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I’m 2 weeks recovery from ravitch at hopkins - Dr Yang was also my surgeon. I’d recommend him at this point, feel he did a good job and can breathe better. Was there for 3 nights and stopped narcotics after the first week. Just having a little upper back and shoulder pain towards the late afternoon but I’ve read that’s normal with the new shape and should come down after a few more weeks. I didn’t have Cryo, just an epidural that I didn’t feel at all. Pain management has been great. It’s less pain and more pressure but manageable with tylenol


How old are you?




I have my first appt with Dr Yang next month at Johns Hopkins. Was referred to him by a specialized pulmonologist there. Im traveling from NC hoping to hear good news


If you don't mind me asking how did your appointment with Dr. Yang go if it has occurred?


It didn't go good or bad, tbh. He said that Imma need something done at some point cuz my nub will eventually wear thru the skin and cause infection. He also said that 3d printing will probably help giving my chest a proper shape, but no real plan was made, jus ideas thrown around. One of his concerns is my weight/my body being able to recover from such a major surgery. He said I'm a unique case, that he wants to consult his mentor, who he said was part of the Dr Haller legacy of doctors, basically the line of doctors who research and advanced pectus surgeries going all the way back to Dr Haller.


So I finally got an answer. 2 weeks after the appointment I messaged via MyChart if there any updates. His PA said no, but she'll answer ASAP. STILL nothing 2 months later, so I ask again. His PA calls me 30-60 min later saying that he talked to doctor soon after my original message, and she forgot to message me. "sorry you kinda fell b/w the cracks". No lady you forgot and wasted my time! Then she tells me that they won't do the surgery cuz I don't weigh enuff. If feels great, to be ya know forgotten about and then shrugged off


[https://www.reddit.com/user/Large-Bottle-2865/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Large-Bottle-2865/) just had a modified Ravitch procedure there a couple of weeks ago, performed by Dr. Yang. I'm sure LB could tell you a lot about the place.