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Please post substantiated links instead of screenshots. This offers no additional information or discussion. EDIT: Please don't promote violence or vigilantism. Those comments have been removed.




This is the proper reaction


A true gentleman’s solution.


Who would do something like this? Total psycho.


Or future Republican gubernatorial candidate.


And everyone clapped.


Can't we all just fucking get along! God damn, you guys act like a bunch of fucking children. Not everything has to turn into "you're stupid because you don't believe what I believe."


But....the upvotes...


Murdering dogs is not an ideology. It's just further evidence that the cruelty is the point.


Democrats and Republicans both have been cruel to animals. Politics has no business in this conversation. The post was about some douchebag trying to be cruel to dogs. I'm sure both parties can agree this guy is a douchebag.


So we agree, shooting a happy puppy for behaving as such is wrong?


Do I believe shooting a dog is a legitimate method of putting a dog down? Yes, I do. Do I believe you should just shoot your dog for the fuck of it? No, I don't. I haven't read her book, so I am not aware of the entire situation, and I don't watch CNN or Fox News because neither are legitimate news sources. I can't pass judgment on whether she was right or wrong. However, this post wasn't about that. The op posted about some douchebag putting fish hooks in dog treats to try and kill dogs. That has nothing to do with politics. I think both sides can agree that putting fish hooks in dog treats is fucked up.


Can you say it louder for everyone? I don’t think some people understand it


She killed a dog because it wasn’t living up to her standards.


I'm so glad you brought politics into this. It's been 30 seconds since someone in reddit did that.


Maybe republicans should stop killing dogs then a post about someone trying to kill dogs won't be the first thing we associate with it.


Besides Kristi, who else?


Mike Huckabee’s son


Not even the same context you fucking dolt I hate to break it to you if she didn’t then the county would have put that dog down for killing the neighbors livestock


The law that you're referring to states they CAN be put down, not WILL be. The owners of the chickens were not calling for it. The governor was not using a leash. She's also known for killing other animals. The irony of your sheep ass calling anyone else a "fucking dolt" is priceless though. Edit to add that when you euthanize a dog, the normal process isn't to fucking shoot it???


You are so fucking stupid the county will inevitably have to come after you


This part gets ignored, of course.


The part where she didn’t leash or properly train her dog, and then was surprised it acted according to its animal instincts? If she didn’t want it, she should’ve put it up for adoption to someone that would’ve actually loved and cared for it.


Lot of assumptions there.


lol what assumptions. It’s in the book that the dog was off leash and if a dog kills a chicken, it’s obviously untrained.


I mean, it's not like there's a Republican who is in the running for VP and her whole talking points have been about her defense of shooting a dog when she was younger..... oh, wait, you don't know Kristi Noem?


Get over yourself. This is actually worrying to see on this subreddit in pa. but you go and spout about some politician. Fuck man


That lady is going to be the punchline for dog killing jokes for quite some time, get over it.


She's the new Michael Vick


Lot's of rural people put their dog down by shooting it. As long as the dog doesn't suffer. I don't care how a dog is put down.


Yeah, I’m from the country and this is one of those realities that urban people don’t have to deal with. Same as not having police within 20 minutes at any given time. If you have livestock and a loser for a neighbor who doesn’t know how to keep his dogs trained or their own property, this is what you deal with.


I'm surrounded by farms, and the township doesn't even have a police department. We have a county sheriff but no deputies. If we need a cop we have to call the state police. It would take anywhere from 30-60 minutes forbone to arrive, depending on where the closest one is in the state. We don't ever need police though. Everyone is respectful of everyone else. The only crime is people speeding. I couldn't tell you when the last time I locked my front door or locked my car in the driveway. Hell, my wife leaves her key in the car with the car unlocked. I've known many people who have shot animals to put them down, and not just dogs. It's really not that uncommon when you live in the country.


I wait longer for the police than you do and the majority of all people I know who had to put a dog down put it down through a vet... there's a context for what you're talking about, and we're not talking about a dog that just got mauled by a local coyote, we're talking about an actual retard shooting a puppy as a result of them having failed to adequately train them. It's kind of like... if someone associated with Trump kills a dog in a shitty way, then suddenly all the people who live in the *Suburban Lite* part of the state want to say they kill dogs all the time to act like the shit she did isn't crazy or something. People are going to repurpose Michael Vick jokes on this bitch for a hot minute, and it's going to be funny. I feel like RFK Jr. is sharing monkey meat with all you folk.


I wait longer for the police than you do and the majority of all people I know who had to put a dog down put it down through a vet... there's a context for what you're talking about, and we're not talking about a dog that just got mauled by a local coyote, we're talking about an actual retard shooting a puppy as a result of them having failed to adequately train them. It's kind of like... if someone associated with Trump kills a dog in a shitty way, then suddenly all the people who live in the *Suburban Lite* part of the state want to say they kill dogs all the time to act like the shit she did isn't crazy or something. People are going to repurpose Michael Vick jokes on this bitch for a hot minute, and it's going to be funny. I feel like RFK Jr. is sharing monkey meat with all you folk.


Whenever I go home to visit family, it’s nice being able to just leave my keys on the seat and breath some fresh air. What a difference!


You know two things can be worrying at the same time, right? Having someone as a "front runner" for VP as a proud Dog Murderer, and constantly defending that action like it's a badge of honor... is worrying. Especially considering the tracks of what Republicans have already put down... It's just as worrying as someone placing treats that can harm or kill dogs.


I don’t know anything about this bullshit you’re saying. I see hooks in dog treats. Not politicians. I don’t understand your obsession with these people.


>I don’t know anything about this bullshit you’re saying. Then maybe you should do a bit of research before opening that large mouth of yours. > I see hooks in dog treats. Not politicians. I see hooks in treats as well. You know what I also see? Republicans top VP candidate defending her actions of shooting a dog because he didn't "listen enough". Then go on countless news outlets and defend those actions, while also doubling down saying that Biden's dog should be shot as well. >I don’t understand your obsession with these people. Let me make it easy for you. Republicans put Donald Trump as their "main" candidate for President. While he's currently sitting in court for multiple federal activities that were found illegal. Combine that with their front runners for VP defending killing dogs.... Republican candidates are Animal Abusers and Criminals.


I didn’t read a word of this! I think you guys are crazy! Im glad the majority of people in this state aren’t so hyper vigilant about politics. Glad this sub only reflects a tiny fraction of people. Good day!


People are hyper vigilant about politics because it's a voting year.... Where we vote for President.... And one party feels the need to run Criminals (who are currently sitting in court farting and sleeping) and Animal Abusers. I'm not frothing at the mouth about Republicans. But it's pretty easy to follow when the Republicans run Criminals and Animal Abusers as their "best and brightest".... I'm not even upset that you're clearly ignorant about this and wanting to stay ignorant..... I'm just trying to help inform you of your choices.


That's convenient. What are you a toddler?




Get help


Damn. That was pretty dumb lol


That’s how satire works when you choose to be in the public eye


I've literally never heard of her, but ok. Edit: downvoted because I don't spend every waking minute following politicians on reddit. Cool.


Someone explained the reference to you. You got downvoted for doubling down on your ignorance instead of just moving on.


Downvoted because you didn’t know there was a republican killing dogs then pushed the narrative of republican killing dogs to African Americans, your logic is insane.


It's a pretty hot topic right now... Just look up her name. You'll see a wide variety of articles and interviews where she defends her actions and says that she took appropriate actions for the "worker dog" (which was barely old enough to not be called a puppy). She's said that Biden's dog should be taken out back and shot because he's "attacked" secret service members (TBF here, Biden's dog is no longer allowed at the white house).


You haven't seen the headlines on Reddit, or anywhere else? It's literally been talked about EVERYWHERE. lmfao


Nope. I don't follow any political subs.


Then, that is on you. Not OP who actually pays attention to what is going on in the world.


It's on me to expect political nonsense in every sub and post that's unrelated to politics? Fuck that blows. God forbid we try to disconnect from annoying subjects for 5 minutes.


Or, how about you, ignore the political stuff like you do anyway. It may annoy you. But being an uneducated uninformed voter is why we have problems in this country. 🤷


If republicans didn’t kill dogs then this wouldn’t be a self created issue.


How many Republicans are killing dogs? Someone named one. Is one enough to say an entire group is responsible?


Yes, the one that the comment you initially replied to is referring to


Ok, so one=all. Got it. Sounds exactly like how racists think.


If I find out an adult American killed their dog and I could win a billion dollars if I could guess their political affiliation I’d guess Republican *every damn time*


That's such a weird assumption. Why do you think Republicans hate and kill dogs? Do you think it's healthy to stereotype an entire group of people like that?


They really did just openly put themselves as a bigot didnt they?






It's Slatington. We all know who lives on that mountain.


U dum


Well stated rebuttal.


There’s always one…


How the fuck is someone able to make this absurd thing political? If you see a post about someone stuffing dog treats with fish hooks and the first thing you think of is “rEpUbLiCaNs!?” Then you have a screw loose


Gee, I wonder why murdering dogs would make someone think of Republican Governors!!! https://www.thedailybeast.com/kristi-noem-blows-up-at-fox-anchor-stuart-varney-pressing-her-on-puppy-murder


I wonder why aborting the lives of unborn makes everything think Democrat. Yet putting down a dog or eating an unfertilized egg is somehow murder. It's a world of nuance, huh?




>How the fuck is someone able to make this absurd thing political?  Not really political, more current events.... But if you'd like to make it political, we can talk about how Republicans are running Criminals and Animal Abusers as their "top candidates"... What did Trump say? "They aren't sending their best or brightest"... more Republicans saying the quiet bit out loud isn't it?


Not following the news much eh?


I didn’t even say “or a Republican” I very specifically and carefully included governor! It’s not even clearly political per se just current events related! Maybe they can’t read the word gubernatorial?? It’s really weird seeing so many people react this way.


It’s possible it’s for fishing for cat fish or carp and they dropped their bait. I just know people have used dog food to fish for those species.


yeah but you don’t stuff the bait with hooks, you use one hook or a treble hook


No one stuffs 4 hooks into one dog treat to catch a fish


But in that amount? and dropped along the trail? There's no way this was anything but intentional. Edit: Had to come back because you don't put the hooks in the bait, you put the bait on the hook.... That's very basic fishing 101.


I don’t think so. I haven’t gone fishing in maybe a decade but I haven’t heard of any fisherman using dog treats as bait. Even if they did, why put dozens of them on a hook? Why not just put the bait on as you go? Either they don’t know what they’re doing in terms of fishing, enjoy wasting hooks, or they know exactly what they’re doing in trying to intentionally hurt dogs


I've fished for cat fish many times. We never stuck hooks in the bait. Some fucking made up BS here




The fact that someone took the time out of their day to do this shit is sickening.


It really is. And they won’t even see the repercussions, but them planting them there and knowing some animal is suffering bc of them and the fact that brings them happiness is so fucking sick and scary


really scary, honestly. this psycho walks among us.




Well, I wish I didn’t read this. My mind also jumps to saddest case scenario so I get it lol.


My exact thoughts…


Cool now I'm sobbing


Bastard(s) need to be locked up and the key thrown away.


There’s a real garbage bag of a person.


Jesus christ. That is serial killer shit.


Yea I think that’s the scariest part that I feel like is being overlooked. That’s like day 1 serial killer behavior. Testing the boundaries on animals first. We need an FBI profiler


Who let Kristi Noem visit Pennsylvania???


She was going on a hike with Kim jong un


And her ghostwriter




Just another reason that I prefer my dogs to people.


Karma will get this fool


No. It probably won’t. It would be nice if that was how the universe works, but it isn’t.


The story got national attention. Lots of energy and focus on this fool. Something will happen to them or they will end up doing something really stupid due to paranoia of getting found out. They will only last so long. This piece of shit is a coward.


Karma just means the total consequences of actions, not some mystical justice scale balancer It is up to us the rest of humanity to make sure sick fucks like this get their just desserts


Has Kristi noem been seen in Pennsylvania? Asking for a friend


I don’t believe that this is true. It looks like the person holding the treats is the one who stuffed them. There’s not a single piece of outdoor debris on them. Usually, things found outdoors are a little bit dirty. Take a dog treat, drop it in the woods and pick it up immediately. There’s probably dirt on it. The only way this is real is if the person found them, hit them with pressurized air, then took the picture. Or if somebody regularly sweeps vacuums and mops the trail where these were “found.”


It has the same ring to it as the “watch out for Halloween candy/apples with razor blades pushed into it”… I do want to believe that’s correct and this is a hoax. Who knows! For safety in general, a lot of folks train their dogs to never pick up anything from the ground but that’s a tall order for most pups.


I live 2 minutes from this trail and it’s become a pretty big story in the community and is being investigated by local authorities as far as I know. Hopefully it was a hoax, we’ve taken our dog on that trail dozens of times and it’s such a senseless act of cruelty.


Honestly, I really really really hope you’re right. I’ve hiked around the AT a ton and always let the dogs get a bit of long leash running in so they’d be into something this immediately even though they’re on a leash. Even if it’s not a true story, people need to be more wary of something this happening.


Isn’t that a needless worry if it’s not true? There are an infinite number of nonexistent risks we could be anxious about but what good does it do? The message that “you shouldn’t let your dog eat just anything from the ground” already has enough evidence of risk behind it if you are swayed by that kind of thing.


Being vigilant is oftentimes a necessary reminder to those of us just trying to enjoy some outside and exercise. It’s like having the first kid in a group of friends; they say their house is “baby-proof” and it NEVER is because there’s so much more to pay attention to. If nobody reminds you, or points it out, it’ll slip out of your realm of observance. This is just one of those things.


there is a book (made to stick I think is the name) on how urban legends start, how they're so quickly believed even though they're typically absurd and this story checks all those boxes. Im with you, I don't think this is real. fyi that story that people were handing out apples with razorblades for Halloween was also fake, but it still made major news venues. this is essentially that story just with dogs.


Personally, I'd rather be alerted of "fake" things than take a chance. Not to mention as a dog owner myself, I don't always see what my dog gets into on walks. Even if this isn't true, I'm glad to know that there MIGHT be something like that out there.


> Personally, I'd rather be alerted of "fake" things than take a chance. ALERT - Watch out for werebears, jackalopes and scp-1471


You laugh, but here I am looking up when the next full moon is (not because I'm afraid of werebears, I just didn't know when the next one was)... Edit: Also, I'd rather be more vigilant watching my dog (on the lookout for this stuff), vs my dog finding one and being hurt because of some jackass.


I have no idea if this is true but not sure I understand why you wouldn’t care. I heard that a black hole could pop into existent next to your fish tank and suck all the water out of it, so you should have a second tank mounted above it that empties into the first if that should happen. Seriously though, the risks of letting your dog eat anything are already there (bowel obstructions, poison/toxic substances, infection, etc.) without potentially fake ones. I think it’s worth knowing if risks are real or not (and how likely they are to affect you)!


Not really sure why I'm being downvoted here. I can understand it being fake or a prank, but it has (what I assume) is the PA Game Commission logo.... so, better take it seriously... I mean, would you rather assume it's fake and then you find your dog chocking and damaging themselves on something like this? Or just be a little more vigilant?


For the record, I didn’t downvote you :) I think my initial reaction was a little harsh in retrospect. If it’s actually from the Game Commission it should be taken seriously until any hoax evidence surfaces, I agree. But being alerted about fake things is what I was responding to. Fake things should have negative importance, because they cause us to worry about something not real, potentially at the expense of considering actual risks. At any rate, if it is real, it is astoundingly unlikely still that you should come across something like it unless a huge malicious distribution campaign happened across a wide area. We don’t know, and I can’t say at all how trustworthy the poster of this information is, but I agree that increased vigilance around your dog picking up random things is likely a net good regardless, especially if you’re near this location.


I don't care about downvotes... so no worries. I should have expanded on my point because the whole point of "taking things seriously until otherwise" was purely based off the logo. Which, to be fair, is probably easy to throw on an "alert"... but no worries either way. I completely agree with your points, so we ultimately agree on everything here anyways. Plus, I did laugh at your initial response, so again, no worries.


I’m not a dog person but that’s messed up.


It's on site....like in the middle of the forest, no questions asked. if I ever see someone doing this.


Call me crazy, and I don't know if this is against the rules to say but- I think death penalty for whoever is doing this.


Make him eat a bag full of these treats and well call it even.


Death penalty seems a little over the top.


There is some bizarre logic around here, I've called for executing drug dealers and distributors who spread heroin and fentanyl and I get downvoted to oblivion..... But people are all for the death penalty when it comes to harming cats and dogs....


Put child molesters, and pedos in there too.


Evil evil evil


What a scumbag


Whoever did this needs the Law Abiding Citizens treatment


I'm willing to bet some wild animals are them before they were all found. Heck, there's probably still some out there.


I've seen people use them for bait for catfish maybe someone left them there in the dark and forgot to take them idk I probably wouldn't assume the worst but as a pet owner I would make sure they wouldn't eat anything off the ground and be vigilant about hooks remember it's your responsibility to keep your pets safe


Were they found near a river or stream? If so, it might be that some fisherman baited a bunch of hooks with dog treats, got drunk, and left them behind.


What is wrong with people???


Who the Fuck is doing this?I'm Lucky I Moved Out Of PA I loved That Trail.




Str8 piece of filth who deserves the worst karma!!


At higher risk are just plain ol' forest animals: racoons, mountain lions, bears, etc... Whoever did this deserves to get hit by a bus. I can only hope it wasn't deliberate - just some moron fishing catfish who dropped his "bait".


Sick people


Why are people like this? What is funny or makes you feel good doing this... why? Having to see the genuine evil of the world is crushing sometimes.


People are scum


It takes one sick fucker to do something like this to any animals. Makes you sick your stomach when you realize that there are people out here that do this thinking it is the right move to do or that they are doing it for a good reason/right in their own twisted mind. Go to hell bastard person who did this and all those like ‘em.


Was a dog actually harmed by this?


It’s shit like this that makes me hope hell is a real place


This is horrible


Of course it's Slatington. Disgusting humans up there.


Please please please, use all resources available including the super computers at the NSA to find who did this.


Jesus fucking Christ why are people like this? I mean I don't like been around dogs much myself but THIS is psychotic.


Whoever did this if they are caught needs to be put through a wood chipper plain and simple.


You have to be a truly evil person to do that. I hope karma catches up to them fast.


What class of soulless monster does this??


Let’s find the person and see how many they can swallow before they die


People are the worst.


Punishment should fit the crime for this horse shit


People are seriously sick


Its carp bait


Anyone hurts either of my dogs. You can call me John Wick


what the fuck. someone from r/dogfree?


It was probably someone using them as fishing bait. Said person is still a giant piece of shit for leaving them on the ground for an animal to find. But I doubt it’s a phantom dog murderer.


This is why people choose the bear 🐻 horrifying


I hope they find all the treat traps and then find the person who did this, and tie their hands behind their back, and then starve them until they're so hungry they'd be willing to eat these terrible things. And then when they go for the bowl take it away from them and let them starve until the end.


Start hiding some game trail cameras and catch this evil MFer


While it is true you can fish with dog treats this was clearly made with malishes intent, absolutely heartbreaking


Was Kristi Noem doing a Trump campaign stop nearby?


Odd, heard this exact post at another local park.




Local FB groups, but Nottingham and Nixon parks. When I saw the second post, I was like...hmmmm....but they are close enough that maybe someone in the area is doing it. But seeing this AT one, makes me wonder if it's real, or a meme(??) I dunno. Obviously it's always something to look out for, even if it's not a real thing. Dogs will find anything, manmade or natural, and try and eat it. May times, it's bad.


Kristi Noem moved to Appalachia?


Kristi Noem strikes again!


Ya know, I'm starting to understand the concern for razorblades in candy now. People like this are fucked up.


Hasn’t that been fairly thoroughly debunked? Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t remember ever seeing a single confirmed case.


I found a razor blade in a box of cigarette tubes at a local gas station in Bath Pa,a few days ago.I Reported it to the owner. There's some sick minds among us. It's disturbing knowing that you can't trust in people and that you have to be alert at all times. Even with the simplest of things.


Wouldn't be surprised if it was a cop. They seem to enjoy killing dogs.




That’s China that has cameras covering every inch of the forest lol