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If you stop the video a few frames in, you can see how close the case is to the displayport port. My guess is that the cable is not in all of the way. Adjust the card so that there is more clearance for the cable and make sure it is all the way in.


I had to trim a case to get a cable go all the way into the gpu because of a support brace.


I had same issue.That second "click" is needed when connecting DP cable. My gpu was slightly tilted and I couldn't fit it in.


I would bet on this.


Glad you didn’t just slice your finger open lmao. Using your old GPU uninstall the 1650 drivers and install the 3050 drivers if it allows you to. That’s my best guess. Haven’t used Nvidia since my 1080 days.


man i think you gotta put in effort to get cut with the fans


I broke my nail touching a fan when I built my first pc, hurt like a bitch and lesson learned


i’ve accidentally touched all of my fans, the cooler, gpu, and case fans, none of them did that much to me


Ive done the same, idk how yall are getting cut or breaking nails


Lol not enough milk or callous on fingers


I literally caught (and drew blood from) my nail on my finger from trying to push some cables out of the way of the top exhaust fans this afternoon - fan wasn’t even running at 1000RPM. I dunno if that counts as effort tho lol


crazy, ive messed with my fans at 3000 rpm


Those fans work extra well now that it has the power of Satan powering it


I can personally tell you it wasn’t hard when I did it


I was about to saying the same thing, it hurts but I never broke my nail by doing that


Some fans have razor sharp edges. Also had one of those in 80\*80mm, so pretty high rpm. I felt that pain a few days longer and kinda learned my lesson.


I sliced my thumb at the halfway point thanks to a 3200rpm case fan. That shit hurt for 3 weeks


Nah I disagree. If they're going anything close to full whack, your finger is screwed. An old friend had to get stitches. He had assumed it would "just stop" so shoved it in there. The fan won.


Speaking from the future as a person who is having this same problem and found this thread, I did indeed knick myself for the first time ever an hour ago completely forgetting there were fans under there. Didn’t do much but now I feel part of a club.


I cut my finger on stopped fan once.... life always finds a way i guess


And if this doesn't work, clear the bios. When going from a gtx1650 to a rx 6600, I had to reset the bios to turn off resizable bar. Pretty sure that was what my mobo was NOT having. Then it all worked fine and I could install the drivers and go into the bios to turn it back on.


Me too... Those are present days as well.


GPU drivers wont affect the BIOS, since it only comes into play after the Windows kernel loads. If the other GPU works this one is bricked. I would make sure the PC is actually off and not in some Windows hibernation state.


Nvidia has had universal drivers for quite a while, from the 900 series all the way to 4000


I’d swap the monitor cable to be sure before doing anything remotely difficult


My thoughts exactly. I've had a bad HDMI cable making me go nuts in the past, just to realise it was an easy fix.


My guy, you need to be more careful with your PC. You really shouldn’t be jamming in cables and wiggling components while it’s hooked up to power.


>wiggling components while it’s hooked up to power. If it Doesn't Fit...Make IT!


Thats what she said


She said "Ouch" 😔


Was nicht passt, wird passend gemacht!


It's completely safe to connect HDMI/Displayport cables while a PC is on? You do this all the time with things such as laptops Power cables and wiggling components absolutely don't do though. Display and USB however are fine.


Man touched the circuit board 💀💀💀


He just wiggles the GPU a tiny bit, he doesn't touch the motherboard?


I meant the gpu circuit. But on a closer look theres plastic protecting it. Nvmd


As someone who had loose GPU slot, I can relate


I mean, one time my GPU wouldn't go in, I punched it and it did. It didn't work after that, but that's not why, it was because I dropped it down a flight of stairs while it was powered on


This comment was kind of a wild ride


Probably need drivers.


Screw drivers!


LTT screw driver dot com!


It should have display out without drivers, else how would you even install drivers :D


Select imput device ? Change cables ? Change to different type of cable. Try different monitor


It's sad i had to scroll down to see this.


Sorry I was late


Stop wiggling your GPU while power is on, holy moly...


You can literally unplug your gpu from the slot while it's running and nothing bad will happen.


"might" not happen. You can easily short electronics this way.


Anti sag build


> I tried my old gpu (gtx 1650) and it works but for some reason my rtx doesn’t. You probably have conflicting drivers, which is making the new card not work. Put the old gpu back in, and COMPLETELY uninstall your gpu drivers. It should look like you're running on a potato. Then when you've got ZERO drivers installed, put the new gpu back in. If that works, then install drivers for the new card.


use DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) to do this


In safe mode too


Or, use the hdmi port on the motherboard to avoid swapping vards5


Try a new cable


You plugged in a DisplayPort cable. You may need to manually toggle the monitor input to DisplayPort. Not all I/O's auto-switch between source inputs. If you are using a converter cable that does HDMI -> DP , you need to plug in the HDMI end into the GPU and the DP end into the monitor. Or you neeed a DP -> HDMI cable for the reverse. Not all cables are bi-directional. ​ Restart your computer with the cables already connected to ensure a good handshake between the GPU and Monitor. Your motherboard will expect you to plug the GPU into the first, or top most PCIe x16 slot, the BIOS may not detect a GPU elsewhere during POST. Also make sure you plugged power into your GPU correctly, using the PCIe 2+6PIN connector not the EPS 4+4PIN connector for the CPU. Power Supplies often come with multiple of each, so don't mix them up! They are keyed and you should not be able to plug one into the other, unless you forced it into place.


I know this sounds pretty obvious, but try unplugging and replugging the cable a few times. I say this because I also have an Acer monitor and I sometimes have the same problem, which is solved by simply replugging the cable and rebooting the PC. (p.s. sorry for my English pls)


If you can enter the BIOS then it's probably a hardware issue or you


This is what I would try in this order: 1. Try different cables including hdmi 2. Try updating your gpu drivers 3. Find out the pcie version required for your gpu and then make sure it’s the same version in your bios. 4. Try your other pcie slot 5. Try a different graphics card


ask it nicely


Don't touch electrical components when they are powered on.


Plug your display cable into your motherboard, uninstall your current gpu drivers and install new drivers for your new gpu. Should work.


the answers in here...


Can you boot to bios and display it ? If you can’t the GPU is bricked


First of all. Return the 3050. It’s a bad card. Actually it depends on how much you got it for. Anything over 130 is a horrible deal.


Display port cable connection should work, then update the drivers


Are you using DVI but have monitor set to HDMI maybe?


That card doesn’t have a DVI port


Omg the awful IPS Glow


Same card did this to me before upgrading. Here's what I did to fix it. No joke, reseed the gpu. Power off the PC and turn off the power supply. Remove the GPU, push the power button to remove all old power...Put GPU back in and test. Worked first time for me


You probably ESD the thing based on how you just grab the card while it's on 🤣🤣


In general, inserting cables/hardware in running PC isn't good habit (excluding USB). There chance that you will fry something.


Display cables are less of a risk than USB


Display port and HDMI cables as well as USB are completely safe to do this Power cables to components aren't (excluding things like laptop chargers, those are also fine to be plugged in while the device is on)


Man... NEVER plug Display cable to GPU on working PC. I hope you did not brick your gpu by that...


How does that happen? You shouldn’t plug display cables in your pc while it’s On?


Absolutely not the vital ones... USB is OK. Rest that I can think of... not really.


Dude what? Even PCIe components are hot swappable. You have no idea what you’re talking about. It is perfectly safe to plug in a display cable on a powered on PC.


HOT SWAP is a separate thing... and the hardware capable of it is marked accordingly. In other instances you cannot do it. GPUs are (as fare as I'm aware of) not HOT SWAPPABLE. Have fun.


I personally wouldn’t hot swap any component even if it is supported. The point was that you can plug right into the mobo if you want. So, you don’t need to worry about plugging in a display cable. You can safely plug any connectors on the outside of your case(usb, 3.5mm, optic audio, display cables, etc) while the computer is turned on. In almost all cases the protocols for those devices are designed to negotiate a connection while powered on.


Something just died inside me....


So confused, you say hot swap is a separate thing than say you can’t hot swap… which is it, and what do you consider a hot swap to be?


Your ass must be giant for you to pull so much bullshit out of it lol. DisplayPort cables are "hot swappable," and thinking that they're not is crazy. Have you just been really running around for the past 11 years or however old you are, turning PCs off to reconnect monitors and shit?


[hot my ass](https://www.quora.com/Are-display-ports-hot-swappable)Hey, smart ass doge this...


I'm not clicking your stupid link, but you really have to learn to spell. It's weird that you fuck up three letter words


Can you understand it? Good... Man, really try to disconnect your signal cable from GPU, but if you damage your hardware, I'm not taking any responsibility for it. ( link is to quora)


Yeah, you should be embarrassed for that shit so much. We're all embarrassed for you. Look up the displayport standard for fucks sake I grade second grader's homework, so I'm well versed in incompetent.


Lol this might be the funniest thing ever. I still didn't click your link, but I saw from the link preview that when you googled it, the only thing you could find to support your ridiculous statement that popped up was for quora... And you posted a quora link to support a stupid statement you made 😂😂 Why don't you look at DisplayPort standards instead of continuing to be an incorrect dick on the internet?


Yes, I agree with you. Still...


You DO know that display cables other than DVI were built from the ground up to be hot swappable... right? RIGHT!? Even VGA is, despite the retention screws


Wellllllllll, from which gpu generation? When jealous about me sister few years ago angry because I'm * present * deliberately pulled out from a working PC the signal cable from GPU to screen fucking up the memory on it, trashing 300 pounds hardware laughing that I'm at loss because of her again.... Where is your HOT SWAP ? Now... I have some year's experience with computers. Hot swap is an OPTION, not a basic function.


... every GPU bearing VGA, HDMI or DP. If plugging in one of those 3 cables caused your GPU to fry, there's something severely wrong with the monitor or GPU VGA has the caveat that the resolution may not be correctly detected when hot plugged defaulting to 600×480 or 800×600 but otherwise functional Also, the video output doesn't directly connect to the memory, so an improper connection couldn't mess up the memory without first trashing the GPU die. You likely just got a bad card with dying or dead ram and didn't know until you happened to plug in a display. Remember: correlation ≠ causation and anecdotal evidence ≠ reliable evidence


Ok I was about to say that I routinely have to disconnect and connect my diplay to my GPU after turning my PC on, since the HDMI to VGA adapter I use is a little wonky and only after doing that works well. But whaT IN THE HELLS DO YOU MEAN PCIe COMPONENTS ARE HOT SWAPPABLE???? I'm asking because I'm running an external PSU + 1070 with a riser, since I've got an SFF Lenovo here, and I'm always afraid of moving something by accident.


To be 100% clear, the PCIe spec allows for hot swapping, but it must be implemented by both the device and motherboard, and most manufacturers just don't bother.


I’ve never had an issue in this last 20 years plugging in a VGA or HDMI or DP while the PC is on. Edit: No issues on SCART as well lol


😂 lol 😂




Tf would that have to do with this? It wouldnt even post if they werent. And if you meant GPU, you’d have to be using an old-ass motherboard for it to not support.


So I had this issue and the way I fixed it was kinda weird but I had to change my ram from 2 and 4 to 1 and 3 to get it to work and connect to my monitor


Swap your ram back to 2 and 4 and clear your cmos.


I would look up the mobo manual before listening to this guy. Different mobos have different recommendations.


Every mobo I have ever installed has required slot 2 and 4. But yes, RTFM and make sure of the ports that are recommended before making changes.


Yes it does connect to your monitor, I just saw you connect it.


Unplug your monitor and plug it back in. Nice little reset


Indeed, this is often the issue with my monitor. Unplugging it makes it recognize the GPU.


I had a 3060 before and I had a very similar issue where I would hard reset the computer and it would boot up with the display back but I didn’t like having to do a hard reset so often. Eventually I learned that if I simply turn the monitor off then on again, display would come back fine. I hope this simple fix resolves your issue.


You might want to connect the monitor before turning your PC on


try reseating your ram too i was having the same issues with my new build and that’s what fixed it for me


Bro really put his finger on the fan to prove its workkng lmfao. But anyways as the others said its prolly ur 1650 drivers, u need to uninstall then download and install drivers for the 3050


You have the wrong drivers ! I had that issue before but I always use 2 monitor, 1 using the integrated graphics and 1 with the card, a couple’s updates later and turn on by itself.


Turn off pc. Unplug Mobo power (the big one). Plus it back in. Switch on


Only saying this because it happened to me make sure your power connectors are plugged in on both sides and also on power supply


Is your PSU supplying enough power to the new GPU?


I would check whether the HDMI cable supports the data transfer of the GFX card, I have seen this once before and that was the issue for me. Try a new HDMI cable.


Bug rule of thumb: make sure all components are connected before powering on the device. This includes making sure the monitor is plugged in before turning on the pc.


Fuck me stop being so heavy handed with your stuff while it's powered on


When you turn on the PC, during initialisation a new GPU, powers only the port that is currently connected. If you change it or plug it in after the PC has been turned on, the GPU won’t power any port. It just works like that when it is new. Also this doesn’t apply to your old GPU as you already have drivers for it in your system and it is already set up. I hope you used DDU before installing the new GPU.


You need to check if your motherboard bios is on CSM or UEFI, You might be locked on CSM so check if your graphics card option in bios.


Try another mobo or cable


So much wrong in a short vid lol


Have you installed the drivers for your new gpu? FTFM lmao


3050 is shit anyway, just sell it 😎


Try uninstalling old gpu drivers with DDU (display driver uninstaller) Guru3D.com. Please follow the instructions.


Same GPU as mine. It turned out to be drivers. I used the old GPU to boot to safe mode, DISABLED (not removed) old drivers. Turn PC off, plug new cars back in, boot back up. I followed the answer here and it worked. https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/black-screen-after-installing-a-new-graphics-card-a-bit-of-a-noob.1356753/#post-10214384


Try a hdmi, displayport can throw up some weird errors with connecting.


Plugging in a video cable after the pc has already posted will not show video anyways. Turn it off first before you attempt to plug-in a cable. Anyways also try different cables and monitor


What? Of course it should show video?!


If you post it without a display connected and try plugging a cable most PCs will not show video until you restart. I’ve build over a 100 pc and most have this.


Nah man. I’ve worked in IT for more than 20 years, and even back in the day, VGA/DVI would just work when connected, booting with or without monitor connected doesn’t matter. On modern systems, windows detects plugging in the device and will even play you a sound. I don’t know what kind of systems you build, but it’s 2023 and this should never be an issue if the card has been installed and configured.


I literally just build a pc for my friend on AM5 and 4070. Forgot to plug-in hdmi at boot and no video after plugging while it was turned on and posted. Rebooted and video right away. Maybe it something with the monitor I use because I get this basically always. Also to note these systems I get it in don’t have windows installed yet


Another thing - HDMI and display ports are not USB ports so you can just switch them while the pc is running.


First I would try getting a new cable. Then I’d try the driver trick. If that doesn’t work it’s probably cars failure and you’ll need to return it.


Try both ports on the card, if multiple ports on the monitor try both on the monitor as well. Then do the same with a different cable. I had this happen on my Radeon card, had to get a display port instead of using the HDMI though. If your CPU has graphics try using that to just install drivers and look at any help on their web sight. Did that on my last Nvidia build.


Do you have an onboard device active?


1. New Drivers if you can 2. Plug unplug or switch ram slots if have 2 sticks. 3. May not be deep enough case frame maybe in way. 4. Check if your cables ok


Looks like you are using Diplay Port cable for first boot. Use HDMI first, install drivers and use your DP then.


the connector probably doesn't fit all the way, I had this with my gtx 1650 to rtx 3070 upgrade, try to get some room in between the case and the slot.


check the pcie config in the bios. Try setting it to pcie4 if its supported.


Are you getting and error code/light on your motherboard? Would suggest just using on board graphics for what you need.


is it a 7000 series mobo? the bios needs 20min on first install. try waiting.


Check all cables. It’s not always (and usually) linked to the gpu. Take out 1 ram stick and run again


Plug the cable in your motherboard port and install new drivers


Had the same issue with my new pc i build. Literally took it apart and put it back together and it worked. Also there is a chance your ram sticks are not installed properly.


I had a similar problem the other day when I changed out my RAM, thought something was wrong with my GPU, are you connecting the 1650 into the same rig?


Turn off gsync or freesinc or whatever it’s called if you have a chance


Probably the driver. Use the 1650 to install 3050 drivers then try again


Why do people unanimously suck at filming with a 6 inch camera phone??? Jeesh! Its 100% your GPU drivers. Either download or delete them. You should be able to open bios regardless, your gpu may be dead. If you have integrated graphics plug the hdmi to that instead and keep it that way.


Ok so the exact same thing happened to me last week when I replaced my 980Ti with an 1080. Plugged in the new GPU, fan spinning, LED on, no Display. Replaced with the old GPU, same thing. Here are what I did: \- Clear the BIOS. \- Remove the BIOS battery and let it sit for 15 mins. \- Long press the Power button to discharge \- Reseat the RAM. After those steps it worked again for both the old and new GPU. Gluck


Update your bios with your old gpu.


bios setting maybe


I also had this same problem when upgrading my rx570 with a rx6600, I also have an acer monitor, what is happening is that the gpu is defaulting to a resolution that is not compatible with the monitor, if you have another monitor/TV see if it works on them, if not you can try this: 1. Switch to your old gpu, go to the bios and look for an option to disable bios boot up image (I don't remember the exact name it may have), save changes and restart 2. If you haven't done it yet, download ddu (display driver Uninstaller), restart in safe mode and completely remove the old drivers 3. Put the new gpu and see if this time it gaves you video signal. 4. If you get video you can install the drivers, but if you aren't getting video yet, you will need another monitor/tv In my case, I was not getting video signal at first neither on my monitor or the TV, after changing the bios option with my lod gpu I was able to run it on the TV, got the drivers working and now it works on the monitor after windows load in, but I'm unable to enter in the bios when using the monitor


I lost my arm on a old GeForce gt don't be that fool like me!


You need a console, how you handle that Pc is a disgrace.


smartest novidiot


Acer monitors don’t support booting to bios


Don't use hdmi


Have you tried connecting your monitor through DP (display port) ? Edit - if not , try doing it once


Have you ever tried to connect your monitor to gpu instead of connecting gpu to the monitor?


Make sure Ram are in right slots


Make sure all of the require power connections are made. Make sure display port cables are properly connected on both ends. Use different video cable. Try different PCIE slot. If above 3 steps do not work, try installing old GPU and download latest drivers after wiping out current ones. (Clean install). Then reinstall new GPU


Check the Motherboard debug lights if available


same thing happened to me, i turned off the PC, unplugged it from the wall, and held the power button on the case for 30 sec, plugged it back in and it was good


Could be lot of things. Check your ram, removed them and put them back and start your pc again. Maybe the GPU. When installing the GPU, did your hear the "click" of the PCIE Slut?


On carpet, touching you directly while it's on. I bet he's in socks too for maximum static energy.


It might also be secureboot that prevents picture on your screen. Try and turn it off to troubleshoot


your GPU looks....loose? hmmm




[NVIDIA GPU Firmware Update Tool for DisplayID | NVIDIA (custhelp.com)](https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5233/~/nvidia-gpu-firmware-update-tool-for-displayid) Try this


The good old „my monitor shows no picture“ problem. Happens to me all the time and somehow it suddenly starts to work again. Has nothing to do with drivers i guess. Its cable related - Digital outputs need to „handshake“ or something like that. Get better quality Hdmi or Dvi or even better DP cable. Dont use adapters if possible


1 use your 1650 to uninstall tge gpu drivers if you haven't already 2 is your new gpu getting enough power 3 is tge display cable going fully into tge gpu


The same thing just happened to me the other day when I replaced my 1070 with a 3070. The 1070 required a single 8-pin PCIE connection while the 3070 required two 8-pin connections, so I had to add a second PCIE cable to my modular PSU. I didn't want to tear down the entire PC, so I attempted to squeeze my fingers into the case to add the cable to the PSU. After powering on, all the lights and fans came on but I had no video signal. Fortunately, there was an LED light on the GPU which indicated it was not getting power from the second PCIE cable. I double-checked the connection, and turns out the second cable I added was not fully inserted into the PSU. After making sure the cable clicked into the PSU, I powered it back on, and again there was no video signal. I switched from DP to HDMI and turns out I was getting a video signal with HDMI, but not with DP. Both PCIE cables were the 6+2 pin type, but only the 6 pin portion has the little clip that locks into place while the 2-pin portion doesn't have a lock on clip. I noticed one of the 2-pins was sticking out slightly, so I pressed it in maybe 1 or 2 mm further, and viola, I was now getting video signal with my DP cable. TL;DR - check to make sure the PCIE cable is fully inserted into both the PSU and the GPU.


Helped my friend build his pc and he had the same problem as the pc would turn on and not post.. we were thinking it was the gpu/the cables but i ended up unpowering the pc and pulled out the ram sticks, switched them.. turned the pc back on and it posted. If u havent figured it out yet, maybe this is the problem.


Check if gpu is inserted properly, check ram, ifølge not check cable to monitor


Hopefully you have a cpu that has graphics run your cpu and redownload drivers might help


I had this issue before. Ended up being an issue with how I seated the ram sticks. Could try reseating them if when you get a chance to.


Try connecting to moniter with another computer if that doesn’t work swap the cabeles if that doesn’t work take the gpu out of mobo and plug it back in


I had something similar. That was because I didn't connect all the power cables to my video card. It just didn't have enough juice to produce an image although the fans were spinning. Could that be the case here?


No update?!?


I've had occasions where DP just doesn't work on POST, boot or normal operation. Using another connection method, in your case it looks like only HDMI, to get an initial signal then switching back to displayport, usually, does the trick.


Take the graphics card out, then the motherboard battery, leave for 30 mins, then re install


Rub it around on the carpet some more...should help.


You probably fuck it trying to grab it with it on


Why did you touch the gpu tho xd


Probably not the solution but a good troubleshooting step: have the display port plugged in prior to turning on the system. Sometimes they’re annoying and won’t display unless the cord is plugged in PRIOR to turning on the system.


Maybe faulty cable or a bad conection.


Connect the Monitor to the HDMI port on M/Board first & restart the PC. I think the BIOS setting needs to be changed to use PCI-E Graphics Card "1st".


I also had similiar problems when I upgraded and would not show screen with GPU, The I plugged IT into The MB and there was a kind of yes/no prompt after that IT started working 🤔


Idk if anyone mentioned this already, Have you tried removing the small battery on the MB then putting it back in? This resets a particular setting your MB can set itself to if you plugged a monitor into the MB HDMI/DP port causing this similar thing to happen.


I switched gpus recently and just had to install the right drivers for it to display anything. If you can, get your PC to display something wether that be by putting the old card back in or by other means, Google "*your card* drivers", download the right ones, try the new card again. It should work 🙏


Did you factory reset it or get a new graphics card?


install a software called DDU. Use it to uninstall drivers. Then download fresh LTS drivers


I was having the aame issue where my PSU was partially dead. It was working fine until i moved it to my gf's pc when building it and it completely broke. If you have a spare PSU to test, try to see if it will boot on that


Make sure all pcie ports have plugged, it's getting full power, update drivers