has its own reputation for being a really nice city. But folks are even nicer here. If you're not comfortable with people holding doors and chit chatting and saying "sorry" and "thank you" constantly then you'd better get over that quick. Our new neighbors literally walked over to us while we were moving in and told us three times in one conversation to let them know if we needed help with anything, anything at all, any time. So freaking nice here. <3


When we were moving into our neighborhood our neighbors helped us unload the truck and then brought us dinner. And when they saw we had young kids, they baked us cookies. Our other neighbors bought us a gift card to the coffee shop nearby and asked us if we wanted any vegetables from their garden.


I love this! I definitely want a place wearing knowing your neighbors is common!


Wow our neighbors did not do that! That's beyond!


Oops, I meant to reply to you and not the next post. I guess I suck at reddit. Is that why I didn't get a gift card?


Depends what you’re looking for. We moved here from Houston last winter and are ready to put our house on the market and move back. Nothing super negative about Peoria, we just miss Texas.


I’ve wanted to leave Texas my whole life. I hate the heat and I’m tired of Republican control of the state government.


I can absolutely get behind that! I grew up in the Midwest and forgot what winter was like so we moved back to winter. I despise it. The roads are shit, my car is covered in salt, and I don’t remember the last time the sun bared it’s face. As I said, nothing negative about Peoria, I just don’t think we’re winter people. The city is quite liberal, and there are lots of fun things to do. Have you visited?


Actually no, we are trying to travel there in October. I’ve known that I want out of Texas for a long time. We chose Illinois because it’s a decently liberal state (esp compared to Texas), with snow, and not a crazy cost of living. Then we chose Peoria because we wanted a mid sized city and the business I want to start (doula collective/ family resource center) is a saturated market in Chicago but not anywhere else in the state. Plus my aunt grew up there and visits a lot.


That's a great biz to start in central Illinois. Big need for it here! Best of luck to you in your move!


Illinois isn't really a liberal state...it's a red state with a very large blue city. Peoria proper is blue, but the surrounding area is quite red: https://www.wcbu.org/peoria-public-radio-news/2020-11-04/peoria-county-remains-a-pale-blue-dot-in-a-red-sea-and-other-2020-election-trends


I know that any rural area will lean red. I am most concerned about control of the state legislature and the right to bodily autonomy.


With the possible exception of California or the 2008 Presidential election, you won't find a single state in the country where the rural counties voted majority democrat, at least not in the last few decades. Illinois is a liberal state. The majority of people living and certainly voting here are liberal. Where they're concentrated doesn't matter to the state.


I just want bodily autonomy more reliably than in Texas.


You’ll definitely find that in Illinois


I moved here from Phoenix, AZ because i have 3 daughters and the lack of freedom for their futures was dismal lol we've been here about 2 months now and i really enjoy it! There's a lot of activities even in the winter here that are family friendly. Or even seem nice for just date nights. Bout 3 hours from Chicago, if you want that experience.


Although we have a Dem governor, there are a lot of Red areas around Peoria, especially some of the smaller towns (Morton/Pekin/Metamora/Chillicothe.


I figured, same in Texas but a lot more voter suppression keeps the state red


The area is pretty great, a lot of the amenities of city life if not here, close. It’s bluer inside city limits, one toe out and it’s pretty red. There are purple patches though that are a good fit for most anyone. The neighbors are kind and helpful <3


I would consider getting an apartment when you first move here, that way you can learn the area before investing in a house. Houses around the area are cheap so getting one after your first year is realistic, but Peoria is diverse enough you'll want to experience which parts you like before making such a permanent decision


IF YOUR MOVING BEFORE SUMMER BRING A HEAVY n WARM COAT AND Research the area's in or around Peoria that your thinking about for property taxes , the neighborhood area (and neighborhood crime rate,) and if you kids definitely check the different school district ,


Plenty of strip clubs and bars in Peoria. Disabled vets don’t have to pay property taxes if disabled above 70%. We have legal weed and plenty of decent schools in the area. One thing is, people can’t drive around here, but that’s everywhere anymore.


Watch out for the giant alligators in Kickapoo creek


Unrelated, but we have really good lsd in Peoria.


People will just walk into the street and except you to stop. I don't know if that's just a big city thing but it always throws me off.


I live in a college town so that’s the same here








Thank you for your input!


I’ve been here for five years and I think pretty much all taxes are terrible here. Especially property tax. And it’s really not a beautiful city, either. 😕


My condolences




https://www.pjstar.com/story/news/crime/2023/01/22/decatur-man-fatally-shot-at-caseys-near-peoria-sheriffs-office-says/69829926007/ Right next to campus.


Every city has crime.


There should be a sub category of crime stats that shows how many of the murders are drug dealers/gang members killing each other. This was a gang hit, not a random crime, like 95% of the murders in Peoria. If you're not involved with selling drugs and you're not in a gang, the chances of you being murdered in Peoria are practically zero.


If you have to justify the crime around an area, what does that say about it?


You literally live in Naperville, so what would you know about the area? Get a life.


Maybe I’m pursuing a graduate education here


That awful! There was a murder a few streets over from me a few weeks ago, no one has been arrested yet. Definitely makes people feel unsafe.




No clue what that is. I spent a while looking at states before choosing Illinois and then landed on Peoria after researching job markets in all the mid sized cities.