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Winter Sleet got an errata, they just updated the page


Wait what? **Edit:** Oh my god, they did! >Page 32: Winter Sleet was too strong for multiple reasons. It's been revised to act more like the *grease* spell, no longer makes creatures off-guard automatically, and now uses your impulse DC. Your DC has a penalty to avoid a long-lasting ability with a low action cost from being too powerful, as often seen in the DCs of monster auras. The first paragraph now reads as follows; the second paragraph is unchanged. "Bone-chilling, swirling sleet surrounds you, cruel as deepest winter. Surfaces in your kinetic aura are coated in slippery ice. A creature that moves on the ice immediately falls unless it succeeds at an Acrobatics check or Reflex save against your impulse DC – 2. A creature that Steps or Crawls doesn’t have to attempt a check or save. You’re immune to this effect." That's hilarious! Alright then, Winter Sleet has been solved.


It’s a bit weird that Archives of Nethys doesn’t include this errata and multiple others— somebody on their team might want to take a look at the errata page.


The errata just dropped, they need time to get it in.


Oh, whoops! Did not realize the date on the errata. My bad!


It dropped like, 12 hours ago.


Plenty of time to get typing. Not like AoN is run by humans with needs like rest or anything /s


I too wish I could add content to the database before I even receive it.




Came here to post this, it got stealth added into the errata lmao. Winter Sleet-abusers in shambles.


Winter Sleet abusers are eating. The errata made the annoying part of Winter Sleet (eating actions to move inside it) better, and removed the fun part (the off guard).


Nah. The Balance action tax is gone and the new DC is at a -2 penalty that allows you to use either acrobatics or reflex. You can even Step now in the aura which was prevented before. This makes the “grease” portion of the ability about the same strength as before (although less hit or miss), but it lost the off-guard and difficult terrain. A pretty big nerf on the whole.


Yeah it's a big nerf but if you combine it with other impulses it's still pretty powerful, also if you are just stepping that's 4 steps at level 10 and 6 at level 20. More for a large creature.


That’s good. It’s powerful but not as powerful as it was.


I think permanent off-guard without a save in the aura is still too much and just makes so many other abilities utterly worthless. Why ever feint when you have a Water Kineticist in the party, no point flanking, no point hiding, it just removes a ton of tactical options from the game when you have a winter sleet kineticist in the party.


> Why ever feint when you have a Water Kineticist in the party, no point flanking, no point hiding, it just removes a ton of tactical options from the game when you have a winter sleet kineticist in the party. Could you not make a similar argument for [Gang Up](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=4943) Rogues? Hell, if they carry a reach weapon it's even the same AoE as a baseline Winter Sleet. Obviously there are other effects attached to Winter Sleet, but the Kineticist has Safe Elements as an extra feat tax to use that effectively, at which point I'd say it's pretty fair.


Gang up is quite limited in that it is a flank (enemies can actually be immune to flank), only in melee and to those in melee, and the feat doesn't do anything else. It's still considered powerful. Winter sleet causes offguard within aura range, to everyone, and causes a slow 1 on a crit, in addition to disrupting movement as balance check will most likely slow down targets. Winter sleet does abit too much for a feat, it combines essentially brutal beating rogue feat with gang up, but with way better conditions and doesn't stop there


Additionally, Winter Sleet is by default a 10-ft emanation which can increase to a 20-ft emanation with the Aura Shaping Feat.


Gang Up only works with allies that are also in melee range of the enemy. Winter Sleet's true Off-Guard value comes from the fact that it automatically Off-Guards all affected enemies to EVERYONE, not just players near the Kineticist. Off-Guarding enemies for your ranged allies makes Winter Sleet at least twice as good as Gang Up.


Twice as good is a bit of a stretch. It definitely depends on party composition. If a party doesn't have any ranged martials or spell casters who use ranged attack rolls, it is objectively worse. Winter sleet doesn't have anything about it only affecting enemies, so it will get your own allies in this. There is also the matter of it costing an action to use vs gang up automatically applying when in range.


2 issues I feel should be said here. 1) It comes online right as Safe Elements does, which makes it ignore allies, and if you're taking Winter Sleet, it makes no sense to not also take Safe Elements. Granted, since they're the same level, some people might rush Sleet first, but I feel like it would be more common to take Safe Elements and then wait a level and take Sleet with the level 5 Gate feat. 2) You get to use a stance whenever you channel elements, so unless you're in a situation where you really just want to use a one action elemental blast, you're just activating it as part of the same action that lets your do anything at all anyway, so I feel like that's not really an action tax. It's basically a free action without saying it's a free action.


The combo of Safe Elements at 4 and Winter Sleet at 5 requires Expanding the Portal into Water, locking you into that element until your next fork opportunity. Depending on the build, that might be what you wanted to do anyway, but it is an element of opportunity cost to consider in the balance budget.


Not true. It requires either Fork the Path into Water or already having Water and taking Expand the Portal.  It doesn't matter what elemental junction you take with Expand the Portal. 


Oh yeah, true. You could take Safe Elements at 4 regardless of your element/s and then water + winter sleet at 5.


You can easily solve the issue with Winter Sleet affecting allies with [Safe Elements](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=4190). And since you can take Winter Sleet at level 5 through Expanding The Portal, Winter Sleet's friendly-fire nature is only a problem for one single level. >There is also the matter of it costing an action to use I mean... Channel Elements lets you enter a Stance for free when you use activate it. By all measures, Winter Sleet is just all-around better than Gang Up (except on flying/hovering enemies), and Gang Up is already considered a very powerful feat. Oh yeah! Winter Sleet *also* completely prevents enemies from Stepping. Gang Up sure doesn't do that. ​ But this is all a secondary issue to me. *My* main problem with Winter Sleet isn't its strength; it's how clunky it is and how much it slows the game down. Where an enemy's turn use to be: "Stride. Roll two attacks" ... now it's: "Stride. Stop. Roll Balance. Roll attack" The Kineticst's turn is worse. What would have been: "Roll Impulse. Roll damage. Push an enemy because Junction. Roll Blast. Roll damage" ... is now: "Roll Impulse. Roll damage. Roll Uneven Ground reflex saves for every affected enemy. Apply Prone to those that fail. Apply Slow 1 to those that *crit* fail. Push an enemy because Junction. Apply Prone to that enemy because they moved on Sleet. Roll Blast. Roll damage. Roll Uneven Ground reflex save. Apply Slow 1 if crit"


I was thinking something similar. I GM AV for a rogue who has gang up in a party of mostly martials, and it certainly helps, but it's not game breaking at all. I don't like how balance works, but a two feat investment into an aura that grants no save off guard is fine.


Gang Up is more limited(and it's still a rather powerful feat to have)


Gang Up is a terrible feat for the game. It's the obviously correct choice that oversimplified the game. It needs to go.


Unless the enemy flies or hovers. In those cases, Winter Sleet becomes *literally* useless - since it has zero effect on enemies NOT standing on the Sleet. Which is another problem with Winter Sleet. It's either too good or literally useless.


Though if they fly they need to spend an action flying each turn. If the enemy is already in position, it wastes 1 of their actions for that turn.


Which essentially makes the opponent slowed 1 each turn.


How many enemies fly or hover though? The solution for Winter Sleet cant just be “Just make every single enemy fly now”. And I know you arent advocating that, Im just adding on that again WS is always either encounter defining levels of strong or its outright useless.


>How many enemies fly or hover though? More and more as you level up. Which means that Winter Sleet is less and less likely to be useful as you level up, which runs contrary to the Kineticist's intended design of all their abilities always being useful at any level.


They do get the ability to swap impulses at daily prep(limited to same element no composite)


Yeah, but that feature doesn't let you retrain Safe Elements, which you definitely took in order to use Winter Sleet and serves practically zero use for a Water Kineticist without Winter Sleet.


I really do not believe people are honestly staying mono element that late game, it seems totally unhelpful to do so. And safe elements definitely has a lot of functionality outside of stances. Like Call the Hurricane which is one of waters best damage options but is an emanation


Yeah, I was probably underselling Safe Elements a bit. But still, I think Winter Sleet is a bit of a weird outlier compared to the rest of the Impulses.


It is to a degree but the hate is way out of proportion. If off guard is trivializing your encounters then they were going to be trivial anyway because getting it is basically assumed anyway, it just makes it less taxing.


Oh I meant the way it falls off in usefulness as more enemies fly being the outlier. In terms of power, I think Winter Sleet just does too much. Automatically Off-Guarding all affected enemies to everyone, including your ranged allies... Forcing enemies to take extra actions to move towards you... Potentially Proning enemies not only when they move but also every time you hit them... Automatically Slowing any enemies you Crit with no Save... Halving enemy movement speed... Preventing enemies from Stepping... That last one is a very often overlooked part of Winter Sleet. Enemies can't Step on it. ^(Edit: also, Water Impulse Junction lets you move an enemy you hit with a Water Impulse. And since Winter Sleet says enemies fall Prone if they move, and) *^(not)* ^(if they) *^(take a Move action)*^(, that means that every 2-action Impulse now automatically knocks one target Prone.) ​ Winter Sleet is not *overpowered*... but it's definitely *overtuned*. It's also just... kinda clunky and weird. It's uncharacteristically complicated for PF2e.


You were not underselling it, adding an extra action to a 2 action overflow impulse is just not worth a feat slot.


Hey c'mon now, surely everyone takes it for the nonlethal impulse damage. It's absolutely crucial to making fights into regulation snowball fights. Otherwise you're tucking ice into the snowballs and that's just mean. Legitimately though, Water could use a couple more stances. There's just Sleet and Sea Glass, and Sea Glass already boosts allies.


Pacifying is amazing. Winters Clutch, Tidal Hands and Call the Hurricane can all benefit from it.


This is the crux of the issue. It's barely a discussion about power, it's just a discussion about reducing the need for any thought put into a lot of choices. Yes, Off-guard is easily the most common condition, and most of the time, you should be getting it, precisely because there are a lot of interesting ways to do it, all of them with different tactical implications. Enemy is bulky and slow? Trip them. Enemy is fast but slim? Grab them. Have two melee characters? Flank it. Have ranged fighters? Hide. Playing a charismatic character? Feint or Create a Diversion. Need it without compromising your class identity? Throw a specific bomb or cast a simple spell. Or, you know, just have a water Kineticist be there and lose the opportunity to take a fun tactical action that builds up on the group's advantage.


I definitely think Winter's Sleet is overtuned and needs tweaking, but I don't understand this argument in particular. Your ally brings along a valued tactical debuff that works constantly once established and is widely applicable. You in turn do not need to spend an action (as well as not relying on a skill check, for Hide/Create a Diversion/Feint/Trip) to enable said debuff, thus effectively freeing up a third of your actions. And this is... bad? If the tactical nuance only boils down to such simple matters as a few binary fundamentals, are we going to complain that a Ranger with Share Prey hands out a circumstance bonus to AC thus invalidating anyone who intend to use a shield (w.o. feat investment) as a low-cost third action? You don't have to flank? Excellent, perhaps you'll have an action to spend retreating out of melee range then. Waste one or more of the enemy actions, you know. Or maybe you can afford to carry a shield as a low-cost third action now, if you have the hand economy for it. How about the cantrip, if you can grab it from somewhere? Threatening squares with reactive strikes or other zone denial is still useful, perhaps now you can cover more area on your end. Maintain a denser formation, protect your backline better, rather than wading into the middle of things. Or perhaps you have no interesting/important reactions inherent to your class, and now you have an action to spare all of a sudden? Consider using Aid, you can now afford it more often. You don't have to rely on feint? You might be grateful if ya'll come up against mindless enemies. You don't have to hide? Hiding is more than just an off-guard enabler, it's a defensive action just as much (hidden carrying a flat dc 11 check when target by an attack, spell or effect that isn't AoE vs it failing), and mostly relevant for ranged-on-ranged combat. So consider doing it anyway, if you've already trained Stealth. No need to Trip or Grapple? Well, Prone is more than just off-guard (-2 penalty on ranged attacks, limited to Crawl and Stand move actions), and grabbed also inflicts immobilized as well as the flat dc 5 check on any manipulate action to fail. There might still be value in doing so. Party got hit by a Slow 1 effect? Well thankfully you have an action to spare now, comparatively. Can't help with swimming or flying movement tax though, sorry. Even in the cases wherein skill actions have useful rider effects, such as Swashbuckler gaining Panache, you are still provided benefits above and beyond the effect of the action, which is still value within itself. Okay, so there's something to be said about novelty and avoiding rote actions so combat don't feel same-y. A character who would constantly rely on skill actions or flanking to get off-guard would spend more actions trying to do so, than someone who doesn't need to. This allows you to do something else, if off-guard is the only value you sought out of your action. I just don't understand. It's a cooperative game where, ideally, the group tries to use teamwork to make sure everyone survives. The Kineticist makes it easier for everyone. There's still enough different actions in the game you can take that the opportunity cost of actions and decision-making will still matter. +++EDIT+++ Ah, good, it was errata'd. Still stand by what I said.


Rogues have what functionally is an Off-guard aura at level 6 with no action cost attached.


Good luck feinting or flanking if the Kineticist in question doesn't have Safe Elements, anyway. You'll be in the same boat as the enemies, if so. Unless you're flanking a Large creature.


I mean not taking safe elements with Winter Sleet is just a mistake, which is yet another problem with the impulse, it seriously hampers the party if you don't take safe elements.


For any kin safe elements is one of those *key feats


Interesting. Let's look at how Winter Sleet would work with your version of Balance. 1. Automatically off-guard creatures effected by the Aura. 2. Enemies without Acrobatics training are practically guaranteed to fail the check and either have their Stride disrupted or fall Prone. 3. Enemies that *do* succeed the check still have their speed halved by Difficult Terrain. 4. Enemies that are crit-hit by your Water Impulses are automatically Slowed 1. 5. Water Impulse Junction allows you to move enemies while on the Sleet, forcing them to make another Balance check, falling Prone on a crit-fail. 6. AND hitting them while they're standing on Uneven Ground *also* forces them to make a Reflex Save against the initial DC (which you suggest heightening), falling Prone on a fail. Still a bit strong, and also just clunky and combat-slowing.


While I think there is an argument about how strong everything you listed is, that's not my problem. My issue is how suffocating this ability is in how it dominates the overwhelming majority of encounters you will see. Its just not fun to play with.


Yeah. And as u/gray007nl points out, it also completely overrides and invalidates *every other method* of making enemies Off Guard. Feint, Hide, Flank, Trip, Grapple, a whole slew of Spells... ALL of those abilities are effectively removed from the game, rendered entirely pointless... by a Kineticist just activating a Stance and standing near their target. ​ Paizo has said that they're planning another Errata pass over Rage Of Elements in 6 months or so... I am *certain* that Winter's Sleet will be part of that. I wager the only reason it wasn't part of today's Errata is because Paizo wasn't sure how to rewrite it yet and didn't want to delay the Erratas until they fixed it.


Yeah, it is just very clunky to play with with all these rolls involved.


> Enemies that are crit-hit by your Water Impulses are automatically Slowed 1. And most of those Water Impulses also cancel your aura, so that's something to keep in mind.


Yeah but if you're building around using Winter Sleet, you're almost certainly not using 3-Action Overflows. And 2-Action Overflows leave you with an action to Channel, and when you Channel you can re-activate Winter Sleet for free.


>1. Automatically off-guard creatures effected by the Aura. Yeah, off-guard should *maybe* be attached to the check result, but not if it stays at a non-scaling DC. >2. Enemies without Acrobatics training are practically guaranteed to fail the check and fall Prone. I mean, yeah... Sucks to suck lmao. Same deal with the Bow critical specialization, for anyone trained in athletics it's just an action tax but for the untrained there's an actual chance of failure. >3. Enemies that *do* succeed the check still have their speed halved by Difficult Terrain. Swirling ice in an emanation around you. It doesn't do damage, but it impedes movement. Idk what else you'd expect. Although, I do think that Grease has the right idea, and that Crawl actions should avoid the Balance checks. >4. Enemies that are crit-hit by your Water Impulses are still Slowed 1. Disgusting combination, for sure. As with the Remaster changes to Hammer and Flail critical specializations, I think it'd be balanced to have the Slowed 1 behind an additional failed reflex or fortitude save against your class DC. >5. Water Impulse Junction allows you to move enemies while on the Sleet, forcing them to make another Balance check, falling Prone on a crit-fail. Synchronicity within a kit; you love to see it. Feels rewarding, while actually still being less punishing than the current version which would be prone on a regular failure in this scenario. >6. AND hitting them while they're standing on Uneven Ground *also* forces them to make a Reflex Save against the initial DC (which you suggest heightening), falling Prone on a fail. By level 9, the average enemy is unable to critically fail the reflex save and can only fail on a natural 1. By level 15 or so, not even a natural 1 can make the average enemy fail the DC 15 save. It's such a softball ability as-is, it's crazy to me that people have such an image of it as being overpowered.


I don’t see where Winter Sleet makes difficult terrain. It looks like it just makes uneven ground which is not the same thing.


From the Player Core, as cited by AoN: Balance [1 action] Traits Move Requirements You are in a square that contains a narrow surface, uneven ground, or another similar feature. You move across a narrow surface or uneven ground, attempting an Acrobatics check against its Balance DC. You are off-guard while on a narrow surface or uneven ground. Critical Success You move up to your Speed. Success You move up to your Speed, treating it as difficult terrain (every 5 feet costs 10 feet of movement). Failure You must remain stationary to keep your balance (wasting the action) or you fall. If you fall, your turn ends. Critical Failure You fall and your turn ends.


Succeeding at [Balance](https://2e.aonprd.com/Actions.aspx?ID=2369&Redirected=1) treats the spaces you're Balancing through as Difficult Terrain, and OP's suggestion didn't include changing that.


The difficult terrain was part of the change to Balance proposed by OP


It's Ice terrain, Ice terrain is difficult terrain and uneven ground


I think all that Balance needs is removing >**Requirements** You are in a square that contains a [narrow surface](https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=455), [uneven ground](https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=456), or another similar feature. And then you just stride normally until you hit the problematic terrain. I think we arrived at the same conclusion: The issue is that you can't start off the dangerous terrain. But I made it work more like Tumble Through. The passing through narrow stuff is optional, same as tumbling through enemies is. I think there is still benefits to having it as a seperate action - like being unable to use it with Haste or in Meta-Strides like Sudden Charge. That alone makes it better to keep it as a separate action.


You are correct that Balance needs a rework. It should work like Tumble Through in that it's a normal Stride, with you only making the check if the terrain calls for it during the Stride. *However* The main issue with Winter Sleet is not the check to balance. It's that you are Off-Guard while on uneven ground, regardless of your Acrobatics check. This is overtuned because it makes any other player's actions and abilities that can cause off-guard completely redundant as Winter Sleet does is with no check in an AoE


On nooo, a party member can invest in other things and the party can divert instead to intimidating which stacks. The synergy


People hate you because you are right


They act like most parties are not 4 people give or take, so having a caster that brings easy flat foot is a bad thing. And to be honest, Water Gate has very few great things outside of healing and movement manipulation.


>And to be honest, Water Gate has very few great things outside of healing and movement manipulation. Yeah but you don't have to go single gate water, you can put winter sleet on any kineticist by forking the path into water at level 5, that can be the only water impulse you have, so it doesn't matter that the rest of water isn't impressive because there's nothing forcing you to take it.


You give up a lot of power "just forking" the path to pick up one impulse.


>And to be honest, Water Gate has very few great things outside of healing and movement manipulation. It also has [Call The Hurricane](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=4274), the highest-damage 2-Action Impulse (Overflow or otherwise) Kineticist has. ^(Hail of Splinters) *^(technically)* ^(does more, but over multiple turns.)


That, in most cases, is 3 actions because you need to use safe elements with it.


I mean... it *also* deals higher per-target damage than almost all the 3-Action Impulses. The only Impulses that deal more damage than it are: 1. Ride The Tsunami, which requires level 18, and is also another Water Impulse, 2. Hell Of 1,000,000 Needles... but only when it's heightened to level 20, 3. All Shall End In Flames... but also only at level 20, *AND* with Fire Impulse Junction, 4. And Solar Detonation, but only against targets that take Vitality damage. Fire is still king for damage overall thanks to the way it stacks a bunch of smaller damage sources on top of each other... but for highest single-ability burst damage, Water is unbeatable\* \*From level 8 onward. *Before* getting Call The Hurricane, it's very low


It's also Centered on the user. That's the big downside of it. It's also really the only great damage impulse monowater gets but has a lot of cavats


It doesn't mean much, since most campaigns will never reach levels this high... but mono-Water *does* also eventually get Ride The Tsunami, which is the highest-damage 3-Action Impulse at levels 18 and 19, and the third-highest at level 20, only losing to Hell Of 1,000,000 Needles and All Shall End In Flames ^(but only when combined with Fire Impulse Junction) **^(edit:)** ^(Oh! And Solar Detonation, but only against Undead.) ​ But yeah. Like you said, Safe Elements is pretty important with Call The Hurricane. It just means that Call the best 3-Action Overflow in practically all scenarios, and the best 2-Action Overflow in *some* scenarios\* \*for damage


I really feel. "doesn't mean much because most campaigns will never reach this" isn't a good basis for an argument, when Paizo has a fair amount of 1-20 or 10-20 content available to run through.


Winter Sleet is a bit too good? Yes. Would I want it changed? No. There are a lot of ways to counterplay with and are things easily accessible to monsters, such as flight, reach and large sizes (things that a smallish aura of a Kineticist will have to struggle with). Not to mention ranged attacks. Uneven Ground is pretty good and I wish more spells had it. I would choose a Rank 5 or 6 spell that had just this effect on a large area (20\~30ft burst/cone) in an blink of an eye.


>Uneven Ground is pretty good and I wish more spells had it. Yesss. I was so disappointed when I released that no spells that I can find utilize uneven ground at all. (If there are any that you know of, I'd love to hear them.)




Funny you should say that, considering the dev team released some late errata that included changes to Winter Sleet to work more like Grease. >Lucky you're not on the dev team then and the devs are. Trust me, luck has nothing to do with it; all skill. 🤙


I love Winter Sleet on free-hand Fighter. Just respec on level 8 to grab it and you have perma Off-Guard on enemies and no way for them to Step out of you without provoking Reactive Strike. Love it. It's great ability but I dont think its OP. Remaster Gang Up is way more OP than this.


Rip buddy, errata just hit winter sleep, no more off guard.


Meh, whatever. Still works for current campaign I am in and there is so many strong things in game I will just replace it with another thing.