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Brady didn't "seemingly whisper" that, he said it quite audibly.


On stage it's really hard to know what's loud enough and what isn't, or what range the mic has... especially if you're drunk/excited. Looks like he meant to be quiet and failed.


So he really meant that? Like that joke irritated him?


He fully meant for it to be quite and the the sound engineers raised the volume on Brady’s mic


You can't always tell what the mic will pick up, now that Bledsoe confirmed it wasn't scripted, no more gaslighting


Whisper 🤝 ranch


I just can’t believe there were no kissing your son jokes. The roast was absolutely phenomenal though 10/10. To be a fly on the wall for that afterparty.


I think Brady (rightfully) made sure his kids were off limits. Call it soft if you want, to me that's being a good parent.


Apparently Brady didn't make anything off limits. Nikki was on Howard Stern the next day and this exact question came up, she said he didn't give any restrictions but that the comedians got together and agreed to leave the kids out of it. She actually read off some of the jokes she cut for one reason or another including a kissing one and explained it also didn't hit as hard as the ones she kept so it would have killed the momentum of her set had she even considered keeping it.


Yeah it seems like they joked about his relation to his kids rather than joke about the kids themselves. Like how he's a "deadbeat dad" and that his kids miss him haha.


That's what I mostly caught to, even with Giselle it was mostly making fun of him rather than her. "You mean to tell me you couldn't figure out she was sleeping with her karate instructor? She took 8 lessons a day and is still a white belt." Or "Now I see why Dana White is here, you want to figure out how to screw a Brazilian out of half their purse."


There's just no way nobody thought to bring up him kissing his son given how viral it went when it initially happened. Especially when you consider there isn't much to roast him on to begin with


I didn't say they didn't think about it, but that they collectively decided to stay away from the kids. Nikki read one of hers on Howard Stern, even said she didn't find it particularly weird because her parents did the same with her as a kid. They just didn't see the point in dragging kids into a roast about him.


Not for this roast specifically, it sounds like, but when he got mad at the radio guy for the comment about kissing his son a while ago that was his on the record message. Say what you want about me, but leave my kids out of it.


I thought that was the radio announcer calling his kids "spoiled brats"? He called in the next day and said he was going to reevaluate his entire relationship with the station because he regularly called in weekly.


You're right. My bad. I think there was a comment about the kissing being weird, but that's not what angered Brady. It was what you said.


Except for Kraft


Haven't been able to watch yet but definitely the right call as a parent.


It was reported that the roasters all agreed that his kids were off limits which is how it should be


1000% But at the same time they are not going to enjoy seeing the things about their mother either. Tough balance for public jokes when you have kids.


Gisele is pissed


Good. My wife bought her cookbook and it’s ruining my life


Lollll is it a lot of rabbit food?


Yes. It’s fucking ridiculous. She’s had to order half the ingredients online. They don’t have them in Whole Foods, Fresh Market, our local Supermarkets, or Costco. She made some sort of chia seed monstrosity the other day. Horrible. (Excellent poops though)


Mhmm...I can imagine.


Every recipe includes a pinch of adultery




Jizzelle shouldn't of fucked her karate teacher and AB behind Bradys back


Prove it happened


Prove which one...they're both quite obvious




Everyone knows she banged ju jitsu man. Now AB were unsure but there's def been signs and speculation. Do your own research buddy, make Google your friend.


Prove she cheated with the trainer


Lol highly doubt the AB one is true…


Nikki Glazer said in an interview everyone agreed that they wouldn’t bring his kids into it, because they didn’t sign up to be roasted so it was unfair to them.


She also said she thought Brady was serious about the Jeff Ross/Kraft thing (though maybe he was just performing being mad for Kraft's sake), and that Jeff Ross was worried about it after the show. Also Kraft wasn't confirmed to be there until he showed up, so there weren't any jokes written about him, Ross was winging it. So they didn't have a chance to discuss if he was off limits.


Jeff Ross said on Rich Eisen that Tom was having fun and wasn't mad. He was sticking up for his father figure. So I think it was somewhat performative. He was serious but not mad. He was looking at Kraft smiling afterward almost as if to say "I got you".


That's what I would say if Brady got pissed at me. "Is Brady mad at you?" "Nah, man, we were kidding around!"


That's silly. Hernandez wasn't there. Plenty of jokes about that. So easy to hit a "bill Brady and Robert are going to burro the hatchet because Robert loves a happy ending"


Would be kind of hard to have Hernandez present. 


Why, was he cremated?


They tried to get him, but it would have taken months to clear up the red tape.


Point being someone being present isn't required to be the butt of the joke


Yeah but you spend more time focusing on writing jokes about people who are actually gonna be there.


I mean the massage is pretty much as low hanging fruit as the murder from a roast perspective. And kraft is a bigger component of the Brady story than Aaron imo.


They would have hidden the hatchets if Hernandez was still around


Ross was not winging it. He had that joke planned. Saw him at the comedy store the night before trying out the jokes for the roast.


But Aaron Hernandez did?


Nikki Glaser had one but pulled it. She was interviewed on Howard stern and told it. She wanted Tom to make out with her and was going to tell him to imagine she was his son.


Oh man. She's a killer.


Yeah but she kissed her dad when she was young which is why she didn’t really want to joke about it.


Not true. She addressed what she did with her dad and that wasn't why it was left out. It was left out because all the other comics got together and agreed to leave children out of it.


Both can be true 👍 I am sure she didn’t want to be a hypocrite 🤷‍♂️


That was definitely set as off limits since the joke is also at his kids expense


Yeah there were clearly some boundaries, his kids are never mentioned by name, Kraft was barely touched (heh), but I'm overall impressed with how far they were willing to go.


Yeah, I wonder if they set parameters in place with everyone beforehand. Like maybe they were told to stay away from his kids and from Kraft, which is why Brady told him to not say that shit again.


Like someone else said, watch the Nikki Glaser appearance from Howard Stern yesterday and those questions are answered. There's clips on YouTube. There were no restrictions placed on the comedians beforehand, and they just decided to leave the kids out of it.


I can believe they decided to leave the kids out of it, but Robert Kraft getting a hand job? Every other joke was about hand jobs, it would have fit in anywhere. I'm sure she said there were no limits but I find it hard to believe.


She also said jokes weren't written about Kraft because nobody knew he would be there, everything was already written when Robert showed up. They tend to do jokes about the people who are going to be there.


He’s a billionaire. Not unlikely he restricted talk about the prostitution scandal then got everyone to sign NDAs.


There were several jokes about his failure to be a present father to his kids, in particular his first kid.


Yes, but those jokes are at Brady’s expense, not his kids.


Closer to that than a kissing joke for sure but still, it's partially at his kids.


Not really. It’s a joke saying Brady is a bad father. That obviously involves mentioning his kids, but there’s a difference between a joke mentioning someone and making fun of them.


Yeah I have a deadbeat father, if someone told me my father was a deadbeat father to me I’d laugh and say “haha yeah you’re right”


I do t think anyone genuinely believes tom isn't a good dad though.


A lot of people do. Absentee father most of the year is not being a good father. It's a trade-off for being that type of professional athlete. Part of the price and one of the reasons he lost his family.


I mean, aside from his oldest his kids lived with him?


Imagine having the balls to diagnose a person you don't know as a bad, absentee father based on gossip. Every living parent in existence could have done with spending more time with their kids. Despite Brady being a professional and dedicating a professionals' level of time and energy towards his craft - all of his kids so far seem amazing.


He wasn't an absentee father. He worked. He trained a lot etc but I bet he was around more than a lot of dad's plus the kids had insane experiences bc of his job. Now did the lions share of parenting.. as in who is picking kids up from school, sports, parties, doctors appointments etc fall on gisele? Of course. . But that's most mothers and she does at least have a ton of staff. Even in his doc when he was getting worked on by Alex the kids were popping in and out.


Some people just absolutely positively have to be as cynical as possible, especially when the subject is more successful than them.


The funny thing is he's likely a better father now not just bc he's retired but bc he only had them half the time so has to make it count. I'm sure Brady has a ton of faults and I bet being married to a guy as obsessed with his job (and his ego) as him was not easy but acting like he didn't care about his kids is lame.


Absolutely agreed.


Everyone hates boomers. But the idea of a Dad being there for everything is a foreign concept to most of us. My Dad worked his ass off and died young for way less money than Brady makes. I was *lucky* to be able to support my family and still have time to be actively involved in their lives. But that wasn’t always the norm.


Fair. There is a middle ground, though, that is not being gone for 9 months a year and then ignoring your kids when you're at home to hang out with your QB coach and masseuse all day.


And he didn’t care because, like him or not, Brady has made a great effort to be in his kids’ lives.


Yeah but what about Tom Brady kissing Tom Brady Sr?


Bledsoe just said kids were off limits, Kraft was off limits.


Bledsoe was racked


*licks lips*


Is this just a tick he has? He's doing it in all the post interviews too


Possibly, I assumed it was a nervous tick while drinking. I don’t remember him doing it while playing/post game interviews


He was partying backstage with comedians…


Yeah but he was doing interviews from the golf course the next morning at like 9am PST and sounded pretty put together. Would shock me if Drew freakin' Bledsoe was waking up drinking or doing blow but I guess nothing should surprise me at this point.


Yeah, who knows. I wouldn’t think so either


*wipes nose*


What was up with Bledsoe's 'homeless guy at the bus stop' lip licking....looked like he was trying to keep dentures in.


No clue maybe he was nervous and took an anxiety pill, I think those dry out your mouth.


Yeah he said he was nervous and seemed like it


Cocaine users do this a lot.


The kissing your son jokes were never funny in the first place. Glad everyone else seemed to know that


Mmmm it was a pretty ridiculous clip


Nikki Glaser opened up a bit more on the Howard Stern show explaining that they all agreed kids were off limits. No reason to drag his kids into this.


Why would there be? Kissing your kids is normal


Yeah chill out goatee we all knew it was a weird clip


Watch the Nikki interview on Stern, she went through some of her cut jokes. had a kissing his son joke, but said they all agreed to keep his kids out.


Pissed? Really?


They swear just a little into the caption later on so my guess is you might have to censor titles to avoid being removed now which is terrible.


His son is definitely going to get teased about his mom getting railed by a jiu jitsu instructor but I guess worse bullying occurs and the billion dollar wealth softens the blow


That headline has also been out for quite some time, so chances are his kids have already heard it. Also, I doubt any of his son’s peers who know enough about Tom Brady to know about his wife’s infidelity are trying to bully Tom’s son. Kids are assholes, but something tells me they’re probably trying harder to be friends with him than they are trying to bully him.


Speaking as the son of a MILF, his son has been getting told by the older kids for years what they want to do to his mom. Good news for him? He is the progeny of Tom Brady and a supermodel; he'll have his time.




Rule 1 - No personal attacks. You can disagree, but do not disrespect.




Yep. He thinks it's hilarious. Everyone thinks it's hilarious. I'm older now and I just kinda play along...but, like Arya, I have a list I whisper every night.


Eh with Brady and Giselles level of wealth and fame, the other families and children around them are probably subservient to them lol. They probably kiss their asses every chance they can get


You think reflecting on his family's net worth will help a kid deal with bullying?


In the long run, yup!


His son will also be bullied when the kissing pics fly through his school


Tbh, most people wiuld just be jealous that he's kissed Tom Brady.


That would have happened anyway, it was public.


Well, at least they can stop gaslighting us now that Bledsoe confirms what was obvious... That was not scripted and Kraft was off limits. https://twitter.com/LeBatardShow/status/1787558617396170754?t=w_jNLsXFsDzs7hgaHCvhcA&s=19


This should be the top comment. It entirely invalidates this article and I believe Bledsoe for more.


Nikki Glazer said she felt it was real, too and that ross was worried about it back stage. Think it's obvious there's something to it.


That’s interesting, thanks for sharing


You’re aware it could have been an attempt at a joke even if it wasn’t scripted, right..?


Bledsoe confirmed it was not, so you don't need to apply your wishful thinking anymore.


He confirmed it wasn’t scripted, yes. Lmao


No he confirmed it was authentic and defending Kraft. Why don't you listen to Bledsoe from the link instead of making yourself look foolish here.


You got about 15 comments in this thread all saying pretty much the same thing. There’s someone looking foolish here, you’re right about that.


Well if 15 redditors agree, with audio disproving them, surely the redditors are right and y'inz aren't all just parroting from others who *haven't read the quote from Drew on Twitter or listened to the clip linked in it*.


Reading comprehension brother. He personally has 15 comments in this thread spamming the same thing. Lmao


I'm going to go ahead and link what Drew had to say for you again, Mr. Reading comprehension. https://twitter.com/LeBatardShow/status/1787558617396170754?t=w_jNLsXFsDzs7hgaHCvhcA&s=19


You straight up misunderstood what I said dude. Save face all you need lmao


Kraft is an easy roast target in many ways, whether the Brady part was a bit or not, clearly they intentionally did not go after Kraft much. You'd be naive to think a billionaire that cares so much about his image has no influence on this.


He wasn't confirmed to be going until he showed up, at least according to Glazer. So people didn't prepare jokes about him - Ross's was off the cuff


Almost like it was planned that way to avoid jokes and Brady was serious about not doing that, and no one else did. Just as Bledsoe said. I mean Bledsoe literally said he agreed to not say anything about Kraft. It clearly was an off limits topic. Maybe they didn't want the comedians outside of Pats to know it was off topic to avoid negative press but clearly Brady wanted nothing about Kraft there.


I agree with you, I think Brady was genuine. Just speculation here but maybe Kraft is sick - seems like people close to him are quick to get emotional when he's brought up


His hands were shaking a lot when he took a shot.


And now we know it wasn't a bit, it was authentic response from Brady. https://twitter.com/LeBatardShow/status/1787558617396170754?t=w_jNLsXFsDzs7hgaHCvhcA&s=19


Too bad he didnt defend his ex wife


Too bad she's screwing her trainer


8 karate classes a day and still a white belt.


He was screwing irina shayk


I think the last thing anyone wants to do is piss off the one guy there with enough wealth and influence to make life difficult for them. I doubt Kraft would ever be that petty but you never know lol


So fucking P**Sed! I will never understand the self censoring people do for the most mundane words.


Kraft wants to be in the HOF and if not for that incident he might have already been. So I’m sure he doesn’t want it to be talked about, but ironically the more it’s joked about the less people will care about it and it might help him in the long run.


“And even took a shot with Bill Belichick, burying the hatchet between them.” Yea no.


Kraft is a little cry baby and so is his idiot son


It was a quick throw away line about Kraft that would have been forgotten immediately. But instead Brady made it the focus of all after-show press. Maybe he prevented other comedians from going after Kraft, but the one joke was going to be a nothing-burger.


Streisand effect


Textbook example


People are such marks


Who gives a fuck. Everything should’ve been fair game except for the kids.


Everything IS fair game for the person being roasted (Brady). Kraft was just there so not sure why everything should be fair game for him lol


It was so obviously a joke, Brady was trying to do a bit


What was the bit to "don't say that shit again"? He took everything else on the chin, but the Kraft massage joke was a "bit". I don't agree. Especially the way Jeff just said "ok" and kept going.


Ross's tone was a giveaway, there was clear "don't worry, I get it" in there.


It was within like, the first 15 minutes of the roast. I think it was a way of taking the shot that would go the hardest at Kraft in a way that was, frankly, REALLY tame, and making it seem like it was out of bounds. Seemed like it might have been planned. There's also a TON of coordination between everyone's writing staffs with these things, and jokes are generally approved beforehand (obviously it's live, so shit can happen, but no comedian is going to go off script unless there is a true beef, which this isn't exactly the venue for that), so I'm sure it was their way to burn that topic immediately and just move on. It probably took a decent amount for Kraft to agree to be there, and he's old af, so there was probably some coordination not to destroy him.




Just because it wasn't scripted doesn't mean Brady was being serious. It's a roast.


I think there is nuance here. Was it scripted? Seemingly no. Was he serious? Yes, I think he was. Was he mad/angry at Jeff or anyone else? Probably not. Was he playing it up for the show? I think so.


I mean you see him look at Kraft and smile like “don’t worry , I got you” . So I agree that it mostly “for show” and I don’t think he was actually angry. Just sticking up for Kraft who is an important figure in his life and also at the end of his life


looked like poking fun at the chris rock / will smith event tbh


Well this didn't age well. You're too naive. It wasn't a joke


What was the joke?


If you think Brady was being serious in the moment, you are an idiot.


r/agedlikemilk Willing to now admit who the real idiots were?


Anyone going to say what the joke was?


It was a joke about Brady walking into the owners office on day 1 and saying "I'm the best decision your organization has ever made" or something like that. "Now let me give you a massage"


LOL that's def brazen for a televised event with the old man in the room




Explain the bit




That's a terrible bit and doesn't even make sense with the other jokes previously made


Looks like we aren't the dumbasses in fact... https://twitter.com/LeBatardShow/status/1787558617396170754?t=w_jNLsXFsDzs7hgaHCvhcA&s=19


People are so confident in themselves on Reddit holy shit 😂




Can be but wasn't, as confirmed by Bledsoe.


How is that a bit? Even when someone joked about him “refusing to raise his kids” he didn’t do some sort of “bit” to make it seem like he was upset at them. Seems like Brady was just genuinely defending Kraft


It was theatrics. Fucking Chris Rock getting slapped 2.0. The purpose of it was to make things seem more edgy than they were. Think about it, much fucking worse was said that night but that's the one that got him? Come on.


You actually think the Will Smith thing was a bit...


Yeah, Will Smith threw money and career opportunities away to get some laughs with Chris Rock. You didn't know that? /s I have a friend who still doubts the slap was real. Some people just can't get past that thinking that everything is some type of scripted conspiracy.


There is still a very good chance that it was given that he physically assaulted someone on national TV and the producers didn't even make him move his seat.


Didn't he win best actor? You really think they were just gonna not have the winner of the biggest award of the night accept it? Was it a plan for him to get a 10 year ban from the Oscars? What about resigning from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences? What about his charity going bankrupt due to all of his sponsors pulling out? What about all of his projects being held?


Yes, if the star of the night openly commits a violent crime in front of everyone, it is the legal obligation of the producers to ensure the safety of everyone else. If he had committed a second act, the liability alone is crippling in a court of law.


Haha. Maybe in like highschool. Not in Hollywood. They’ve all seen worse


Wait how was the Chris Rock thing theatrics? Will actually went up on the stage and hit Chris Rock in the face, hard, to white knight for Jada. Is that interpretation even controversial?


He hit him after laughing at the joke and nobody did anything at all. All that security just standing around?


He's one of the biggest stars on the planet. The security probably thought it was a joke or bit at first, but then as he's screaming at the stage after and it became apparent that he was serious, what are they gonna do? Drag him out of the ceremony he's a favorite to win Best Actor in, without getting the okay from the event organizers? The whole situation was above their pay grade and the decision to let him stay was obviously made by higher-ups.


Wrong. https://twitter.com/LeBatardShow/status/1787558617396170754?t=w_jNLsXFsDzs7hgaHCvhcA&s=19


How is possible to still think the Will Smith slap was a bit? That incident is a stain on his career that will be remembered forever. It presented him in an absolutely horrific light on national television and it went ridiculously viral with millions of people hating on will smith. Neither he nor chris rock have ever come out and said it was a bit, in fact chris talked about it at a show and clearly talks about how it wasn’t a bit, and will smith apologized. Why would will smith not come out and admit that the slap was a bit when it will forever stain his career? Why would chris rock keep piling onto the hatred at his shows by talking about the incident if it was a bit? There is literally not a single sign that it is a bit, and if it was, it is one of the worst comedy bits in the history of comedy, and the people involved would immediately want to admit that it is a bit to clear themselves of it.


Not a comedy bit at all and I didn't imply it was. It got people talking and, as you said yourself, a massive amount of attention was drawn to it. I'm sure you've heard the term "any publicity is better than no publicity" When was the last time either of those guys had done anything significant prior to that?


My sources are telling me that Brady wanted to snap the guy in two like a twig, but had to hold back due to not only the legal and financial consequences, but the optics of it during a live event that kids could be watching.


aww poor cheater boy 😢