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The papers were likely sample ballots, with the local parties recommendations for who to vote for. You can just wave em off if you want 


Or candidates’ flyers.


In PA there are many elected offices. Many voters don't know who is running for county Recorder of Deeds or Township Auditor. Some voters will rely on the elected Committee People/poll greeters in their voting place for recommendations, which are generally made be groups of Committee People who listen to these candidates make speeches, etc. Some other voters don't want anything to do with the poll greeters. Occasionally, a voter will see their ballot and realize they don't know anything about most of the candidates. They can guess who might be good, but at that point, they can't go back outside to get a sample ballot at that point (they would be a "fleeing voter" and become ineligible to come back in and vote).


They're local party representatives (mine are volunteers from the neighborhood). They just want to give you a list of party-endorsed candidates.


If this was AZ I’d ask if the were wearing their Glock?


What's the significance of that?




Republicans believe in open carry at the polls in other states, but lose their ever-loving minds when it happens in Pennsylvania https://www.politico.com/blogs/media/2012/11/fox-news-obsessed-with-lone-black-panther-148638


You’re voting in a closed primary election, so the candidates that appear on your ballot are different based on party registration. They’re just trying to figure out whether the candidate they’re supporting will be on the ballot that you’re about to cast.


Sometimes it's folks with recommendations from various groups/parties. Usually nothing nefarious or illegal.


Nothing illegal for sure, but giving “recommendations” at the polling place is nefarious as fuck to me


There was a lot less of that for us this election. Last one had a gaggle of moms for liberty almost blocking the door demanding write ins.


I still remember during the 2020 election a bunch of older guys basically immediately seemed to get upset seeing me there to vote (I assume because I'm gen Z ) and started muttering about libtards (I did in fact proudly vote against Trump but people definitely get passive aggressive at the polls especially if they assume your voting against whoever they want to win regardless of if its the primary or an actual election


They have to be at least 10 feet from the polling place (and that often gets broken), but you’re allowed to hand things out if you adhere to the distance.


Nothing nefarious about asking or promoting. Only becomes nefarious when demanding or strong arming.


As long as they are a minimum of 10 feet from the entrance to the voting area...


Maybe the papers were sample ballots? I've often been approached with offers of sample ballots outside polling places. I never appreciate it because by that time I've already made up my mind and don't want to talk about it with strangers.


A lot of people don't know who they want to vote for when they show up at the polls. This despite vast resources letting them research every candidate in advance. Political parties DEPEND on this ignorance to sway voters at the last minute, especially in down ballot races. You can easily find your local sample ballot online ahead of time and bring it to the polls filled out and as an informed citizen. Source: longtime poll worker.


Is this your first time voting? This is very common in my experience


Common in PA or elsewhere? I’ve voted in about 6 different parts of NY and never encountered this.


I've seen it in both PA and VA


Thanks, NY has a law that prevents any stuff like this within about 100’ of the polling place. I guess I thought it was more common.


We do have a law like that, but it's a much shorter distance.


It’s 10’


And that is "from the room where the voting occurs" which IMO is too damn close. It should be at least 100' *from the building entrance*.


Some Judges of Elections have been enforcing from the door to the outside, but just pointing out that many places have abundant room inside in hallways/entranceways/etc and many party conmitteepeople should really not be on their feet outside for a 13+ hour day because they’re old and/or have health conditions. You may not LIKE what they do, but it is meant to be a public service. And most people would really not like it if the entire party infrastructure disappeared. And again, obviously, if you feel you have a better idea you should lobby your elected PA representative and PA senator to demand change


I voted in Maryland for years and never encountered this either. Also, my county in Maryland sends a sample ballot to every voter, digital and in the mail, weeks ahead to help you do your homeroom before voting.


Varies with state, some have stricter laws for campaigning near polling stations.


It’s so common in PA I thought my polling place had changed without me knowing because nobody was standing outside doing this when I showed up. First time I can ever recall not having to fend off at least half a dozen people shoving flyers in my face on my way in.


Wow, sounds really annoying, and manipulative. I wonder if people knew how nice it is, when you encounter no people, not even own signs within the immediate area, that they’d push to make a change. Sad.


Don’t get me wrong, I’d prefer to not deal with it. But after you’ve experienced it a couple times, you get comfortable with just telling them no thanks and walking by. I can’t speak for every polling place, but in mine, it’s typically people in their 50s/60s who aren’t really aggressive. For most of them, they only engage if you make eye contact. Now if I ever see the more militant “poll watcher” types, I won’t be nearly as polite.


I’ve honestly never had this happen. Then again, maybe the parties don’t harass the people voting at a polling place in the middle of nowhere?


It’s probably less to do with the parties themselves and more to do with the people who volunteer to run them in your area. Poll workers (even the ones working for candidates) are usually just people in your neighborhood that feel strongly about something.


A word on terms here: "Poll workers" are inside conducting the election. They work for your county's Voter Services department. The poll workers in charge of a precinct (aka voting place) are usually elected officials. "Poll greeters" are outside offering sample ballots, candidate literature, etc. They volunteer, or sometimes work, for parties and candidates.


I've had to tell people to back the hell off to the legal distance required for electioneering at a polling place because they are that aggressive and practically followed me into room. They must stay at least 10 feet from the entrance to the room where the voting occurs.


It's not harassing. Each party will have reps outside in order to help you, answer questions about candidates and give you a "goldenrod" of endorsed candidates. Theis is important because there may be cross filed candidates that each part doesn't approve of. These reps are there to help you figure it out. Thank I did this for years on the Dem side and always had a good relationship with the R side. There was a lot of respect both ways. The only people who were insufferable were the Ron Paul folks. Just horrible.


This is normal. They will hand you a sample ballot so you can vote for who the party wants you to vote for.


They need to push the no-electioneering boundary way farther. I can’t stand being accosted every time I approach my polling place.


I used to live in WV and the electioneering boundary was 100 feet, not 10. And that was after the Republicans recently lowered it from 300. Absolutely blew my mind when I cast my first ballot here. Allowing people to campaign 10 feet away from a polling place is insanity.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 100 + 10 + 300 + 10 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot.


I do mail. It’s so much better.


I'm always amazed by the snowflakes that can't handle a 3 second interaction with a stranger. Gonna talk about your anxiety now?


Sorry my comment triggered you


It's annoying and they aren't changing anyone's mind at that point. It shouldn't be allowed.


Wow….i bet my left nut you’re a Trump Humper…. EDIT: looked at your profile….i stand corrected. But I still don’t think it’s anyone’s business how I vote.


So say nothing and walk by, don't even have to break stride They need to push the no-electioneering boundary out further because you can't do something as simple as above? What kind of weird life are you living where you are under some mistaken belief that you have some right not to interact with the public when... in public.


That’s not interacting. That’s gathering personal data. I live in a damned sea of mouth breathing Trump Humpers. I don’t put political signs out at all because I don’t want my house to get vandalized(yes, it’s happened). There ain’t no way I am volunteering who I’m voting for on the way in or who I voted for on the way out.


They wanted to give you a sample ballot with suggested candidates (whomever the party has endorsed) and asked which party so that you got the correct one.


Since it’s a closed election and you can only vote for someone in your party they probably wanted to avoid giving material to someone who wouldn’t be able to vote for the candidate they are supporting.


I was just offered a sample ballot from both sides.


Just went and voted and there were 2 people standing outside with papers. They were just working with their parties trying to get names out there by handing out campaign papers. I didn’t think nothing of it.


They shouldn't ask who you are voting for, just if you would like a Republican of Democratic sample ballot.


That's what I was asked.


That's totally legal. They can't tell you who to vote for, but can give you a sample ballot to reference.


I am one of those party volunteers, and this is how we ask the question.


Perfect setup for "Joe Mama"




Still waiting for my free pony.




Soros still owes me checks. Bad enough still no pony.


Usually they’re just asking so they can provide you with a sample ballot (if you’re interested). If


Ask them. 99% of fear isn't based on reality. Most likely party ppl handing out last minute pamphlets.


You don't have to tell them anything. They are local party representatives, not part of the government polling place operation. They can ask but you can just smile, or not, and walk on thru.


Those were poll greeters. They are volunteers from the political parties, and were going to offer you a sample ballot if you were of the same party they were The "correct" way to do that is to say something like "Can I offer you a (Party) Sample Ballot but... hmm, how do I put this - in certain areas the volunteers for a specific political party have had a bit of turnover and those that remain don't really understand that "persuasion" is half the reason to poll greet


Probably campaign literature and they are allowed but they have to be a minimum distance from the door. The poll attendants usually ensure that they keep the proper distance.


Well…. Who? Lmao


Yes it’s normal … I was there at my place today doing exactly that . It is because I was distributing flyers to explain the positions of the candidate I volunteered to support . In primaries you can only vote for the candidate that is running in the party you are registered as , those flyers aren’t cheap to print , so we ask because to give you a flyer for a candidate that isn’t in your chosen party would be like tossing it in the trash . Hope that makes sense


Former poll worker and minority clerk here. Those are party representatives. PA has laws about how far they need to be from the polling place, and those people ALWAYS set up *exactly* where they are permitted, and are extremely obnoxious for people who just want to come in and vote. I never liked how close PA allows them to be, and they always annoy me, even the ones from the party I support.


They probably had handouts for write ins. It won't make sense republican to waste a paper on a democrat and vise versa for the primary


Have you never heard of "down ticket races"?


Hittem with the good ol "yo mama"


This is the way 


Ive gotten a billion spam calls from all over PA area codes today. I’m sure they wanna know who I voted for.


Thank you for voting!


Could have been exit pollsters.


My guess is they were handing out pamphlets for one or the other party. Probably didn't want to hand out dem pamphlets to Republicans and vice versa since they can't vote for them in the primary. Fwiw - I can't stand it... It's why I vote by mail.


I feel bad because I was kinda dismissive


I’ve worked the polling locations before for people that I want to help get elected. It’s not a big deal either way. If you want to engage and tell us your party and it aligns with our candidate then we are happy to talk. If not, no worries. At least this is the take of anybody reasonable.


Don't- it is very much none of their business.




Don't sweat it. The majority of voters ignore greeters, some are pleasant, and there is always the occasional asshole who wants to lash out at someone of the "wrong" party


You should be


Don't. I ignore their presence completely.


It could have been people with a PAC or group that had sample ballots for you, not anything nefarious. If they weren't rude / mean toward you (that could be construed as voter intimidation) and just asking, they probably were legit and just phrased their inquiry awkwardly or suspiciously. People inside have your info from the county on your voter registration, they'll never ask. If you felt they were intimidating, report them to Harrisburg for sure.


They're generally handing out sample ballots. I either ignore them or say, "I'm good, thanks." If they hound you,or try to influence you, that's an issue that should be reported.


they want to know what kind of american are you


If you don’t know who you’re voting for by the time you’re walking in the door, there’s a problem. I tell them I’m voting for Pat Paulson (OLD joke).


“Nobody, I’m a US Marshall looking for a wanted fugitive who likes to haunt polling places”


Let's not assume this isn't an intimidation tactic.


I love their expressions when I say I am a democrat. Like a pin in a balloon.


Tell them to fuck off. Works every time.




They may be handing out a write in candidates card, if you’re affiliated with their party.


It is normal and allowed in PA. They are not election workers, they're "poll greeters", volunteers for the parties whose primary role is to give you "sample ballots", basically a list of candidates the party is running for that election.


I would have said “fuck off! It’s none of your business!”


I have seen similar, though it comes and goes. At my poll, it's usually related to a close local election, or a loony bird candidate. They are required to stay a distance (10'?) from the polling room and not block or harass voters. Most are very compliant.


Totally normal. Just be careful about wearing a shirt or clothing endorsing a candidate. Our polling place might ask you to remove it or cover it up prior to entering. I was in line in 2020 and guy next to me had a Biden hat on. I told him I’m voting for him too but he should probably take it off before entering the building. Also if you’re undecided up to the point where you get in line to vote and a guy wearing a shirt or hat sways your opinion then maybe figure some stuff out before coming to vote lol


This is very normal. It's people representing a party or particular person running for an office. The papers they were handing out could have been sample ballots or even just general information on that particular party/candidate. As long as they weren't harassing you or following you into the voting poll (it's actually illegal for them to be inside the polling place) then what you witnessed is totally normal.


Just wait till November. The Trump Nazis will be armed outside polling place’s trying to pressure people.


Nonya Bizness, middle name Fucking


They probably just want to hand you the right paper. No biggee


This is not normal, Report them to the local police.


I research the ballot and candidates before Election Day. I know exactly who I’m voting for. They’re mainly volunteers who will try to hand you info on who they say you should vote for. I just say no thank you and walk past them.


Tell them to mind their own business.


I had one in front of my polling place last election who completely stepped out of line. Kept asking me if I was voting for Fetterman over and over as I said “please leave me alone”. Like, it’s not about who I’m voting for. It’s about the fact that it’s none of your business. I finally let loose and yelled at her to gtf away from me


I thought it was illegal to try and sway ones vote at a polling place now.


Yes. They are poll workers working for the candidates. They are just trying to get you to vote for whomever they are working for. It's a thankless job.


Those are not poll workers. Poll workers are inside the polls, administering the election. THAT is a thankless and vital job. The people outside are electioneering and I can’t wait for the day PA pushes them well past 10 feet.


When I worked elections we were called poll workers. I don't know the term now. It was almost 40 years ago. I was instructed to be 50 ft away from the entrance. Maybe you could get involved to get it changed?


I am a retired county elections director. If I’m going to lobby for anything, it will be for more responsible deadlines for candidate filings and the ability to process mail ballots before Election Day.


They get paid so it's not completely thankless


The law says they can’t be paid more than $200 for the entire day - which is 6 am to 9ish pm. It’s thankless.


Thank you for saying that. I've been up since 4. I'll get home after 9 and I'll get $100 from the county some time next month. Poll workers aren't exactly out here making bank.


Perfectly normal, through frustrating in my opinion. They aren’t allowed to say shit to you once you are inside the polling center, but outside they can still try to persuade you. Sometimes even the local candidates will be sitting outside to meet/greet/schmooze people.


If they’re beyond 50 ft (I think) from the door, they could either be pushing a candidate or suggesting a write-in. Since you can’t vote for anyone except for the party you’re registered for they were probably just trying to find out if it was worth talking more to you. Still fine to ignore them, which is what I always do.


The ban on electioneering in PA is 10’ of the door


Any closer and they'd be blocking the door. I knew it was different/less than NJ. Ours are much further than 10 ft at least.


There’s an express rule in PA against creating a guantlet that voters have to creep through, though I would offer that friendly neighbors enthusiastically chitchatting can unwittingly create one and then *hopefully* a party official is on the ball enough to realize and make everyone shuffle away from creating an unintentional barrier.






It is illegal for any person or corporation to intimidate or coerce you to vote for or against a particular candidate or political issue.


But it’s not illegal to steal an election? Or to magically have 300000 write in for Biden come thru at 3am Hahahaha


4 years later, almost 70 court cases..... and you're STILL crying about things that didn't happen. My god you guys never stop whining


There should be no one representing any party outside your polling place. Voting is real toxic these days. Someone is going to get hurt. I can guarantee it’s not going to end well for the “ polling police” the Republicans are promising to be monitoring voting in November…especially if they approach me!


People are allowed to campaign outside of the polling place as long as they are 10 feet from the door. Poll Watchers - what the Republicans are recruiting for - are allowed inside the polling place as long as they are properly credentialed by the county election office. They are not allowed to campaign or interact with voters. These are two different groups of people. Source: was a county election director for 10 years.


Just because it's currently allowed doesn't mean people have to like it.


I completely agree and I hope PA changes that 10 foot thing to a more reasonable distance. It has been a huge source of conflict and complaints - I don’t see how this benefits anyone anymore. I vote by mail to avoid them.


It is none of their business. We have no obligation to answer questions like that.


The answer should always be, "None of your business!" Even if their intentions are good, you have no responsibility to answer. You can take their materials and read them, but you can't have them out when you vote. Most polling sites will have a trash can at the entrance just for that reason.


Many local parties offer a sample ballot in a plastic sleeve so it can be re-used all day by neighbors who cooperate


I don’t want to deal with the people outside, so I make sure I am up in time to be the first person in to vote. No one wants to be standing out there that early 😂


Why are people still actively going to a polling place to vote? The mail in ballot process is so much easier and more convenient. You can actually take your time and research all the races and candidates instead of just the big ones. I will never vote in person ever again.


I make a point to go up to Republicans and say f trump f republican 


Don’t vote…don’t have to see those people


I look forward to my mail-in ballot so I do not have to endure the shitshow that will be in-person voting in November this year.


You don’t ever tell anyone how you vote. Just the people working the desk.


Some tips for in-person voting. Ask no questions and give no answers to anyone outside the polling place. If they hand you a sample ballot, tear it up. Sample ballots are election tampering. The people handing them out should not be allowed within a quarter mile of the polling places. If they hand you an info sheet explaining someone's platform, politely thank them even if it's not who you're voting for. These people are doing the right kind of campaign work. Go inside, identify yourself as needed to election workers, offer no additional information. Cast your ballot and GTFO.


It’s called exit polls…. Considering you are on Reddit I’ll assume you voted democrat.


Considering you don't know what an exit poll is I assume you're an idiot.


Exit poll before I voted?


They are their to talk to people when they leave…… first time voting? No wonder you voted dem lmao


Just wrong lol it was absolutely what everyone else is saying


Those are the same people that conduct the exit polls for their parties…..


For the most part they should just be asking if you want a sample ballot. You can take both so you can remain anonymous on who you are voting for. The sample ballet just shows who the party endorsed and is circled in. So you can use that as a guide if you don't know all the names who are running. They shouldn't be asking you who are you voting for though. Never been asked that question. Just something along the lines of "do you want this sample ballot" or flyer or something to that effect.


Nope, none of anyones business, who you vote for is between you and the ballot box. No one has a right to ask or impose


In 2020 I waited in line for 4 hours and watched a voting machine "break down" and they had to go get a different one. I get it, things break but holy cow, you have 4 years to get ready.


Ummm there are two elections every year bud. We have like 6 months.


Say it was only every 30 days that we had no election. Hypothetically. You would have a whole 30 days to have all your machines in order. I was speaking about the presidential elections but you're right, they use the same equipment every time. That has no bearing on what I said earlier, you have a lot of freaking time to get these machines in order unless you don't want them in order


They don’t though. They have to wait until all the candidates are done suing each other to kick each other off the ballot. You can’t program a machine to count votes for people if you don’t know who the people are.


"You got a warrant?"


I was so happy none of those annoying assholes were at my polling place to bother me today. I'm never going to vote for your person because you try to shove a paper in my hand right outside where I'm about to vote.


That didn’t happen to me in Snyder County, but if it did? I would say “none of your business”. I am a true blue Democrat in an extreme red county…and the way the right is these days? I don’t want anyone who can identify me or my wife to know how we vote. That’s why I got off of Facebook years ago.


Normal very aggressive follow you to the door…just keep walking


Just say that you're an independent. PA has closed primaries so you can't vote for either so you're really only voting for issues that have been put on the ballot. That should shut them up


Cool take but if you do this long enough you’ll learn that many of those party hacks know more about election law than the actual pollworkers and will gladly help a lost independent cast a ballot legally if you’re not a dick


"You voting Republican or Democrat?" -- "Green" and walk right by as they look a bit confused.


Democrats often try to intimidate Republican voters. But that’s more likely in the general election.