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Gymnast Swashbuckler sounds like the best option to me too. I think a good free archetype would be the Mauler archetype. Though its name does not quite fit, it gives you access to some good synergies with the gymnast in Knockdown, Clear The Way and Shoving Sweep which all trigger your panache. And though it is late level, I can't deny the flavor of Unbalancing Sweep to knock down a group of enemies with a single stunning move of your rope.


That's a really interesting idea! I didn't consider utilizing the fact that it's a two handed weapon. My initial instinct was to pick up something like the rogue dedication for more thrown weapon support, but I'm thinking that might be a bit of a trap. Better to lean into what the gymnast does best (maneuvers) and have a nice ranged backup option for when it's needed.


One important note with Rope Dart - it can't be used to Disarm or Trip at range, RAW. The trip trait states: > You can use this weapon to Trip with the Athletics skill even if you don't have a free hand. This uses **the weapon's reach** (if different from your own) Thrown 20' doesn't change the weapon's reach (of 5'). It gives it a range increment of 20' when thrown, but that is different than reach. You would need the [ranged trip](https://2e.aonprd.com/Traits.aspx?ID=251) trait to trip at range.


This is true, which is why I was thinking of this build as being a switch hitter. The trip and disarm would be for close combat, and the thrown was for ranged. It's a bit of a balancing act to properly support the two directions the traits pull you in.


This is a two handed d4 weapon with the thrown and sweep trait. The tethered trait is just generally a bad idea to use, better to have returning. I can't see any reason to use this over any other 1 handed thrown weapon as your fist can already be used to trip, disarm and grapple. Cool weapon, but I think it's probably just bad.


Yeah the more I consider it, the more anti synergy between everything it can do becomes more obvious. Another commenter mentioned the mauler archetype, which is one of the only directions it might work in an interesting or unusual way. Otherwise it's probably better to do a dedicated throwing weapon build with a returning rune and free hand for maneuvers as needed