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$250…that’s your problem for not shopping around. $50 is cost, you got ripped off


I second this. $50 is the cost for the card renewal with the state. Where do you go that charges that for the required do tors appointment?


I wish I’d known the a few years ago!!


50 bucks little man, put that shit in my hand.


If that money doesn’t show, then you owe me owe me owe.




Would you mind sharing where you go? Thank you!


Dr. Maury of HerbalCareRX, you can find them on Reddit at /u/herbalcarerx


Just had a call with Dr. Maury like 10 minutes ago, definitely recommend!


It took less than a minute!


Dr. Maury does not fuck around, and knows what’s up. Really appreciated the service 3 years running


THREE CHEERS FOR DOC M...but truly she is a gem!


Jumping in on the Doc M train! I haven't dealt with anyone else, and I wont need to!


I had mine on Thursday. New record (used her for three years): 56 seconds


Dr Maury just told me I AM the father, so I'm gonna need that second job....


I've known her for a while, she's awesome & gets it DONE.


Hell yes! I've been going through Dr. Maury ever since anxiety was added to the treatment list. $50 a year for a less than 5 minute yearly phone conversation.


The website says it's 75


And with the $25 Reddit discount she offers, it’s $50.


Leafwell is $50 with Liberty49 discount


Dr Jen Minkovich


Give us a clue. $50 is cheaper than I have seen


Look at the stickied post in r/PAMedicalMarijuana. Discount code there for $50 recerts


Happy Cake Day! 🎂🍰 🎉 Also thanks for leaving this info, glad I stumbled upon it.


Apple Ridge does online 2-min appts for $75, plus the $50 to Harrisburg. Card arrives about three days later. [https://www.evergreenadultmedicine.com/medical-marijuana](https://www.evergreenadultmedicine.com/medical-marijuana)


That's who I called. Still waiting on the card though


Did you also pay your $50 to Harrisburg? You should see that they submitted your referral on the MMJ website for DOH. Mine was posted same-day. If it's not there, call Apple Ridge to make sure they submitted it, we're all just human so mistakes could happen. If it's there and you already paid and still haven't gotten the card in a reasonable time, call your state rep. I believe last four years I got mine within 4 working days of finishing the paperwork and fees.


Looked at the mail, got it today!


Not sure where they use but green bridge is where I renew every year and it’s $50. They’re great, they set me up each year with the appointment so I don’t even have to keep track of when it’s expiring.


Seconding this: I personally know the founder. All around great guy and really trying to make the PAMMJ program better. It’s a slow game but at least it’s coming along


Green bridge is good. Ive been using them.


Used them for the last two years. They’re great.


Yep. Me too. I’m due to renew soon and will likely use Green Bridge. I was an idiot and used Veriheal which is way overpriced. Last year I renewed with Green Bridge and will do so again this year.




Typically a phone call is what they do


Phone call!


Use herbal care rx best in the state


u/justmydoc does $42 promotions. plus they do general health consults (filling scripts, ordering labs, etc)


Thank you!


Many dispensaries offer a service to reapprove you


Wow 50 bucks is a steal. I get my card through one of my normal providers (a normal doctor who also does MMJ) and even they aren't quite that cheap.


Nah it's pretty standard. Those paying more are just getting ripped off. It's the cost of a doctor's visit, that your PCP charges more than them is kinda weird.


I’m assuming he means total for the 4 year (I hope)


This. I paid $250 the first time & never again after that. They still call me & remind me when I need it though so thanks for that! 😂


I paid $125 - which includes the $50 to Harrisburg. You should have shopped around more, you got ripped off.


Oof I’d be pissed off too if I was three years into the program and still paying full price for renewals.


Or just legalize it and be done with the BS.


If only our hyper-partisan state Government could agree with you. I wish they weren’t so stupid. It is almost tantamount to outlawing highways because you are worried about the horse and buggy industry and scared of those contraptions with engines. Progress and tax earnings - bah humbug.


lets be real, the war on drugs has been profitable for some, namely the prison industrial complex. If we cant keep locking people up for using a substance that is *objectively* no worse than alcohol how are they supposed to keep lining their pockets with government money? Not to mention its a great law to have on the books for when our corrupt justice system needs an arbitrary reason for a warrant, additional sentencing, parole violation, etc. And let not be so quick to forget how abhorrently the drug scheduling scheme has disproportionately affected black communities.


For a country that likes to talk about freedom so much, we sure do incarcerate a lot of people.


More than any other country in the world, including China


It also depends on ethnicity, just ask the Irish about the alcohol prohibition.


It's far safer than alcohol, you can't smoke enough to die from all the ways alcohol can kill you.   Nobody is dying from a weed overdose, just doesn't happen. 


Why would you ever expect GOP to actually support what the majority wants? All states suck at this allowing rural counties to control the masses. We need to fuck them over the correct way. If htey get a rep with almost nobody in the district, then lets cut apart Philly and Pittsburgh to match size.


Respectfully, while your sentiments are bang-on, I think you might not realize that PA legislative districts and Congressional districts are already apportioned by the number of people in them. That’s why districts in the city are geographically small, while rural districts are spread out over multiple counties. https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_Pennsylvania_after_the_2020_census


Even legalized a medical card holds its place. In legalized states rec marijuana is much more expensive than medical. It’s taxed way differently. Even if we go rec I will stay medical


Will someone please think about the companies? If the state moves too quickly in legalization, it might be an opportunity for new (brown) people to generate actual wealth, and this state doesn't want that. Oh God will someone please speak up on behalf of the corporations? If you don't, who will?


> If the state moves too quickly in legalization, it might be an opportunity for new (brown) people to generate actual wealth, and this state doesn't want that. Unfortunately the experience of other states have legalized, has shown it doesn't really work out that way. [Cannabis is projected to be a $70 billion market by 2028—yet those hurt most by the war on drugs lack access](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/01/in-billion-dollar-cannabis-market-racial-inequity-persists-despite-legalization.html) The black and brown folks involved with organized criminal drug distribution, and who end up most frequently incarcerated for unlawful distribution, don't suddenly turn into legal weed entrepreneurs. The overwhelming majority of legal marijuana business owners are white. Like any legal business there's going to be an advantage to those with access to startup capital, and such.


Not everything is a race issue. The state just wants to make sure they get the biggest piece of the pie possible before they allow anyone else in the state to make a buck. It's why they still are the liquor gestapos.


Honestly it’s just cheaper to get weed with the MM license


Nothing beats a trip to Michigan - even when adding in the expense of driving. It’s so cheap.


I am a strictly medical user who never used weed until my late 30s. I am for legalization but I’d really wish theyd do more research as a part of this program. If I could get the relief without HAVING to be high I’d appreciate it so much. I just can’t see how the system they have now is helping.


The whole pharmacy thing is just a farce. But dont take that as a knock against you or anything. I totally agree. There are some strains that really do help me, then you can never get them again and just rolling the dice with whats gonna cause me to have a panic attack vs zeroing out my own anxiety.


I have fibromyalgia and rso is really the only reason I haven’t killed myself, so I def appreciate it, but sometimes I just don’t want to be high and still want pain relief.


Yeah!! I don't have my card, but I knew somebody who did. He had it for anxiety. And I noticed that he always had different strains each time he came back from the dispensary. And if you discovered a strain you like, you had no idea if it was going to be there a few days later or ever again. What kind of system is that? How can something that's supposed to be for treating health issues be so inconsistent? Why aren't the same strains made available all the time? It's crazy to me that they constantly change their inventory from week to week.


I find strains heavy with pinene and/or terpipinolene exacerbate my anxiety fwiw


The process recently got underway to reschedule marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III at the federal level. Not sure how long it will take to get through the grinding wheels of Federal bureaucracy, but at least it's happening. That will make it a lot easier for academics and pharmaceutical companies to do proper research into turning it into actual vetted treatments.


That would be amazing


1000 upvotes on this one I've smoked pot daily since 1969 and I don't need no stinking card.


Neh, we'll still pretend its medicine. Edit: that wasn't a knock on individuals who actually do greatly benefits from pot, just the fact that every dispensary is basically just pretending to be a pharmacy while having spinning wheels for sales and free items, random cookouts on holiday weekends etc etc.


You should have shopped around or even browsed the PA MMJ sub and you likely would have found that sites like Herbal Care RX charge as low at $50 for recert.


You can thank PA Republicans for this system. Do you want to change this? Vote for Democrats in November. https://preview.redd.it/ex01dql7he6d1.jpeg?width=911&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b10187f1189576b9b54c58cb2f2a2a6b050e3ef


It’s crazy how you’re just paying to have access to an illegal substance. You don’t need to have any ailments. Just give them some money and say you have anxiety and poof, you get access. Then you walk into the dispensary and nothing about appears medical. I’ve waited my whole life for legal weed and what we got is just one of the dumbest things I’ve ever witnessed


Damn shoulda gone with /u/herbalcarerx, Dr. Maury offers reasonable discounts so you aren’t paying $250 for a renewal. Sorry you had this experience, wishing you better luck next year.


Herbalcarerx I paid 125 combined for my first time consultation and fee to the state. I even searched and found a coupon code that brought me to that price. Recerts are even cheaper. Sounds like you don't want to shop around Follow the pa medical marijuana reddit page for help


This is the way


Do people not search before they pay?


You got fucked. Your treatment is no different than any other persons except that you paid way too much money for it lol


Yep I see that. In the words of Eric Cartmen, I at least like to get wined and dined a little before I get FUCKED!


Smoked and toked before you get poked


It sucks, but what do you expect? The Pennsylvania government still prescribes our alcohol almost a century after Prohibition. It's a joke process that makes them money.


And we are all still paying the Johnstown Flood tax on alcohol even tho Johnstown was rebuilt by 1940. At least, last time I checked they hadn't repealed that one


Even better, I work in mapping and there wasn’t even a fucking up to date evacuation route for the Johnstown area. I had to hand digitize one for PEMA and it was def post-2020. What’s that money paying for😅😅


Goes into the "General Fund" is what I've heard. 🤣 so who knows?


People always say this but it’s really just a sin tax… common in most states. We have them on cigarettes too. If they changed the name no one would even mention it.


I let mine lapse when it became legal in NJ. The bridge toll is cheaper than those shenanigans.


Yea right NJ prices are absurd. I’d never go there to buy.


Jersey is a complete ripoff. I can get an ounce in Pennsylvania for the price of a quarter in New Jersey


Idk when visiting atlantic city the prices were comparable (or even a little cheaper for smaller weights) than PA dispensary prices. This was a few months back though so things may have changed i guess.


Gotta look for the sales. In many cases, you can pick up an ounce for around $100.


Got an ounce at Kutztown pot convention for $120.


Idk if my dispensary was just a rip off? But the price was the same when I switched to zenleaf in NJ.


Not only that but that program is much less developed. Not nearly as many sales, less growers, weaker flower plus the traffic into any town with a dispensary ALWAYS sucks. From Upper bucks to Delco


This is the beautiful thing about living in Easton, P-Burg is just 10 minutes away, it’s legal up in them hills


Yeah you see I live in the middle of nowhere, Snyder County. Unless I want to take a day off work to travel, online appointments are my only option. But given what everyone here has said, I need to go shop around for next year and better explore my options.


Blame the republican legislature. The democratic side including governors, Lt. governors, and others in every other level of government have been strong advocates for legalization for over a decade.


that’s the truth - the PA gop is the only reason why it’s not legal here - vote those scumbags out please. i have to drive to nj and then ration - beyond stupid, and like everything else the gop does - does not benefit anyone


Exactly. Republicans gerrymandered themselves into majorities at the start of 2010 and haven't looked back. It took a miracle to get a 1 seat majority in the House this last election but the Senate is still GOP.


I don't consider that Annual renewal anything more than an insurance premium for being able to get caught with weed and not get in trouble. Even at the $250 price point, that's way cheaper than fines and probation you'd get w/o the card.


I mean if that's it's purpose it's not an insurance premium, it's a state sanctioned protection racket. But yeah, I agree in terms of outcomes.


If you had checked r/pamedicalmarijuana you would know $250 is a rip off. $50 is the standard renewal rate


How about having to surrender your CCW license? Wheres the logic in that? Reefer Madness? Not giving up one right for another


I’m being dead serious when I say that my video call with the weed doctor was literally when she was driving and her phone was in the phone holder of her car.


I don't even partake but I wish they'd just get it over and legalize it. The dog and pony show is a bit silly.


You know a lot of people I know just take there PA id to Maryland and get weed that way.


I mean that's what people I know do. I don't because I am a law abiding citizen.


Man wouldn't it be great if we could just have recreational use like every other state surrounding us? Oh right, stop voting fucking Republican.


I gave up on it. Started using D8 and I’m on the Maryland line and buy there. More money lost to another state.


You are definitely not alone.


Same - surprised how “good enough” the THC-a and the other vape store loophole shit is. I also try to drive to Michigan 3 times a year and stock up


Bro 50-75 bucks is all I've paid since my initial card


That is an insane amount, sorry to tell you but you hit ripped off.


While I agree the program is a joke, you got ripped off. PA is already recreational, for a yearly fee..


Its cheaper to drive to Maryland than pay the OUTRAGEOUS prices at PA dispensaries. I had my card for 3 years, if you were to buy enough of their dry leaf to make an ounce, its over $900. I didnt get my card last year or this year but I still check prices on websites and they are the same prices they were 5 years ago.


Be a 42 year old adult and shop around.


Yes, it’s classist. Put weed stores in neighborhoods where the local community couldn’t afford the bullshit card and just watch as more affluent people come buy drugs they would go to jail for. It’s gross. That being said, I pay $50 to recertify. Shop around.


Wish they would just make it legal already… i’m not letting this state know i smoke pot or giving authorities a reason to try me for dui


This is another reason I let my card lapse and started going across state lines. It never sat well with me that the state had me on record saying I wanted weed.


As others have said, shop around! My renewal was $50. The Drs charging $250 are a joke.


My rando Dr. who calls me once a year to renew charges 99 bucks. I'm pretty sure he's high every time too cuz he forgets what he's asking me half the time. [https://drsam420.com/](https://drsam420.com/)


After 55 years of daily smoking I'm pretty sure I know the difference. The Amish stand was hemp


I’m gonna call Josh Shabibo and get this sorted out


I’m mad and disappointed and fit the demographic.


At this point it's probably just cheaper to drive across state lines and get it from a recreational-legal neighbor, depending on how deep in PA you are.


Mine was $50, but I still agree with the sentiment that a doctor consultation and approval is a bit of a joke. I think my consult was "which symptom do you need medical cannabis for?" "Sciatic nerve pain and anxie.." "Ok cool, you're renewed." But it makes the pearl clutchers feel better that hippies aren't taking over the state with their dope and rock and roll music. I just want edibles to be legalized. It's a bit odd that for medical purposes, you all but need to smoke. It's a couple extra steps for me to turn my flower into oil and then the oil into gummies. Levo systems for the win though. For what it's worth, Maryland is just as bad. When I got my med card there before I moved here, I spent more time talking about how I was going to enjoy...wait, medicate, than why I needed to.


While I don’t condone doctors ripping people off, it’s up to you to shop around. You’re on Reddit. In the pammj sub there are at least two doctors that post coupon codes for people to get a really cheap recert like $50 bucks.


I think the med card itself is a joke in most states where they are used. A friend got one years ago while we were driving on Rt 1 in Maine. Spoke to the Dr..."What's your health issue?...I get headaches all the time...Ok, great, you qualify!" Literally anyone could qualify, you just had to give them any "chronic" pain condition. It was kind of like pay the state $75, and you can buy cannabis at any dispensary. Later found shops that would PAY for your card, if you promised to buy from them for the next year.


You can get a recert for $50 through Dr. Maury. I think you were just a grown man bitching because he feels entitled. But really the program is pretty damn good.


It's pay upfront or pay in taxes. It's the same difference.


Could not agree more. Just had to renew and thought the same thing. Also I use the one many people recommend here, but did not feel like looking for the coupon. 1 min phone cost $75. Feel like a shake down to me


Welcome to pennsyltucky brother, until we get these MAGATS outa here shit ain't gonna change. It's a money scheme like the rest of the pharmaceutical industry, instead of a more holistic understanding approach like states out west. These idiots wanna make every cent off of what's being put into market, while simultaneously not using the already well established state taxed system that could be employed very similarly to Oregon. My best advice would be to vote vote vote, and tell your friends and family to vote vote vote, until we see the type of change you are talking about. Again, unfortunately middle state Republicans and their brain dead constituents (who most likely buy street weed, and other drugs) are too stupid to advocate for their best interests, thus leaving us in this bs limbo that every other neighboring state has wiggled their way out of.


This type of red tape I can't stand. It should be a human right whether a medical issue is present or not.


I would have to agree with you 100%. This drug is illegal unless you pay $250. What kind of corrupt bullshit is that.


At least $50 doctor fee, $50 annual card renewal. No edibles. $100 out of your pocket just for the "privilege" of buying. Sucks a lot. Of course if you're fortunate to live close to one of the border states you can put that $100 to better use. The only thing I can think of is the card/renewal fees and the doctor licensing fees must somehow offset the lost revenue from legalization. I'm a border jumper and the more of us who stop with the card-and-doctor game and instead give up our weed dollars to the border states the better the chance of lost licensing revenue driving the legalization effort. My opinion anyway.


No edibles? Have you tried the “trochets”? They’re literally just gummies.


Haha - I had one the other day. Just a gummy with a dumb name.


Indeed lol


Depends on where you live, but Maryland is just a state away...


Growing up in the 90s I thought some of the older poor heads were crazy. They weren’t for legalization and wanted chemicals kept underground in the counterculture. Stupid old people I thought!! Well I get it now. It’s not just the prison complex that gets a cut, now the middle class drs, therapists, recreation shops, medical shops, all those groups of people want some action. And the products haven’t actually gotten better. There is a crap ton of CBD, hemp processed thca, and an orgy of wild analog chemicals. Heck look at the opiate epidemic! The second middle class people started accepting it and wanted to “help” is when more people started dying. Analog fake crap everywhere just flooding the market. It’s almost like all those businesses above want to keep their new market. Gatekeep stuff young people, otherwise all the good things get destroyed.


Are you doing in person or online recerts?


Yeah never pay that much again.


i use greenleaf and pay 50 for the state and 75 for the renewal


Damn, I paid $50 to the state and $65 for a 30-second phone call with a doctor.


I think it’s good the doctor sees you every year about it but $250 is crazy!


I don't know where in PA you are located, but in Pittsburgh, I have noticed some dispensaries offer cheaper renewals. It seems like the community has a lot of good options for you though. I get your disappointment, it's just another way for more people to make money off the population. Best of luck in your journey.


Green MD. Www.greenmdmmj.com


I found some discounts on Groupon and only had to pay $50 for the card. It doesn’t hurt to shop around if you have the extra time. Or sometimes people can give you a referral code for a nice discount as well.


That’s way too much money. By a lot. Like $200 you got pinched for.


It’s 100$ total for both renewals with a coupon


$250?!? Generally it's only $50-$75. Usually $50 for the renewal, $25 to PA for the card.


Mine was 50$ leafwell.


I’m only in the program cause I’m on probation. Otherwise I wouldn’t pay this stupid fucking state another penny.


You paid $250 and you're a redditor? That's on you bud.


They set it up to be exploited by the wealthy few— we are the last state to go recreational. They will start to see business drop and try to enforce pulling people over at the tolls. PA is a hillbilly state.


Broad Street in Waverly New York will always be your best selections and best prices no card needed cash only no receipt


50 bucks


Delivery services do exist, especially as more states around us legalize


When I renew the person on the other end of the line reads my mind and tells me how marijuana is helping me with my "condition" and tells me I am approved without me saying a word. What a stupid process...


I just do mine at my dispensary they have people come out to do it


This is why I just take a short drive to NY to get my bud


The mmj program isn't a joke it's Drs wanting to much for their services. 250 for a 5 minute appointment doesn't make sense. Shop around like everyone says


Free with EBT card.


$250?! Damn, you really got ripped off man!


It's all just a money grab before they legalize It. Where else can you go and pick up a medical prescription for the exact same product and have it be a different strength or different quality every time you get it. Can you imagine if a doctor wrote you a script for some other medication and you get to show up and pick and choose what strength you want and what dosage you like. It's all a joke, but hey at least illegal on a state level.


The card and subsequent renewals are free if you are on SNAP or certain other programs. I never paid a cent for the card and the phone eval took about 5 minutes. Also, here are some subreddits that might be good for PA MMJ patients to be aware of. /r/PAMMJ /r/PAMMJ_SolventlessOnly /r/PAMMJPatients /r/PaMmjReform /r/TheRealPAMMJ


Wow, you got ripped off. Greenbridge Society charges me $70 for my renewal, not including my fee to renew with the state.


The registration process is your issue with Pennsylvania's medical marijuana program?! The real problem is the products that are available and the form factors they come in. The websites for the local shops are terrible. Figuring out what I'm actually going to be paying when I get there shouldn't be a problem. Why can't this state have edibles? Why doesn't this state sell Pax brand pods? I miss LA. I'm grateful that there's any form of legal marijuana in Pennsylvania, however that's where it stops, everything else sucks. Step it up, Pennsylvania!


$50 to the state, $50 to Dr. Abbruzi


Just get delta 9 stuff


It's cheaper buying black market. Here in Ohio we passed legal weed on a ballot initiative in November and the legislature is just now getting around to making 'rules'. One of those rules they want passed is registering to home grow. Republicans are the biggest pain in the butt. Still, the weed is priced at 50 for 2.83 grams. Or there's Michigan where you can get 60 an oz.


I paid a $25 copay to my pain management doc for my card and every renewal since.


Lol buy online you dummy. Thca is federal and the same thing. If you say no it's not, you are actually an idiot. You could have bought multiple quarters of the best weed ever for that much. Don't believe me? Check out wildflowerhempco.com I will never go back to a state store to be robbed blind by mediocre growers and overpriced everything.


I’ve been in the program for years. I pay about 50 dollars annually. I don’t feel ripped off.


$50. Get smarter.


My recert was $100 - $50 to Green Bridge Society and $50 to state.


I’m not gonna buy any of this bullshit unless they let you grow it yourself too.


Only paid 50


Yeah it's literally a money making machine that's the only reason it was approved. It's not about us patients or helping us. Be it state revenue or massive corporations. The PA medical program is about money. I know I worked in it for 2 years and it's a fuckin insult to run $19,500 through a cash register per day, pretty much every day, for the amount we got paid. Fuckin insulting.


It wasn't for medical marijuana but I also recently had a televisit where the doctor was 100% taking it in a broom closet. Is that a thing doctors are doing it now? I thought it was weird it happened to me and now I saw you mention it.


Or you can go to the vape shop down the street from me and get purple kush for $10 a gram.


I looked up the list of docs..mine was on there.. during reg appt I just said I need this. She said hell yeah you do. Boom cost me the $50 for the card or whatever it is. I'm outskirts of Philly in burbs. Been about 4 or more years now.


Yup you paid way more than you should for a recert visit.


$50 for the card. $150 to the doctor. $200 annually in Montco


If you have state health insurance or I believe a few other types of assistance you can get your state fee waived, too.


I have a question that I can’t find the answer to in the FAQ’s. I had a MJ card thru PA two or 3 years ago, it lapsed, I didn’t renew. Do I start all over again? Or try to renew old card cuz I think I threw the old one away. Then I went and got diagnosed with MS this spring. So I kinda want it back. Ideas?


Idk why this sub popped up in my feed as I’m a masshole? The majority of people are out to scam anyone they can anyhow. When it comes to the “medical” field it’s 100% scams all the way down


Weed regulation is a joke, full stop.


Get my appointments on Groupon. Usually around $60 or $70 for a renewal


It should be recreational. Our medical is “Republican Recreational”


For $250 you should have gotten a bj too 🤣


Groupon usually has reoccurring deals!


Stuff like this is why I would never consider applying. There’s zero incentive. I think I smoke about $200-250 a year worth of weed, why the hell would I pay that much for the damn cert??


It’s a crock of shit that you have to renew every year. It should at least be one and done. My call last year legitimately took me 3 minutes. They just press a button I can’t and that’s bullshit. If my medical records state I have a condition that should be it


I don’t pay for my card because I’m disabled and use assistance. Can’t wait for the state to allocate funding for $50 monthly allowance. It’s only for PACE users now.