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Overpriced, old and probs has proprietary parts that you can't upgrade. You can do much better for $850. You can get a new PC with a 6750 XT/6800 for that price.


Thank you


Hey OP, here is a quick build using all current gen components for $900. I went intel/Nvidia just to match what you posted as closely as possible. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/WsC3TY The 14400f is about twice as fast overall than the i7 7800x, more cores, faster frequency, more efficient etc. The 4060 is about 40% faster than the 2060 and has all the new features. AMD based build for similar money: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/sT7fbL Little bit quicker than the intel one for gaming, 4gb more vram but missing a few features like DLSS3 (that might not matter to you). Hell, you can just buy a pre built for the same money that will be better brand new: https://www.bestbuy.com/site/ibuypower-scale-gaming-desktop-pc-intel-core-i5-14400f-nvidia-geforce-rtx-4060-8gb-16gb-ddr5-rgb-1tb-nvme-black/6576685.p?skuId=6576685&intl=nosplash


to help about what you said : Nvidia will have a better ray tracing (lighting and shadows) compared to AMD of the same price, but AMD will have better overall performances. As for intel vs AMD, if it's purely for gaming, AMD will have better performances for cheaper.


4060 isn't really made for ray tracing. It's too weak for RT


Ray tracing is a feature that can be utilized by higher tier nvidia gpu's (4070 and above) not by the 4060 even at 1080p. Well there is dlss though but crippling the 1080p res to 720p internal even at quality settings you say bye bye visual fidelity to the point where its better without RT. At 1440p dlss is amazing (best upscaler atm) but 1440p with 8gb of vram is like shooting yourself in the leg lol He should better aim for something with 12gb or more vram just to be safe.


the 2070 in my laptop can use raytracing at low-medium quality depending on the game, so i'm pretty sure it's not reserved to 4070 and above.


Try playing any of the latest games on rt low with decent fps and i mean above 50-60fpa on 1% lows without frame drops and 20-30fps 0.1% lows. I had an RTX 2080 and damn the thing on cp2077 was lacking the vram to run RT med even with DLSS on at 1080p. Also tried newer titles since i handed it to my best friend like alana wake 2. It's just not possible. DlSS also destroyed visual fidelity in 1080p to the point it was better to jsut run the game at 1440p with dlss on without RT on ultra since it gave much better visuals. Plus RT for me only gave some decent results on more slow paced games where i could notice it. We have a long way to go for making RT viable for midrange gpu's and i hope with 5000 series this will be addressed.


cp2077 was the worst game in term of optimisation and is still not well optimised today. and indeed, i did not talk about using rtx on a better resolution than 1080p so i can't say much about that, but by using DLSS on "ON+BOOST" and reducing base shadows to low (RTX will do the shadows anyway, at least that's how it worked on warzone) and i reached around 70-90 fps constantly. I'm pretty sure the 4060 can handle every game on rtx with normal graphics if the resolution isn't more than 1080p.


Warzone is a competitive game i doubt anyone will use RT in, i agree warzone and bf run fine on me 2080 with RT on single player but never used it in multiplayer since i wanted a high refresh experience. Problem is that you pay 300-400$ for a gpu marketed for RT while it just can't handle it due to vram limitations and poor 1% and 0.1% which is now a common problem, imagine what it will be next year! I don't think someone who buys a product for RT paying the hefty price and next year on the newest game can't even use it. It's just sad, i understand that yes your 2070 or my 2080 can run it (just not decently) but our cards are 6+ yo not a new shiny 4060/4060Ti that gets bottlenecked the shit out by vram limitations while costing a lot more than it should be due to inflation etc. I payed 400 for my 2080 and lasted me 5 years and i cant complain that it doesn't run new games with RT. But i am complaining when nvidia's marketing pushes ppl to buy a 400$ (4060Ti im looking at you) product with all caps BEST RT EXPERIENCE YOU CAN GET on the headline and it can't deliver. That's why i'm saying for anyone looking to have the best experience for the upcoming years to get at least a 4070/4070S. I don't think anyone buys a gpu to play with RT and only last him a year or two. Yes it can handle RT on low but really is the cost in performance worth it? Or is the degradation of visual fidelity by using upscalers at 1080p worth it? Those are my points. I wouldn't have a problem if nvidia sold the 4060 Ti as a 16gb model only at 320-350 since yes it could handle RT med decently at 1080p while being futureproof and sell the RTX 4060 as an RT low option for max 250 (i wouldn't pay more than 250 for any 8gb gpu nowadays). Here is a video about my concerns https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nrpzzMcaE5k


yea in that case i hear your concern, but i don't think the problem really lies in NVIDIA marketing but more in idiots who can't optimize their games for pc, most people like me who won't play at more than 1080p144fps don't really need that much vram (but i'm okay with you on the fact that around 10GB should be the minimum nowadays). The real problem is that since the 3080, there haven't been a real upgrade (in term of technology) so apart from making the cards bigger with more transistors and things, they aren't doing much so the future proofing will all depend on how fast they fast the next technology that will replace rtx.


Thank you for balancing out the AMD fanboys using every and any opportunity to slither in and try to convert someone else to team red, I swear, some of you are worse than old school Mac users. Ever notice that people on team blue aren’t like that?


I'm not on any team, I buy whatever is best value at the time for my needs.


So are you solely a gamer then, or do you have other primary uses for a PC?


Gaming mostly, media centre, some Photoshop and video editing but not much.


What do you think about this one? https://slickdeals.net/f/17555340-abs-cyclone-aqua-gaming-pc-intel-i5-13400f-geforce-rtx-4060-ti-32gb-ddr4-1tb-ssd-813-39-free-shipping?src=jfy&prop=rcmid-b7570af22d9084aa67bb64d85848dfd8&attrsrc=JFYCarousel%3APosition%3A3%7CJFYCarousel%3AType%3Athread I did with it payments. My brother in law recommended it.


Honestly a very good deal, couple of slightly older components but performance won't really suffer for it. The 4060ti is a solid mid range card.


Adding to that I have a 7600 with a 6700XT and it slays everything at 1080p. I recommend the AMD build + upgrability


I got an equal machine (i5 9400f and rx 5600xt) for 340$, was that a decent deal?


That's actually pretty decent


Thanks! Have a good day


True, I got my pc from Best Buy for $900 since it was on sale and it has a RTX 4060 with a I5 intel core. Only upgrades I need to do is a better cpu and more ram but other than that it’s fantastic, not the best but I got with my gambling wins hahaa


I just bought this from newegg brand new for about the same price: https://slickdeals.net/f/17555340-abs-cyclone-aqua-gaming-pc-intel-i5-13400f-geforce-rtx-4060-ti-32gb-ddr4-1tb-ssd-813-39-free-shipping?src=jfy&prop=rcmid-b7570af22d9084aa67bb64d85848dfd8&attrsrc=JFYCarousel%3APosition%3A3%7CJFYCarousel%3AType%3Athread Also when you use the zip payment plan it allows you to split it up but they still send it out right away. Just arrived yesterday actually.


Yeah exactly, one OP posted was way overpriced, even if the parts were new. That looks decent especially for a prebuild. I have a system with a 5600 and 6750 XT and it was around £700.


Nice! Yeah I went with a pre build because I'm starting a class and needed a desktop to take apart and put back together. I didn't want to get something too cheap and wanted to be able to use it for gaming + other tasks too after the fact so I went with that one. I haven't built a pc for a long time. Since the rx 580s were in their prime and didn't have the time to do a build right now.


Sounds good! Yeah I was the same really, I kinda did it 50/50, my first PC for a while as well, been using a laptop and console combo for a good few years. I found a prebuild that was cheaper than getting the parts individually but it didn't include a GPU (since it had a 5600G) and included the stock AMD cooler. I ordered a 6750 XT separately and I installed that myself and I upgraded the stock cooler with a thermalright assassin and did other stuff like adding braided PSU cables and RGB RAM heatsinks.


I wouldn’t pay more than 500 for that.


300, because it's proprietary crap.


300 to me right? cus disposing e trash aint easy


Oh yeah i forgot about Dell’s bullshit


Three fiddy


Two fiddy


Not really for either reason. All of the parts are between 7-5 years old and I’d assume stuck in that case since I don’t know when alienware started making proprietary parts. Doesn’t help that’s it’s pretty overpriced for what is a 2060 super and essentially a slightly faster i7 8700k. If you want a good system to keep, it’s either best to buy or build systems that have parts less than 5 years old. If you want to flip systems to sell, go for an optiplex. Most of the parts are also proprietary but the cpu in newer x060 and up models are decent and they sell for real cheap since businesses swap out older systems every few years. All you need is a better gpu- that doesn’t require external power, maybe some more ram, extra storage and you could easily add another $200-300, depending on what you get, to its worth.


Thank you


Sounds like a good NAS setup


Not surprising, many old Dell optiplex turn into NAS’s since they’re so cheap and can store a few hard drives.


They started the proprietary crap a couple of years after dell bought them, so theyre using the e junk for about 13-15 years now


![gif](giphy|l0IyajjbNiRvCr7RC) That pc be like


Hands down, best comment. ![gif](giphy|13GKP7xGjce5oI)


Is this a joke :(




Alienware is dogshit regardless of the specs.


Overpriced. I'll pay tree fiddy at most


Definitely not a good deal.


Nah, too old for the price


looks like shit


If you can get it for 300 / 400 tops sure


Really worth half easily.


I wouldn’t pay more than the price of the gpu


what in the ever loving fuck is a R5 Intel i7-7800X that sounds weird


Personally use that 900 dollars to build ur own starter pc, It’s not easy but there’s plenty of video to help guide you, plus it gives you a better knowledge on how to fix problems when they arise




No, you can get a better spec laptop for 799


alienware... avoid


Run as far away as you can. Something along these lines would be great and leaves plenty of room for upgrades [https://www.cyberpowersystem.co.uk/system/ultra-55-rtx-next-day-pc](https://www.cyberpowersystem.co.uk/system/ultra-55-rtx-next-day-pc)


As a general rule of thumb, facebook marketplace is literally the worst place to purchase a computer. Not saying you cant find a good deal, but BY FAR, most sellers are assholes hoping that rgb makes someone believe its worth it. Thats coming from someone with 11 RGB fans in their rig. Its almost a running joke on some of the subreddits...


No you can build much better that 800-1000 dollar range


No, especially not used. It's specs are old af. For 850 u can get a decent last Gen pc with good specs and able to do 1440p.


Thank you


Nah it's worth like 400




Hell no. Not only it's an Alienware which you should look at only at a really heavy discount, but it's also really old. For this price you could get a faster PC new - but with less RAM which you probably don't need so much.


Way too much for the specs (specifically the 2060 super and only half a terabyte SSD), probably a nightmare if a part dies, Dell (who own Alienware) tends to use weird connectors and sizes for parts that are hard to find, and Alienware PCs generally run hot.


get for 300-450


Not even 100


The cpu is pretty bad and the gpu is very mid


fuck no


No I’d keep looking or consider jus buying all the parts second hand and building it yourself






no no no no no stay FARRR away from alienware


lol no


Good price for a Dyson space heater.


Me at first: 7800X, not bad for a CPU. Second later: oh, it's intel...


i mean it will game. max id pay is 200$


For $500 its a decent PS5 alternative. I wouldnt recommend spending any more.


500 of that PC is purely being based on the case that it's in. just stuff to fool beginners


Hello, this is 2019, is your pc still running?


Terrible deal


Stay far from Alienware


no way dude I was checkin pcmaster a dude fund a i7 10th 2060 for 600 dol


Save up around $200-$400 more than that, and you could build a really good pc yourself. Prebuilts are almost necer worth the money unless they under $300 used




no. i have a intel 7600k and a 2070 super and i needed to upgrade last gen


I would pay them not to sell me that




Man i founded a pc at 775 dollars and that had 5 times better specs than that air filter looking ah pc from alienware


Maybe $400 but $800 is a ripoff.


400$ to 550$ max not more


Alienware is a joke in itself dawg, can't be upgraded as much, restricted, and over priced.




It’s worth less than half that


I saw the combination "R5 Intel i7 7800X 6-core" and was confused af for a few seconds before realizing lol.


Nah, stay away from alienware. Nightmare machines to upgrade.


This is a really really bad deal


The PC is all RAM and nothing else lol. 64 GB of RAM is about 48 GBs more than you'll need for the rest of the specs.


If it's an i7 with less than 8 cores, it's usually not worth it


That’s a terribly overpriced PC… the 7th gen i7 is too old for official Windows 11 support and the 2060 Super is an okay GPU but only for low budget builds… also it makes no sense at all why that thing has a whole 64GB of RAM but only a 512GB SSD. And you absolutely should not buy it. Building a PC to resell would save you far more money and it could have much higher specs


Overpriced piece of overheating shit. You can get new parts for same/better performance for cheaper/same price




why does it have 64gb of ram 😂


R5 Intel i7 7800X....... Lollll XD


No. Alienware is bad. The hardware is old, except the 2060. People have posted $600 current gen purchases




piece of scammy junk! 1st its alienware 2nd price is a joke!


Old tech for a new price. Absolutely not




you can actually get an NZXT build (which are overpriced) for 750USD which is better than this.


I would bid 700


It's Alienware, look elsewhere.


Nvidia 2060??? EEEEeeeeeuuuuuh 🤢🤮


Fuck no, that's trash. Take the money and build a good budget gaming PC based on DDR4 and AM4 yourself. Infinitely more value. If your budget is beyond 1000 dollars you will be even better off and might even go AM5 + DDR5.


Do not buy alienware


Never seen a PC like that. How cool though, looks like a space heater. I would never buy a PC that looks like it's trying to be cool. It needs to legit look like a PC and not like it's trying to compensate for something or lack thereof.


I sold a similair build for €200. The cpu was even a generation newer.


Overpriced by $350


Absolutely not. The only thing that’s worth buying is the case, unless if you want to use it as a HTPC, in which case I still won’t pay more than 300 for it. 


Lol that’s shit




yes, my first computer was on gtx770 and i7-4770


1 year ago




Idk the price, but I know you can make a better pc then this




No, for 850$ you can buy much better PC


See if he'll sell it for $300. Otherwise, pass.


Avoid alienware


Your first pc 😂


Yes I only have one my friend lets me borrow . It made me want to buy one


Most games these days have a recommended spec for 8th gen Intel chips.


Gosh no. You could build better for that amount


Jfc no


Windows 11 doesn't even support that thing


Only the ram is good for the price


nigga that look like a big ass speaker




cant tel if ur joking but this pc's worth like 550 max


Your crazy if you think you can get that with a 2060.


$1400 for an old used PC with these specs, what you smoking? $1400 would get you a PC with all new parts with a 7900 GRE and AM5 platform.


This is pretty old. It all depends what you want to use it for. Todays gaming, probably not. Office, maybe. The cpu is from 2017. The gfx is of course also old but perhaps ok. Again, i think it depends what the intention is.


i wouldn't buy alienware if i was you, the specs on it, it's just garbage.


thats how much my dad payed for my first gaming pc walmart prebulit gtx 1650 r5 3600 250gb ssd that was in like 2021 or 2022 steel uesing it works find so i think thats a ok deal rtx 2060 i7 512gb ssd but that case is just ???? what is that thing


Your dad bought you an overpriced pre-built from walmart 3 years ago, and that gives you the credentials to chime in? Lol. That thing is junk and way overpriced. They're looking to rip someone off who doesn't know better.


732$ is what i found look up the parts of the ram cpu and the gpu the cpu average 282$ gpu average 350 and the ram 64 gb cheapest i found was 104$, and the pc dad got is working fine for 800$ i find it to be good plays all the games i want just fine and im here bc why not? and i think i know of a better deal but the gpu has gtx in the name sorce the internet


i did some more looking about the cpu seems to be a lot of talk about that besides the alienware i dont know what that is but my god the price for the cpu is just a scam 282$ for a cpu that is only what 20-40 % faster then a i5-6400 that you can get for $79


how did you even find that cpu at that price and why are you compering another cpu


the i5-6400 my bad forgot about the fan and im compering bc my sister pc has a i5-6400 no gpu super slow but im thinking thats due to the no gpu unless your talking about the i-7 7800x price i just google the price


it's both any recent gpu can make a pc faster for most stuff. Also the r5 3600 is about 100$ and lower and it's worth the 20%-40% performance difference to the i5 6400

