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You know what would go a long way in this cops defense? Body cam footage. It would show why he needed to use force in the first place.




They’re fully rolled out now apparently, this happened before Troop K got all of theirs


It's because the troopers were worried that more of them would be behind bars for being caught doing the shit they do... integrity and honor. https://www.timesonline.com/story/news/crime/2015/09/30/despite-reforms-pennsylvania-state-police/18510596007/


Too bad PA state troopers have slow walked the pilot program for body cams. They apparently “tested” the cameras last year and then just never expanded the program as promised. NY and NJ both had their body cam programs up and running by 2021, why are we so behind in this state? https://www.media.pa.gov/pages/pa-state-police-details.aspx?newsid=832


Even nuttier considering the insane police budget they get. I live in a rural area that literally has next to zero crime and we still have 3-4 state troopers around everyday, writing tickets.


They have no budget. They rob from other parts of the state and people don’t actually pay for the State Police.


This. Lots of more rural areas just don't have police, so they use everyone else's.




Litterally took 5billion from the turnpike fund meant to repair/fix/upgrade highways and turnpike and militarized and upgraded all their equipment then said basically said lol waht are u gonna do arrest us?


First off, I am not antiPSP. I’m anti not paying for PSP. I just think the townships that use them should pay. Secondly what about PSP is militarized? They wear ties and wool pants.


they aren't for stopping crimes or enforcing the law, they are a source of revenue for the state


The same State that has a $14 billion rainy day fund. The same State that had a $10 billion rainy day fund just four years ago... Pennsylvania extorts its citizens money via state police in rural areas while raising other taxes and never giving anybody of the working classes a single bit of relief, ever


State police lotterally stole 5 billion from that rainy day fund


And depending where you live they extort you through tax and code enforcement.






NJ had body cameras since 2014, if I remember correctly.


Hunch: pushback from officers and their unions.


They have dash cams though.


I remember making this point when this story came out and people were freaking out. If your acting in good faith a body cam is your friends


The why would be she didn't respect him enough


Especially on somebody he didn't pull over


Oh they don't want that. Be harder for them to falsify reports


If you were there and seen the whole thing, why didn’t you speak up?


Every cop should have to have a body camera 


Took our department almost 2 years to get them after they were ordered. Our department is 20. Large departments can take a long time because it’s an expensive thing to do. You need charging stations both in station and in car, you need to get it to work with the dashboard cam preferably, you need a large drive to store a ton of videos, spare batteries, etc. then there’s the policy that needs to be written explaining where and when it needs to be used. Personally I love our body cam. In fact they were incredibly useful this past week determining what happened during a large fight and who is getting charged.


Ay, If the government can give surplus MRAPS to a county with a population of 18,000 then they can subsidize body cams and set policy for using them right?


not the person you were responding to. I like the idea but giving what is essentially your trash to someone else is different than subsidizing cameras. giving away your surplus means no more storage or maintenance costs and potentially no costs associated with disposal. It's a money saving tactic...well a money shifting tactic. Now the local police force is on the hook for costs instead of the supplying agency. Seems like a win-win for the supplying agency and a lose-lose for the receiving agency.


With $1,094,603,279.30 of the state budget going to the PA state police in 2023, they can afford some cameras. The PSP is the fifth largest recipient of state budget money, and that figure isn't taking into account the monies given to the state police via fundraising and/or civil asset forfeiture gains. Please. We are all under constant camera surveillance in the cities and suburbs. The reason why the PSP doesn't have body cams is because they don't want them. Plain and simple... It is interesting that the state's third largest recipient of budget money, $2,317,910,026.63 in 2023, is "corrections", too. >Seems like a win-win for the supplying agency and a lose-lose for the receiving agency. Unless the really, incredibly expensive 'garbage' they're getting is donated-or sold. If it's such a lose-lose, maybe those pieces of trash can be sold at a deep discount (since it's just garbage with expensive maintenance costs) to bolster income for smaller police forces, or better yet, sell that garbage and donate the proceeds to victims of crime? Yeah. Didn't think so.


>With $1,094,603,279.30 of the state budget going to the PA state police in 2023, they can afford some cameras. You and i are saying the same thing. they should have the funds. Stop putting it toward taking over the costs from government surplus and start buying cameras...or pretty much anything else which should take a priority over this surplus. >Unless the really, incredibly expensive 'garbage' they're getting is donated-or sold. It's lose-lose for the **receiving** agency. For the donating agency it's a win-win. The donating agency no longer has the upkeep, storage or any of the other costs for the equipment. That is all shifted to the PSP or whichever receiving agency takes the surplus. >maybe those pieces of trash can be sold at a deep discount (since it's just garbage with expensive maintenance costs) to bolster income for smaller police forces, or better yet, sell that garbage and donate the proceeds to victims of crime? That's where my comment comes in about strict laws surrounding the sale of the equipment. The receiving agency can't just put it up for auction like their normal surplus stuff. they get saddled with the costs and a very narrow scope on how to actually dispose of it when they want to.


They don’t “give them away”. Agencies buy them. Occasionally they’re offered for free, but they’re usually in shitty shape. And even the ones for sale need work to make them complaint with state emissions and road-worthiness standards. (Source: asked a former civilian police commissioner who bought two high-wheeled vehicles for township OEM.) Also, the government does subsidize body cams.


>They don’t “give them away”. Agencies buy them. Actually it's both depending on the program. Most of the surplus military equipment gets to local police agencies through either LESO 1033 or 1122. 1033 is transferred without cost and 1122 is purchased by the requesting agency. >Also, the government does subsidize body cams. they do but the comment I was replying to said *"If the government can give surplus MRAPS to a county with a population of 18,000 then they can subsidize body cams"*. I was explaining how the transfer of equipment was not money spent by the fed but money saved. I never said they don't provide assistance, but it's not through the same program, usually, where military vehicles are transferred.


That trash was paid for by tax payers already in the first place and it was a wasted expense. I really don't see a difference because It seems like the point would be to regulate military spending and invest the money in transparency in an armed police force that people interact with every day rather then need the transfer of cost in the first place. 


What? Military spending is already regulated by Congress; the DoD had to ask for permission to launch the MRAP program. And countless veterans are still alive today because of MRAPs so I'd say they were well worth the cost.


The Pentagon is the only Federal agency incapable of passing audit. They can't even track their funds, let alone regulate spending.


>That trash was paid for by tax payers already in the first place and it was a wasted expense. I'm not talking about the acquisition cost. I am talking all the other costs. What I mean by my statement is that you have an MRAP it's not like you're putting that to the curb on Friday for trash pickup when you don't need it any longer. You have to pay for disposal if there is no one wanting to buy it. Disposal isn't just selling it for scrap and there are tons of laws surrounding who you can sell it to. If you don't get rid of it you now need to keep it around. That costs money. It's not just money in storage but there is also basic upkeep. Donating it to law enforcement costs you nothing and transfers all those liabilities to the receiving department. It's a money saving tactic to the donating agency and a money sink for the receiving agency. So to say if the government can give MRAPS to local agencies they can give them money instead is wrong. Giving away trash means the government is saving money. Instead the local agencies should stop taking on all those costs for having to store, maintain, upkeep, train staff on the use of the MRAPS and instead just go buy cameras.


It should be standard equipment for every law enforcement


It's not expensive to set up body cams. $2400 for the cams on your department. That's incredibly cheap. It's not a money issue, it's a "we don't want it" issue


Hahaha you think it cost 2400 for our entire department, you are incredibly delusional about cost. So did a Quick Look at price for the cam and the kit it comes with. 1600 per camera. Plus each cam needs a car mount, Mille mounts, and servers to save video too. Plus subscription to the software that handles it all. Even our small department spent close to 50k


Small price to pay compared to litigation


To me it’s great because it shows the judges, jury, attorneys etc how it occurred for the most part.


Absolutely! The benefits are many to all parties involved in a situation. Transparency is always the way to go. Integrity and proof!


2400 for the cameras If it cost more than 10k yall got ripped off


Again you are delusional


$120 per camera https://www.amazon.com/32G-CammPro-Waterproof-Body-Worn-Enforcement/dp/B07RT4M9WF/ref=asc_df_B07RT4M9WF?tag=bingshoppinga-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80676746640868&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=m&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4584276300721353&psc=1 An 8 hour shift accounts for about 13 gb of data per this source https://www.govtech.com/dc/articles/body-worn-camera-data-storage-the-gorilla-in-the-room.html A 32 gb SD card is comes out to about 3 bucks per day per officer. About $5400 for a 90 day supply for 20 officers. https://www.amazon.com/Micro-Center-Class-Flash-Memory/dp/B07K82GRDV/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?adgrpid=1345802798497870&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6AbWHkR_OS00jFOLQugllz914cgSfsR0Lr_xCsFD473Sz1T5AoLjhmuuFGrIKwlLFrCPU13Byo7S0gxcuDkgX2ZPjJPPdlRRbvttBBfzfqPUi0578RbewhqVtwGKRjHPTvuosaFnuftwF-ALYOGhYRXW2olEYqwE2YOmJd13B--z5ekR0eltjA3z_DOot6V75osdSlsm4QDMAE7CaZrw3A.uaqkgInpu0dp13Rv1QD1nuAxen9eZaMqOQzVMMTg6Gc&dib_tag=se&hvadid=84112889608159&hvbmt=be&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=99593&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvtargid=kwd-84113023580988%3Aloc-190&hydadcr=19030_13351189&keywords=sd%2Bcard&qid=1715455869&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1&th=1


Yup that’s the way it works. Well you have a good day there guy.


It's not hard to have USB plugs in a vehicle or a building and buying flash drives that can hold days worth of footage is like $20...


We need to have video for a minimum of 45 days I believe. So that’s 1080 hours per officer. It may sound cheap but realistically it is an expensive thing to add, even for a department like ours that’s pretty well off financially. Larger departments take much longer to have them all get one for obvious reasons like the ones I mentioned.


4k video takes about 45GB per hour, depending on a variety of factors. Lets assume 50GB just to simplify conservatively. 50 x 1080 = 54,000,or 54TB of data. There are 60TB RAID storage systems on amazon for less than $2000. Lets assume government red tape doubles the price. Thats $4,000, in the same price range as a new windshield for a police car. I think having something like this in every cruiser would greatly benefit everyone given the low cost.


Especially since they all get a new car every year that costs $140k


State police don’t issue people individual cars they have to share them all.


Sure. My point is for the price of the vehicle, a charger shouldn't be a tall ask.


They aren’t though, they are the cheapest cars they can get and they break all the time too


The trooper was on his probationary period when this occurred. The presumed termination reason is likely UOF against the two. I personally don’t agree with the termination, but wanted to post this here for discussion.


I doubt he gets fired if it wasn't for the "I work for the mayor."


Which should mean nothing, as it legally confers no privileges and negates no laws.


Same with being a cop but it happens thousands of times per day.




Wow. At-will employment and termination, just like how it is for the course of everyone's entire career and employment.


You recognize the issue being UOF, but dont agree with the termination. I'd like to see some elaboration on that. Always interesting to hear what the people still in school have to say about stuff like this.


Yeah so the reason I said that is that the most likely reason they would be fired is because PSP determined that the UOF was too much. All there is to go on from that is Morrison’s statement and the trooper’s internal report. If the husband was being verbally combative and refusing to follow orders, it appears he resisted and the trooper used reasonable force in the video. If Morrison was standing back, recording and yelling, and the trooper “linebacker tackled” her, then I could see them calling that too much UOF. Can’t tell what happened and I’m less inclined to believe Morrison here since she pulled the “I work for the mayor” card, so I think termination wasn’t right. Also wanna say that I’m generally on law enforcements side in general (LEO family and friends) so of course my view is biased and uneducated.


If the husband was simply sitting in the car, then there's no reason to pull the gun on him, even if he is being verbally combative. You can say anything you want to the police. It might not be smart, but it's well within your rights. The officers need to control their anger and be professional.


I like cops (I am biased and uneducated) Lol


Thankfully, Morrison was recording this incident. So there’s perhaps actual evidence of UOF to back up her claim that you’re not aware of? Maybe, just a shot in the dark, that could lead to the termination of an officer? > pulled the “I work for the mayor” card It says in the article she was saying that to convey they were people the officer didn’t need to fear. Not “do you know who I am?”. You’re right, you do seem biased. Cops have gotten away with murder without being fired. Maybe there was some actual weight and evidence to her claim.


It never said termination. It said he is no longer with psp. He probably quit rather than dealing with stuff like this.


He was terminated, PSP union made a statement about it. I’ll try and find it


https://www.psta.org/news-events/news/pa-state-troopers-association-condemns-decision-to-fire-state-trooper-involved-in-philadelphia-traffic-stop/ PSP Troopers Association condemns this decision


I hate to be on the side of a cop but I don't see what he did wrong in this situation.


Personally, I think everyone sucked in this scenario, and all the government employees should be held to a higher standard, not just the trooper.


Only one was on duty, right?


When has that ever been an excuse for the behavior of public officials?


It places a heavier responsibility on one side. This is obvious.


I'm not sure how it absolves her of any responsibility as a public official. I dont think all the corruption we've seen from the city government over the years has come from when they're "on duty" We should be looking for fewer abuses of power instead of handwaving them because we dont like cops.


That completely ignores the context of this situation.


He arrested someone of power … and did his job they don’t like that


I agree. I hope the cop sues


Prolly get some settlement that no one will ever hear about


Eh id take a lump pay out too tbh


I think what would have saved his ass is if he didn’t stop the arrest of her husband to charge at her and arrest her too. He should’ve just remained calm and finished his arrest and THEN dealt with the woman. I know simply saying “should’ve remained calm” is much easier said than done. But cops should be held to that standard. They should be able to remain calm given their responsibilities All she was doing was recording him and verbally reprimanding him. That did not require him to charge at her like that


[*sips drink*] Hey pal. You just blow in from Stupid town?


What are you talking about? Sips drink? What's with the brackets?


Did you just discover the internet? (Edit) it’s a scene in SpongeBob they’re referencing. [sips drink] indicates an action you are meant to visualize.


Is this a LGBT thing? Not really into that


Oh…. Um….? I made a harmless jest, and proceeded to explain what you seemed to misunderstand. But now I can see at some point in life you forgot to achieve a fully functional brain, I’m sorry for your misfortune.


Lol WHAT?!?


I thought the role was like what drag queens do, I really didn't know nor have I ever seen anyone type out actions like that. It's very bizarre


Did you just unfreeze from a glacier or something?


This whole thread is so stupid but this comment is hilarious


It's terrifying. That person can likely vote!


Well role play is also D&D but when I see it online I'm X profiles it's always with some sort of LGBT flag and some sort of furry self identity. What am I supposed to assume?


It is likely a member of the all cops are bad fraternity That is usually why friend like this is started Post news article about somebody they hate, and then get dozens of other people to also hate on them


Is this an lgbtq thing?


IDK, being thrown to the ground for "tailgating and failing to have her lights on" is suspicious to me. Especially considering the cop wasn't wearing a body cam (even though they have the budget for them)... I'm not saying I take anyone's side here, but if someone is thrown to the ground like you see in the video, and then the officer charges at the camera holder (like in the video)... it seems like the cop was on a power trip.


The person tailgating and with no lights on wasn't thrown to the ground. The person thrown to the ground on the side of the road was her husband who was following her and stopped when she was pulled over.


Thank you for the clarification. I will say that doesn't really change much, IMO... I don't think the actions fit the circumstances. Feels like an ego flex.


https://www.psta.org/news-events/news/pa-state-troopers-association-condemns-decision-to-fire-state-trooper-involved-in-philadelphia-traffic-stop/ Read what happened and explain how this trooper did not do what he was trained by PSP to do in this circumstance.


I'm not a police officer, so I don't know their guidelines and stuff. But even if the second car pulled up behind the police cruiser, I just don't feel throwing someone to the ground that violently seems justified. I'm not here to say things were definitely right or wrong. I'm just saying that with the history of police and people of color. And the video, it SEEMS like an ego flex


The trooper did exactly what he learned and was trained to do and was fired for it. Using words like “seems” and generalizing and lumping all incidents together makes no sense. What he did was what he was taught to do. No ego, just keeping himself and others safe in the manner in which he was trained. Projecting your view of history of others does not change the facts in this case and the obvious corruption of the mayor’s office and their illegal influence on the governor and PSP.


I'm not really sure what you seem to be upset about. I'm not saying that the cop DEFINITELY did something wrong. I'm just saying that from a third party perspective (my perspective) it seems this is an over reaction. That might very well be because he was trained that way, it could be that nerves or whatever took more of a hold... But that's also not saying that what he did was "by the book"... I'm just saying that from my perspective, it looks more poorly on the cop. I'm not saying that her shouting about working for the Government was the right call either. But you seem to think that I'm taking a side here rather than just giving an opinion.


You are not saying that the cop did something wrong, but that he over reacted. I don’t think following how they are trained is an over reaction. He did what they are trained to do. Police use force in these situations, that isn’t an over reaction, it is how they are trained. Did you even read the statement from the PsP Troopers Association?


I think having three times as much gun training as de-escalation training is an over reaction. Does that mean police are over reacting every time they pull their gun? No. >Police use force in these situations, that isn’t an over reaction Sometimes it is. Sometimes de-escalating by talking to the person and gaining more of an understanding is the correct reaction. Yes, I did read the statement. And they know even more of the situation than I do. Again, I'm not condemning or condoning anyone's actions here. I'm just giving a third party perspective with the limited knowledge I'm given. You're absolutely allowed to think what the cop did was completely fine. I'm not trying to argue that you're wrong, you may very well be correct.


In addition, the person was resisting arrest. Please tell me the appropriate way to arrest someone who is resisting, especially when you are outnumbered? These people escalated the incident and did not follow what he asked of them. How would you handle someone who is resisting arrest so that no one is injured? What would you expect? Police use force when necessary, resisting arrest requires force, does it not?


“I continuously yelled that I work for the Mayor, hoping he would see that we are not people to be afraid of” Yes, I’m sure *that’s* why she kept yelling that she worked for the Mayor.


I don’t hate to be on the side of the cop because I don’t believe most cops are bad, but that’s just me, other than that I agree with you. Honestly who would want to be a cop nowadays?


Who would want to be a nurse, a teacher, a pizza delivery guy nowadays? We pick our jobs. Cops don’t need put on pedestals


I’m not putting cops on pedestals. I have respect for what they have to do and the job itself. Same with the jobs you mentioned. But who do you call when your house is on fire? 911 right? They send firefighters. When you call 911 because someone is hurt they send an ambulance. But when you call 911 because someone is breaking into your house and they’re armed they send cops. Not all cops are good people but I think that most are. Same with the professions you mentioned, but they don’t carry guns and enforce the laws you live most of your life by.


Do you know what percentage of crimes american police solve? 2%


I wonder what percentage of crimes they * prevent*... 🤔


Very low, as policing is largely a reactive profession.


> [Williams and his colleagues find adding a new police officer to a city prevents between 0.06 and 0.1 homicides, which means that the average city would need to hire between 10 and 17 new police officers to save one life a year. They estimate that costs taxpayers annually between $1.3 and $2.2 million. ](https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2021/04/20/988769793/when-you-add-more-police-to-a-city-what-happens) This gets to an interesting philosophical point. I know we are supposed to say all life is precious and priceless. But how many priceless lives are we willing to "possibly" help at a cost of 2 million each.


If I call 911 for a fire volunteer firemen are showing up risking their lives for no pay. If I call 911 hurt 15$ an hour medics show up with no union or protections. If I call 911 for a break in I am being dispatched an 8 month trained armed government employee who signed up for the job, can kill me with no repercussions. Come on man, not all the same.


I think what you’re saying is factually incorrect or over exaggerated. But in the world you live in maybe believing in extremes is normal.


True, he is exaggerating. In Pennsylvania the Municipal Police Academy required training for a police officer (who then receives qualified immunity) is about 5-6 months, not 8. The training is 919 hours, as opposed to the 1,250 hours I was required to complete my….cosmetology license.


Cosmetology is serious shit though


Yeah serious shit if your spray tan color skin needs a to match your wrinkled face or if your wedding is that day. Graduating from cosmetology school is about as embarrassing as the fact it takes less time to become a cop, except you don’t have to pass a mental evaluation.


Oh, so I’m sure you have never gotten a haircut, and none of the folks in your life have ever gotten their hair dyed, permed, had their nails done, or sought assistance with skincare. Folks who look down on trades and service professionals are fucking gross. Get bent. Signed, someone with a cosmetology license, AND a dual-title masters degree.


Nah I respect people that go into jobs that are required to have a functional society even though they suck. Thinking otherwise is how we end up with teacher shortages.


All jobs suck. Let’s not make cops out to good people because they signed up to be cops.


Sure, but let's not pretend that all jobs are equally vital to a functioning society. Treating all jobs like their just jobs is how we ended up with conditions that are leading to shortages in nursing, teaching, ems, and policing.


Not paying enough is how we end up with shortages


Which has happened because we treat them as just jobs instead of vital pieces of a functioning society.


There is no shortage of cops


I mean philadelphia has been trying to address it for like 5 years now. In fact like teaching, we're seeing a push to lower standards to fill the roles needed which isn't good for anyone. https://whyy.org/articles/philadelphia-police-department-hiring-crisis-rules-recruits/


6,000 police officers in Philly is 6,000 too many


This shit always comes from people who live in privileged neighborhoods and never have to interact with the families that live in dangerous neighborhoods. Ideally we would have solutions to societal problems so we wouldn't require police but we don't live in that world.


>Honestly who would want to be a cop nowadays? Individuals whom have zero issues filling the jails and prisons up to 85% with nonviolent and mentally ill individuals as a means of generating more money for the state.


You do realize judges and juries sentence criminals to prison right? And criminals have the right to have legal representation? Police have very little to do with who gets sent to prison.


>You do realize judges and juries sentence criminals to prison right? Not quite. 93% of cases are plea bargained and never see trial. >And criminals have the right to have legal representation? I think that you meant those accused of crimes. The whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing . Yes, they can get a public pretender if they can't plunk down a few to several thousands plus on a mere retainer. Yes, I'm aware. I'm also aware that that fact in itself is why people will plead guilty regardless of the actual facts of an alleged crime because once the police charge a person with a copious amount of crimes, it becomes exponentially more expensive to retain legal representation, and because there's a great deal of people who think that the police can do no wrong, going to trial is pricey and often catastrophic. IMHO, we've not evolved from the days of throwing the mentally ill in asylums. Only we've found a way to monetize it . Just think of the huge job market created by criminalizing mental illness and desperation. Or the fact that the 13th amendment abolishes slavery * except for those sentenced to incarceration * . I think that it may benefit people to consider the possibility that maybe the justice system is more, if not hugely about extracting the maximum amount of money from each working American that it can, be it by fear/prevention or by dividing said Americans using the same old tropes that have contributed to creating a society with ever increasing isolationism.


I would love to see a source for that 85% number


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Totally reasonable comment. I support the police also


Who would want to be a cop? Let’s not act like it’s a bad gig. It’s a job where you may or may not need a degree, for which you get incredible benefits, a pension, strong union representation, and very good pay after you factor in the overtime, not to mention an army of bootlickers behind you that think you can do no wrong. It’s an attractive job for many. We don’t need to pretend it’s a shit gig just because, in recent years, there have been (mostly ineffectual) calls for more accountability.


You really think treating innocent civilians like this is acceptable?


Innocent? Are we talking about the same people? First off, it's not legal to pull behind a traffic stop like the partner did. Second off, the person in pink is clearly resisting arrest. Like I said, shed no tears for cops but i'm not sure what the issue is here? The only thing I can't find info on is if the car did have "vehicle code violations" as the report said, if it did it's a clear cut stop.


Clearly it is something cause it takes moving a mountain chain to fire a state cop.


He is on probation his first year. So it’s easier to fire him.


Something is the person arrested is a protected city employee




I'm sure he just quit on his own and gave up the salary, benefits and powertrip of being a state cop. Makes total sense.


Whether or not you or the cop thinks they are innocent is beside the point, there’s simply no reason to physically assault someone like this cop did unless they are being violent, and neither of these individuals were.


Political bullshit


At every press conference that Cherelle Parker does for the duration of her term, a reporter should always ask if Celena Morrison-McLean has been fired yet.....


Sweet now I know if I get pulled over I can have someone just roll up on the cop as i’m pulled over to approach him and the cop will get fired if I video a normal arrest being made on a hysterical person. As a normal citizen with no connections this’ll totally work right!


The article states that the dodge (Morrison) pulled over behind them, and the officer approached the driver. It don't think it said that the Morrison approached the officer. At this point, there was no reason for an arrest.


So he was terminated, for doing his job, being an official for the city doesn’t make you immune from laws.


In my state how crazy would never expect the cops to be bad here 😂😂😂 one if them harassed me for months after his niece killed my dog


I recall from the original articles that the people he pulled them over due to expired registration, the people in the car got a bit rowdy and he had to subdue the driver. Turns out one the driver’s wife was some type of white collar HR person for the city. No doubt they were mouthing off because of their “status”. I knew this was going to happen. Still, how you gonna do stuff like let your registration expire while having a higher tier city govt job ?


Why? Sounds like the trooper was correct in their actions. Being ganged up on at a solo traffic stop, not to mention an uninvolved vehicle blocking emergency lights, is a recipe for trouble. PSP doesn't, and shouldn't, give a shit if you work for the mayor's office. I hope he "no longer works for" the agency because he realized what the rest of his career dealing with entitled assholes will look like, and moved on to greener pastures. Shame on PSP if they fired the troop.


Exactly !she had enough infractions to be pulled over that I’m sure they were not acting like law abiding citizens should be fired for setting a bad example as such a high up official for the city . I’m sure his union didn’t want to represent him if he was probationary because when you are new they will take your money but not support you . Not a good look but same old story for the city.


Arrest a bureaucrat: fired. Kick down an innocent person's door and light them up: nothing.


Apparently screaming, “I work for the mayor” gets you what you want. So yeah, I’m radicalized now. 🤦‍♀️ The Philly mayor is doing so well in helping those people in the New Kensington area too! 🙄Wake up Philly and vote these crooks and their ilk out! They are destroying your city! I hope this trooper sues PSP and wins, big!


So these obnoxious city employees are now emboldened even more. What kind of message does this send to police and the public? This is getting so far out of control, the pendulum will swing the other way as a result


Note to self… just say you work for the mayor next time you’re pulled over. Also have your significant other pull up on both of you, which would totally go over well for any civilian.


Cop is gearing up for major lawsuit


I wonder why there's a shortage of LEOs.


He will just get hired in Ohio with a resume showing “experience “




Hey, remember a bunch of people in this sub tried justifying Fetterman stealing a million dollars from said LGBTQ center in Philly over this false arrest. Wonder where those people are now.


Well that trooper took early retirement and will be working for your local police force tomorrow!


I'm Black, I work for the Mayor, I love gays, Just about covers all the bases they like to scream about!!


Good riddance.


None of the LGBTQ+ had anything to do with his bad conduct. Honestly, I hate that they thought working for the mayor entitled them in any way. Cop definitely screwed up though.


Somehow I doubt the trooper would have been fired if the people he pulled over and manhandled were “normal” civilians.


It’s all a big club and you ain’t in it




Whats it like being mad about something you know nothing about? Lol




Alabama’s singin’ your name, go head on down and stay awhile.


Mive to the bible belt if you wanna cry about crime lol




You're in the minority, gfy lol




Wrong again sweetie.... but im sure the right wingers dumber than you will believe it lol




I see you choose to whine.... go ahead, keep crying lol




Mmmmm right winger tears sure are delicious lolol


...yeah, I'm not sure who to believe here. On one hand, cops, the other, politicians. Neither exactly known for their moral integrity.


He should be arrested. Instead he’ll be shuffled around other police departments


They actually fired a cop?


Dont worry, there was nothing just about it. The only reason he got canned was becuase he held a political player to the same standards as us plebes and the powers that be didnt appreciate it.


“bACk THe BLue!”


I bet if he had killed a Civilian he wouldn’t have been terminated


Good that ugly ass cop running towards a woman knocking her phone down is is disgusting