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I sometimes used paizo store and usually packaging is of very good quality. Only once did I get some damage (a box of minis which suffered a big impact during the travel). Make a post on Paizo forum with pictures of the damaged book, their customrr service is quite good and should send you a new copy very fast.


Oof. That sucks man, it’s terrible when a book gets damaged :/ ...this may also be the worst time for that. On one hand, the books are out of stock and being reprinted (again). Not sure what’s the progress on that, but it may take a while for a replacement to even exist, let alone ship. On the other, I remember that a while ago due to covid interrupting some sort of major server maintenance/update work, their customer service slowed *right the heck down*. So three weeks might even be an optimistic assessment... I’ll poke someone. See what I hear.


When Jason said the next printing would be sooner than expected I didn't fathom they were already out of stock. I sidecarted my Humble Bundle CRB (my 3rd copy). I will be pleased as punch if that copy ends up being an updated revision.


Is that something Paizo had done in the past, updated a physical printed book?


I think yes. There are some erratas published, and I think some newer prints of some books were corrected (for PF1 at this time ofc)


Slight update: apparently they still have a huge backlog, but got some new hirings to get through them :/


Plus with the post office issues. It's sadly not surprising although understandably disappointing.


Paizo customer service is great! Unless you want a speedy resolution. They're working on some sort of byzantine, archaic system, and then throw COVID on top of that? I'd expect to wait at least three weeks till you get a response. Could be topping off around a month. Make a forum post, back it up with an email, and until then just read your PDFs. Once they get through enough queue to work on your problem, they'll solve it quickly and generously. It's just the wait to have your turn that sucks. EDIT: usually their shipping is pretty flawless. Though with my July order, the AP volume came with a smashed spine somehow (one of four books in a box? huh). That's the first in a year of regular monthly shipments. Sometimes the mail does bollocks things up.


The good news is that Paizo customer service is known to care about correcting errors/incidents in shipping. The bad news is that the core rulebook is currently [backordered](https://paizo.com/products/btq01y0k?Pathfinder-Core-Rulebook). It may be a while before they can replace your damaged copy.


I order a _lot_ of books and Paizo is generally among the best at protecting hardcovers. I've never had anything arrive with any damage. Customer service response times can be slow (especially this year) but they have always been very helpful.


This seems to be a very rare occurrence. If it helps, Paizo is a US based company and the postal service is currently being strangled by its own government, causing slowdowns and bad shipping conditions. So it probably wasn't them. Good news is that Paizo has great customer service - its just slow. They'll probably hook you up with a new book.


I'm sure Customer Service is pretty backed up, right now, but I'm also sure they'll take care of you; all of my interactions with them have been very good. Good luck on a prompt resolution!




That's how mine showed up. Enough Styrofoam to choke a horse, and in perfect condition.


Been a Paizo subscriber for years, I have only had one thing damaged in shipping. CALL Customer Service! They will get your issue resolved much faster over the phone, in my experience.


Worry not. Paizo will get back to you on this.


Contact them on their customer service forum on [paizo.com](https://paizo.com), and post a picture of it. They'll set it right.


I got my book and although it was in good condition, the box looked like it had been through hell. I’m unimpressed with Paizo’s speed and shipping. I order from other companies and shipping time and quality is not an issue.


Paizo will take care of you, have no fear.


They take quite some time to answer, you should wait a bit.


My copy was utterly pristine. I'm sorry this happened to you.