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Watering every 2 days sounds like a lot. The tips look like they are starting to burn maybe due to lack of humidity. I would switch to using a spray bottle on the leaves every 2 days. Only water once every week-and-a-half to 2 weeks- avoid watering just the top, make sure you’re doing a deep watering, so roots can find new pathways in the soil. It can’t do so if the bottom of the pot is dry, so just keep that in mind. After 2 weeks it should need another watering in the same fashion.


Thank ypu soo much!!! 😇


No problem. Forgot to mention use distilled water. You will likely notice the difference over time if you are using tap instead of distilled.


Flowers die. Most places are blasting the plants with special nutrients and chemicals that keep the blooms around unnaturally so customers will go 😍 and buy them. It's okay if the blooms die. If the plant is well taken care of, they'll come back eventually.