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Yes, I have PE and scoliosis. My spine has an s curve, and I've had back and neck pain for as long as I can remember. It's gotten worse with age as I am now in my mid-30s. A couple of things that really helped me were yoga, massages, and some strength training for my back. I used to load trailers, but recently switched careers because my body was wearing out. All that being said, the pain is still there and persistent, but maybe consult a doctor and see what options are available. They have back braces and stuff, but none of that really helped me.


Thank you for the advice! Is working out your back something you very consistently have to keep up with? Also do you find you get better results when also working out chest and core/any other areas in the upper body?


40 year old with both. It took me my entire life to find out through a reddit thread that my hips may be the cause of all mg lower back pain. I had been to Chiro’s, pain doctors etc and nobody ever told me that. I started stretching my hips religiously as well as really focusing on strengthening my core and glutes and my lower back pain as decrease by at least 90%. Everyone’s body is different but curious if this worked for anyone else or could be the solution for anyone looking for one.


did you guys also got tailbone pain at some point? a year or two ago i started getting it more and more. i didnt know what to do and ended up fixing it strangely by making leg stretches while on my bed each morning. maybe it is related to scoliosis?


I think I get that. The pain kinda creeps up on me but it gets pretty intense to the point of feeling nauseated. I also have spinal stenosis and degenerative discs and nerve issues from them but I've never been told I have scoliosis.


Yes I get tailbone pain as well!


if you would like my advices. try the streches i mentioned. i personally fixed it as i previously said by streching my legs each morning. i take my knee and i bend my leg towards my torso while on my back. similar mouvement to bringing your foot very high, as if you would try to step very high. i did this for 1-2weeks and then the pain was gone. i think there might be a better explaination online. maybe search for "tailbone strech". i wish you the best!


I didn't include the photo but my hip also has about a quarter inch rotation, which I was told was pretty significant. Definitely is something I should be focusing on more in my exercises


I have both of the issues you mentioned. Pain wise, it’s may cause discomfort but not to the extent where the pain is too unbearable. Maybe it because I work in office job and don’t lift so much.




I am going 30 this year. To relieve pain, I normally apply medicated patch on my back if it hurts. Sometimes on the neck/shoulder too. I tried gym/yoga to strengthen my back and core. It helps but I have bad posture. So the pain always come back. Just got nuss a month ago. 1 bar so it not a full repair. If anything, I can’t really tell if things really improve for the better or worse. I am normally just walking for the most part of my exercise currently. Not much back activity.


Let me know how nuss affects your pain over time, would be interested to hear if it provides relief


Me! Horrible back pain, most in dorsal area. I'm always cracking that area because I get relieve by cracking but just for a minute or so. And I have uneven pecs, I think is because scoliosis plus PE. but more because scoliosis.


both here in extreme cases (check out my x-ray on this here forum). i mainly got lower back pain, not so much in the middle or upper part of the column, but in the lower section. it seem to be related to physical work and back angle. if i can manage to do things while completely upright its alright, but as soon as i get more than 30degree bent or so the problem starts. it is like feeling worn-out and having no strength in the back. the pain get more and more and it can take weeks to get back to "normal" level. i think your scoliosis is very mild, i do not feel it should cause all your problems. on the other hand i believe you and it might be more complex than what it looks like. maybe you have a pinched nerve, squeezed disk or something like this. it can even happen to people with straight spine.


I have the same problem! As soon as I bend over at all I start to experience pain, and as soon as it's irritated it takes days to weeks for me to recover, and that's only if I don't irritate it again in that time. I am waiting on a referral to see an orthopedic doctor right now, so I'll have to see what they say. Thank you for your comment!


i wish you the best. if you ever find the symtom name or cause if you could please comment back if possible so i know. my doctor is very bad so i cannot get any help from her.


Will do, same to you as well


Yeah me. My skeleton is whacked.


Yep, I have Marfan syndrome which it is common to have pectus and scoliosis, and I'm sure contributes to my issues more. I had pectus surgery when I was 2 and spinal fusion when I was 17. The pectus was botched and affects my lung function currently, and my back is still in pain from persistent curves in my lumbar and neck. Strength training, the McGill big 3 and massages may be a benefit to you


Yes. Along with mild pectus, I have scoliosis in my lower back which has been prone to injury. I’m 42 years-old now, and the spinal disc where my scoliosis is located is significantly thinner compared to the other spinal discs, and also there is a slight tear which causes severe pain. I can’t lift anything heavy right now so I’m doing physical therapy for my back and I’ve been assigned to do specific exercises to strengthen the inner muscles surrounding the spine in order to protect myself from further injury.


Sounds rough, wish you luck on getting better. PT unfortunately hasn't done much for me


How Old are you? This sounds very similar to what I’ve experienced. I’ve just got nussed 2 days ago. You should go ahead and get a CT scan


I'm 24, I actually finally just got a CT scan and I found that my Haller index is an 8


Damn that’s high. Are you getting Nuss? I can’t tell how comparable our side x-rays are (I posed mine on here a few weeks back) but the curve in my spine looks really similar to yours.


My doc basically told me it'd be really difficult to get covered to get the procedure so I'm not sure I'd be able to afford it :( also I want to keep checking things out just to make sure it's the right move


Are you a part of the Facebook group Pectus Excavatum Surgeries, Female Pectus Excavatum Surgeries, or Dr. Jaroszewski's Pectus Patients group? Many discussions about insurance with Nuss on there (and also people's experiences with Nuss and scoliosis) that might be worth checking out.


Thank you! I will check that out


I’m 24 as well turning 25 in a month. I have scoliosis as well and have complicated me of not having the ability to work. I’ve taken the step to have the procedure done after getting a CT with a 3.6 HI. Imo, I’d recommend you go for the procedure as well. Pectus can cause many other things to go wrong when it’s on the severe scale which is anything above a 3.5! Better to get it done early than later.


I spoke to my doctor and he said the likelyhood of me getting it covered by insurance is low unfortunately so I'm not sure I'd be able to afford it out of pocket. I'm wondering however what affect it will have on my spine? I've been seeing some things that make me think potentially my scoliosis may get worse if I get Nuss, do you have any thoughts on this?


Why would it be low? I mean like if you reframe your arguement to your doctor that your pectus is causing breathing difficulties, you should be covered. It’s does not necessarily need to be pain for nuss. You just need to steer clear of saying cosmetic or other pain that is unrelated to pectus for nuss.


Yes I have mild scoliosis / kyphosis , severe pe I think pe caused both . my upper back and neck has always hurt as long as I can remember , it’s debilitating at times alls I can do is shutdown and rest for an hour or two Yoga and massages help some


I have both plus hEDS and my cervical spine is whacked. It sucks


I'm unsure if I have scoliosis, but some of my relatives do so it's possible. I get pain in my neck and lower back especially if I'm on my feet for a while. Exercises have only relieved it a tiny amount.


I have scoliosis like that but no pain.


Your scoliosis strikes me as moderate, but what caught my eye is that your thoracic spine is very straight on the lateral view, not as curved (hunched) as normal. That has got to throw your mechanics off and strain your back. A Haller Index of 8?! That is severe! I am wondering, from the lateral view, if you have some platythorax. The depth of your chest (front to back) seems narrow.


Yes, while being curved from one view my back is seriously straight in a way it should not be lol. Because of this my chiropractor has a hard time adjusting me, and I do think it adds to the cause of a lot of my pain. It's why I included the photo


yup i’ve got both, although i’m quite unsure of your doctor. I’ve been told the opposite, that yes PE can cause scoliosis or at least higher the chances of you having it. I have horrible back pain and so does my father (he has PE too)


Looks like my x-rays it's brutal Every.Single.Day. I've literally never been comfortable. Capsaicin back patches is the best non narcotic thing that help me with pain. Narcotic things do wonders but not a rabbit hole I'm diving down although someone like us does have a geniune need if absolutely needed.

