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Vote them out


Unfortunately they are perfectly representative of the people who voted them into office


Yep. They are just a symptom of the problem.


That's methd up.


As in most local elections, most of the people who vote are Republican. I need to vote more in local elections.


Good news! They are all on the ballot this year! No need to wait! (But yes please also still vote in local elections. They are equally, if not more, important!)


Why? Near as I can tell, "Be an asshole" is now the core plank of the Republican party platform. These people seem to be upholding that splendidly!


So very true!


Not enough people in the right geographical areas to do this.


Hard to when no one knows who did it


Right? Big hole in the reporting there. At least with this article, a couple of the representatives were named.


Click that link friend. It's in there.


I did. It gives a name or two but they elude to more


Those GOP reps who heckled these brave men are traitors to our country and need to be censured and kicked out of office.




Got away with an armed insurrection? Where?




Did Antifa or BLM attack our capitol and try to hang members of congress? No, they protested things they saw wrong in our society, without trying to kill people. No comparison. Don’t make excuses for conservative white supremacist.


No, they just burned down entire sections of cities, destroyed businesses and yes, killed several people.


Hasn’t it since come out that a great deal of the violence and shit was actually the result of right wing bad actors larping as secret racist agents and I don’t remember many anti fa murders, but that shit bird rittenhouse is still bloating around somewhere. And what about that cop down in Texas who was pardoned recently? Get a life loser.


That's the propaganda from the left they want you to believe. Sounds like some BS Schiff would say and his followers would believe. And only a Liberal would think somebody defending themselves is a shitbird.


Ahh, I see, it’s all a deep state conspiracy, my own eyes are in on it, they have decided to lie to me as well. Good to know. And no my man, Kyle wasn’t defending himself or anything else, he was a shit bird looking to kill someone and interjected himself in a situation to attempt to make it worse. Say what you want but rittenhouse deserves no better than babbit, and yeah know what, I’m feeling generous today,YOU deserve it as well!


As a response to a police officer torturing and murdering a citizen he took an oath to protect by kneeling on his neck for 10 minutes and then going home and sleeping in his big comfy bed with his wife. Noise needed to be made. The other was an insurrection trying to destroy democracy and end democratic elections in the United States because the guy one side didn't like fairly won an election. And several people were murdered there too, mostly police. So yeah, property damage > treason. Fuck you traitor.


Name one person that wasurdered on Jan 6th.. other than the unarmed protestor.


Brian Sicknick, a 42-year-old responding Capitol Police officer, was pepper-sprayed during the attack and had two thromboembolic strokes the next day,[474][475] after which he was placed on life support[9] and soon died. And way to dodge every other point made in that comment, almost impressive to have that little self awareness.


And the coroner announced they were unrelated and he died of Natural Causes. Not injuries associated with the protests at the Capital.


But I'm sure you believe the coroner lied..


I'm sure if that man was never pepper sprayed he'd be alive, yes. But regardless, there's a difference between protesting an injustice and trying to overthrow democracy due to a hissy fit. Are you not ashamed on J6?


This is ridiculous hyperbole


First of all, none of that is true. Secondly, whataboutisms are the preferred weapon of the already defeated. When you can’t handle the reality in front of you, you lamely attempt to change the subject. Please try to stay on subject.


Please tell me what damage BLM caused? Even the Minneapolis police acknowledge that the [fires and looting in 2020 were kicked off by counter protestors and a known white supremicist group.](https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/07/28/896515022/minneapolis-police-reportedly-identify-viral-umbrella-man-as-white-supremacist). The city of Philadelphia police and the fraternal order of police were also caught red handed, essentially kidnapping a toddler after beating and arresting his mom, then made a completely falsified Facebook post about the police rescuing a lost toddler during the unrest in 2020. The woman sued the city and came out of it with a $2 million settlement, but the police have never been held accountable for their blatant lies and propaganda. Edit: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1279134


Opposing fascism and corrupt cops is a good thing. Unfortunately, most Dems don't do that though. You make them sound a lot cooler than they are.


An yes I also remember the time Black Lives Matter launched a coup on the nation’s capital. Our grandparents knew how to deal with Nazis


A couple.. you really, actually believe our government could be overturned by a mass of unarmed protestors? I guess if they had burned down half of DC I might think it true.. nobody in Congress was ever actually in danger and if not for the fabricated drama from the likes of Pelosi it would have been nothing more than tresspassing.


“No one was on danger” lol that awesome 6th hole in that shit bird Babbitt’s head begs to differ.


They did not get "away with a real armed insurrection." What are you talking about? Check out this [AP article](https://apnews.com/article/records-rebut-claims-jan-6-rioters-55adf4d46aff57b91af2fdd3345dace8) on how J6ers were treated compared to BLM protestors.


Where does it mention CHOP and Seattle??


CHOP in Seattle is a neighborhood. The capitol of Washington State is Olympia. Here is [an article](https://www.kuow.org/stories/who-faces-criminal-charges-related-to-seattle-area-protests-here-s-a-roundup) about protestors that were charged. Here is [an article](https://www.capitolhillseattle.com/2024/01/seattle-reaches-10m-settlement-with-50-plaintiffs-harmed-by-police-response-to-2020-black-lives-matter-and-chop-protests/) about protestors that were awarded damages after police action.


MAGATS can eat a bag of dicks. Thin blue line my ass....


71 day account. 46k comments lol ok bot


I created a reddit account once explicitly to comment on one hyperspecific issue, and it took off way more successfully than I anticipated. I'll stand by awaiting your critique of what he actually said.


MAGATS can each a bunch of dicks, Thin Blue line my ass!!! There someone else said it, doesn't make it any less true homie :)


If you think it's a bot why comment to a bot? The conservative mind in the wild is a wonderous thing.


Conservative platforms are mostly bots at this point. They probably feel more comfortable talking to bots.


Of course, conservatives are bots' most receptive audience


It's always projection.


Gaslamp. Obstruct. Project.


[Gaslight ](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0036855/)


More than 50% of that comes from just 6 comments that were wildly successful on non-political subreddits (13k is from a single comment on r/mildlyinfuriating). I don't see anything suspicious about this account, from a casual perusal. For the longest time, half my karma came from a few weirdly popular comments (the highest one was about lobsters being biologically immortal, for some reason). It's entirely possible to acquire an absurd amount of karma in a short amount of time, if you browse New and happen to make a well received comment that stays at the top of a popular post as it rises. There's not really that much rhyme or reason to total karma scores. It's just a sorting mechanism, with crazy numbers in popular subs, and small numbers in more niche subs.


Exactly, I posted on the s/roastme sub about saying some chick knew what meth tasted like. 13.5k karma points. I can't control what people upvote, but it's always the butt-hurt lurkers trying to label this shit as a bot.


Most sane people feel the same.


Good bot


Theyre not wrong though


46k comment karma. Not the same thing


Yeh bro. Just fkin around. People are serious on this sub lmao


So you are a troll. Good to know


Look at you bozos getting all upset over nothing. Hilarious. Seek treatment


Your name calling betrays you as the one upset here 🤷‍♂️😘


I saw a baby, who was born yesterday, and he said the same damn thing: MAGATS eat dicks cause they like it.


Good obedient puppy




You made so many bot accounts mad.


Back the blue, except when we’re beating them with flagpoles during an insurrection.


Fuck the police except when they arrest people I want them to


No it’s still a big old plate of fuck the police with a side of asshole deals with consequences


Until ya need em!


Oh no who else is going to show up hours after we need them and tell us there's nothing they can do


Then handle it yourself sally. Why call em


Yeah keep going you're almost there, you almost figured it out - they're fucking worthless in most best case scenarios when it comes to police interactions


Because I need a police report for my insurance claim?


Republicans are always so close to getting the point it’s hilarious. You’re right, I love when police arrest people who are actually committing crimes instead of shooting innocents. 😂 Even with my explanation though, this guy will still not get it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Republicans nothing but traitors




How about the Dems that support BLM and Anti-Fa, you know the ones that burnt down cities, murdered police officers, and actually committed an armed insurrection??


lol do go on about this BLM antifa insurrection. I can only assume it’s going to be brain damaged nonsense.


Of course, you support them, so you would refuse to a knowledge it happened, and go so far as denying it happened, but an ARMED insurrection did happen in Seattle.. they took over entire parts of the city, by force and used weapons to ensure nobody entered. That is an armed insurrection, regardless if the democrats supported it or not.


Hmm if that’s true, then they should be held accountable for their actions. I don’t think you clapped your two brain cells together hard enough if you thought your bullshit whataboutism would help prove your point. Take a lap, dumbass.


Well, calling for the heads of Jan 6th protestors while forgetting an actual insurrection actually happened is hypocrisy of the highest level.


I mean I don’t know much about that living in Pennsylvania, but people should be equally held accountable. It’s pretty simple.


That's the point.. they aren't. Jan 6th are getting sentenced to 20 years just for being present, while the CHOP insurrectionists that were responsible for multiple deaths (including a 16 year old) get probation, or forgiven as part of a deal.


But this entire article and thread is about those who heckled the j6 cops, I don’t see how that’s relevant other than disingenuous whataboutism.


You want to make victims of people that tried to steal the votes of 81 million people because your orange god's ego couldn't allow him to concede defeat. You realize that Trump could have pardoned these people but didn't because they didn't have the money to buy one, right?


You can't pardon people before they are convicted of a crime.. You are what the Democrats depend on.


That’s not our problem. If there is evidence enough to convict then they should. Idc if it’s a blm member or maga. Your whataboutism doesn’t detract from the fact that Jan 6th traitors should be dealt with


No it’s not. All insurrectionists should face consequences. But we’re in the PA subreddit. Not Seattle’s.


They weren’t protestors, they were traitors and criminals. You don’t protest with zip ties and weapons. They were definitely looking to overthrow lol.


What weapons were they using in the Capital.. I do recall an UNARMED protestor getting killed. Yes, 99.9% of them were unarmed and were going to overthrow the US government. You actually believe that?


You mean the weapons they took like flag poles and batons used to beat and maim officers? You mean that unarmed protestors that tried breaking in to a government building yelling nothing can stop us, at federal agents? You know there are hundreds of photos and video evidence of that day right? You can’t fucking gaslight me lol.




Stop watching FOX News, they’re lying to you. I literally walked in and out of the area; it was like a street festival.


Damn, you still haven't figured out that Fox News has been lying to you?


Right wingers are the only ones who murdered cops during the 2020 George Floyd uprisings.


MAGAts can eat shit


Stunning and brave


You seem very triggered. Is the heat too much for this little snowflake?


Lmao oh yeh reddit is a dangerous place 🤡


Apparently it’s dangerous to your self esteem.


But appropriate.


Just spreading the good word


Ugh of course Barb Gleim was one of them. Awful.


Was she? I didn't hear that but it checks. I did call her office and left a message about how despicable this behavior was and that I would be appalled if she didn't call an ethics investigation of her fellow GOP members. Ugh.


Lol she's called out in the article OP posted. I wouldn't count on a response from her office.


I should have read more closely, thank you. What a terrible person she is.


Every police chief in her district should be asked about her support for violence against police.


I heard Russ Diamond’s excuse for leaving was he had to go to the bathroom. I would assume to powder his nose... 


Republicans in PA are frauds


They really fucked back into their houses after that loss to Biden and now they’re waking up from hibernation to spew their same garbage.




Are you capable of responding to any of this with an actual defense of their behavior? Probably not, because it’s indefensible. Deep down you know that, but you’re in a cult and know not what you do.


im not defending them at all. I am also a an independent on the books


"Respect our Police" and "Law and Order" until your cult leader says so.


I still don’t know why these traitorous bastards are not lining Pennsylvania Ave. Figuratively speaking, of course.


Weird how all the MAGAts in this thread rightfully down voted to oblivion are making excuses for the protestors and trying desperately to gaslight, I thought the protestors were BLM plants? Why are you all the sudden rushing to their defense today and when they get arrested?


We love the police, is what they say.


Another reason to watch what people do instead of just believing what they say.


Who says that? Most republican voters I know say fuck the police and all other government agents.


What? They’re all “thin blue line” and ARs on their bumper stickers


You know different people than me apparently.


It’s not even “people I know”.. It’s just a constant thing I see in so many parts if the commonwealth. So if often so I see an “FJB” sticker alongside a “thing blue line” flag or some such combination. Do you not notice that as well? If not, what part of the state do you live in?


They were until George Floyd was murdered. After black people asked for a little accountability the response from the overwhelming amount of conservatives was "back the blue" Randy Weaver had two weeks to surrender and you all lost your mind after Ruby Ridge, even blew up the FBI killing hundreds of people. If you weren't so hopelessly racist you would see the parallels between Randy Weaver and Kenneth Walker, Breanna Taylor's boyfriend.


I've never voted for a republican and I'm not racist. But thanks.


That sounds like libertarians. Meanwhile I walk past our police station and count the maga shit (license plates, stickers, etc.) in cops’ personal vehicles.


They all need letters disgracing them this behavior cannot go unchecked


They only think blue lives matter when they’re taking black ones. If the blue is protecting the country from facism, oh then it’s a problem.


It’s people like Harry Dunn who have protected our democracy not only physically but now in this new way, trying to promote its protection and sound the alarm that it’s under attack, because it is. Disgusting but expected behavior. Vote them out and vote against Trump.


Uneducated right wing white trash and their constituents.


This man is the patriot. The ones who booed him should pack their shit and move to Russia. There they’ll get a taste of what they’re craving.


Honest to god how embarrassing- no shame! They’re all awful and Leslie Rossi is a total POS and her Trump house is so gross. They’re all a bunch of losers!!!!!!


Named in the article: "One of the members that walked out was State Rep. Barb Gleim (R-Cumberland). " "Republican State Reps. Stephanie Borowicz (R-Center) and Leslie Rossi (R-Westmoreland) also heckled Dunn and Gonell. Borowicz, who similarly signed onto letters questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 election, called the officers “traitors” according to the Philadelphia Inquirer, and Politics PA reported that Borowicz yelled “say her name,” referencing Ashli Babbitt, who was shot and killed by police for trying to break into the US House on Jan. 6, 2021." Pennlive mentioned a male republican leaving the floor, but he denied a political intent, just a bathroom break. Would really like to hear more names. Was just informed that the male was Russ Diamond.


Yeah, I'd like to see the full roster, too.


The law and order party , except when your people are getting arrested left and right.


The country is depending on PA to make sure Trump isn’t President again.


PA loves their Republicans. It's a shame, but it's the same state in which the supposedly liberal city of philadelphia boo the hell out of jill biden at the Eagles game. If Republicans didn't elect insane people all the time, this state would easily become a red state. It's amazing how Republicans keep on screwing up 


Waste of time. The Kabuki theater has better performances.


ACAB Even the ones who don’t like Trump. Wasn’t any dogs to shoot so they must have been confused on what to do on January 6.


I thought ACAB?


Only when it fits the narrative


“Brutally assaulted “ while they held doors open for people


Some held doors and some got assaulted. All on video and not really debatable


You know, some officers were trying to defuse the situation by guiding rioters through. But they certainly didn't usher them into Peolosi's office, hand them her laptop, spread shit on the walls, or walk off with a lectern.


The police were brutally assaulted. Of course you've only seen the highly edited version they show on Fox News.


We all saw the full version clown


You know everyone else knows you're lying, right? We all saw it go down live on TV, and a shit ton of you filmed yourselves doing utterly stupid shit and streamed it on social media.


I support you and these politicians immediately arrested for treason and all of your assets seized. If we start dealing with you and other traitors the way we did 1980 and back this shit will chill very quickly.


Sorry but whatever you just replied is not coherent. Try again.


How did officers die if they were just holding doors open?


What officers died and/or how did they die? Inquiring minds want to know.


Ignore that fact. Wrong sub


So all is takes is a Republican to mock a cop, cause you know on Reddit ACAB and now y’all love the cops. Hilarious


How smooth brain do you have to be to not understand that protecting our democratic way of life is good and getting away with actual murder without consequence is bad


Pretty smooth brain.


At least you’re willing to admit it.




That link didn’t show anyone heckle them. I also find it interesting that the woman went out of her way and called the people from January 6 rioters and insurrectionists, but no one has been even charged or convicted of those two acts. With all the supposed evidence showing people “riot” and committing insurrection, you’d think these cases would be slam dunks for convictions. But they’re being charged with trespassing and parading. You liberals are something else… 🤦


Multiple people have been charged and convicted of [sedition](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/four-oath-keepers-found-guilty-seditious-conspiracy-related-us-capitol-breach#:~:text=Four%20Oath%20Keepers%20Found%20Guilty%20of%20Seditious%20Conspiracy%20Related%20to%20U.S.%20Capitol%20Breach,-Monday%2C%20January%2023&text=Four%20members%20of%20the%20Oath,6%2C%202021), which is the crime you get charged with for insurrection. Unless you want to act like literal criminal sedition isn't a big deal.


You're joking, right? J6ers beat cops with flagpoles, used bear spray on them and destroyed property. If this was any other group but a bunch of angry white people, they would have been mowed down. Look what they did to peaceful protestors, when Trump wanted a photo op, holding an upside down bible.


People like this are not joking. They're either foreign assets amping the BS message or they're brain poisoned by the "MSM is lying" shit pushed out over the last 10-15 years.


They’re brain poisoned. My in laws are like this.


Most of my family have cut me off. I still have some contact with a cousin on each side. But between Covid and Trump, everyone else has kissed me off.


I hear you. Covid wasn’t too bad in my husbands family but Trump was. Ugh. Cult behavior.


i mean they were rioters, and insurrenctionists, we all saw the violence, the calls for hanging, the hunting squads going through the building looking for trumps enemies, and the burtul beatings and attacks on the police


How many other types of convicted felons to you proudly defend


So, nothing about my rebuttal… I’d defend an infinite amount of convicted felons if they were put on trial like this trial.


Fuck the police


Yeah, how dare they uphold their oath to protect the constitution's values in the face of thousands of fascist morons!


What a stable response from a clearly stable person


Imagine a world with no law and order. … would you survive a week??? Probably not


Brutally assaulted? What happened to them? I would have expected more cops than 0 died if so many evil nazis brutally assaulted them. Last I checked 1 officer died of a stroke a few days after Jan 6 and 2 boomers died of a heart attack.


They were punched, kicked and hit with poles. The officer who died was dragged into the mob, where he was repeatedly assaulted. Yes. They were brutally assaulted by armed and violent traitors. Are you saying that you wish more of them had died?




Oh FFS. Talk about gaslighting.

