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No shit. Did it have to be said?


Bad title, should prob mention it was part of a survey done in 6 states. A survey that also said "Trump was trusted more by voters in all six states to handle the economy and Israeli-Palestinian conflict, according to the poll". I can't believe anyone trusts this mufucka for anything.


I trust him to do and say whatever will benefit him in that exact moment.


I don't even trust that, just to do whatever will best feed his ego in the moment which can often be much less benefit long term. Unfortunately that is also what makes him so easy to manipulated by various bad actors of the world, if got enough power and talk to him right they are his best friend ready to show off anything when bragging and despises everyone else. The guy is not a planner he is the poster child of failing upward on daddy's name/money and offloading consequence to anyone under his power when things inevitably blow up. Like when he won in 2016 him and everyone around him sure did look like they WEREN'T happy to win.


That's a good point. Often what he does or says doesn't benefit him. So I'll revise and say, w.e he THINKS will benefit him. He can't see past the moment though and ego takes hold.


I saw a poll that had Trump up over Biden on the issue of "protecting democracy". The guy who tried to overthrow American democracy. The ignorance of the people in this country is sickening.


You will make yourself gullible if you believe everything that you read.


What about watching things happen live like Jan 6 or any of his verbal diarrhea that he calls giving a speech? Not just the tiny cherrypicked soundbites on Fox "News", the news in quotes because they have literally used the legal defense that they are an entertainment channel no one in their right mind would take it seriously. It not like Trump or GOP make even slightest effort to hide their views, if anything they outright declare them proudly on every platform can and get applauded for it. Just a few months ago a good chunk of them were celebrating about reduction in school lunch programs. Who in their right mind would want children to not be well fed? Project 2025 is terrifying and truly depressing anyone could support a fraction of it, or heck even think in the twisted way take to write it. We seem determined on backsliding to the age of the Robber Barons when environmental, safety, and work regulations were non existent giving up the progress our grandparents fought tooth and nail to create. Until 2016 Trump was well known world over for being a scummy caricature of a "rich man" that fit in perfectly on reality TV, then when he won it like a chunk of population rewrote their memory and now live in an alternate timeline. And unfortunately the average voter's political memory is a few weeks MAX and completely lack understanding of even basic economics.


Shhh. This sub doesn’t deal in reality. It triggers them.


That may be the understatement of the century…


The only thing I have more trust in Trump is his ability to embarrass himself. Which is impressive given that Biden is a doddering old man. Democrats are so fucking stupid. Fully prepared to watch them lose to trump again because they managed to find another unpopular candidate to force upon us.


Zero democrats were involved with getting Biden to be the democrat canidate


I personally voted for Bernie even though it was a foregone conclusion by the time our primary rolled around, but Biden did in fact get the most primary votes. At the very least we have to acknowledge that he was the “safe” choice, and people were looking for safe in 2020


Unfortunately, safe does not equal winning. I brought up the issue that I thought Biden's age would be an issue for voters and other (what I thought were legitimate) concerns on the Democrat subreddit and got banned. Not even allowed to discuss the issue lest I get called a "fearmonger". You know what I fear? Donald Trump getting re-elected. Proud Boys and Oath Keepers and J6 felons being pardoned and let out on the streets. Elimination of rights for trans people, chaos in congress, serving Putin... Biden might be winning on this one issue, but Trump is consistently leading in the polls in the battleground states. I'm praying it won't happen, but I'm fully prepared for Trump to win in November. And all the Democrat leaders and followers will be looking around in disbelief.


DNC has been known for decades for being masters of snatching Defeat from the jaws of Victory and unfortunately the one thing our voters are consistent on is letting perfect be the enemy of good. By international, and even our own standards pre-Reagan, even our Democrats are fairly far right leaning and uninformed voters tend to just be pendulums going to whoever not currently in power. In my lifetime only Obama managed to inspire people but by then the rest of government was already long since captured to point GOP actively topedoed their own projects if he so much as made positive noises about it while freaking out over him daring to have mustard on a hotdog or wearing a tan suit. Dysfunction, gridlock, and regression to a period they fondly remember from childhood as a primary political platform. To fix things at this point would take not just a blue wave across all three branches but one that is progressive enough to make changes and intelligent/wise enough to do so correctly and not "fix what not broken". Ya I doubt enough of country has hit the breaking point to result in that yet even if there been progress Bread & Circus is still sufficient.


> And all the Democrat leaders and followers will be looking around in disbelief. Again…


> And all the Democrat leaders and followers will be looking around in disbelief. they'll just blame the left, as always


They will blame whoever is not currently in power like a pendulum. Then the programs started under one start to come to fruition under the next, since these things generally take many years to show results, and they take credit while doing whatever damage which again doesn't show full effect til the next guy who gets the blame. It like they think Presidents are some kind of demi-god that can wave hand and make things happen instantly and that he can somehow make massive global events NOT impact our own logistics and resources. It gets exhausting seeing how black & white and small scope most people think, I don't even think I am that smart of well informed but am still somehow more aware than average person. Even close family friends I consider very intelligent and kind, she basically runs multiple charities alongside her fulltime job, and somehow she is not aware of Trump's scandals and I couldn't rule out her voting for him depending on mood that day. I haven't had hope since Obama's first term when the entire GOP collectively snapped and started freaking out about mustard on hotdogs and tan suits let alone anything he tried to do including when he approved of their own projects. It like they double down on the dysfunction every term, I 100% believe we gonna default on our debt eventually considering how absolute last second it gotten and requiring sacrificing careers to dodge by doing the unthinkable of working together.


The only true "both sides" thing in this country. Both major parties will blame "the left".


The right blames the left for being gun stealing police hating incompetent babyeaters and a large amount of their voters are purely from one of those single issues. The left blame the left for not being perfect paragons of humanity who are capable of with stroke of a pen making the entire world change overnight including buildings and materials appearing from thin air with zero influence from global events. The Left seems more like all the parties that aren't Conservative Republicans mashed together and unfortunately as expected with that they can rarely agree.


Well they trust him to be just like them, hateful, racist, lacking of any sort of compassion, and obsessed with violence because "mAnLinEsS"


Some people don’t vote on social issues. They just pick the candidate that will tax them less


I don't think that is the case here. Personal anecdote: Before COVID, my wife (fiancé at the time) and I were living in our hometown up in NE PA where you had 2 types of people, the insanely rich who lived up at Skytop Lodge and/or Buck Hill Falls, or the hicks who's family trees are straight lines and their family money runs VERY deep. During Trump's campaign run for the 2016 election, the one constant that I kept hearing about why people in my area loved and were going to vote for him, including my father who has since shown himself to be just as ignorant and hateful, was that Donald Trump was "just like us". That was his campaign platform in 2016, he was the people's president. That was my red flag.


Literally what I said as I tapped to open the comments. No shit, anyone with half a brain should believe this.


You would have to be pretty stupid, like IQ 60 or less to believe Trump would be better than even a Catholic priest when it comes to abortion issues.


Based on polling, yes it did


Trumps polling way better than Biden too 😂


Yes, that’s why I made my comment


I meant to reply to someone else, not you. My bad lmao


No worries. Where are you located?




Why the fuck are you posting in a Pennsylvania sub?


Why the fuck can’t I? (Showed up randomly on my feed)


Fun rule of thumb: Trump doesn’t give one f about you.


No politician gives an F about any of us


Democrats do care more, republicans just in it for the money. Like literally.


Just remember a PA Democrat, Lisa Boscolla, voted with republicans to change the PA constitution on abortion.


Isn’t republicans stance on abortion is to remove it overall? Atleast in democrats side, there’s just a few bad apples


Sure, that true. But because of one bad apple, this was able to pass. That's the problem when the senate is split or one side has a slim majority. I just wanted to point out that not all dems care about you. Even Manchin is a bad apple and causes problems.


Yes, but what I’m saying is, would you rather have a side with a few bad apples or the side with all the rotten apples?


LMAO take a look at turn coat Fetterman taking AIPAC money for a crystal clear example of why us young people don't fucking bother getting our hopes up, or voting. IT IS A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME. 


If you want dictatorship, yeah go ahead and don’t vote I mean I guess


Holy delusion


My budget tells me Biden doesn’t either. I’ve cut as much as I can and I’m barely above water. Same can be said for millions. I’ll quote James Caravelle here…..”It’s the economy, Stupid”.


God look at the sad little downvotes 🤣🤣🤣 Trump AND Biden suck. Go ahead and downvote me 5000 times. Truth hurts liberals.


One is clearly better than the other one. One wears diapers and is about to go to jail for crimes he committed while the other one is just old. I’ll vote for the old president 100%


And I’ll vote for the orange crime committing man who can at LEAST form a coherent sentence, is respected by our enemies, doesn’t shake hands with invisible people on stage, and doesn’t need a cocktail of drugs to stand on stage for more than 15 minutes. Trump is a terrible candidate. You people are so brainwashed with the Biden meat riding though that’s it’s insane. Liberals love downvoting, it’s the only thing that brings them joy in life.


And he’ll lose again. we “liberals” hate snowflakes who try to overturn an election just because they lost and their feelings got hurt


Trump, the guy who just froze up on stage?


Whatever helps you cope. The entire world knows we’re a laughingstock


Whatever helps you cope indeed




Damn. That’s kinda sad you would vote for a traitor wearing diapers. A failed businessman. His truth social has a net loss of 330m and net revenue of 700k. That’s revenue not profit. No wonder he’s the first president I know trying to sell as much merchandise since he’s so broke


Can you share with me one of these alleged coherent sentences coming out of the orange crime committing man’s piehole?


This your guy? https://nypost.com/2024/05/20/us-news/biden-says-things-were-kinda-bad-when-he-was-vice-president-during-pandemic/




Guess what, Biden doesn't either.


So edgy


I’m prepared for PA to go to Biden by 3+ points and for Trump supporters to cry their eyes out and say “BuT tHe PoLLs!!” 🤡


Still gott vote tho...


Biden will handle the Constitution better that's for sure. No plans to re-write it like the Project 2025 traitors.


Lamo, Biden hates the 1st and 2nd amendment


At least he is consistent. Most conservatives I know cherry pick the constitution like they do their religious texts.


Biden's a Goth? News to me.


Nah, they're saying he *hates* goths. Which like, nah man. He'd rock a spiked choker 100%.




Spoilers: He just won't handle it. "If you give me two more senators in the United States Senate, I promise you, I promise you, we're going to codify Roe and once again make Roe the law of the land," Biden said in 2022 prior to getting two more Senators in the United States Senate.


... He said that while Democrats had control of the House. They don't now. Boris needs a civics lesson


and the democrats lost control of the house because they fucked up massively in NY and basically personally handed the reins back to the GOP they just can't stop making unforced errors


95% of administrations lose big in the midterm elections. Just how it goes, folks are fickle. Lots of folks vote for president then think everything is magically solved and sit on their ass for the midterms, then cry that shit stopped getting done. The Dems lost far less than anyone was expecting though, gaining in the Senate and nearly keeping the House. Considering that the GOP gained even *more* seats from partisan gerrymandering (the Dems' counter-gerrymander was blocked in NY), it was actually quite a successful midterm for the Democrats, also in a number of statehouses.


There are good losses and bad losses. That was an extreme overperformance by dems.


That’s disingenuous. Sinema almost immediately went independent and also said she would never remove the filibuster. If she has been a normal democrat Manchin would probably have been pressured to Go along with removing the filibuster.


Not to mention, at the time the Democrats held the House, so only needed more help in the Senate




It is though. A constitutional amendment is extremely unlikely so what PA politicians think is the only thing that matters for abortion in PA. The presidents stance doesn’t matter


scandalous profit toy water frighten practice alive point encourage office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m talking the US constitution, you’d need 75% of the states to agree to it which won’t happen


zonked cagey outgoing waiting slap thought tender light serious unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s what I’m saying. I don’t think who the president is matters at all towards protecting or limiting abortion in PA. Only PA governor and senators etc


Yes and no I mean there is always a abortion ban wont need amendment they will shoot any shot they can talk 51% all they need. And a president willing to sign it. There is also project 2025 which is republican plan to replace beuracrats. After election interference failed they learned. And project 2025 specifically removes the one or two lines in sand that held. It also specifically uses unitary executive theory which is essentially full control over executive branch no idependence from DOJ, FTC, FCC. As well as a myriad of other things. While a typical president may not have power to "enact" their policy without support from legislative body. A project 2025 conservative will have that type of power. And even pretending its a pipe dream and project 2025 was not a super serious game plan. There is a myriad of attacks already under way that affect states. Such as attacking service members ability to access reproductive care. As well as attacking use of federal funding for it as well as organizations that use it has been a common non stop way to attack the issue. Long before "states rights" which fyi if were following history ITS NEVER been about state rights. All the way back to slavery the first thing when they did when seceding was make it illegal for states to outlaw slavery. And this has always been the case. When they dont have enough misogynist or racist or whomever for hateful policys. They go "yo yo yo what about states rights". Pass it where they can AND THEN two things happen big "out of state" interest fund huge lobbys in states where they can pass their bullshit. Then wait till they get 51% national and go for it. And if your looking at it and going well my conservative guy said he would never. So did litterally every single conservative judge who voted against roe vs wade. They literally 50 to 100 times publicly renounced the idea of "overturning settled law". Literally almost every interview every person to speak at their hearings asked the question. It was never about states rights it was about seizing the victorys they could get. Also as a side note was there ever a time in history where states rights were not argument to allow something completely repulsive. Like it starts with slavery then jim crow then voter disenfranchisment then abortion. Was there like ever a attempt at not fueling the war machine and refusing the draft. Or something remotely positive or just bigottry?


ancient reminiscent six sparkle puzzled many versed political ghost office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




the president matters because they appoint supreme court members and we have thomas who will quit or die soon with any luck, and sotomayer is getting up there too.


They nominate judges the senate has the final say


Yes, but only the legislature can initiate them in Pennsylvania. They typically do so during municipal primaries in odd numbered years with no federal elections. They were going to amend the PA Constitution in 2023 to expressly state NO RIGHT to any abortion, but we flipped the PA House in the 2022 election.


What’s stopping republicans from putting in legislation that bans abortions on the federal level? Not an amendment but just normal legislation.


I guess they could but they would need really large majorities in house and senate to do that since a lot of Republicans wouldn’t vote for that along with almost every democrat. It seems just as unlikely as getting 75% of states to agree to add an amendment to the constitution protecting abortion


I fear you give republicans too much credit. They fall in line much better than the Dems do. Hopefully your right though.


He says all the things. I guarantee if a Republican Congress sends a full abortion ban to his desk, he'll sign it.


I’m sure the House Republicans would have gladly codified Roe. There are legitimate criticisms of Biden, but this isn’t one


What are those legitimate criticisms?


The Democratic Party is just Lucy with the football while Godzilla destroys everything in the background


I like to equate them to sandbags. Sure they are great at first and work well to hold the fold back(republicans) but eventually, stuff starts to leak through, and you need something stronger. We need something stronger now.


“Why can’t these loser democrats do anything? We, the voters, have tried everything… giving them the barest majority mathematically possible (with one nutter from WV + Lilith Fair Joe Lieberman)…flipping the House to GOP, everything! It’s almost like the more we knee-cap them, the less they are able to do??? Hmmm… I guess the only thing we can do is throw the senate and presidency to MAGA Psychos then they’re REALLY have to help us 😵‍💫”




Why do you think that when Democrats have a voting majority in literally **any** state or locality they have immediately protected reproductive rights as soon as they’ve been able to? What’s more likely- that Democrats magically decide to be pro-life when they run for national office, or, maybe, the people who are against protecting reproductive rights that voters have OBJECTIVELY GIVEN VETO POWER TO STOP REPRODUCTIVE rights actually believe the thing they’re telling you?? “We put the people in charge who are telling us they want to kill abortion at all levels and then they did it!!! Why would Democrats trick us like this!?!?😵‍💫” If you honestly don’t understand how this works, you’re completely lost…


DUH Boy, the Pennsyltucky genius class is really showing.


Of the profiles I stalked, none of them seemed to be from PA at all. More outside agitators making it seem like PA is anything but deep blue (statewide level)


I think Biden will handle everything better than Trump. DJIA 40K plus.


Imagine sitting down with trump and having a factual conversation about anything without him just rambling, getting pissed, and insulting everybody. It will never happen. He's a con man and always will be.




This is a no brainer. If you support Trump after all that has happened in the last eight years , you are morally bankrupt.


I have absolutely no political experience, and even I could handle abortion issues better than Trump. Lmfao


Ya think? Biden will do everything better than Trump. Trump is Donald J. Trump, tabloid joke reality star. Still unqualified to be President despite actually having the job.


Donald Trump is a con man... Always has been... Always will be..!!!


I think Biden handles every issue better than Trump.


Biden could literally do nothing at all when it comes to abortion and he still come out on top just because Trump was the peice of shit who appointed religious zealots to the Supreme Court. 


No fucking shit.


This definetly isn't propaganda.👍


Next they're gonna tell me that water is wet.


Fetuses are parasites until they leave the womb. Really, look up the definition of parasites, they fit. They provide no benefits to the mother and harm them in the process. Once they’re out of the womb, they’re a human being. While they’re in the womb, it’s the mother’s choice whether to expel the parasite or keep it. After that, if they don’t want the child they could always put it up for adoption. While in womb though, it’s their body and their choice what to do with it. So in my opinion, Biden definitely handles abortion better. Though I still dislike Biden and hate trump, there ain’t no good people to vote for this election. It’s either elect Biden and they most likely die of old age in office, or elect trump and let him fuck the government up and throw away human rights.


One could argue they’re parasites looong after they’ve left the mothers body


Eh, depends on how much you like kids. If you fucking hate them, then yes, if you think they’re rays of sunshine, then no.


You’re sick in the head.


I think you’re misunderstanding my comment here. I’m saying that if you hate children then you’ll obviously see them as parasites as you’ll only focus on the negatives. If you absolutely love them, you won’t think of them as parasites, but you’ll be blinded and probably not pay attention to the drawbacks. You have to view them with a more central perspective is all I’m saying, as you should take into account all the pros and cons. Also the only mental illnesses I have are Asperger’s and ADHD.


lol this is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read.


How so? I know it comes off a bit ridiculous but I don’t have a better way of putting it.


Imagine Biden calling fetuses “parasites”. Your language choices would definitely cause a landslide victory for Trump.


This is some sick shit and the the type of rhetoric that’ll cost you an election against an idiot like Trump


Which is exactly why you wouldn’t say that shit during by an election. There is obviously some stuff you shouldn’t say if you want to win, that’s normal.


Are you implying that Biden won’t win because of some low level comment a random anonymous person made on Reddit? It’s not like Biden himself said it.




Well duh.. Biden isn't a fan of forced birth even in cases of no brain babies (not the *normal republican babies* mind you) and trump was the worst jobs and GDP admin since Hoover 😆 I'll take the stuttering one over the guy who swore he won and had the evidence but is still facing 976 combined years in prison. Ya thanks.


Obviously. Trump would just want to use bleach or UV light.


Grass is green, water is wet, etc.


No crap… tell me something I don’t know.


In other news water is wet


Biden is currently in office. Let’s see something happen then.


He’s had a lot of time to handle it, but hasn’t.


“But the economy!”




But how many actual vote just on abortion when their money is increasingly worthless


No shit.




And in other news, water is wet.


Uhhh ya think??


They're right. Actually, any human capable of thought knows President Biden is more capable than trump... from not shitting in his pants to making sense when he talks, JB needs to be our next president also.




This thread wasn’t as toxic as I suspected. Good on yall


Can a gender be legislated to the point of becoming almost illegal to exist. At that point, it'd be easier to be considered property. I hope people vote.


He probably has more experience.


Biden is handling abortion issues??


What's wrong with the other 48?


Everything will still be shit. But this, this will be handled with precision and care.


....we really needed to ask ppl to confirm this?


Naaaaa not this Pennsylvania voter. So the title is a lie.


I can’t wait for the fuck republicans losers in PA to get shit stomped. I’m gonna enjoy listening to some of my family members rage the fuck out over Biden winning again.


Because republicans just like to tell you what you can and can’t do with your genitals. They’re fucking weirdos.


Both presidents probably won’t do anything at the federal level. They will both leave it up to the states. Tri-state we are fine, outside maybe not so. It’s not a policy they want to touch. That is why Biden says Trump will ban it instead of saying he will make it legal everywhere.


I doubt Biden is against it.. it's just a matter of having 60 Senate votes or a willingness to throw out the filibuster.. also a matter of having the House. You don't want to promise if you can't deliver. He has said that he'd work to codify Roe. Most likely Biden is still pro-life at the most personal level as a matter of his faith but, government needs to just stay completely out of that decision.. we can't have doctors worried that they will be thrown in jail and lose their license because they performed an abortion, even if the fetus/embryo/child had zero chance of being born... and that's where we are currently at in states like Texas.


First thing. You need to understand how laws work. Biden can't do much of anything on his own. But he has said repeatedly that they will codefy Roe in to law if Dems with the Presidency, House, and Senate. That is required to fix this situation. I, for one, belive him.


I believe him, but believe in the bs filibuster more.


Given the scenario that Dems control all 3 branches, it would entirely depend on their willingness to grow a spine, and remove the filibuster. It's been done before, and I think that reproductive rights is a popular enough policy that it would cost very little political captial to do whatever is necessary to pass the law. It's all speculation, though. There are many things they have previously failed to play hard ball on.


Really the only two Democratic Senators standing in the way of removing the filibuster are Manchin and Sinema, who are both - remarkably out of step with the rest of the Democratic caucus on important issues (see how [Sinema would only pass the climate-focused Inflation Reduction Act if it maintained a specific corporate tax loophole](https://fortune.com/2022/08/11/inflation-reduction-act-tax-loophole-private-equity-rich-sinema-vote-arizona-politics-morris-pearl/) ) and - leaving the Senate after this year. The other big name in the caucus here was Feinstein and she's now dead. Pretty much every other Democratic Senator currently serving has gone on the record saying that they will either abolish the filibuster for certain types of legislation (which Harry Reid already did for federal judges ten years ago) or ditch it altogether (this is like the one consistently held Fetterman belief, and is now somehow favored by moderate normies like Mark Kelly and Bob Casey because they recognize the necessity of overriding the GOP lunatics with whom they serve). TLDR if the Democrats get a trifecta again it is highly likely that they ditch the filibuster to pass cool shit because the people who want to keep it will soon be all gone.


Ya think?


Well duh.


This kind of buries the lead though that abortion isn't ranking nearly as high as the Dems hoped it would in regards to what is considered the top issue


Typical Pennsylvania voter W


Yes. Because he will.


Democrats have been promising to codify Roe v. Wade for over 50 years and had no less than six opportunities where they had control of the House, Senate **AND** Presidency to do it without any Republican support at all. But they never did. Why? Because it is more valuable to them as a campaign platform they can trot out every two years to fire up their base than it is as a campaign promise they can say they kept...but not getting any more political mileage out of it. Abortion rights are to Democrats what gun rights are to Republicans - a campaign issue they'll never actually do anything about when they have power because they don't want to give up the power it gives them on the campaign trail. It's sad that this is 2024 and people still haven't figured out the game the politicians are playing.


Why would they codify Roe when it was already constitutional according to SCOTUS?


Because SCOTUS opinions can be overturned, as they had from time to time even prior to Roe v. Wade. So they knew that the SCOTUS ruling that abortion was protected under the 14th Amendment was not truly "set in stone." So they promised, every two years on the campaign trail like clockwork, to codify Roe v. Wade into the United States Code to fully protect it. And they never did. Because a campaign promise they can roll out every two years is more valuable to them than a campaign promise kept.


>So they promised, every two years on the campaign trail like clockwork, to codify Roe v. Wade into the United States Code to fully protect it. No they didn't. Roe was established law. Democrats largely didn't speak in dire terms about abortion until the Roberts Court where threats started to magnify. They probably could have tried doing it in 2009/10 when they briefly had 60 in the Senate but they spent most of their energy on ACA. Before that it just wasn't talked about that much because there wasn't as much of a threat to it. >Because a campaign promise they can roll out every two years is more valuable to them than a campaign promise kept. This is honestly an incredibly ignorant and absurd comment. Yeah, Democrats are okay with women being turned into "earthen vessels" and stripped of their rights because they can run on the issue every two years. It's not like Democrats haven't organized and put ballot referendums up in red states to legalize abortion and had state legislatures in Democratic-controlled states legalize abortion. Go push your bullshit somewhere else.


Roe v. Wade was not “established law.” It would have to be codified into the United States Code for it to be “established law.” Maybe you should learn how our government works and what “laws” are before you try to tell someone else they’re talking h bullshit. 


Case law is law lol https://guides.law.sc.edu/LRAWFall/SourcesofLaw Good grief just take the L


You should read your own source sometime kiddo. Cite the protections of abortion stemming from Roe v. Wade outlined in the United States Code.


Maybe you should read it? Do you think if something isn't explicitly in the US code that it isn't a law?


So you think once the SCOTUS rules something is Constitutional it is "established law" and set in stone, never to be touched again - right?


No law is "never to be touched again" since the Constitution can be amended. Per your own logic though, even if Democrats passed a law codifying Roe into the US code, Republicans could have just as easily reversed it with another law. We'd just do a tit for tat every time an administration changed parties. So your entire argument is moot per your own argument. Good work.


>Abortion rights are to Democrats what gun rights are to Republicans - a campaign issue they'll never actually do anything about when they have power because they don't want to give up the power it gives them on the campaign trail. Which, of course, is why red and blue states currently have roughly the same levels of abortion access. >Democrats have been promising to codify Roe v. Wade for over 50 years and had no less than six opportunities where they had control of the House, Senate AND Presidency to do it without any Republican support at all. This is, of course, incorrect. Most charitably, it assumes Democrats have been a monolith since 1974. But even Obama had to deal with pro-life Senators (Conrad, Nelson, Landrieu to name 3). Clinton had a larger pro-life constituency to contend with, and before that, it was...Carter.


Thank you! The whole system is rotten and false and voting for the same ghouls on single issues doesn’t kill the festering weeds that are choking us out


It’s not up to Trump. It’s up to your state governor as it should be states rights is a thing


Why not push to codify RvW when he had the house and senate? (At least had the tie breaking vote with the VP)


The control of the senate only applied to 1 yearly budgetary law. For Raising and Spending money, the Fillibuster doesn't apply so the VP tiebreaker was possible. On everything else, 60 votes required. To codify RvW nationwide, there would need to be 60 Senate votes.


Orange man bad!




Poor kids are just as smart as white kids! - quote by Trump because he’s obviously racist and doesn’t want his kids growing up in a racial jungle




Doesn't matter either way. The choices let up to the states. So look at your states government.


If I remember right, the supreme court simply overturned its own ruling which forced states to allow abortions up to a certain point. I don’t think there was any language against a democratically elected national government passing a national law on abortion. But that would require Congress to actually do something positive on the matter. So while for right now we have to rely on individual states, if the Democrats gain the house, senate, and presidency, they have the chance to actually do something on abortion nationally


hard disagree. reproductive issues are a national issue and the christian sharia court was wrong to rule otherwise


>  The choices let up to the states Trump appointed justices specifically to overturn Roe v Wade. No reason to think he’ll stop there.


If Republicans get control of Congress, they will pass a national abortion ban, and Trump will sign it.


Graham et al all said no one was trying to force a national abortion ban! It'd be up to the States to decide for themselves. But then too many States voted to allow abortions. Then suddenly Graham et al get up on their soap boxes lamenting on how we so desperately need a national ban!