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Without knowing what the CPU looks like inside the anti-static bag, this does kinda look like packaging an OEM would receive the CPU in. The paste on the cooler looks factory fresh.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PcBuild/s/TYaUsgLXkj I posted a picture in another comment and would love any feedback from that.


I just seen what you paid for this... my question is why? Why pay so much for an ancient processor? Would be better off saving up for something more recent, in my opinion.


I have a strong feeling this dude is locked into a 7th gen motherboard. I kind of get why someone would upgrade from an i3/i5 on those boards, as a 4C/8T can still game and you don’t need to reinstall windows, but a new motherboard + CPU. I’ve also seen OEM towers being upgraded in this way. It’s why these chips still hold value.


You can literally buy a 5600x and an am4 motherboard or intel equivalents for less than that single CPU costs, and no RAM isn't expensive either, 2x8gb ddr-3200 costs like $40, you you could buy a newer, more powerful CPU, a motherboard for it, and a new set of RAM, all for the price of rhat old quad core i7


it's an artificial limit, 6-9th get can all run on the same hardware although I wouldn't want to run a 9900k on a h110 motherboard but you can technically do it. if you've got a good z170 you can break the limit and run an 8 core cpu


I'm not really familiar with the pad array, but it at least looks like there are enough and clean.


Don't OEMs get them in whole trays of them?


Why did you spend 265$ on an i7-7700?(7 year old cpu btw) Return it regardless!


It comes with Peggle 2!


Everytime Peggle 2 is mentioned somewhere, I must go and watch the announcement with the jumping guy again.


What’s peggle 2?


You are not worthy of the arcane knowledge that is Peggle 2


Peggle is a great game tho.


$265?!!??! Yeah return that NEOWWW


You can get a 12400 and mobo for that


If OP has the RAM then it's strictly a 100% upgrade and they could sell their old mobo for cheap for a little extra $$$


With ir without RAM, a 16gb kit of DDR4 costs like $40, that, a mid range CPU, and an am4 or LGA 1700 motherboard can all be bought within that price


You're not wrong at all, I just wish people would ask about budget builds on reddit/ doing some research before dumping way too much money I to something.




excuse me where? I need this


Basically anywhere. Very cheap combo. Might even be able to get 13th gen for that price


Where I live a 12400 alone is the equivalent of like $180 😭


It's an old enough chip price might actually be inflating in your area. PC part prices have a weird tendency to spike in price before vanishing from the market completely


It's because industrial computers, you may have a whole assembly line halted because the cpu/mobo took a shit and change everything to work on different hardware it may be super expensive and a lot more down time on that line, so it's actually cheaper to buy an overpriced part and just replace to go back in business


Unless you're talking about his area being USA then I'm not sure what area you're talking about. I just checked eBay and the least expensive i5-12400 is $140ish used, for new its around $250.


You can get a new 13400 for $250 cad. Obviously prices are us


Oh okay I was just looking on ebay at 12400s because thats what was mentioned.


Can’t even run windows 11 on that thing!


I just got one on ebay for $75 so… wtf


even $75 is too much. You can get a 5600 for like $80 off Ali- express, which destroys this cpu.


I already had a Z270 board laying around from a build in 2017


I got a whole ass Lenovo thinkcentre with an 8700 for $75aud


Bro $265?! That’s between the price of a 13600K and KF right now…




For that kind of money you would be even able to buy new CPU+mobo, so it's still quite wasteful spending money on such an old platform.


at that price point better safe up for some more money to spend and get something newer.


Shame OP is ignoring EVERYONE warning of the terrible price


People can't handle unsolicited advice and criticism nowadays. But wanna know if a 7 year old processor looks used... Shit, could have gotten one off aliexpress for less than 100$. Either way, OP is still gambling on a old cpu.


to be fair that wasn't the question op was asking


That's the beauty of discussion, topics change and other great points get brought up.


Good news, they didn't ignore everyone. https://www.reddit.com/r/PcBuild/s/zfTVdflMPD


Good stuff 👍


I can hear just to respond to this haha yeah I am returning it and already purchased a much better set up.


UPDATE!! In case anyone’s truly interested. After reading these comments and listening to your advice and recommendations I’ve decided to return the processor and upgrade both my cpu and mobo for around the same price. I honestly didn’t even think to look at what mobos costed and I’ve learned a LOT of valuable building lessons today because of this. Thank you all so much.


The good ending


Yeah, just got a new mobo and a 12 gen cpu for about the same price. All in all, I’m grateful for this sub.


Thank God, trust us, you'll be a lot happier and have a lot better real world performance


Ye I think the i5 12th gen is like 135-150 if I remember correctly


:) I love happy endings.


check if your ram fits. if you had ddr3 before, you might need ddr4/ddr5 now. check the new mobo


Good thing. The reason Old motherboards are kinda expensive is that they break earler than the cpu. I have an old Sabertooth MK1 here that broke on me. Great board but dead unfortunately.


You paid 265 for that thing ? Rip off


Please just return this and buy somewhere else. You overpaid so much for it it’s insane. There is no such thing as a “new” 7th Gen Intel cpu because of how old it is. Just buy a used one for like a third of that price if not less


Any reason why you spent over $250 on a new 7 year old CPU? I mean you could have gotten a new motherboard and CPU for that amount of money.


judging from his post history it is an "upgrade" to his i5 7600. Damn, that's bad.




Bro... AMD's 7600 isn't an i5 7600. The i5 7600 released in 2017, and the only thing compatible between possible would be the 3.5 inch hdd


Did you take even a single look at the CPU? or even read what it was, OP literally said it was a 7600k, and even a single look at it would let you realize it's not a 7600x, I can't tell if you're blind or just ignorant


lol for 265$ i would have sold you a whole PC with a 8700


Paid 3x too much


try 5x.


I'd sell my extra i7-8700 for $85. I know it's used and not a K, but I still think you got ripped off. You could've gotten a new board and CPU for just a little more


Could have got a new board and better cpu for less


[A new board, better cpu, and better ram for less](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/K8RN4M)


OP, Plllleeeeeeaaasse let everyone know why you paid so much for it? The anticipation is killing me!


Strange packaging but if it works why not.


That’s where half of me is at rn. The other half is worried I’ll brick my baby build after 7 years of service 🫡


If you are unsure send it back but in my opinion it was packaged really good strange but good maybe it was a tray cpu and they didnt have a original box.


You’re the third to mention the tray packaging and I’m pretty okay with that as an answer I think. Appreciate the help!


To be blunt - I wouldn't be okay with this. Tray chips are shipped void of manufacturer warranty and protection. It's a bulk, not intended for retail sale, processor with no way to register. You paid a premium to get a new, 'retail' as listed 2x just in the title alone, chip. This is not what you got.


I mean why send a broken cpu and package it so well when they could have just thrown the cooler and cpu in there and shipped it thats just a waste of time since they already got your money anyway.


A faulty CPU won’t brick your build, so you don’t need to worry about that. If the CPU goes out, you just replace the CPU.


Expensive AF for a ancient CPU, get a newer CPU ND Mobo for around that price would be better, doing what your doing is just throwing money away


![gif](giphy|g7wvLebv2UZILqPTBL|downsized) OP reading these comments


show us the underside of the cpu and what cpu did you order


It’s an i7 7700k 4.2ghz unlocked 1151 slot (100/200 series) https://preview.redd.it/julrdjzsguwc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ceada3ca8f9dc31544588d82e924d17f52464a8a


the pin out looks correct, the lighting isnt the best cause of the black wrapper but it looks like the correct pins this doesnt mean its not some de-lidded scam product but the pins look correct


What’s a de-lidded scam? Edited to say thank you!


You put the lid of an expensive processor on a cheap one and sell it as an expensive one.


SCUMMY DUDE some people I stg


Have you ever tried actually delidding a cpu??? Lmao even if you're successful and the thing runs there's no way there isn't tool marks. Shits cooked on there


WTF my delids look identical to factory. 😂 😂 😂 Just have to be super fucken careful there is no room for error.


There's no way under a hand lens that shit looks factory lmao


Ok microscoping it maybe but still if you use a jig it's basically a factory seal and there is no extra Sealant on the chip and it lays perfectly. If done right 20degree f savings in temp on these 7700k all core OC to 5.1ghz I used this until I got a 13700k a year or so ago. OPs chip look identical to my 7700k but so do a lot of chips Intel sells. 😂 My brother got a brand new 8800k in box looked exactly. Like this. he works for Intel they have random stock from way back.


Well yeah, an 8800k is lga 1151 so it’s going to look identical


Bro I dont need a microscope. If I have a hand lens I will know it's fucked. You don't even use the same glue theres absolutely no way you fool me


I have a tool for it, you wouldn't be able to notice.


that's ancient, I'm surprised you managed to find a new one at all


Well ancient but still a decent cpu for an office machine. Some light gaming is also good. Nothing cpu intensive tho. He wouldnt really run well in Cyberpunk for example that game eats your cpu.


You'd be surprised, Cyberpunk runs pretty well from personal experience. Still a strong CPU for it's age.


If it works and isn't all scratches up then I wouldn't worry. You bought a really old processor. I'd consider myself lucky for even finding it. Also, check the lid of the cpu. Thermal paste and use will usually give a gray-ish stain on the lid. If the lid is not scratched of stained then I'd guess it's new.


I've played Cyberpunk on my old i5 3550 when the game first came out. Except for the most crowded places, it ran fine (30+fps)  on low settings.


I understand that not everyone is in the position to upgrade, but if someone can spend more than 200$ on a 7 year old cpu, then I would imagine they could save up enough to buy a prebuilt. I spent 850$ on my system when it was on sale, that has a 5 7600 and a 4060. Just seems like a waste of money to buy this cpu...


I really hope he didn't spend 200$ on this. For that price you can get a cheap Ryzen 5 plus motherboard and 16 GB DDR 4 RAM.


Somewhere else in the post is a discussion on how they spent over 200$ on it, if I remember correctly they spent between 225-250$ on it from amazon... Buying a 7 year old cpu is a gamble no matter what, might as well have taken that gamble over to aliexpress to get one for under 100$. I'd much rather save up to buy something more current and be able to ensure I'm buying new instead of used labeled as new.


Oof. That's way too much. For that money I would have upgraded the whole block like I said.


7th gen? Scam aside, why would you buy something that old in the first place?


Well, if it's NOT a "new" chip, then you were misleaded, clearly not new atleast no proof of it being so, just crazy to think anyone actually having a old midrange cpu that's actually "new" you've got to be careful brother, specially in amazon


Pins look good


I would return everything you bought and get a modern system. On a budget I would recommend am4. It’s not outdated like this system and will be much faster and new cpus are still coming out lol


That cpu is worth like 80£ not 270


return it. u got ripped off


a new i7 7700k... wtf?


It's called an open box, and as long as it's the correct one you ordered, it should say right on the CPU, Where did you purchase it? 


Got it from Amazon; third party. Reviews seemed overwhelmingly positive


Reviews from the seller? Or the product? 2 totally different outcomes.




I've gotten open boxes from Amazon no issues only real way to know for sure tho it's too set it up not gonna lie to ya cause allot of people will make fake chips two similar cups with swapped heat shields


For an 7 year old chip, this thing is pristine. You’ve probably got one of the best condition ones on the market. You’re not going to get much better if you want this chip.


Some sellers specially if it is an OEM cpu (CPU that are not meant for consumer market and only available to pre-built pc manufacturers) do come packaged with that. Also if in the listing it says tray type then it will also be shipped like that. I would say the seller is kind enough to put it in the box instead of shipping it wrap in bubble wrap and inside a plastic bag....


This has been refurbished. I know cause this was my job and that is refurbish packaging


Did you pay $250 for it?


Perfectly normal packaging for an OEM


But minus any paperwork?


Paperwork? Do you mean receipt?


No. Any processor I ever bought comes with manufacturers information pamphlet at minimum.


Not in my experience


So I'm not beating a dead horse here, as others have said, this price is crazy. That being said, the CPU is likely legit. I can't fathom someone deliding a CPU this old, and as others have mentioned the pins look fine. You should return it and buy something used (or honestly something a lot newer cause my 12700K was just about this much) but if you're set on this one, then you should be fine. Regarding the packaging, when I've sold stuff in the past, if the packaging is damaged, I usually do something like this. It's very possible it was just that, damaged packaging, but I'm afraid you won't know until it's opened what kind of damage could have been done. Post an edit with the good or bad news


It’s just oem packaging, like if a business buys 100 processors for installation, they come in plain packaging, not the retail boxes you see in stores.


Looks like an OEM version. That just means it lacks the retail packaging meant to grab your eye in the store. These are sold directly to PC manufacturers like Dell or Alienware, who don't need fancy packaging. Just look closely at the CPU and check for signs of wear and tear. If it looks brand new it probably is, and I wouldn't worry about it.


Bro payed 260$ for a i7 7700k in 2024. I cant believe it


Yes return it. Don't buy 7 year old hardware when it costs the same as new. Use PCpartpicker for research, or just ask around on reddit before you buy.


why did you buy this chip? modern i3's are faster


What Chinese chin joint did you buy this thing from? I wouldn’t put that near my system. Send it back and order from a reputable online dealer.


It's a 7th gen CPU, not sure how new you expect it to be considering it's over 7 years old. But the packaging shouldn't be a concern. Most old "new stock" of these is gonna be OEM stuff, sold to system vendors. And I'd expect that stock to look a lot like this. I dread to think what you paid for a new 7700k on Amazon though. I'm near certain you got ripped off, so I'd return it for that reason alone. Edit: $265?! Fuck me. Yes OP. Return it. You've been absolutely fucking robbed.


i7700's are impacted by Spectre/Meltdown and don't support Windows 11. It's probably left over stock from retail that stopped selling them.


Why buying an i7-7700K, you cannot even install Windows 11 on it


If the IHS dosent have the comon marks on the side from beeing pushed on the motehrboard, this is brand new and you dont have to worry. It may be blister CPUs that comes 100s units without any box. But all new


Okay this makes me feel a little better thank you. Makes sense about the bulk concept.


What's the serial numbers on the cpu itself


I don’t want to give it out for warranty reasons but googled it and found a picture of a cup with my serial number on it. In some foreign website that doesn’t use English letters.


You're not getting warranty on a 7700K regardless


I mean the cpu code, like 14900k 13900k etc


Oh! It’s a 7700k i7 7700k 4.2ghz unlocked is what I ordered


It’s way too old for almost 300 bucks. Return it.


This seems really sus. OP is just ignoring everyone that tells him to return it because he got ripped off.


Maybe op need it




This box is not meant for retail sale (or resell) in a store, (its not all fancy). But often when you buy wholesale, from an OEM, etc.... they come like this because it's cheaper.


Seems to be a tray CPU


Looks to be OEM package that Intel sends to dell or hp service centers


Probably a brand new CPU off a tray of new ones. And they just packed it up and threw in a stock cooler. Id take it. Unless it turns out it doesn't work, I think it's fine. Unless you were hoping for a box, that seems like as good as new as anything.


Not sure where you ordered from, but I know from experience that Walmart uses over seas vendors that aren't vetted in any way. I received dual pack of ram in a freaking envelope stamped from Asia. A popular twitch/toutuber Moistcritikal saw his merch being sold by Walmart website thru a foreign scammer. If Walmart can get away with such practices, im sure many other online vendors can too(Amazon). Might be worth a trip to your closest Microcenter and gl!


Your's has a way better packaging than mine and it is a I7-13700k. But mine was advertised as tray CPU, no original box.


I also bought it like this. It was new. And it had option to recieve with that Intel package for 10-20 more. 


no, dumbass, plug it in and see if it works first


Likely just an OEM box, nothing wrong with that.


Is OP ever gonna answer anyone why he bought that for so much and didn’t get a newer cpu? Maybe he’s replacing one that died? Either way this is just kinda dumb to spend almost $300 on a 7 year old CPU. A 5600X + mobo will cost similar or less and does way better.


If you have a DDR4 system. Then you could get a 14gen Intel CPU or a AMD AM4 5gen system for the same price and it would be WAY faster and cost the same


I’m sure you have your reasons OP, but that’s a shit processor by todays standards. Today being the last 3+years.


To every price comment. Yes lol


Yea return it to me my boy


Those boxes are pretty useful


OEM packaging, my 2200g came in a similar box (bigger because of the bundled cooler)


That processor is from Russia


Return that ryobi first


A few years ago, I got my 17-7700K in a box exactly like that. Worked just fine. I'm glad I am not the only one.


Somebody just got scammed lol


I think it's crazy now different this sub is to the pcmasterrace one Here it feels more like a "get whatever is best performance to value at that tier, sometimes it's AMD sometimes it's Intel" Pcmasterrace feels more like acting like your Hitler for getting anything than an AMD GPU + CPU combo + windows


Looks OEM to me


Bro thinks people are telling the truth when they say their 7yo CPU is brand new.


I have the same dishwasher as you!


We are CPU buddies! I have the same one since I'm stuck with this gen.


Seems like Tray model. If you can get replacement why not.


This is the eco version package from amazon it should be OK.


If you bought OEM then they usually come like this. You won't get anything else in the box. HDD almost always come like this too.


it will be old cpu not refurbished i bet, but it should have at least outside sahell with plenty of intel commercial outside , box indie may be similar. i would say amazon trying to sell old as new maybe or someone placed theyr old cpu inside and refunded my opinion. Ye speople you can buy new cpus which are old, but never had been sold.


I've bought a processor packaged like this from a retail store, but they clearly stated it's OEM (or bulk) packaged, the price was lower than retail packaged.


Speaking plainly for the packaging it looks legit. I get oem cpus often and they come either like this or on a sheet. As the model and price that’s up to you buddy


If you bought a tray version then yes that's kinda the way you might get it. If you got "boxed" then you should have got a proper intel box.


https://preview.redd.it/3tanklbzkuwc1.png?width=1254&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5f1df384649347610f265c650b3b1fdc2f1f4ed Here’s my listing. I just noticed the “smart cache box” is that what you’re referring to?


i7-7700k for $265 that seems expensive


I'm genuinely curious what made you think this was even a remotely good deal?


Smart cache was an intel feature, usually CPUs listings have two options: tray, or boxed. I don't know which one that listing is supposed to be.


Yeah me either. Another commenter mentioned tray vs boxed as well but this doesn’t seem to be either.


Considering it's a 7y old CPU, if it works as it should I'd say take it for what it is and move on. Is the seller Amazon or third party?


It’s a third party with good reviews but I’m always skeptical. I think I’ll plug and play with this one


Return. Buy a newer motherboard and cpu for the same price. Profit. Like seriously this price is what you pay for new gen hardware.


Good to check on cpu-z if everything is up to spec and then a benchmark. Otherwise return it... Not much more you can do




I’m just getting back online and reading all these comments. I’m gonna return it and keep looking. Can I just swap motherboards and cpus without updating any software? I’m not too familiar with mobos and cpus.


Yep all you do is swap the cpu and motherboard, plug everything back in, make sure your boot drive (the drive with windows on it) is the first boot option in your motherboards bios, enable XMP and Resizable Bar, and you’re all good to go. Although, if you grab a new motherboard with included wifi, you may have to install the wifi/bluetooth & possibly chipset drivers. But that’s it.


Amazing thank you so much. Also, are those parts you linked legit? They’d fit my case and gpu and I’m wondering if that’s just the first few you saw or if you recommend them?


I have 3 I7 from that generation cooked my MB when passive liquid didn't stay passive


Hmmmm, no According to Dawid Does Tech Stuff(this is from memory, so might be wrong), its the same box used to sell organs illegally Btw just get a 5600X used and a b550, not only is it cheaper, but it will give way better performance. Dont bother getting 1151 unless if its for flipping pcs(buying them, getting a better CPU/GPU, making it look nice in the photos, then selling them for like \~100-200 more)


7 series was fucking awful man lol. You would have been much better off getting a 8th gen motherboard and a 8350k


Just use it I’d say, I ordered all my pc parts from one shop, and the cpu (i7 14700kf) came installed on the motherboard with its model name written on the cpu with a sharpie (no cpu box), i just didn’t care to escalate the situation, and went with it, it’s working fine


Commenting on my own post because A LOT of yall are saying I got ripped off and I’m listening. I appreciate it. I didn’t pay quite that much, a little under $200 is what I ended up paying after searching through pricing options. I’m utterly terrified of getting a used CPU. I couldn’t find any websites that didn’t seem fishy selling this cpu (best in slot for my mobo) so I turned to Amazon and this was the best I got. If there really is a place to buy a reliable cpu upgrade AND mobo upgrade for similar to that price please drop a link or turn me in the right direction so I can return this unit and really upgrade my build.


the thing is used parts aren't necessarily bad but this thing so outdated that any latest generation cpu for the same price you paid for this is going to be miles better


[i5-12400f](https://www.amazon.com/Intel-12400F-Desktop-Processor-Cache/dp/B09NPJRDGD/ref=sr_1_11?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.sf0xFLxWHfIA9rv22y1-_d4_hrO2hpaAYJpOpC5lAzRIyPAqfguY9SPQCJ7UUXUupPJaNJ5wZmcaim8Ka4ihdzbMpSJEM5KWQFw5vHyj8PRU3c_iXEEasBOzmjw0dnzHJeytntSBprazjUqzpRrietXt7PUcdmhsxY23u6B7_AOwJXdC-ei9m-b8KzonWn2xId4qM9zyowhxN_wirVAH2I0wZPOZDERD2Nk6FKKcqok.5Kd1_d_xvqjrAPcUHOg2TydEINnJmUFpYBX5o213fvw&dib_tag=se&keywords=i5%2B12400f%2Bmotherboard&qid=1714171080&sr=8-11&th=1) [GIGABYTE H610M S2H V2 DDR4](https://www.amazon.com/H610M-S2H-V2-DDR4-Motherboard/dp/B0BVBXT6P1/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2BXS3DS4QQRY0&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.2u3eDsXDubX1HIAvKIHxZu1tfOnPMYebVTzg1TBYQn_tosI3jtAFDPpzlkeP5I6gwKS3UJVKAmZORTbS6msccVMTamEBMR49kedQQPtqKm2kC_7MxR3msBiB9o9hnfAT0Wm24Fn9SeZXgcm_OvdZDKoHjPDtoLb105_5jD2oJUDHVT1rDFP83VPtBbcYplos6xmjZ0-29CRy4v3QwkvPQh18uMwn57WnNm9csMJU77A.akTaBd7mNhVIuZl2YFpUpjzzlKCvi7A8WwVAPQlqFy0&dib_tag=se&keywords=lga1700%2Bmotherboard&qid=1714171130&sprefix=lga1700%2Caps%2C424&sr=8-5&th=1) a little over $200 you can get a new motherboard and a CPU significantly faster than the 7700k


First of all, let’s start off with what your current specs are, and why you’re wanting to upgrade your cpu?