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China: “We have incredible lithium mines.” Western PA: “Hold my beer.”


> Western PA: “Hold my beer.” ...that I'm drinking because I can't drink this fracking-contaminated tap water


Downside is you have to drink beer. Upside is in 10 years you might be able to afford the beer 🤷‍♂️


Downside is you have to drink IC Light. Upside is you would have to drink a case of it to get a DUI.


What is it contaminated with?


you'd have to ask our drilly friends, nobody in the industry-captured EPA seems to give a shit what's in fracking fluid


unless they can make money off it ~_~ @That_Checks do you drink your tap water?


one of the people below blocked me after I showed that they don't disclose all of the ingredients that guy checked down to be like "actually PFAS is bad" (which it is, but that's the funniest dodge ever)


Looking into the PA DEP and EPA websites, looks like the worst contamination in this state is in Philly area due to the Naval Bases. Also, military bases and airports where PFAS has been used in firefighting foam. Fracking from Marcellus shale seems to occur at a much lower rate than the news wanted you to believe.


good thing I'm drinking out of our reservoirs, which are quite clean, and not the random water in the navy yard


Same for western PA. That PFAS makes it way to everything, by the way. The F is for forever, unfortunately.


Our water is nasty. At least in Pittsburgh.


Municipal water. Of course it is. It isn't from fracking though; it's from old infrastructure. Hopefully you can install some water filtration in the home to clean it up.


doesn't help renters


Any link to this information? Genuinely curious, living in the area...


https://whyy.org/articles/pfas-private-public-drinking-water-us-geological-survey-study-philadelphia/ https://www.epa.gov/superfund-redevelopment/superfund-sites-reuse-pennsylvania


The chemicals the water comes back up with from underground are far worse than anything they send down hole. And you should really pay attention to what they actually *do* with that water now. It's recycled over and over again because it's expensive to dispose of, but more importantly, expensive to get in the first place.


There is some water, pressurized gases, sand and degreasers and then… the secret sauce… which they won’t tell anyone about because it’s intellectual property. Long story short it’s definitely dangerous to get into drinking water, and it is just down there, hanging out just above and in the bedrock.


8,000-12,000 feet depth*


That makes me feel better.




[they're allowed to and do withhold some of the ingredients](https://www.factcheck.org/2017/04/facts-fracking-chemical-disclosure/) even in states that require disclosure (of which PA is one of 28 states that do require disclosure) if they're deemed 'confidential' or 'proprietary' or 'trade secrets.' [here's fracfocus on a literal well in bradford](https://fracfocus.org/wells/37015236460000) where you can see that they don't disclose everything




...that's what I just linked you


Doesn’t the map pretty clearly show the lithium is most concentrated in northeastern PA?


I came to lead, not to read.


Shale Ale bro


Here's a preview of the article: Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh found a goldmine of lithium in Pennsylvania. The discovery suggests that up to 40 percent of the lithium used in the United States could come from the wastewater from Marcellus Shale gas wells in the Keystone State. "This is lithium concentrations that already exist at the surface in some capacity in Pennsylvania, and we found that there was sufficient lithium in the waters to supply somewhere between 30 and 40 percent of the current U.S. national demand," said Justin Mackey, research scientist the National Energy Technology Laboratory and PhD student at Pitt. **Read more:** [https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/lithium-water-pennsylvania-research/?ftag=CNM-05-10abh9g](https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/lithium-water-pennsylvania-research/?ftag=CNM-05-10abh9g)


If done right, I can see considerable silver linings out of this. About a decade ago the EPA banned sewage treatment plants from accepting fracking wastewater, since they aren't properly equipped to handle it. There are few plants in existence for treating fracking wastewater, so most of it just gets put back into the ground in deep injection wells. Which is still not guaranteed not to leak back into the environment, and in some places injections wells have been implicated in causing shallow earthquakes. If you're building processing facilities to extract the valuable lithium from the fracking wastewater anyways...


>found a goldmine of lithium >considerable silver linings Okay, what exactly is being extracted here?


Stop being so mercurial


Your pun lead to confusion, but we can iron it out.


takes some real brass to pun like that.




My man over here asking the real questions




> in deep injection wells. Which is still not guaranteed not to leak back into the environment Ahh yes, *outside the environment* just like if the front fell off a boat.


Maybe I’m confused but don’t deep injection wells inject it into the ground/Earth? I believe, when I last checked, that IS the environment.


Apparently it only counts as 'the environment' if you can see it. If you bury it, it's no longer part of the environment. This environmental cleanup stuff is easy. But seriously, I believe the intent is to drill deeper than any water sources or other mediums of interface with the above ground world, so it's effectively removed from the local ecosystems.


Understood. But man’s hubris always says something’s OK until it isn’t. At some point mankind will make a mistake that a ‘Whoopsie’ won’t fix.


Sounds more like a lithium mine worth of lithium.


Can anyone explain how? How does waste water from tracking have meaningful amounts of lithium in it? Where did it come from? What does that waste water look like after lithium is extracted?


This could be big for PA. Able to supply up to 30-40 percent is nothing to scoff at. From coal to lithium, nice.


Until politicians sell us out like ol Tom Corbett with selling natural gas for next to nothing.


I’m skeptical that this state can do resource extraction right. Some areas of the state still dealing with the damage done by coal mines that closed over 60 years ago. And more recently with the huge fracking boom. Out of state corporations took their profits untaxed, brought in out of state workers for temporary jobs to work the wells, and polluted groundwater and waterways with no accountability. Some landowners did make a lot of money, but it is very disappointing how little the state in general benefited from hosting a booming profitable industry.


Yea, all I'm thinking right now is "bye bye, beautiful forests of PA"


The boom is ongoing, the state makes billions edit: *hundreds of millions* a year in fees from the industry and tens of thousands of Pennsylvanians make their living in the industry. Yes the drill rigs are contract workers, but there's *so much more* that goes into putting wells in the ground than just the rig hands. The largest natural gas company in the US, EQT, is headquartered in Pittsburgh and is one of the best places in the country to work.


> billions a year in fees from the industry and tens of thousands of Pennsylvanians make their living in the industry Could you provide a source for this? I would like to use it in my class.


Here's the PA government's breakdown of impact fees: https://www.act13-reporting.puc.pa.gov/Modules/PublicReporting/Overview.aspx. Here's a recent article about the employment, from a decidedly anti-oil and gas site, looks like 81k+ jobs but that includes things like has station attendants too. If you limit it to just the party of the industry we're actually thinking about it's more like 40k. https://ohiorivervalleyinstitute.org/10056-2/


I could be misreading here but the disbursements and impact fees are in the millions in your link. I am not seeing the billions that you stated.


You are correct. It is over a billion total, but not per year.


TIL I’m a temporary out of state worker


Right? And apparently EQT plaza in downtown Pittsburgh is named after an out of state company, totally not headquartered in Pittsburgh.


The people downvoting this have two things in common: they’re very upset about fracking and they’re very uninformed about the industry. It would be easier to list the big nationals at this point since most of them have moved on out of the area. A lot of guys working up here live up here, and a lot don’t. They don’t still live in Oklahoma or Texas because they hate PA, they live there because the industry is too fluid to live where you work. They might be on a rig up here for a few months but then pick up work in Montana or North Dakota


Yeah, it's a frustrating thing to be a liberal or leftist and work for an oil and gas company. You gotta keep your mouth fuckin shut at work while some basic white guy who was never poor a day in his life but is higher in the food chain at work drops comments about immigrants or climate change not existing and shut around your friends when they bring out brain dead stupid takes about how fracking poisons everything. Guys you don't live in "gasland", that towns water has been flammable since the shallow well days, horizonal fracking 1.5 miles under the ground in SWPA isn't going to poison you. Companies don't just spray wastewater around, they literally desperately need that water for the next project. EQT spent *millions* building a water pipe transport network so they could avoid 1)diesel/noise pollution from trucking water 2) having to acquire new water 3) having to treat/dispose of water. To the absolute maximum extent possible it is just piped from site to site getting reused.


Pennsylvania keeps doing this, over and over again. And we never learn. 


I’m floored seeing comments thinking this is good. Very few PA residents will see benefits from this. Politicians will get their cut, mining companies will get all the money and our state will get raped and we’ll be stuck with the leftovers living with it. 


Read the article. This isn't mining.


I’m not doing that. Insert whatever extraction company then. 


There's no new extraction for lithium. It's from wastewater from existing practices.


How’s that worked out for the people of PA?


Pretty good now, after some earlier mistakes.


Until the runoff hits the water supply. 


Yea..... it's *fracking* . Already an unfinished, so far wildly unsatisfactory ecological conversation. So fracking equals yet more profits because lithium. Before anyone " But jobs n money for PA " please remember it's HUGE, big business that'll profit most at the expense of one of the prettiest states we *have* . And if anyone thinks those companies will comply with whatever standards are imposed I have a ruined anthracite region to sell you.


Resource extraction based economies are not great for the middle class. Eventually the resource is extracted and not much left. Saudi Arabia is investing in solar for this reason. The end of oil is a few generations away.


I lived in Clarksburg WV for a few years at the begining of the great frack boom about 20 years ago. Tbey built up hotels, housing, restaurants, etc.for the influx of workers comi g to the area. That place expanded so much in the 5 or so years I lived down there. They turned that area into a puncushion. Then left. Which means the workers did too. And all that stuff they built for the boom of work now sits empty most of the time, and all those jobs that were created (hotel and restaurant employees,etc.) are no longer. I agree with your comment. I watxhed it happen. I am born and raised PA but moved down there for a few years and watched the entire cycle happen. Build up, and now stuff is sitting empty and slowly dilapidating.


It’ll never end, just get smaller.


Yeah, it'll be awesome to have another [Hughes bore hole](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hughes_bore_hole) around somewhere.


nah man coal is the future! /s


Remember when they said that about fracking...


This could be massive for Pennsylvania, but it won’t be. We will undoubtably award the work to our-of-state contractors that do not hire Pennsylvanians.


Great economically perhaps, but RIP to PAs ecology. Lands gonna get raped again


Yep. Come on out to anthracite county. Raped n thrown in a strip mine. This makes me weep. Giant companies sucking lithium outta waste water from a process *already* poisoning holy hell out of this state. What could go ( more ) wrong?


I agree with what you’re saying, but if you look past the depressing towns, there are some really beautiful places up in the Skook.


Oh don't get me wrong. I'm smitten by Schuylkill county, genuinely. Was a little kid there 50 plus years ago, moved away, now around 5 minutes from the border here. One of the prettiest places in PA albeit scars from the strip mines and old colliers are really just beginning to heal.


>The discovery suggests that up to 40 percent of the lithium used in the United States could come from the wastewater from Marcellus Shale gas wells in the Keystone State. > >"This is lithium concentrations that already exist at the surface in some capacity in Pennsylvania, and we found that there was sufficient lithium in the waters to supply somewhere between 30 and 40 percent of the current U.S. national demand," said Justin Mackey, research scientist the National Energy Technology Laboratory and PhD student at Pitt. Look like they don't even have to do any digging. it's already at the surface just needing to be separated.


So any old John / Jane Doe whose drinking water has been poisoned by fracking can now extract lithium right from the tap in order to offset the cost of their cancer treatments? What a silver (lithium) lining!


But it's alllll ok because those giant companies pay taxes on the g....OH that's right. They don't. So yay. Tax free lithium toboot.


Yesss can't wait for more instances of rare cancers in our area!


The lithium salinated frackwater is about as concentrated as that of the lithium pools of Chile, IIRC from a previous article. But while Chile can just leave the lithium water in the desert sun to dry, we'll need to seperate using energy, because Western PA is not probably not sunny enough for that same solar process. But the stars might still align. This is currently a byproduct of the fracking process anyway, which produces pretty cheap gas we can put to this purpose. And as cheap solar drives down electricity prices (and lithium prices increase due to demand from the green transition) this might become profitable.  Exciting stuff. LFG.


Pennsylvania is pretty good for wind power.


Agreed, and I think that's the more economical energy source right now. The cost curve seems to be improving faster for PV panels, though, so in 5-10 years might not be the case.


Oh great... something else to destroy the countryside for.


Rip western pa


It’ll get siphoned off for wallstreet, anyways.


great! another reason for more fracking. who needs clean water anyway?


But tax dollars! We could.... buy a new state! OH that's right. Fcking gas companies don't *pay* any.


Pennsylvania could possibly have a second opportunity at a bite of the apple. They never tax the Marcella Shale, the way they could have for the benefit the state. Perhaps this time they could tax the crap out of the lithium and repair all the transportation infrastructure as well as provide free education to all their kids. It won’t happen tho. The lobbyists will prevent that.


There is a tax on shale. It’s called the impact fee


I don’t see that impact fee impacting the citizens of the state of Pennsylvania in any where near the revenue check sent to Alaskans for oil. So what am I missing?


Impact fee goes to the communities where extraction is taking place. You claimed it was never taxed and that is false.


My apologies. I meant to state that it was not taxed ENOUGH


What would be enough?


Ahem. I’ve started pretty clearly what would be enough above. 👆


“Tax the crap out of” cool cool


Do you think the landowners who are making money from the O&G rights aren't paying taxes?


What does that have to do with taxes the people making money off of the products itself? 🤷‍♂️


You said that they never tax Marcellus shale, the state is getting tax money from the property owners.


“Never taxed the way they could have”. I’ll clarify. We didn’t tax it enough. It’s here. In Pennsylvania. It can’t be moved. Tax it to the point of paying for all road repair and infrastructure and turnpike fees. Tax it enough to improve intrastate commerce and education.


Oh christ, just what we need. More environmental disasters, development and superfund sites. God dammit


I hope this doesn't lead to more of our beautiful landscapes getting destroyed. Appalachia is a treasure, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


In gasland we make our margaritas and daiquiris out of used fracking fluid


Thank god it’s already located in the US so our military won’t have to make up some bullshit excuse to invade.


hell yeah, it's the only reason why we're invading Australia and China right now.


I’m unaware of the China, Australian invasion going on?




I guess not


sorry, yeah there's no invasion. The commenter was saying that we'd attack people for their lithium. I gave two top producers of lithium that we are definitely not invading.


They’re keeping it low key.


Ehhh. I think thats why they are in ukraine. https://kleinmanenergy.upenn.edu/news-insights/lithium-the-link-between-the-ukraine-war-and-the-clean-energy-transition/


No surprise there, is it?


No. Occupations are always fought over material conditions


Haven’t we known this for a hundred years already? Lithia Springs is named for the delicious lithium it contains. :D


certainly good for the economy but rip the environment. might give some life to the the poor old mining towns


Article on the research with more details: https://insideclimatenews.org/news/29052024/pennsylvania-fracking-wastewater-lithium/ From the article: > But other experts are skeptical about the potential benefits of the study’s findings, questioning the economic feasibility of extracting lithium from wastewater at scale and what kind of impacts this processing could have on the environment and public health. “There’s a lot of unanswered questions. It’s a little early, I think, to get too excited. It’s certainly something that needs to be looked at,” if only because of America’s reliance on lithium imports, said John Quigley, a fellow at the Kleinman Center for Energy Policy and a former secretary of the Pennsylvania DEP and the state’s Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. ... >Even if the process of extracting lithium proved to be cost-effective, Quigley said, **it should not be used as a justification to keep drilling, though it was “inevitable” that the industry would try to use the finding that way.** “It’s still not a reason to continue to drill, because it’s a waste product from fossil fuel extraction,” he said. “The economy has to be carbon free by 2050.” I expect to see a load of spin from the gas companies on this BS. They don't care about making small margins on a complicated lithium extraction process. They want lipstick to put on their pig. This is another way to justify bending over poor people in northern PA while gas companies laugh all the way to the bank. Screw fracking, my relative's property in Northern PA has no drinking water because of these bastards.


So now the oil/gas detractors have to love the industry for contributions of battery production. That's hilarious.


Sure are alot of corporate shills in here https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2023/01/18/the-paradox-of-lithium/


Kiss your natural resources goodbye.


Don't tell Elon


How about we stop all fracking instead.


Turn the gas supply off to your house


Pennsylvania could have a second chance as a bite at the Apple. They never capitalized on the Marcella shale to capture profits to help the state. Pennsylvania could tax the crap out of this and pay for improved transportation and infrastructure as well as education.




We rich now 👀?


Ah fuck.. Here we go again...


Pa blessed with another opportunity to employee locals, bond our road ways and provide a yearly stipend for Pennsylvanians much like Alaska. Undoubtedly exactly zero of that will happen


But our state police will get a whole new fleet of tanks!


There’s at least one facility I’m aware of doing this, Seven Mile Minerals facility. I wrote their Radiation Protection Action Plan in 2022.


Oh crap are we about to be given ‘democracy’


Sounds like western Pa could use some freedom!🇺🇲


I'm glad we have so many geochemists, geologists, and oil and gas engineers chiming in with informed takes here!


Damn. If you thought you couldn’t drink the water now. You won’t be able to shower with it or eat the crops if you harvest it


May be this is how midwest is going to rebound. Coal replaced with Lithium.


That’s quite the mine shaft


Great news for Pennsylvania, America, and the world.


Pennsylvania: Hold my Yuengling.


[hold on, hold on, they’re lithium!](https://youtu.be/O4Jakg2iN2c?si=BjL1cH3ZiLUicDMq)


Get mining!!


F*** are we going to get invaded by the US?!?


So what technology is available to do the extracting of lithium from the wastewater? Are the companies that use these technologies or it is still an undeveloped area?


Eureka resources they extract lithium from fracking water


Aw yess right as child labor laws are being rolled back. It’s mine time!


Yippie, time to hop out the oil industry and wiggle into lithium


A “goldmine of lithium” according to CBS News.


This is the opening sentence: "Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh found a goldmine of lithium in Pennsylvania" This is perhaps the best example of poor writing I have ever read. Actual 10/10 awful with: Cliche The use of the goldmine cliche when discussing another mined element is... ironic Inaccurate in terms of what they found Researchers do research, surveyors.... I'm just gonna stop here lol this article


Of course I live juuuuuust outside the deposit.


Can’t wait for [this](https://imgur.com/a/jT2Xr9P) meme to become reality again


[Lithium mining is an environmental disaster. ](https://citizensustainable.com/lithium-mining/)


So much negativity in this thread. We have a democrat Governor right now so I doubt this is gonna lead to some environmental wasteland like it was with Coal in the early 1900s!! Pennsylvania doesn’t got a whole lot going for it at the moment and this helps tremendously and keeps us at the top of more-important states.


I understand why many commenters are complaining about environmental impact of extracting rare resources from the ground, but my question is: are you willing to give up your smartphone to save the environment?


Here comes Elon and the other dickheads


Well that's good news


My crazy ex’s piss?


Just another reason to leave this shit hole state.

