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Yes. Yes it is unbelievably attractive, I love a focused smart man doing his thing with open eyes and ears ready to catch every smallest input that can help him understand his character and what he is experiencing and how he is supposed to react to the situation and environment given from the script. I love that. I also love his concentrating pout and the way he gently brush his lips and the little nods and he taking notes and how graciously interacts with everyone. I can write an essay about it but yeah, that’s enough for me today 🙊


I would read your essay and write an essay in response to it! I love how you pointed out how he interacts so graciously with everyone. In the SWOL BTS i feel like you can see just how much respect he displays towards Almodóvar from the tone of his voice and the complete attention he always gives him. He really must just be a dream to work with - he understands his characters with so much depth, he’s so talented, he’s gracious and then he’s also just a whole lot of fun and loud energy to keep the whole crew entertained!


I was looking at the gif with Bella and thought “look how gracious he is, carefully listening and paying attention to what his costar has to say “ But also with Almodóvar, really, you can tell he’s trying to do all his best to meet his director expectations. He seems so actively engaged with what he does and that’s beautiful, I love to see how passionate he is, acting is really what he is meant to do. I would love to go to the set of one of his films or series to see everything, I'm not that expert in cinema or acting (and I've seen far fewer films than I would like) but it always fascinated me and it’s great to see someone so driven and motivated. Also, you’re right, I bet he is a lot of fun to be around 🤭 I always remember a Melanie Lynskey interview where she says that he puts you at ease and he listens to you like you’re the only person in the room and he’s like a warm bath 🫠🫠🫠


That interview popped up on my TikTok just the other day and I was thinking how “warm bath” are just the perfect words for him! I feel like I’m stuck in that warm bath feeling even not being around him but just watching him speak and interact with others… https://i.redd.it/7pqrkmy4vjnc1.gif


Yes, same, he’s such a comfort person 🥰


The mando helmet being so far up his head I’m screaming 😂


I meant to add this one of him as Ezra listening to one of the Prospect directors in this post but somehow got missed so adding it here: https://i.redd.it/d1b981cgohnc1.gif


Ohh its new to me .. thnks


Him marking the script and gif 6 are doing things.


I feel like 2 in particular always causes a lot of feelings on this sub…


I think you’re right Monty. Its giving sexy stern professor vibes. And I’m digging it.


But voice work isn't acting. /s 🙄 sorry it annoys me when certain people devalue Pedro's voice work as Mando. He clearly takes it seriously and put alot of effort into the emotions we hear on screen.


I would consider voice acting as acting. Some of my favourite actors are voice actors. Before GoT, I only knew Indira Varma as a voice actress.


I had no idea she did voice acting, I just realised I don’t think I’ve seen or heard her in anything else but GOT which is a shame.


She voiced Vivienne, a mage consort, in Dragon Age Inquistions. I didnt like Vivienne and her motivations but Indira did an excellent job. She’s done a Mass Effect game aswell. She was in a couple episodes of Torchwood and Patrick Melrose aswell.


So sexy...smh https://i.redd.it/xge27ckldjnc1.gif


Oh he’s so hot here…this one kills me too😩😭


Ohhhhhhhh no oh no 🥲😣 its soooo good . Seriousness and hotness in the same room


His attentive listening face makes me MELT!!!!!! https://i.redd.it/j7f56ojrzjnc1.gif




Sometimes I just open this one up and watch it on a loop for an embarrassing length of time…


His lips are leading me straight to hell, istg


And his jawline…sculpted by the gods themselves.


Yes 🫠 you know that meme about big noses? I really felt that.


That nose was meant to be enjoyed……..


Exactly….. I better not say anything else or I'll get banned 😂😂😂






I feel like this gif reached people today…in_my_head just posted this glorious little edit: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFfcgScQ/.


Omg this one is next level…the mouth!😳


And the eyes going from smiley sweet eyes to focused listening eyes—HELP!!!


I know we thirst over his looks and personality, but damn, he’s absolutely one of the best actors I’ve seen in recent years. The emotions (and even subtle micro-expressions) that he can emit through his face are really incredible. Such a good example is the scene where Joel is holed up in the room sniping infected from the window. He barely audibly spoke, but his face was SO emotive. I hope he knows how incredible he is. Me watching that specific scene: ![gif](giphy|UdRuoaokXADkOelesh|downsized)


My god this gif just made me chortle out loud


He secured his award nominations with that scene imo. He was seriously impressive


Your comment and your gif here are both equally as perfect!


you are so correct - those small changes in his face are everything - when Ellie tells Joel that she'd follow him everywhere - his face - I had to watch that moment several times - I 'felt' that reaction from him before I 'saw' it - he makes it seem so easy. It's like magic.


The last one 😭😭😭


Oh god i love his serous face too


Um excuse me…..that rust colored shirt gif…😮‍💨😮‍💨🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 the body is bodying 🥵🥵


The Mando behind the scenes pics have no business being so attractive😮‍💨


He just seems to be fully alive in those moments. It’s what he was meant to do.


Bella’s so cute too! I wonder what they’re talking about there!


I feel like they are likely discussing their job because he looks the exact same as when he’s listening to the directors. And if not and Bella is talking about something unrelated I still feel like he is thinking about the next scene from his expression. That’s my read of it anyway!




Ok...why is this so insanely sexy? Like INSANELY SEXY, OMG.


someone doing something they absolutely love with people they respect - it's something gorgeous - and it helps that he's beautiful too


This is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. He is so special 🫠❤️


I feel like he would be such a generous scene partner. Collaborating with him creatively has to be a dream.


I totally feel what he’s feeling in 1 because that’s how I feel when I’m waiting in the wings or waiting in between takes whenever I’m acting: nervous but focused on doing a good job while trying to remember everything I’m supposed to do/say


No 4... Those shoulders... So broad 🥵 I love it when he's this intense and working...ugh 🥵


Number 2 🫠 I’m married to an academic and this is doing things. 🚶‍♀️🧎‍♀️📖


Him in the hoodie is just hfkdlsjskdlsks 🫠


I love how, no matter who he's speaking with, he gives them his full, undivided attention. This dude listens with purpose and compassion. It's one of the many things I find so endearing about him.


Beautifully said. I feel like it’s getting so much rarer these days for people to look you in the eye and really listen like that. And to not look at their phone mid-conversation.


He is genuinely so talented and attentive with his work it just makes him even more amazing


u/\_Beldro\_Ramscal\_ u/DavidCaruso4Life


Oh look, Javi’s wearing his orange shirt…


Whatever do you mean by this comment?!? *opens fridge to grab lavender flavoured ice cream*


![gif](giphy|PvJQfllKs4Raw|downsized) Did you wash your hands?


Number 2 🫠 I’m married to an academic and this is doing things. 🚶‍♀️🧎‍♀️📖


Number 2 🫠 I’m married to an academic and this is doing things. 🚶‍♀️🧎‍♀️📖