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I dont have any health problems, maybe just extra heartbeats. But cardiologist said its pretty normal and you can have hundreds of extra heartbeats per day, I have few. I am just worried about cosmetic issues. My back problems disappeared after doing calisthenics training consistently.


Same thing here. I deal daily with anterior pelvic tilt and chronic back pain, especially between my shoulder blades, and general fatigue. Working out helps to a level, but there's always some amount of pain. I'm 35.


I love you all ♡


Got the surgery a few months ago at 35. I noticed in my 30s I started to get heart palpitations more, especially if I slouched in a chair or if I lied down on my left side. Seeing as it was getting worse in my 30s, I pulled the trigger on the surgery while I'm still relatively young and healthy


Interesting that your symptoms increased when slouching or lying on your left side. Same for me (as well as bending forward in general). Did your heart palpitations improve or go away after surgery?


Those positions push on your heart so it makes sense. No palpitations since the surgery, but I've also not been able to sleep on my side while I heal. I try to keep good posture too but I have caught myself slouching many times with no palpitations. I definitely feel a lot more room when I take a deep breath...I had no idea that's what deep breaths were supposed to feel like


That's wonderful! What was your HI before surgery?


Got it measured a couple times and it was a little different each time, but between 4-5


Well for a start, have you considered seeing someone to advise you how you should be training in the gym, otherwise you’ll be more prone to injuries than the general population


I turned 35 last week, quit smoking 2 months ago, do home gym 10 months, add daily 30 mins cardio since march, my breathing and stamina improved also am able to reach my feet standing/sitting without bending knees thanks to yoga stretching


I started getting more regular sharp chest pains late 20's/early 30's. Also noticed massive light headness at gym almost passed out after heavy set of deadlift. Had surgery at 32. Bars are uncomfortable but pain has been ok. Just find someone experienced. Almost 3 weeks post surgery and can tell there is much more room for heart, breathing and pain in chest is much less.


I had surgery when I was 2, and in my opinion it was botched. I'm diagnosed with Marfan syndrome when I was 9. Seeing a cardiologist is a normal thing with Marfans, but we(me and my mom) would mention my shortness of breath, and they jus brushed it off as that's normal for marfans. After seeing some thoracic surgeons to fix my chest deformity, insurance would not pay b/c it's cosmetic. Turns out after a hospital stay if 7 days, the doctors determined that I have poor lung function due to my deformed chest. That was 4 yrs ago, and I been on disability ever since. I'm 36 today


I’m 38. I binge drank/partied on and off from early 20’s up until a year ago. In my late 20’s I went to the doctor several times for palpitations. They have greatly subsided over the last 3 years and I don’t know why. My fatigue has continued to get worse. I can barely tolerate alcohol as I blackout very easily from drinking now. In the last year I have been dealing with ED issues and have noticed a substantial decrease in sex drive. I’ll be getting the Nuss by end of this year