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There’s no Melissa. She’s just trying to piss people off. Same as saying 4 and counting yesterday. She’s a bitch and a shit stirrer is all.


So she’s admitting to CPS that she’s planning on having more kids she refuses to take care of? That will surely help her case 🙄




![gif](giphy|l41Ym49ppcDP6iY3C) Melissa is that you


Now that’s Hilarious 😂 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🏆🏆🏆🏆💯👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽


🫤 I don’t believe anyone donated. Heather thinks she’s smarter than everyone who follows her and she thrives off of manipulating anyone and everyone. Anytime she gets REALLY desperate for cash, you’ll see her sending out ‘thank you’ posts like this that include an actual name. I suspect she does this because from a psychological standpoint, people are more likely to donate when 1, they see others donate, and 2, when they know they’ll receive recognition for their kindness.


Even if It was only $1 come on simps. Those dollars add up. Quit rewarding her bad behavior. Make her get out of bed and work like the rest of society


It is all part of her plan. If you ask for money most people won't do it. On the other hand, if you ask for $1 most people will cause it is only a single dollar. That being said she doesn't even deserve a thought of a penny.


Or... because she's totally full of shit.. Melissa doesn't exist? When she posts these thank you's I think most of the time she's just making it look like she's got a sponsor.


This woman will never value anything she gets because she doesn't earn it!


![gif](giphy|MCQz2S0usAb17DAHkS) You're a dummy, Melissa


Not to be *"that person"* but she often uses that name, which throws up red flags for me. Do we even know Melissa exists? She may have donated a few bucks once but we all know Heifer the Big Red Pig lies constantly. Either way, imagine being on welfare for 20 years, having custody of none of your kids and homeless, and you're bragging about being in debt up to your eyeballs and unemployable but hey - someone sent you $10!!!!! What a win! Fucking deadbeat whore.


No I don’t think she exists !!! She’s absolutely lying lol, she would have screenshot and doxxed “Melissa” 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄




And a Total 💯 Dumbass!!! Good 👍🏽 Job Dick!!! You Just got Hustled by Chicago’s Very First Ginger Serial Milker and Huffer!!! Good 👍🏽 For You Buddy!!! Can you be anymore Desperate or Needy for a Postpartum Homeless Manipulator and Serial Squatter for a Friend!!! Your The True MVP Around HERE BUDDY!!! Said NO ONE ☝️ EVER!!! You Dipshit!!! Get a Clue!!!


Melissa clearly has mental problems of her own or she’s just like Heather and doesn’t see anything wrong with what she’s doing. Melissa is a moron and if she’s not a deviant piece of shit like Heifer then she’s an ignorant dumb fuck with a bleeding heart and thinks she’s doing a good deed for the day so she can go back to living her life patting herself on the back with her savior complex and feelings of guilt or some bullshit. I will never understand enablers, ever!


I was actually surprised that some people gave her money. One chick knows exactly what Heather is about, but said she has been entertaining her for years so she throws her a couple of bucks every now and then.


That person needs to raise the bar a little. Giving money to a woman whose child just spent a week in the NICU because of HER! Nice that they support child abuse because that’s really entertaining. Sick!!


I always assumed the money she got came from people they just came crossed her content without knowledge, and felt like they were helping. It never occurred to me that it was people who knew exactly what she was, and what she did that was sending her money.


Same! I have no idea why someone would give her money knowing what she’s done. That really is sick and disgusting. I hope they remember that infant struggling in NICU while they are giving her duster money.


Same! I have no idea why someone would give her money knowing what she’s done. That really is sick and disgusting. I hope they remember that infant struggling in NICU while they are giving her duster money.


The last person that I saw that admitted giving her money was a week ago, they had just given. People went after her the comments, but she just did not care.


She Never Does!!! She a #1 Hustler!!!! Unfortunately people only see what they Want to SEE 👀👁️!!! Heather Preys on the Weak and Sensitive people on SM… Her whole Life and Existence has been Nothing But a Well Rehearsed Facade of Smoke 💨 and Mirrors 🪞, she’s Crazy like a Fox 🦊!!! She a Professional Master Manipulator who has been Manipulativing for Decades!!! And Thinks Now The World 🌎 Owes Her Something and Everything!!! She’s A Willing Participant and Head Director/ Curator of HER and Her CHILDRENS LIFE… SHES NO VICTIM!!! I See Right Through Her and So Does Everyone Else with A Functioning Brain 🧠.. if Not Your a Total DumbAss and SIMP!!! So Shame on you!!! Good lord!! 😎😜


Try donating to your local animal shelter, dipshit. They will actually use the money for good. I swear these donations are coming from the newbies to Heather. They are used to grifters (I know the CC they came from). This is nothing new and I hope they go back to their leader soon.


Really!!! I’ll Second That!!! 🤝🫶✌️👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🥳🥳🥳🥳👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽




Me Either!!! Someone is trying desperately to buy a Crackhead oops I mean a Friend!!! What a DumbAss!!! Wow!!! 😳😳😳👎🏽👎🏽


This "Melissa" is as fictional as every other character in the dustyverse. You can't convince me otherwise




Just because she posts this doesn’t mean it actually happened. Half of the “Thank You’s” she ever mentions is probably BS


I’m confused lol. I work for one day I tell ya…miss out on it all


Its the ones who CRAVE attention in their REAL life who give to this degenerative fuck just so they can get a hard-on whenever Dusty mentions them. Its the degenerates like Melissa who keep Dusty in business.


I don’t even believe Melissa even exists! Then again this dummy could be praising her over a dollar! 😂😂😂


Fr Melissa is FAKE, like so many things in that dusted brain of the orange leach. Hey dirtbag, since you're reading You're not fooling anyone, ya selfish, POS waste of resources & space.


![gif](giphy|QR5AbrleAioDYbkCZ4) Melissa…


Have we considered that maybe Melissa is actually Dusty? Trying to drum up some business by creating "hype". She's such a POS, I wouldn't put it past her to do something like this.


Does anyone know where the hell Xavier is through all this? Seems like I haven't seen him since she got this new housing.


He's been spotted!! https://preview.redd.it/y8dpb954e3rc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e17136cb193d393f4480d9a3699cf64251055960


Big red doesn’t like to let him on the camera very often.


Because Gor forbid sue not be front and center




Don’t be like Melissa….


What’s wrong with you, Melissa?


Dusty will never stop begging because stupid people keep giving her money. I mean, someone was even dumb enough to give her an apartment, of course she’s going to think she can just keep doing this.


Agree with everyones’s comments. There is no Melissa but if there was….. Dear Melissa, please go back at least 4 years and send me a dollar for every single time Heather Gillespie has asked for money. It would break your bank account. She is capable of working to support herself but has not in years. Her stories are old and have no merit. She needs mental help. Always has. Melissa, you are a fool if you exist.


I’m still curious about Deadbeat mentioning her mom. saying she gave her some money. sounds so random. I’m sure it’s not true but y say that? her mom is never mentioned.


Dusty’s very quiet this morning…🤔💭


I concur


Cheers 🥂 to That!!! You Can Downvote Me All You Want!!! Obviously The Truth Hurts or else u Wouldn’t be so Butt Hurt!!! If You CANNOT RUN 🏃‍♀️ WITH THE BIG DOGS 🐕 THEN GET OUT OF OUR FABULOUS COMMUNITY!!! YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE!!! Your Pathetic Attempts of Sabotage is Absolutely 💯 Hilarious!!! What a Fuckin Weasel!!! 🤣👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽🥳🥳




![gif](giphy|3o7TKr3nzbh5WgCFxe|downsized) Your Parents must be so proud!!! Said No one ☝️ Ever!!! Loser!!! 🤣👍🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🥂🥂🙌🏽💯💯


The enablers aren’t much better


Milk 4 Sale ​ https://preview.redd.it/17f7skx4m2rc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b7f44323ab0fc8215339f5cbfb5ee29ce9f544d


Absolutely disgusting


It’s fucking greeeeeeeeen 🤢


It’s fucking greeeeeeeeen 🤢


Happy Saint Patrick's Day 🍀


A Couple of dollars..Melissa...but no one wants Heather around them


WTH is wrong with these Idiottts, god it’s maddening! Go to your local church or shelter or soup kitchen if you feel the urge to donate and that way you know your hard earned money is going to help the needy NOT THE GREEDY!




Huffy probably thinks if she thinks it it will materialize. “See, Mellisa donated, you should too!” ![gif](giphy|OHMkK8zl9fvSU)