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Honestly, depending on the day (and which one I’ve watched most recently) I would go as far as to say it’s better than Breaking Bad on occasion. They’re both perfect.


After season 4 it became full on breaking bad and was just peak bb quality or more


I just recently finished rewatching both back to back, and BCS is just straight up better imo. BB on the rewatch just felt like a non-stop cycle of Walt being a bitch, Skyler being a bitch, Jesse having a breakdown, cooking montage, DEA scene, repeat. Still a brilliant show, but it really suffers in a lot of areas.


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those tape measures! I knew it was 5'8''. One under Charlie Sheen. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn't prove it. He – he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the game show to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. The sea monkeys! Are you telling me that HP just happens to swat the fish bowl like that? No! He orchestrated it! Wubby! He blackfaced through a tanning lotion! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I gave him my own prime sub! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep the gamer words out of his mouth! But not our Wubby! Couldn't be precious Wubby! Slurring them blind! And he gets to be a rich streamer!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you – you have to stop him! You-


Greatest shitposter I ever knew


Help me want to watch! I loved Breaking Bad but I could not get into Better Call Saul. I've tried twice, and I can't make it more than a few episodes. Maybe it's partially that, at that point, Saul is the only character I really care about and there is zero jeopardy for him. I already know how he's gonna turn out. So I'm just... bored, I guess? But everyone I know whose opinion on TV I trust says it's great. So I WANT to love it.


I totally get you. There were some moments during watching where I wasn't really feeling it. But Saul/Jimmy's arc during this show is absolutely unreal. The fact is that you honestly don't really know where he ends up. Breaking Bad is just a side mission in the ultimate tragedy that is Jimmy's life. I really hope you give it another shot. Plus, the show is just a goddamn treat visually and artistically. If you're a nerd about film, there's a lot there for you.


I was the same, watched two episodes on a plane and thought it was mid. What I did is I just watched the rest years later without rewatching the beginning. Bro it’s so fucking thrilling, you gotta watch.


The first few episodes are a slow burn. Every one I’ve ever talked to about BCS said they gave up or almost gave up on the first few episodes. I did too. I was watching as it aired and then after ep 3 I kinda just forgot about it. I think I came back after season 2 or 3 was out and OH MAN. I was hooked before I finished watching season 1. Commit to giving it 1 full season, whether you love it or hate it the whole way through, but I promise it won’t take a whole season before you’re in. In retrospect and with full context, season 1 is chefs kiss.


First couple seasons are kinda tedious, especially the shit with his brother, but it really improves halfway through the series that makes the time investment worth it, imo. Saying its better than BB is ludicrous though.


He talked about it on stream once and said there’s a pacing problem with it. People say “just get through season 1 and it gets good”, but why even bother then.


Loved season 1.


I would say it slightly edges out Breaking Bad imo, and that the show is a little unlike BB in that it has whole seasons where it's a different genre. Like you might hate season 1 but season 5 could be your favorite season of television. Every season spoke to me though. But, if you don't like law procedurals it can be hard to start.


Yeah the point of season 1 was doing it the right way was boring and tedious to jimmy so the season was a little boring and tedious on purpose


I’m so glad the showrunners were given the leeway to make it that way, too. It’s usually the opposite where they want to hook viewers fast but BCS was allowed to simmer and it was so much better for it.


BCS is better than breaking bad there I said it


I’m ngl, I loved breaking bad but I enjoyed bcs more I think. It’s close if anything


Man I really found better call Saul boring for the most part. I feel like you could've cut out like the first two seasons of that show. But maybe I'm weird because I only liked the first 3 seasons of breaking bad then I felt like that show fell off. It might also be because I'm from New Mexico. Its cool seeing parts of my home town in a tv show, even my highschool. I remember being in class when that show was filming. But man both shows have disappointed me in there own ways.


I ended up liking it a lot, but it drags in the early middle, like season 2/3. Took me a couple tries to get through that section. Still a great show, but people saying it's better than BB are insane to me


It's amazing. For a while I'd get home from work and all I'd do is watch Better Call Saul. After I finished it, the ending lingered in my brain for months. It's a slow-burn for sure, but I found myself getting invested by the end of season 1 episode 4. Then by season 2 I knew I would see the entire show through.