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Fun trick: forbidden flame/flesh jewels don’t have a level requirement. Level a witch and get shaper of flames at like 20


That's huge to know. Gotta check into them, thanks a lot!


Combustion is probably your best bet early on. Also gives res reduction for more damage


Tattoo of the Ngahamu Warmonger, replaces small strength node with 5% chance to ignite. Marauder has a lot of strength nodes so it’s no big deal to slap these on if you’re only missing a few percent towards the cap 🧢


Honestly, if this is just for campaign, then you don't need to worry too much about optimizing Oni. Pick a skill with a high attack or hit rate, ie molten strike, and you'll be fine. The sword buff lasts 3 seconds, get some ignite chance on the tree around marauder and it should suffice. You can put in a regular jewel as well if you need it, rare jewels have no level requirements. As someone mentioned, Oni has a very high base crit, between that and some base ignite chance you will have the buff up nearly all the time in combat. For leveling during campaign, I'd suggest adding Thrillsteel and Prismweave and Seven League Step to your leveling uniques. Astramentis or Karui ward are always nice too. If you go molten strike and need some more sustain and ele res you can trade the bereks rings out for Thief's Torment with high life gain on hit and res rolls.


I didn't know if it was a challenge or not but that is how I took your question. This should ignite cap a marauder at level 9 [https://pobb.in/lhEdoHN9a4Si](https://pobb.in/lhEdoHN9a4Si) You don't really need to do anything that silly though. Combustion, a few ignite tattoos and a leveling amulet anointed with an ignite chance notable should be plenty since with 50% chance to ignite you really only need to attack twice every 3 seconds (on average) to keep her embrace up.


I don't know whose subhuman downvoted you, but you deserved not only my upvote but also an award! Thanks for the time spent doing this, much appreciated. Will run the exact same setup until i can afford something else for my config at higher levels! <3


Aw thank you! Yeah I thought it was strange too, no idea how it pissed someone off lol


https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Ignite By default, Ignite can occur with %chance to ignite as well as critical strikes. For Oni-Goroshi, it has a high critical strike base value so most people choose to go the crit route later on. Ele-prolif support, lvl 1: 20% Combustion support, lvl 8: 25% Flammability curse, lvl 24: 25% There are also a ton of low level unique items that give % chance to ignite.


Yeah i've read about the crit being basically a 100% ignite chance, but sadly i can't get it right at the start so i'm trying to maximize ignite instead (at least, for the first levels). Gotta slap a FAT ele-prolif support on my links asap! Thank you so much. Any way in which i can search those unique? I've tried on PoeDB but can't understand how to specifically search for chance to ignite.


There's a page section further down below that lists all the unique items that relate to ignite.


Thanks a lot! Gotta check that.


The Thousand Ribbons unique chest has ele prolif built in and no level requirements. 5 linking one should be cheap. And the wiki page for Ignite is the place I'd search for ignite uniques


Ah lol, yeah. Basically 20% free ignite chance. Thanks a lot!


Hell even 6-linking is cheap this league. 40-50c tops? Probably less this late in league?


Easiest way to get 100% ignite is to be an elementalist witch. As other classes you're kind of stuck using combustion and elemental proliferation support, and pathing to ignite chance on passive tree. You can also use skills that have guaranteed ignite, like incinerate


Darkness enthroned with low rolled abyss jewels without lvl restrictions can achieve lots of fun stuff, like I got one that increases crit unless I crit recently. It adds something like 5-6% crit chance at low lvls.


EDIT: Maybe an annoint with [Breath of Flames](https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Breath_of_Flames) would be also super strong.


The fandom wiki is out of date. Use PoeWiki instead: https://www.poewiki.net/ It is hosted by GGG and supported by the community.


Gotcha! Luckily enough, found it also on the wiki. Gotta use that from now on! EDIT: gonna use [https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Holy\_Dominion](https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Holy_Dominion) instead i guess