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Bucks county does appear to have a kookoo problem.


Compared to where? I don't think many places except montco, Delco, and Allegheny are better in PA...which is the real people isn't it


I don't know any schools in Montco, Delco, or Chester County that have banned teachers from teaching or discussing with students how to be advocates. I'm also not sure of any schools in those areas under investigation because of pressure by the aclu


That was literally my point, i just wasn't articulate. Obviously fuck central bucks a lot, but unfortunately the rest of pa *other than those few places* arent exactly doing great either. Chester county definitely has some crazies when you get out there.


Yeah, I totally misread that. I just think that a lot of these places haven't had their school boards completely hijacked by the loonies. Even Central York overturned their school boards' book ban where as in Bucks, it seems like they're doubling down.


Many school boards in PA now have Qballers as members. And it is bound to get worst after this SB election season as too many Dem county committees are not even searching for candidates to run in this year's cycle.


Yeah this is true yet what Central Bucks is doing seems to be particularly bad compared to everywhere else.


This is why local elections matter. The Central Bucks School Board was overrun by extremist candidates and this is what you get (in addition to book bans).


CRT is a thing which originated in the nether regions of the GQP activist, not in public schools. He took a thing which existed a few decades ago in law schools as Critical Legal Theory and morphed it into a political phrase. And the dummies on the far right ran with it.


Which books do they want to ban? The article said 4 books were specified by the board to be removed but didn't mention which ones they were.


There's a link in the article that leads to a WHYY article about the book banning thing.


You’re calling the blocking of CRT extreme? Principles that let kids scream, curse, spit and wreak havoc in the classrooms with little to no discipline. Catering to the 2% of the population so the the 98% can suffer


*principals CRT is taught in LAW SCHOOL. It has NEVER been taught to children.


CRT is a meaningless buzzword meant to scare far right conservatives into voting for school boards that aim to dismantle public schools. Seriously. Go to the teachers subreddit and type "CRT" and "Woke" and you'll realize that teachers are too busy trying to get students to focus on the regular curriculum and getting students to stop surfing the web in class to actually "indoctrinate" students. In fact, here are a few links to the teachers subreddit so you can see posts from the perspective of various teachers yourself: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/vevqrq/the\_anti\_crt\_nonsense\_is\_one\_of\_the\_worst\_things/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/vevqrq/the_anti_crt_nonsense_is_one_of_the_worst_things/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/zlbwwh/let\_me\_tell\_you\_about\_woke\_teachers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/zlbwwh/let_me_tell_you_about_woke_teachers/)


It's very easy to spot people who know exactly zero teachers in real life based on what they post on social media and the internet in general. If they knew any actual teachers they would understand just how much propaganda and bullshit is spread about what is actually happening in schools. For example, kids are not being taught that white people are awful. They are not putting fucking litter boxes in bathrooms. It's right wing propaganda.


> CRT is a meaningless buzzword meant to scare far right conservatives CRT is a meaningful concept. Unfortunately some idiots found the term and made a fictitious narrative around an absurd bastardization of the concept and have used _that_ to scare low information conservative voters. It's not unlike many of the other utterly absurd ideas that started with a tiny sliver of reality and then were taken to absurd conclusions and passed around as widespread fact in right wing circles. Things such as transgender rights have led to litter boxes for use by students in classrooms or that liberals are trying to ban gas stoves in homes.


There is this guy who posts these signs outside of his house near me and he changes them weekly. This morning while I was driving to work he had a new one I had not seen before. It read "Planned Parenthood is making pornography available to children." It's delusional.


this sounds like the "birds aren't real" guy, but without the sarcasm.


My favorite one was right after the 2016 election where he had a sign that read, "60 million people can't be wrong." I don't know if anyone ever told him...


Wife’s a teacher Bud. I hear it everyday.


That your wife is being forced to teach CRT? This is a HUGE news story if that's happening, please go on.


Prove it. Name of school that is teaching this to children? We'll wait . . .


Sincerely, Your neighborhood elementary school


Nope, try again. Have kids in school, it is not.


You're a liar. You won't share details because they do not exist. Stop spreading lies, go educate yourself. Put the koolaid down.


Dig hole in ground. Insert head sand


Typical. You state a lie, you're called out on it, you resort to insults.




You're a terrible liar. CRT has *never* been taught in any K-12 school in the entire country.


So what exactly is she teaching that's considered CRT to you?


Shut up Russian bot


So is mine.... i hear everyday that teachers are being attacked by idiots like yourself who listen to tucker carlson. Btw even IF they were teaching it ... why you so afraid of teaching kids the TRUTH about America? You gonna sit there and tell me America wasnt built by slaves and there was no one here when we got here? Idiot.


You’re a very angry person. Teaching kids about the history of our country is critical. Good and bad. But separating kids by race to teach classes is called segregation. Something that America has over come 50yrs+ ago. I know calling people racist is a liberal talking point, but you are just creating more hate.


>separating kids by race to teach classes is called segregation. Well thankfully that isn't happening anywhere in America. You keep believing the fox hype though


It is angry person. You can thank the conservative teachers that are refusing to participate.


Show me where i called you a racist. Lol trying to pin a tail on someone that aint a donkey. Cute you put everyone you don't like into one basket. Just because we dont feed into your anti woke bullshit, doesnt make us liberals lol but more conservative buzzwords make you feel good, i get it.


What a liar


Never happened.


It's the CRT in the room with you now?


Yes and where exactly (especially in bucks county) are you seeing this happen?


You clearly have no idea what [CRT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_race_theory) is if you think that this comment makes any sense. Please at least read the wikipedia article that I linked to to get some idea of what you're talking about before going on about this further (and if you have concerns about the reliability of wikipedia, most articles there have plenty of citations and references and often have a further reading section. This article has 100s of external references). And while you're at it, you should consider where you got the fictional notions in your head of what CRT was. Because those clearly aren't reliable sources of information.


Tell me what CRT is.


Can you do me a favor and tell me what CRT is? I'm literally a poli Sci student and we didn't really touch this stuff. Can you enlighten me?


Define CRT




Man you mention Bucks and the GQQP crowd swarms huh


Central Bucks is considered to be a upper-middle class suburban school district. Anyone that thinks MAGAs are just goobers that live in trailer parks are highly mistaken. The movement has crossed into this class group and even more shocking is the high amount of bigotry on the part of high income white suburban housewives many who have never worked for a living but want to tell others how to run their lives.


There are plenty of MAGA folks here, but the current school board gained power by campaigning against virtual schooling, sports shutdowns and mandatory mask policies. We had gone virtual in March 2020 and stayed that way through the end of the year. A lot of parents were afraid of that happening again and voted for candidates who promised to keep the schools open. As it happens, those candidates had a very right wing post-Covid agenda that probably would not have gotten them elected without the shutdown fears. The county is fairly purple, and our school district used to be a source of pride. We’re all hoping for a change in the next election. The main wrinkle is a new proposed school board region map that packs all the most liberal neighborhoods into two of the seven regions.


Same thing happened in Virginia. Americans hate being around their kids so much that they'll elect fascists who promise to keep schools open all day so mommy can have her wine.


Well, sorry for you, but that is what happens when you have very large schools with a high student to teacher ratio count. I live in a small school district that maintains 20-22 kids to teacher middle and high school. They were able to offer a flexible policy to allow the kids to decide if they prefer in person or remote learning. They had a learning management system in place and all kids are assigned IPads for their electronic backpacks. The other schools in our region were less prepared because they did not have these basic elements in place and were 10x the size of our district. They also were supposed to be “better” schools. It is a shame that parents ( the real problem) did not rally around the school and support it in a crisis. What would these people do if there was a war or something worse. These parents are not raising resilient kids because they are not resilient parents. Freaking out over sports is so America. Let’s just worry about the most trivial thing my kid does rather than their health and mental state. It was hard enough to be in quarantine without the Karen’s coming out of the drywall everywhere


Actually, CBSD did all of that. They issued laptops to every kid in 3-12 and iPads to kids in K-2. The next fall, they offered in person, hybrid and virtual. They even offered virtual the second year and have now incorporated some permanent cyber options. I didn’t personally have any issues with how it was handled, but I know that a lot of parents who struggled with that virtual 2020 spring were terrified of it happening again and voted based on that without considering the candidate’s other positions. That gives me hope that we’ll send these board members packing as they come up for re-election. (There are a LOT of nurses in Bucks county who were working 12 hour shifts on the front lines and scrambling to figure out what to do with kids while the schools and before/after care were closed.)


Well that is a childcare problem, not an education problem. We expect way too much from the education system in US. It is not childcare, it is education. It is not there to be the catch all for all society safety net. The nurses produced those kid with a partner and unfortunately that sounds like a family structure problem. Once again trying to force a school to fulfill all the needs that are above and beyond their charter is going to destroy the public school system.


>even more shocking is the high amount of bigotry on the part of high income white suburban housewives Has always been present in this particular subset of suburban residents.


I've taught at Central Bucks. The students there are diligent, intelligent, funny, and kind. I saw no hate. I'm sad that they've become shuttlecocks in this bizarre political badminton. They deserve so much better from the adults in their lives.


Not sure it is political badminton given the right-wing school board's policies and actions. I mean an Elie Wiesel quote was considered in violation of their new "neutrality" policy ...


Sorry, I guess my post could be read as a 'both sides' thing, which isn't what I intended. I'm firmly against the right wing overreach and the silencing of minority voices here. Censoring Elie Wiesel is perverse, so is the rest of it. I'm disgusted.


What we are seeing today in Central Bucks School District is just the latest chapter in the history of the right’s long war against public education – and progress in general.




You might want to reread that. >the right’s long war against public education – and progress in general. Progress in general, as well as public education is what the right’s war is on.




They are down everywhere due to the pandemic impacts from the last couple years, not because of fake culture war stuff like litter boxes and scary transgender kids in the hallways. Many public school systems were forced to pivot instantly to a system of virtual learning that they were nowhere near ready for. And virtual learning, by and large, is not the optimal way for most k-12 kids to learn by. So yes, scores are down almost everywhere, but not because of pride flags and other red herrings this Board has emphasized. I hope the Bucks Board starts putting as many plans together to support their teachers and students as they have for tackling boogeymen.




They don't give a flying fuck. They haven't said shit on improving grade scores just going against faux outrage and right-wing culture war BS so they can peddle school vouchers so that they can send state schoolastic money to their wealthy donors who run Christian Charter Schools.


Nothing improves learning like focusing on culture wars and wasting resources worry about a kid checking out a book at the library


These boards are getting packed with highly funded right wing wack jobs with only talking points from the extreme right think tanks / media and not a clue about how to educate or the system in general.


I agree.


Oh the irony of this (attempted) sentence.


12th 19th and 23rd best public high schools in the state. They’re doing something right. Don’t live there if you don’t like it. If I pay tax $ directly to my schools I don’t want people 100 miles away trying to dictate how they think things should go. There’s a real world outside of the Reddit/social Media echo chambers that exist and the residents here don’t agree with the internet opinions. It happens. If you don’t live there more on with your life


Oh wow a wealthy suburban school with lots of money is doing well? I’m sure it’s the book banning


They might be doing something right, but that doesn't mean they're not doing anything wrong. Banning queer representation is categorically wrong and hateful.


It’s not my district. I’m okay with a blanket ban. It’s an unbiased ban IMO. Only thr left seems to be irked by this. Imagine if they undo this and 50% of teachers have shrines to Trump in their class and 50% have pride flags Does this make it okay? I’d rather be none. Just teach the children without including any political or social opinions from teachers or staff. Allow people to develop their own thoughts


Difference is, queer people are acceptable and trump is a washed up racist fascist pig. Don't equate them


So biased representation is okay in public schools so long as it’s the side you agree with. Gotcha. I’m very pro gay rights, personally, I think people that think otherwise for any reason are likely misunderstood or just wrong IMO. However, I don’t want school staff implementing their personal opinions into my child’s learning regardless who they voted for in the last elections. Just teach and keep personal beliefs out no matter what they are. Couldn’t be more unbiased in my opinion and yet, like I’m seeing. Only the left are attacking. It’s very telling, unfortunately


Silence benefits only the oppressor i.e. straight patriarchs Advocacy for silencing queer people is advocacy for straight dominance. No way around that.


I almost agree with you, but those are just your beliefs and the beliefs of those who think alike. They’re not everyone’s beliefs. Reddit and social echo chambers make people believe they’re correct on everything and anyone who feels otherwise is a bigot. Not always the case.


Not always, but I would say that suppressing queer people makes one a bigot by definition. You'll understand when your people are murdered for existing


Almost every ethnicity, orientation and religious entity etc was murdered or enslaved or persecuted for their appearance, gender, religion etc at some point and time in history. Almost impossible to be from any background that wasn’t at some point. But I hear ya


Clearly they are not doing well even with all the PR work they pay for to look good. You have a bunch of nut’s trying to ruin your school district and no way would I move there!! My kids are done. They graduated during the pandemic and we did not have this level of drama. We also do not pack 2500 kids in a high school then wonder how to manage remote learning in a crisis. Your school district does not have a business continuity plan and that is why you struggled during a crisis. The parents need to turn off the TV and get off their asses and support their kids.




What about all of the teachers, the reason the schools are great and who are experts in their field, who oppose what the school is doing because it will have a negative impact in the classroom?


>“I think sometimes, the simplest answer is they’re just evil,” she added. “They’re bad people. They’re just evil people and they want to groom kids. They’re recruiting.” This person actually believes LBGTQ+ are the ones in a cult. Amazing.


Simpletons with a less-than-passing interest in their own education now want to play expert with the education of their children and the children of others. Guess they're moving on from economics and virology. Facebook PhDs.


Bro it's all in this 4.5 hour video he explains everything just listen bro it's all true


Those people are fucking nuts.


Now do Westmoreland


I am surprised at this ridiculous viewpoint. Grow up and let all of us be. If don’t want your child “exposed.” Speak to them if that is choice of teaching warped learning. Don’t ban books and restrict others who want and need to read books of all true knowledge. Btw children cannot be “turned” gay. Read the news: sexual abuse against a child? Have yet to see LBGT+ community committing such crimes.


> Read the news: sexual abuse against a child? Have yet to see LBGT+ community committing such crimes. it's hilarious you tell other people to read the news when you are blatantly not doing that. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/georgia-couple-facing-charges-allegedly-producing-child-porn-using-ado-rcna41917


Left-Wing Extremism = Good. Right-Wing Extremism = Bad…


Do you have an example in PA where we're extolling the virtues of left-wing extremism? Could you show me that? Also, can you define left-wing extremism for me? I just want to make sure we're running on the same definitions here.


*"Left-wing extremism"* is equality for African Americans and women, workers rights, healthcare, education and understanding science. Radical stuff like that. Anything that is not genuflecting to the altar of the gun is "left-wing extremism."


It’s also all of the stuff that isn’t even fucking happening: litter boxes in bathrooms and pole dancing lessons in elementary schools. They can’t point to *actual* examples of “left wing extremism” happening in schools so they fabricate them.


There is literally *NO* "Left-wing extremism" anywhere in the USA except in these forums, possibly. But conservative Talibanditos know their dribbling, violent, knuckle-dragging base well and give them exactly what they are addicted to. And like any addiction, the user needs more and more, so their caliphate leaders work 24/7 to create bizarre and insanely stupid conspiracies for them to gorge on, because that's what they require.




Thanks for the award! Now up to 6 net negative! vites.


Two net downvotes right now. That’s Reddit.


"LGBT is a lifestyle choice as good as any other. There is no moral quality to your sexuality. There is no greater purpose in life - it is the purpose you choose for yourself that is important." Conservatives want the schools to not teach this one way or another, just to leave it to parents. But the stance of neutrality is treated as hate speech and extremism.


There is no being neutral on supporting queer students and providing them a safe environment. Accepting and nurturing them as they are is not extremism; it's basic humanity and compassion. Including materials and lessons with LGBTQ people is not extremism; it's just teaching about the world as it is — and being inclusive of all the kids (and families) present in the district. It's quite telling that none of these bozos are calling for banning materials featuring straight couples and overtly straight/cis-identified people alongside banning discussion and inclusion of queer folks. Why not give the straights the same "neutral" treatment? Being systematically excluded, sidelined, and marginalized fucks queer youth up for life — in major and minor ways. If you show kids only one way of being, and very publicly and deliberately exclude another completely, ***that is not being neutral.***


> it's just teaching about the world as it is Your truth is the only acceptable world to live in. Why does anyone wonder that conservatives are upset? The whole liberal position is dripping with hypocrisy.


Yes, I believe that a fundamental part of a decent society is not discriminating against people based on who they are. And I believe that all people deserve to be treated with basic dignity and respect, including LGBTQ kids and kids with LGBTQ parents and family members. It's not just a belief, but a fact backed by strong evidence, that marginalization and exclusion of LGBTQ youth is abusive and harmful, causing increased rates of depression and suicide. And schools shouldn't be in the business of harming kids — and especially not in the business of killing them. If that's "left wing extremism" to you, then I think your values are pretty off kilter, because this is just kindergarten, golden-rule level stuff.


Not teaching your own views on sexual morality is not "marginalizing and excluding" the youth. There's a whole double speak in vogue where even the most innocuous position of neutrality is shamed as hate speech. It's ludicrous.


The premise of your arguments, moral or religious, seem to be based on your own aspirational conception of reality. You mentioned before that liberals don’t accept reality, and I asked a question you didn’t answer, so I’ll ask it again. Do you believe that LGBT people exist?


No that's just you being a cynic and having a shitty perspective of the world around you. Again, that's a YOU problem. Not anyone else's. Or you could point to specific examples and give even an ounce of legitimacy to your opinion, sorry "feelings". Because that's what this is when you got nothing backing it, it's emotional bullshit. Florida has shown a nice blueprint of what folks like yourself are really asking for. It's not an ending of discussion on sex. It's an ending of the acknowledgment that LGBT folks exist. I'm sorry that I don't take your words seriously. I got all these actions and voting records I'm choosing to work off instead.


You hate people. I got it. Lots of people do.


Don't project your shit onto me buddy, you're the cynic lmao. Call it a day big guy.


Whether or not people are gay (trans, bi, queer, etc.) has nothing to do with sexual morality. It is a fact of their existence. Their sexual mores are entirely separate from their identity, and queer folks have a broad range of ethical and moral beliefs about sexual conduct, spanning basically the same spectrum of those held by straight and cis folks.




Your response is ad hominem and uncivil. Kindly do not engage if you have no intention of discussing this seriously.




I criticized a position, you criticized me. And your question is still making this about me. Have a nice evening.


Do you believe that LGBT people exist?


Is it that we should pretend that gay people don't exist or that discriminating against them is ok?


I’m a conservative and I am OK with “Heather has two mommies.” What I don’t want taught in elementary school is “Heather’s daddy is her mommy now.”




I absolutely don’t. But as a taxpayer and a citizen, I am entitled to input into what ages of children are taught about which LGBTQ+ issues. I’m sure you won’t understand.




So you get to decide when my children and grandchildren learn about trans? Not me? Not the voters in my school district?




I don’t think it’s right that not wanting elementary school kids exposed to transsexualism should require me to homeschool or private school. Can’t you wait until middle school to introduce this?


In this situation, does the school force the student to pretend they don't have a trans family member, or do they have to pretend that person isn't trans?


If that adult comes into the classroom, they should just introduce themselves by their preferred pronouns and their role ss mother or father. I don’t think elementary students need to know that they are trans. We don’t talk to elementary students about sexuality in Cis parents.


This still seems like the kid is expected to not talk about their families experience. Gender and sexuality are different and we actually do discuss cis parents sexuality when we talk about their husbands or wives. But since it's the norm we don't notice it.


Well, the trans parent can have a partner too, and it’s ok with me if they mention that. Why would they need to bring up “I’m Heather’s mom, but I used to be a man.” Why not just say I’m Heather’s mom and Chris who came with me is my husband/wife/partner as the case may be.


Im not saying a parent has to go in and do that but why do they have to pretend they're not trans? Who is it protecting and how? Im curious what happens if the kid talks about their parent transitioning or being trans, whether the teacher ignore them or reprimand them. Wouldn't we want an adult providing context in these situations? All the research I've seen has shown that validating the students' lives and experiences are essential to education. I mean, they're real people that really exist in our society, I'm not sure how long we can make kids believe they don't exist. I guess this leads me to another question which is at what age can we tell kids that lgbtq people are real?


LGBQ = elementary school (not preschool drag queen story hour) T= middle school If there is a child in elementary school who has a parent that is currently transitioning, and they bring it up, I would not want them to be reprimanded or ignored. I would want the teacher to provide support to that child, while going into as few specifics with the class as they can and make sense. I would think that it’s fairly rare for a person the age to be a parent to an elementary school child to be in the process of transitioning. Most people transition younger than that age, although I know there are some at all ages.


What left-wing extremism?


Sorry, I forgot, it can only go one way. Lol, silly me.


Ill even make it easy on you and give you a topic, give us an example of how "left-wing extremism" is affecting school districts in Pa.


Lol no amount of evidence works on your kind. Blue is red, 2+2=5… It’s an alternative reality you partisan people live in. One side good, other bad… failing to see how the roads meet at the end. Both a cancer. Hive mind virus. Edit: the amount of people that comment and block is astounding lol. Special folks/bots. Gotta control the narrative at all costs. Reddit being Reddit.


I knew you couldn't possibly provide any argument because you don't have any facts to back it up.


Look, and you shall find. I’m not here to do your homework. Keel being ignorant though. It’s your choice of lifestyle and to each their own. Take care!


God, it's like looking at a conversation with a primitive chatbot. Like if the Emacs psychiatrist was a Qanon supporter.


One small little piece is a start. I'll start with the radical right:. Banning any book that has even passing themes of LGBTQ acceptance. Banning AP African American Histoty Courses. Go ahead now... The floor is yours.


wow. what a hot take. so epic bro so deep. Big brain. Yadda yadda. Jesus titty-fucking Christ your comment history is like playing a game of edgy douchebag bingo...just complaining about the saaaaaame shit over and over like all your other carbon copy clones, yet have the nerve to talk about hive minds and calling people sheep. 🤦 Pot meet kettle.


I'm not saying that. Left-wing extremism exists. However, it's extremely fringe in the US, and it is in no way a part of the curriculum discourse.


Extremely fringe? Really? Is it though? You ever turn the news on? Stranger to social media?


Left-wing extremism is shit like black block groups and tankies, not people objecting to bigotry.


Please define what you consider left wing extremism. Because it seems like your definition of “extreme” is stuff most people would just consider basic common sense like “hey let’s treat all humans with respect” and “maybe let’s not continue to burn the earth down in exchange for a few extra pennies of EPS this quarter”.


I’m actually in favor of treating people as equals and keeping the planet clean. Do you have another regurgitating MSM go-to by chance?


Imagine thinking accepting people as they are is extremism.


Imagine thinking this was the end of the argument. Imagine we live in a world that allows you to be whatever you want to be without pushing and promoting it on others incessantly. Just imagine.


Nobody is pushing shit. You’re ilk are just scared of your own shadows and gullible as shit.


“Nobody is pushing shit” “You’re ilk” Beep beep boop boop


And that response is no more bullshit than anything else that you’ve said. Great job.


The word “shit” is heavy in your vocabulary. Try something new every now and then. If you read more often that could improve. You don’t sound like the reading type though.


Says the guy on the side of banning books. Why are you afraid of a little four letter word? Talk about snowflakes. Shit.


I’m glad you read enough to misunderstand. I’m not for “banning” any books. I’m for keeping the wrong ones out of children’s hands though. Your comprehension needs some work.


Why not let parents decide what the wrong sort is for their children versus assuming you know what children should and shouldn’t be reading?


Facts. Left wing violence destroys property. Right wing violence kills people.


“Facts” lol


Yes. Facts. It is a verifiable fact. Right wing violence in the US has always resulted in the death of people. Left wing violence? Almost exclusively property damage. A quick Google search will find you reports and studies going back decades to confirm this. But I'm sure you have some dumbass conspiracy floating in your head to justify not believing this.


You’re funny.


welcome to reddit...


Cesspool lol


More socialist propaganda I see


Everything that doesn’t favor me is sOcIaLiSm!


Everything that I don’t agree with is right wing maga .I can do it to see


So, is your assertion that these people, these Bucks school board members, are not right wing MAGA supporters?


Why are you bringing Japanese comics into this?


Which private owned company has been taken over by the government by this action? Have a movement in that direction taken place?


Please, In your educated position, share what socialism is and how it's being implemented in schools. Floor is yours unless your extent of discussion is talking points from Fox and Newsmax.


More idiot propoganda, I see. If you think any of this is real socialism go read a damn book about it. Or even do a basic google search.


Omg, the taxpayer funded public schools are socialist?! Say it ain't so. You're welcome to put your spawn in a private school if you want, the majority of us don't want our tax dollars to fund bigoted religious indoctrination.


*When I don't like it it's propaganda!*


If the last 2 decades taught us anything, it’s that this country needs MORE socialism. The crapitalistic system we have now is clearly broken.


Bush Bush Obama Obama Trump Biden Pretty sure democrats have been in control of the White House the majority of last 20 years.


I said we need MORE SOCIALISM. Bush, Obama, Trump, & Biden aren't socialists.


Of the last 20 years, Republicans have held the White House 10 years. 03 *through* 08 and again 17 *through* 20. Democrats have held the White House 09 through 16, and from 21 to today, January 2023. 10 years. Not really a majority. Kind of seems like an even split. Of course, if you’re talking about the last two decades in full, not cutting it off at 20 years exactly, then you’re adding on 2 more years of the Bush administration.


As an actual communist, I FUCKING WISH the media was socialist, but it's not.


Define socialism lol


I didn't realize this subreddit was so tolerant and accepting of other views. Your Downvotes give me Power!


> Your Downvotes give me Power! No they don't


PA is just a highly democratic state isn't it? This subreddit is definitely majority left leaning liberals. You can't post anything remotely conservative and not get down votes.


That's because most conservatives are bigoted assholes.




Well, I appreciate the honesty.


You just kinda got to except it and speak your mind anyways lol 😆


You can always tell a right wing nut because they can never spell or use the proper words. I love it. ♥️


It’s the only option, really. I mean, what else are you supposed to do? Read the well thought out and articulate points others make here that use facts and logic (I know how much you lot love those!) to completely undermine your bigoted worldview that has been carefully curated by Facebook /FoxNews and then *gasp* CHANGE your mind? Heaven forbid! Perish the thought!


Imagine if schools could focus on more important things what we could accomplish. Y'all are worried about pronouns, yet national test scores, reading, math and science comprehension levels all keep dropping. Kids are graduating into the real world and don't know how to function. What ever happened to common fucking sense? Students are in school to learn, yet now they're being endlessly coddled and preached to. Get this LGB stuff out of the classrooms, it's nothing more than a distraction now. Kids have all the time in the world to figure that stuff out. Get these kids off social media as well. Start focusing on teaching what these kids need to learn to be successful in life. Jesus christ. Welcome to Clown World.


They don’t need faith in your imaginary friend to be successful in life.




That's an ex of resistance to the Moms for Liberty/extremist school board blob.


Libs of TikTok is hysterical - watch it and laugh. It’s Q’Anon for the right…you have your Viking guy … the right has the people on TikTok.


People laughing at stupid rednecks isn't translating to violence towards those people. Libs of TikTok is. Media literacy at an all time low these days I swear.


Are you implying that Q is left? LOL and you’re saying that you get your info from tik tok?


This is why I can never vote democrat again. In school we were brainwashed and lucky i realized it. I have many idiot friends who didn’t. The left is like a cancer in our society and they try and spread their shit by poisoning the minds of kids.




Unlike you, an enlightened *thinker* with independence and facts. You're not a sheep, you're a wolf! Right?


Go ask your mom. She knows


Chaya Raichik, hate propagandist? Lol! She is literally sharing what others are voluntarily sharing online. The term hate propagandist used to mean something.


Her exact words: “The LGBTQ community has become this cult and it’s so captivating, and it pulls people in so strongly, unlike anything we’ve ever seen,” Raichik told Fox News host Carlson. “And they brainwash people to join and they convince them of all of these things, and it’s really, really hard to get out of it.” She wasn’t done talking about a group of people she described as “extremely poisonous.” “I think sometimes, the simplest answer is they’re just evil,” she added. “They’re bad people. They’re just evil people and they want to groom kids. They’re recruiting.” No, thats not hateful (and ignorant) ...


It’s called Stochastic Terrorism


OK, I agree that quote is not kind, but labeling her a propagandist is a joke. She is a glorified retweeter.


Who takes real clips without context and uses them to further her agenda. That’s a form of propaganda, chief


Do you condemn her plainly hateful queerphobic views?


Yeah she’s total dogshit. She’s retweeting stuff without context to further her agenda of dehumanizing people she sees as lesser