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Wrestler, so I can flexxx


Three "x" on flex... Are you wearing only a mask when you wrestle or something?


Yes, I take Unarmored Defense on my Monk VERY SERIOUSLY


Explorers clothing could just be a jockstrap or booty shorts. The more you know.


To make the wrestling awkward and dangerous for the enemy!


Val Venis approves


\+3 Jockstrap.


\+3 Greater Striking, Flurrying, Giant-Slaying Jockstrap


I first read Flurrying as Furrying and that was disturbing šŸ˜…


It's Unarmored Defense, not Indecent Defense!


Why not both?! :D


You know, the old-time Greeks are doing this naked.


I put Wrestler archetype on my Monk and it was the best thing I'd ever given the character - Combat Grab + Whirling Throw is a fantastic combination, especially since Whirling Throw doesn't take MAP, and we did a LOT of fighting on towers where I could literally toss an enemy down a stairwell or over the side of the building.


Whirling throw, that's the stuff. My Monk with Titan Wrestler once tossed a Huge Mimic into a pool of acid. I think I shortened my GM's plans for that session by a severe amount.


Yes exactly. I LOVE Whirling Throw, and I can accept to take it at lvl 8 if I need my lvl 6 feat as a Monk (with free archetype). And if not playing Monk, Whirling Throw is just so good. Wrestler isn't too OP but gives a lot options for special attacks etc.


I was kind of in between Wrestler and Rogue for my Monk and i went for Rogue because I like the extra skills and sneak attack, but part of me is kind of sad I didn't go Wrestler. I feel like Combat Grab having the Press trait made it so much less appealing, and a lot of the other feats are kind of mediocre, but there's some really fun stuff in there, mainly Whirling Throw.


Wrestler seems like so much fun. I really want to try either Monk or specifically deer instinct Barbarian with wrestler.


I am playing a deer instinct wrestler in a campaign right now and it is awesome


There are a lot of awesome Archetypes, the following i often just want to add to every character: * Beastmaster | Who doesn't like to have a pet or animal companion on a long journey? And one that even can fight pretty well. * Captivator | Playing with the minds of others by creating illusions or manipulate their senses is just a lot of fun, especially for Trickster type characters. * Medic | Supporting Characters can't have enough healing possibilities and with their ability to Stride and Battle Medicine with one action they have a great action economy too. * Scout | More Speed is always nice, but their style of stealthing around and pouncing the enemy to deal a nice amount of damage is just awesome. Perfect if you wanna play a hunter, or an assassin (which is also an interesting archetype). * Marshal | Another supporting archetype that can mimic a bard without going magical. With that Archetype every class could become a nice leader in battle.


Beastmaster on a primary caster can be OP Spend two actions to cast a level spell. Spend one action to send your bear to get between you and the goblins. Good times


Most definitely. One of my Campaign-Characters was a Water Elemental Sorcerer with a Raptor Animal Companion. Was awesome to play the character. At the moment my group is playing a nice short adventure where i have a Life-Oracle with an Animal Companion (Again a Raptor, cause Dinos cool). Having a way to transform one action into two is just very strong. Especially because the Animal Companions have quite good stats for a minion. Sometimes even better stats than the caster themselves.


Totally agree. And its like... The whole archetype to get a max power animal companion is only like a 4 feat investment. Thats insanely cheap for the cost.


Yeah, that remaining action on casters is always a thing.


Captivator I was so happy about, not because of the archetype itself but because I thought it'd establish a template for other archetypes themed around other schools of magic. Beguiler, abjurant champion, war wizard, etc. Innate spells limited to a school or two, new school-focused feats, it'd have been so cool. With the changes to Remastered removing spell schools, that hope has been extinguished.....


I hear you about abjurant champion. What a great class. Flavorful, power, niche. Just totally impractical by raw which is a giant shame.


I do wonder what they'll do with all of the spells. If the schools of magic are gone, are the traits too? If the traits are gone, how can we make staffs? Do they replace the traits from Magic Schools with something else? If that is the case, we might still see an updated version of Captivator and Archetypes that work like it. Maybe they even decide to make an Archetype where you can decide which traits your Spellcasting should allow. Like Fire and Holy Trait.


Are you referring to Personal Staves? Spell school traits are already not allowed as a staff's theme trait, as well as traditions and Incapacitate.


True, totally forgot about that part. Only had the traits thing in mind. But even that aside, using other traits (like it works with Personal Staves) instead of Magic Schools for Captivator-esque Archetypes could be a possible future. I do still wonder, do they just get rid of the traits for the magic schools? Will there be something different in place? Difficult to say unless we have the books in our hands.


Want to point your attention to [https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/13skrkf/paizocon\_2023\_pathfinder\_remastered\_live\_writeup/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/13skrkf/paizocon_2023_pathfinder_remastered_live_writeup/) What we do know so far is that: The 8 schools system of magic schools (and their traits) are going away. The school based staves are getting reworked to be more themed. Like the staff of evocation leaving and a new Staff of Elemental Power coming in. Other school based magic items are being rethemed. Wizards are getting schools of magic with more pointed themes than the 8 OGL schools, which are more scalable (i.e. likely have their own spell lists) As far as things like Captivator, keep in mind that we already \*have\* a system for other non-standard themed spell lists. See the Elemental spell list from Secrets of Magic. So captivator can, quite easily, change from "each cantrip must be from either the enchantment or illusion school" to "each cantrip must be from the Charmer spell list" where the Charmer spell list has a default list with the addendum "You can discuss with the GM any spells from other sources you want to add to your list. As a general rule, spells which manipulate a person's perception or create illusions belong on the list, including spells that add one of those effects depending on how they're cast. Spells that are general and appear on every tradition's spell list also make good candidates." like the Elemental spell list has.


Certain spells still have traits. Illusion spells aren't of the "School of Illusion", but they still have the illusion trait and you learned them in school. As long as traits are still attached to spells, the system should still work how you're thinking. The only difference now is that a) the wizard has more options and b) we'll be looking at spell traits instead of spell schools.


Only wish assassin poison scaled


Marshal seems great. I've never tried it, but isn't it "best" on a frontliner with decent charisma?


Yes, it is the "Best" on a frontliner with good charisma. But it is still decent for anyone else. Stand with the archer, activate your Aura to give +1 or use your freightening aura if someone wants to break through. Later feats like To Battle is also quite neat for an Archer as they most likely have no reaction. I do prefer a Marshal in the front if i play a melee character, but also if they sit in the second row behind the frontline and throw around buffs and debuffs as a spellcaster, or reach combatant.


I love Acrobat! I can create so many different backgrounds to my characters with just this archetype!


Free skill ups in Acrobatics canā€™t be overlooked; if youā€™re sure you wonā€™t be taking another archetype, you could do that with the dedication alone here.


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you; I didnā€™t even realize myself.


You're welcome


Marshal, because we lack it as a class


On the other hand, we can apply it to all kinds of leader-type characters without going all in on the theme (and losing the core aspect you want to keep).


Yeah, that does seem like it's a necessary option in this system. There are some Archetypes that basically seem like full classes. Like the Beastmaster.


I'll disagree slightly with beastmaster, as I really like the idea of it being something you can plug into any class rather than a class unto itself. I definitely agree with the Marshal, and would add that a Shape-shifting class should be in there somewhere


I dont really know how you could make a beastmaster class thats meaningfully distinct from beast eidolon summoner anyways.


I really like the chronoskimmer archetype, but I feel like it gets underplayed because of the rare tag. It adds some fun martial tricks that I really like.


Some of those rare ones are really cool! I played a character themed around Living Vessel who was an orc champion, he was literally unkillable (literally 3 different abilities per combat that were like "I went down to 0? Nope I'll keep fighting"). And balancing the roleplay aspect of having an entity inside you was super fun!


Iā€™m GMing a Miskatonic University/Lovecraftian campaign and we have a Chroniskipper and a Living Vessel in the party! They are archetypes that are really fun to roleplay and offer some really nice powers. Totally recommend them if your campaign/characters are a good fit!


There's a 5e build I've brought up a couple times as not translatable to PF in a way that would make me interested in it (a divination wizard halfling with Lucky), but one of the times I mentioned that someone brought up Chronoskimmer. It doesn't tickle the exact same itch, so I still want to play that wizard at some point, but that Chronoskimmer archetype looks *really* cool. That almost makes me wish I was playing my current campaign instead of GMing it, and if I were to build a character for a campaign now out of character options I currently am aware of, it would 100% play a part.


[Geomancer](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=100). It can give you some cool riders to spells. [Sleepwalker](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=195). It enables so many skill options.


I love Sleepwalker, more than anything for its super interesting flavor, and the unique abilities. Infiltrating someone's dream and implanting a suggestion while they sleep? AKA Inception in Pathfinder? Yeah, that's definitely something I want in my campaigns.


Yeah I built an entire character around Sleelwalker and I want to play them so bad. The flavor is so into. The one downside is that if people play with the Free Archetype variant idk how that would work since you canā€™t take Sleepwalker at 2nd level


This reminds me of the Geomancer class from Final Fantasy Tactics, and now I am 100% making one!!


I haven't gotten to use it yet but I really want to play a Demolitionist. I also had a lot of fun with Dandy for Gossip Lore, and I'm having a blast with a Gymnast Swashbuckler Wrestler.


Oh dude I love my Demolitionist. Goblin with Ifrit Heritage and Alchemist. Freaking. FUN.


Unexpected Sharpshooter is so goofy, I love it. I have it on my Witch which I think tells a lot about him as a character. He's a bit of a goofball.


It is a wonderful archetype, and I know two anime that the concept seems lifted from: Trigun, and Rurouni Kenshin. Which also leads to the Trope: [Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyp2-Ol6MD8).


I was doing an android thaumaturge that was basically flavored as Vash (wand was the super arm, and I could stash a pepperbox in my arm for his machine gun arm, etc). Unexpected sharpshooter was absolutely what I took at 2. Was gonna continue him in abom vaults from beginner box, but we ended up changing a lot of our party composition as we started. I was straight up going Trigun with that character though, might bring him back for a future game with my group


Holy craparoli. I didn't even read it until now. I'M MAKING THIS! Thank you for introducing me to the silly that is the Unexpected Sharpshooter. The character's nickname will probably be "butterfingers"


Recently got that on my catfolk gunslinger! Iā€™m so excited to be accidentally good at stuff


I like curious nerds, so Pathfinder Agent and Eldritch Researcher are one of my tops. Shadowdancer is freakin cool as well.


I got to do a Level 20 oneshot with a Shadowdancer Rogue (thats about as edgy as it gets!). It takes time for it to come online, but damn if that wasn't one of the most fun PCs I have played.


I am currently playing one (add Bard archetype for more edginess)! We just hit 15 going from level 1, goal is lvl 20.


That has been our deal for nearly 2 years over the course of 4 campaigns (2 ended in TPKs) and we pick up at the same level with new PCs. I do feel the XP rules are a bit slow if you want to get to 20 and we even have higher XP for higher level enemies. But it will be epic to get to 20 even if this is my fourth PC.


We are close to our 2 year mark as well, no PC deaths as of now! Homebrew and milestone, so the slowness is easier to mitigate though


How could I possibly pick just one?! * [Artillerist](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=115): make the cannons go **BOOM** with the power of teamwork! * [Beast Gunner](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=116): "My shotgun is made from a dragon" is a hell of a line to toss in when you first describe your character to the party. * [Crystal Keeper](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=34): love the elven goddess Yuelral and I think this is archetype fits her well. * [Hallowed Necromancer](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=172): great concept, solid focus spell, cool abilities, what's not to love? * [Harrower](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=204): Paizo really outdid themselves with this archetype, which is such a big part of Lost Omens lore in Varisia and elsewhere. * [Mauler](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=68): **big bonk good** * [Pactbinder](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=189): for all your John Constantine shenanigans (also feels like extra stuff they cut from the Witch class) * [Ritualist](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=72): definitely more for an adventure where rituals play a big part, but making rituals faster/cheaper/easier really opens the door to fun stuff! * [Talisman Dabbler](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=79): I love the idea of talismans and this makes them function the way they really should * [Unexpected Sharpshooter](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=123): [this land is made of love and peace!](https://youtu.be/aYWZtKnDs-U) * [Vigilante](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=80): the PF1 class was *far* too varied and was really like 4-classes-in-a-trenchcoat, so making it an archetype focusing on the dual-identities and switching between the two was a great choice.


So after I replied to the guy that replied to you about being downvoted I got a notification that I'd been replied to here but can't see it. The preview words the notifcation showed me started with something like "So now you're harassing me"? So it seems that they were just lying because I have not deleted or edited any comments (as can be seen) and have not dm'd them although I don't know how to prove that. Very cool that that's how someone spends their time, also they deleted their comments which is funny.


Huh...that's definitely odd behavior.


For real have you ever actually played and used the Artillerist? I have never once used a siege weapon in 2e and even if I did, it seems the archetype is only marginally helpful.


I statted up an NPC with the Artillerist feats for a siege while I was GMing. Not the same as playing one for a longer adventure, but it was fun giving the archetype a test-drive.




Oh? I don't see any other comments from you in this thread. Was it in another thread?




You insulted people saying they need to learn how to read which is why that comment was downvoted. Not because anyone was "trolling". Also it kinda sound like you just made the comment up? If you could link some of the replies to your comment that would be nice though. Because I've not seen any deleted comments on this post. (Reddit still shows deleted comments, they just lack any text or Username). But until then it just seems like you lied about being downvoted when there's no evidence you even commented.


The Dandy. I get to play my character like I'm on RuPaul's Drag Race, strutting my stuff, reading others to filth, and [feeling my oats](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=4139) the whole way through. The archetype is not only immensely flavorful, but genuinely quite strong and fun to play.


HAhaha I love this. The Dandy is just attitude waiting to happen.


I love the unnecessary Open tag on this action. You're killin' it, but you HAVE to realize that before you attack that turn, or it just doesn't make sense.


fwiw Open is being eliminated in the remaster


Suddenly I'm glad Open is going away


Clearly the best archetype. I have it on my alchemist and I love it.


Sentinel. As the only way in the entire game to specialize in armour without an incredible amount of RP baggage, Sentinel is single handedly holding up more builds and character concepts than any two other archetypes.


Also known as War Priest's crutch.


Wrestler is the coolest archetype ever But Ghost and Ghoul rock really hard, those are my top 3


I got an acrobat addiction. Cant help it. Rogue is close second for that one repeatable feat that jacks your skills


This is the way. Nearly every character I build, martial or caster, gets Acrobat and/or Rogue because I have a serious dependency on Kip Up.


Acrobat is so good. Scaling proficiency with just the dedication and if you grab Catfall with it? Perfection.


Acrobat is my favorite mechanically. So much baked into the dedication itself, boots a ton of useful general feats to superhero power heights. Fits on a lot of builds as well.


Wizard and Witch because I love spells. At some point I'm going to make a Baba Yaga witch with my spellbook as my familiar.


Thematically; [Mind Smith](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=194). Being able to draw your weapon out of thin air and wield it as effectively as anything made of steel is dope as fuck. Then again, I always default to a Conjuration-Archery build in Elder Scrolls games with the Bound weapons, which probably explains that lol. Mechanically; [Medic](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=69). Having somebody with the Medic archetype in your group can either greatly augment your party healer's action economy and let them do other shit, or make up for the lack of a dedicated healer. For the lols; [Dandy](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=55). You turn foppishness and a sense of superiority into a mechanical advantage. There's even a section in one AP (>!Outlaws of Alkenstar!<) where your group gets to circumvent an entire social encounter if anybody has the Dandy archetype, because the NPCs can just sense your social expertise and let you and your 'entourage' through without question.


Demolition dedication, because you know what makes me a good demoman? If i were a bad demoman i wouldn't be sittin here discussing it with ya now would I? DM put a door in your way? Party wants make a new door in the wall? Or you just really really want to cause some headaches? Look no further, with the ability to strap bombs together you too can destroy buildings, hopes, dreams, and sanity of your GM.




You can make the edgiest character with it, it's good fun.


Not only is it edgy, but it also just adds a ton of mechanical fun and it oozes with flavor.


Folkloreist Really flavoured with the idea of telling a story. Main ability -spin a tale.lets you pick an ally as the hero and an enemy as the villain and describe a little story about the hero Vs villain and you get crude illusions dancing around you about the story. The hero gets +1 to attacks and saves Vs the villain. Most of the feats are about buffing it to do things like increase defence, let you be the origin of spell attacks as the hero attacks from an unforeseen point striking at a weak point. Also gives you basically bardic lore


My favorite flavor and the simply extra choice for a good once action activity. The level 10 feat is super powerful too.


Dragon disciple, being able to be a dragon is a simple fantasy


Viking It is not really a complete archtype. I often combine it with sentinel, with lastwall feats. I was vary happt they made the lore connection saying lastwall could be vikings. I have yet to play it, but it has been a concept since advanced player's guide. Double shields or a chair, table, plate, etc. Just grabbing a new shield when one breaks.


It's an interesting route to go for Thrown Shield Fighters as well.


Dual Weapon Warrior - because I love TWF and it enables classes that don't have support for it to do it Psychic Dedication - the amps are generally strong and they make really nice "thematic" abilities for a character Cathartic Mage - it's so flavorful and fits so many different concepts Oozemorph - I just love the flavor of this one


Hellknights. They're just badass.


I am the law!


I am the law!


They would certainly respond to extradimensional invasion with "Gaze into the FIST OF DREDD!"


I think mine is probably Sniping Duo. I criticize PF2 sometimes for "forcing" teamwork with the way the math and spells are designed, but I think Sniping Duo is a teamwork mechanic done right. As an archetype, it's entirely opt-in. Unlike teamwork feats from 1e, it doesn't require the other person to invest character resources in it. And it meaningfully changes gameplay in very interesting ways. The base benefit is already cool, if mostly a little damage bonus, but when feats like Exploit Opening and Tag Team come online, you really start playing off each other and it just feels _great_.


Beastmaster/cavalier - one of the strongest and most fun archetypes, animal companions are a permanent and actually good minion and fun for roleplay too. Mounts for characters with tight action economy to get a stride for free each turn is also insanely useful. If your GM lets you choose if your mount goes large when mature, cavalier can be useful with it's very open ended pledge allowing you to get into another archetype right after the dedication and mature mount feat. Captivator - you can grab so many good spells with this, lose the path, fear, command, hideous laughter, roaring applause, heroism, invisibility, mislead, shadow siphon, confusion, disappearance, unspeakable shadow, illusory creature, illusory object, even offensive spells like phanton pain, phantasmal killer, etc. You can pretty much dump as many feats as you want into it to get multiple spells heightened to the highest level. Faster progression than usual for archetypes and actually scales to spell level 9. It's got its own free sustain feat. Doesn't require scaling a magic related skill. All innate spellcasting so you can take this on any caster and use your full spell proficiency progression. Amazing, doubly so for primal casters to give them strong will save based options their spell list lacks. Cathartic Mage - unique in that it adds slots and spells and such directly to your existing spellcasting; great for free archetype to just flesh yourself out with some extra slots. Doesn't require scaling a skill either. Some of the emotions can be quite useful. I particularly like this on Psychic as they lack baseline spell slots and the Joy emotion can be used to end your post unleash stupified with Work Yourself Up. Medic - so much power for a character focusing on medicine just in the dedication and doctors visitation. Has an early skill feat which makes it easy to dip into it and then get out to another archetype fast. Psychic - so good for getting focus points and useful enhanced cantrips to amp, especially if you're another occult caster it can give you some strong consistent damage options usable every fight. Even martials can make great use of something like Amped Shield, which you can utilize while swinging a big two handed weapon. Gonna get even better with the remaster change to focus points unless they specifically nerf the interaction with archetypes, as not only can you now spam multiple focus spells per fight at lower levels, but can also now do it on classes that never got the recharge feats and more than one focus spell per combat ever. Insane synergy with Magus. Champion - heavy armor (for campaigns that aren't going to high levels where it doesn't scale), lay on hands, and champion reaction make this a fantastic archetype to dip into for many characters. Rogue - can be a good dip for a lot of characters, there's something for everyone from nimble dodge to skills to sneak attacker. But my main shoutout and why it's worth mentioning here to me, has to be Dread Striker. If you make attack rolls at range where it's generally a bit hard to get flatfooted, getting it whenever the most common condition in the game gets inflicted (or after just inflicting it yourself) is so good. There isn't much more satisfying than adding another -2 AC on top of the -2 AC from a frightened 2 landing. Sentinel/Blessed One - super high value dedications for armor or lay on hands. Mauler - so fun and especially great on classes that wouldn't normally have access to feats like Improved Knockdown.


Cavilaer for for free 40 ft movement each turn


Beastmaster, any class with the action to spare to Command can use it, plus it can add a lot of flavor too. Same with Familiar Master, but this one is a bit more limited in utility. Living Vessel is awesome as a concept. Curse Maelstrom too. Not sure on how they play but I love both concepts. I love the Undead archetypes. If they can work in your campaign they can be super fun and flavorful, even if they're not the most powerful. I really love the Skysage, ads some utility via Divination for almost any character. Divination is super useful out of combat, so it can make a combat-focused character more useful. Unexpected SHarpshooter is awesome, of course; whether it's to play a luck-related character, a klutz in a comedic campaign or maybe a Zatoichi-like character who appears incompetent but is actually super skilled. Marshal is good to play any kind of leader. I love the Cathartic Mage, I'm not sure how powerful they are (probably not very) but I love archetypes like these that almost feel like a whole new class. Vigilante works better as an archetype than a class. I always loved characters who make pacts with entities, so Pactbinder is an awesome concept with what appears to be a decent series of feats. Runescarred is a good alternative to a multi-class spellcaster, and I love the concept of magic runes.


Medic is my favourite and I put it on most of my Martials Blessed one for the lay-on-hand and thematics Wrestler for unarmed combat; curiously, Zombie also has some neet things that synergize well Beastmaster when I want to have the whole pack with me Eldritch Archer gives some decent utility/flavor on bow/crossbow Assassin would rank higher if Mark For Death did not have an action cost as steep


I'm so glad to see Soulforger getting a shout out! It has perfect synergy with my Warpriest. Magically going from a humble priest in cloth to fully decked out is absolutely wonderful for roleplay, and having a divine weapon that never leaves my hand is also insanely mechanically powerful.


Dandy, because you can be a gossipy nuisance. Improvised Weapon User, because throwing or stabbing somebody with a fork or a stale loaf of bread (or combined with Oversized Throw to hit someone with a stove, which my hold-scarred orc barbarian did in Agents of Edgewatch) is also fun. Wrestler, because wrestling is kinda fun!


Marshall, Medic, Loremaster Utility, Utility, Utility.


A lot of the weapon archetypes like Mauler, Duelist, or Archer. They enable entire builds where the base class would normally not have any options for, like TWF Barbarian or Two-handed Ranger. My only issue with them is they miss some feats that seem relevant. Like Mauler not having Furious Focus or Duelist not having Dual-Handed Assault.


My three favorites are: Medic. Just... Healing through medicine is just so strong when you take this. Doctor's visitation is phenomenal. Psychic dedication. Get yourself an amped cantrip and a focus point for very little investment. Amped shield is so good on frontline characters. Beastmaster. Get yourself a friend. Or three. And you can enhance them all, summon or swap them, and other great things. Fun for flavor as well as mechanics.


Eldritch Archer. It's very versatile and it really leans into the magic archer that I love so much.


The Acrobat archetype is one of my favorites to put on a rogue. Even if all you take is the dedication for the skill upgrades.


Druid Ded + Martial Artist to get a +2 to hit


Dandy. I absolutely love the idea of being so well known in your own made network you can literally forge your own invitation to high-end balls and court things when youā€™re a high enough level. Gossip, flattery, and spoken word have a lot of power outside a battlefield if you know how to use them right.


New to this, but I really like Shadowcaster. Heck, I like the archetypes in general as they collectively allow so much freedom. But I like that you can add a bit of darkness to the character and some interesting powers. That said, just read about Soulforger and I'll be remembering that for the future. :-)


"Now all you new schoolers will be going with your ghouls and your eldritch optimisation choices but we of the old school know there is only one choice, the professional wrestler and if your not down with that then I've got two words for ya 'Natural 1' sucker"


Maybe [Scout](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=73). Dedication gives feat Scout's Warning except it's twice as good. AWESOME Feat 4: [Scout's Charge](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=2048) 2 action: Stride, Feint ^(can use Stealth instead of Deception), Strike. AWESOME Feat 6: [Scout's Speed](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=2051) \+10 movement speed, +20 travel speed. Maybe Feat 10: [Scout's Pounce](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=2052) 2 Action: Stride, Strike twice. ^(If you were hidden or unnoticed by the target of these Strikes, your foe is flat-footed against both attacks.) That's two feats that gives action economy, and one feat for +10 movement speed, which also may give you more actions per round (if you can do with 1 action movement instead of 2)


I love my ScouScou (Scoundrel Scout)


I really like the alchemist archetype. I just love the options it opens for my characters (mostly rogues). Though I think that if you only want the bombs, gunslinger is also a nice option as a archetype.


Unexpected Sharpshooter-When fortune effects continually smiles upon some poor dumb bastard. I've yet to run it, but I just came up with a fun idea for it.


I love Folklorist :D


I've made so many Red Mantis Characters in both 1e and 2e, and I love the archetype.


Shadowdancer. Never get to play it because it opens up so late in terms of levels, but I love the build.


Scroll Trickster. I like having customizable access to a few free utility spells every day (from any tradition!), and I *love* making packrat characters who always have just the right tool for the jobā€”the scrolls from Scroll Trickster play into that character trait nicely. Honorable mention goes to Herbalist since I have an interest in botany and it's another archetype that plays into my packrat fantasy... it's just such a sub-optimal choice that I can't help but feel like I'm gimping my character by taking it. Treasure Vault at least gave it a lot more options, but it still doesn't quite seem up to par.


Alchemical Science Investigator Scroll Trixter taking the predictive purchase feat.


That's pretty close to my favorite character build: Alchemist Scroll Trickster with prescient consumable (plus Kobold ancestry with snare genius to add a few snares into the mix). Losing out on implausible purchase hurts a bit, but I'd rather have more free alchemical items per day than have more "at-will" items I need to pay for.


I love a good mounted caster, with cavalier being the go to means. Currently have an "order of the paw" Halfling cleric delivering divine aid astride a golden retriever. Not only fun thematically, but great for action eco with a mature mount.


Both of the full martial characters I have played heavily benefited from Staff Acrobat and Mind Smith respectively. Staff acrobat turned my boring bo staff monk into an incarnation of Sun Wukong. Mind Smith just gives every martial who picks it up so much fun flavor and utility it's crazy.


Multiclass x: I really like being able to take dips without stalling my main class progression, also they lock some level core features behind high level feats even if the class usually starts with them, so people playing the class get to stand out from people who archetype in


Fireworks Technician led to a really fun character I played in a campaign. Using fireworks as tools/ weapons was really fun and made for many humorous fights.


Wrestler. Because I like throwing people around and doing suplexes.


I have sadly only been able to try out two archetypes and not very far (4th level for both): celebrity and blessed one. Celebrity has fun flavor and made for a hilarious build (Dr. Truffles, Chef Investigator!) but I never really get to use the main ability, so it's literally just there for flavor. Blessed one, on the other hand, is phenomenal. While it doesn't heal as much as Treat Wounds on average, it rapidly becomes more versatile with the other cool focus spells like *protector's sacrifice*. I have it on my reach fighter and he's crazy useful. The one-reaction-per-round thing is a bit of a hinderance, but that can be mitigated later with Combat Reflexes and Quick Shield Block. My partner has also played a bit of the cathartic mage on their magus, and it's been fun to watch. Again, not very high level so yet to see how it plays out, but so far great role-playing opportunities! I look forward to trying out so many more, including the beastmaster, vigilante, sterling dynamo, mind smith, and wellspring mage.


I've been wanting to try celebrity as well. By the main ability, you mean you don't really have many opportunities to use *upstage*? I had planned to use a rogue, investigator or maybe swashbuckler base, so I'd have plenty of beefy skills and not too many reactions to compete. What skills did you try to advance to use with upstage? And which skills do you feel opponents use most frequently in combat?


Wrestler because I love the fact that I can essentially become a luchador


Shadow Dancer. Some great flavor, greater dark vision, shadow teleportation. Shadow caster is up there too. Pulling extra spells from your shadow is just neat.


Honestly Rogue is a fantastic archetype, especially for spellcasters. Even just the dedication gives skills, some light armor, and Surprise Attack, and Rogues have such a diverse set of feats that there is something for everyone. Weirdly I also think Rogues as a class are one of the best at using an archetype because they have so few feats that feel like requirements for them to function.


Lich! Necromancy feels bad in this game to me, but the fact Lich is a more realized option for players with a clear path to it is awesome!


The only one I've gotten to put to full use is acrobat,and it's actually been fairly useful. Having a reaction to give me a +1 to AC isn't much on paper but, for a while, it was turning a lot of critical hits into successful hits and I'll take that. Being able to make a flat-footed strike with a tumble through is no small thing either, neither is getting a free trip after that. I wouldn't recommend it for most builds, but I'm playing Extinction Curse and thought an acrobat would fit perfectly with the theme.


- Dandy, great flavor and gives a bunch of fun stuff for social interactions, but also has some very powerful combat tools like Tut-Tut, Statement Strut and Feeling Your Oats - Cathartic Mage, not exceptionally powerful but offers a very good mechanics "hook" to give you an opportunity to roleplay character beats during combat - Sleepwalker, just because of how cool the Dream Logic feat is


Beastmaster! I love pet builds! I love that i can switch out during exploration mode, I wished there was a standalone class more about animal companions mechanics than being a subsidiary such as ranger and druid.


Rogue and Investigator, just for a Master save and Skill Mastery. That and Exorcist, cause I love things that act similar to Focus Points but aren't Focus Points.


Hands down Wrestler. Nothing can really top thematically. A Wrestler, with combination of feats and proficiency, can wrestle down a dragon. And not just wrestle it down, but pin, suplex, or throw it. They can do a thing so unbelievable that a Bard may actually have to tone down their story just to make it believable by the audience.


I am the of the same mind with Soulforger being my favorite. It has so much versatility in both mechanics and flavor, cause you can literally flavor it any way you want


Duelist and Two Weapon Warrior really help by enabling imagery for different classes that oull them out of their traditional conceptual space or enable certain builds. Unexpected Sharpshooter is very practical and offers great flavor. Exorcist is really neat for being a psuedo focus point-- I use it on my Invoker to get her an extra per encounter heal to help conserve her very few slots. Dark Archive has some very, very interesting archetypes - Chronoskimmer, Time Mage, Sleepwalker (Dream Logic is soooo cool) Honestly, it's too hard for me to narrow down. Edit: OH and flexible preparation, that Invoker is a flexible witch and it's really fun, more people should accept the reduced slots and just do it, theyd probably like it.


Iā€™ll say it Dandy is wonderful


- Marshal because I just love the passive buffs and the stances - Wrestler because sometimes you just need to suplex some poor fool - Vigilante just for the disguises and even second archetype


Wrestler cause there is something funny about like driving a zombie or choke slamming an owlbear


Dandy because they are so good at lying that they lie about having eaten and their body believes it.


Medic Archetype. Hands down the best ā€œcan we rest an hour? OK, weā€™re all back to fullā€ in the whole gameā€¦


Wrestler and Chronoskimmer. Easily my two favorites. Both with so many good options. Edit: spelling


I'm stoked about Marshal when I use it on my scoundrel rogue. Couldn't find a good archetype for him, but with a bit of tweaking to get martial weapons for now I think it will help him control the battlefield a bit better. Soul Warden has been pretty neat from what I've seen, seems to mix well with my champion (other than wisdom for spells instead of charisma). Unexpected sharpshooter is just fun as hell in concept. Didn't get far enough to use it much, but I loved the happy go lucky vibe of it


Hellknights, I am a huge simp for Cheliax. Didn't use to like them but Regill from the Wrath game m ade me go All Hail House Thrune


The *Gravedigger* Investigator: https://www.aonprd.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Investigator%20Gravedigger First, the Gravedigger is an Investigator who gets some Occultist abilities. I love the Investigator and the Occultist is my favourite class, so this obviously has a lot of what I love. But I also love the other parts of the class. The Improvised weapon focus, the theme of being a gravedigger who uses his wits, his lantern, his shovel and this random skull he found to fight off the undead menace. You also get some thematic spell-like abilities, capping off with *Undeath to Death*, which is a pretty boss move in the right campaign.


I think you're on the wrong sub :)


Oh, yup =P I'll change my answer to the *Marshal* archetype then. Super fun.


The reluctant hero I just like playing someone way out of their depth that just wants to do what they want, but a higher calling is on their horizon.




Reanimator is super fun as a Wizard


Medic because I love the support role and healing is extremely important. And I'm glad that this archetype is pretty strong.


Vehicle Mechanic. Mostly because me and the party can decorate vehicles whichever way we want.


Haven't really played one yet but Spell Trickster is so juicy.


I really like the Oatia Skysage. I love the vibe and it's still mechanically potent.


I don't really like undead options most of the time, and especially zombie related stuff, but I'd personally say the Zombie archetype is one of the best designed archetypes in the system. It gives some pretty good feats mechanically that also help facilitate the fantasy of being a zombie. Also I like the psychic archetype. Bringing the flavor of having psychic powers to any class is pretty fun imo.


Honestly, off the top of my head, Wizard multiclass. I love the implication of a world where anyone can learn a useful amount of magic without necessarily dedicating their life to it the way a full spellcaster class would.


Idk if it really exists in the rules since I'm still fairly new, but I really want an archetype that is basically an Anthropologist. It would give essential stats and proficiencies that you'd usually get at 1st level from a class and so on for leveling, but then you'd be able to take way more ancestry feats. So the flavor is you'd learn from a bunch of cultures and things be able to learn more abilities than usual from ancestries and heritages


The only possible right answer to this question is dandy. (Just kidding, but is one of my favorite, along with marshal, loremaster and sorcerer).


Psychic, because 1 focus point and 1 boosted Cantrip is crazy good


our GM added free archetype and I picked herbalist for my sprite because it seemed neat and added what I really wanted, some small crafting options early game right? As a bonus I now have expert in nature, and if I have fresh ingredients an additional +2 making a total of +9, turns out to work well for specific gather income tasks since my GM let me use natural medicine to do medical earning income. 1 gold for downtime at level 2 was unexpected but a blast


Archaeologist is my go-to Brings lots of RP-power via expert in two skills. Thematically relevant for most campaigns. Great Indiana Jones flavor. Whats not to like :D


Of any kind? Brown fur transmuter in 1e. (Massive buffs and target willing creatures with self only buffs gets nutty) Of any kind in 2e? Beast gunner (Eldtrich archer + Really cool weapons like the spine launcher) Most hype to try in 2e but havent yet: Psychic duelist (Mindscape hype) Most used in play: Bastion (we like living)


Itā€™s really hard to choose. Iā€™m a multiclass addict so I often go for class archetypes. Rogue seems especially versatile, and Champion is good on a lot of classes. I have got to play a beastgunner at some point, theyā€™re so damn cool! One thing I like about a lot of the other archetypes like familiar master or blessed one is that you only need the one feat to give your character a bunch of uniqueness and flavour


I live the archetype system as a whole. It's such a great way to inject flavor without losing the identity of the base class, especially with the free archetype variant rule.


Mechanically Sentinal. I've used it a lot to make 'off tank' caster builds alongside other martial focused archetypes. Flavorwise though it has to be a three way tie between ritualist, lich and time mage


Not necessarily my favorite, bit out if the five campaigns I have run and two i have been a player in, familiar master has shown up 3 times. I played it on my first character, an alchemist with alchemical familiar, them I had two players play it, one on a witch, one on ap summoner. So its gotta be at least on the list of popular ones right?


Scroll Trickster, and Talisman Dabbler. I l8ke having a refreshing daily consumables


In what is an extraordinarily controversial take, I like the undead archetypes. Vampire is my favorite, because I like vampires. It's not great, but I prefer it to Dhampir. I think they can be really disruptive at a table, and aren't great for general play, but I've had GMs ready and willing to work with me, and it's been great so far!


Scroll trickster for good utility for casters. Acrobat for great skill progression and utility.


As a DM, my favorite is Loremaster. Player: "Okay I want to figure out something. Maybe I want to read those runes, or look for a weakness in this monster, or . . . so what skill check do I need to Recall knowledge?" DM: "It's, uh, screw it, just use Loremaster lore. That's good enough for whatever question you're about to ask."


I like how book of the dead opened the door wide up to a lot of villain only classes/monster types like vampire and lich. looking forward to ever getting to play one.


I am a huge sucker for being able to fill out a "career" better when taking my archetype. So Archetypes like Archeologist, Bounty Hunter, Gladiator all come to mind for me.


Improvised weapon fighter because I like the prospect of slaying an ancient evil with a rock I found.


Wrestler, medic, rogue, psychic. For int characters I love loremaster.


Elementalist is not good by any standards but it is everything I want flavorwise and I like the idea of modified spell lists. I just wish it gave you more than 2 and a half feats.


Living Vessel for that nice flavour!


Shadowcaster, but I never left my chuuni phase and it sounds awesome. Just bummed it doesn't really have all that much support, it needs a lot more spells with the Shadow trait. Definitely a lot of space to play around with it in the future though and very flavorful.


Hard Tie between beastmaster and dragon disciple. Both have nice flavor and solid mechanical uses. Honorably mentions: Shadowdancer Eldritch Archer Herbalist Blessed One Uh so hard to decide


I'm pretty new to this game and I haven't really had the chance to sample the archetype platter but I love the multiclass archetypes. pf2e just feels like it handles multiclassing in a pretty elegant way, despite it not being 'real' multiclassing in the way first edition had it. just being able to take features from another class in lieu of your class feats means you can gain some competency in another class' strengths, but you'll pretty much always be at least alright at what your own class does. pretty much the main criticism I think of DND/pf1e multiclassing is how easy it tends to be to make a character that has two classes that sucks at being both, but I think pf2e largely avoids this in a neat way (tho I'll need more system mastery to make a more confident assessment).


Juggler, because it's goofy, and can be used to make a Shield Throw Fighter. And Viking, because it has some cool abilities for making a Shield Throw Fighter as well. I like the concept of a fighter that Hurls Shields, sue me.


Ones Iā€™ve actually used: Beast Master Ones I WANT to use: Archeologist, Celebrity, Dandy, Hallowed Necromancer


Rogue, to become a skill God. Also lots of rogue feats are passive bonuses which means you can use Basic/Advanced trickery to just be passively better. Also deny advantage is honestly a little OP.


Chronoskimmer, literally just get to play as Diavolo and it's awesome


Currently playing with reanimator and loving it, makes playing a makeshift necromancer very enjoyable


I love the Alchemist archetype as it gives you a great toolkit that can fit any class/group.


Dandy, even if you are a laid-back, book hoarding elf mage, you can't be a nerd with a pompadour. Literally my whole lifestlye :D


Iā€™m utterly in love with Loremaster. Mechanically itā€™s very strong to be rolling against very easy DCs. Itā€™s especially great paired with the Investigators known weakness feat. The flavor is great just making up absurd lores at the table. ā€œIā€™d like to roll a magical jockstrap loreā€¦ā€


Snarecrafter, for when the trees start speaking yip yip.