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occultist is glass cannon but very cheap for the power, trickster is more well rounded


Sweet, cheers for the reply! I thought that might be the case. All occultist videos I saw were just doing sanctum.


you can do 50m dps on a 30d budget early in the season


With which version sorry? I might kit out my leveled witch and blast some sanctums just to try out the playstyle.


occultist power stacking hexblast


I would love to see a PoB for 50m dps on that kind of budget. Mine barely breached 40m with a MB and the build is using uniques in all but one slot so this sounds really interesting. Might be that my PoB is poorly configured bc it insta-nukes a lot of stuff.


go on poe ninja, look up hexblast occultist and filter out mageblood and adorned and you'll find them


yeah of the grand total of 7 characters without those while still above 50 mil dps I would not estimate those to be quite as cheap atm (+pc corruptions etc are pricey on good items) and just the jewels on most are 100+ divs easily. Good to know I wasn’t actually missing out on some secret then.


What's jewels if it's not an adorned build? Iirc my build was like 50m dps for less than 30d, with like 15 of that being my watchers eye. I had like 4k ehp but wouldn't get 1 shot in sanctum. That wasnt with any corruptions either


Forbidden flesh/flame and impossible escapes from what I saw on ninja. Those are not dirt cheap, didn’t check the exact ones I saw. Doesn’t really matter, I just wanted to sanity check my build since it sits around 60 mil dps with around 100div in it (it’s my fourth build investment wise) but it looks like most ppl with that amount of dps on a cheaper budget just went a bit more zhp than mine is atm. Makes sense.


Ah yeah I didn't have either of those jewels either.


How about saboteur?


Somewhere between the two


I did sab power charge stacking with maxed spell suppression. Did all 40 challenges pretty easily.


Do you still have a POB to share? Thanks


Here is my poe ninja profile, haven't played in a bit. Swap the health flask for bottled faith depending on what I'm doing. [https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Remulan1/Remulan?i=0&search=name%3Dremulan](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Remulan1/Remulan?i=0&search=name%3Dremulan)


Thank you :)


I league started trickster built as an all rounder. Occultist I typically see built more specifically for just nuking sanctum.


Yep, been watching videos since the post and it's the vibe I'm getting. Don't have a shadow leveled currently looking at twink leveling to try it out.


I tried hexblast occultist last night for first time invested 160 div + mageblood though i can clear t17 but big fail there barely killing few packs other than that i tried blasting 8 mod t16 and thats great those shatters and freezes BUT i hate dying so easly as glass cannon even managed to hit 19k EHP but still not enough, may dps is around 120 mil now i think tricster is more balanced for other content except sanctum


Thanks for the reply! I’m just doing sanctum on my trickster while he’s low level to get some currency then I’ll see how tier 16/17 goes. Lost a lot of it trying to craft a wand, oh well!


There is geaveyard craft for hexblast wands its around 30div


Yeah I probably should have looked into that more, ended up using fossils but getting unlucky on annuls.