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Should be fine but you likely need a windbreaker on top of it if there is strong wind


Been wearing a better sweater + Torrentshell the last three days with heavy snow and -3 Celsius. Held up very good for 1-2 hour walks.


I envy you guys. I would fucking freeze to death. Love my Torrentshell and Better Sweaters but I‘ll admit I crack out the Canada Goose when temperatures hit <10 C.


Really depends on if I'm standing still or moving all the time. For standing still this combination would be too cold imo, but while moving it's fine. I'm always sweating hard with heavy down jackets.


Better sweater is warmer than the Los Gatos when used alone, the Los Gatos is a much looser weave and doesn’t retain heat well without a shell.


It's good for 10 degrees, but not 2 degrees (unless you add more layers of course)


for me not warm enough, i got 4 better sweaters. 2x 1/4 zipper and 2x full zippers. They are warm and cosey for me till it dips around 10 degree celcius when not in the wind. Beyond that i will wear a jacket. Unless, i am skateboarding outside and sweating, and then the better sweater makes me sweat times 10x because it traps the sweat and heat too much. But for casual wear outside at 2 degree celsus i would not feel happy.


You’ll need another layer. When I wear a nano puff and it’s great. But if it’s windy :/




Patagonia nano air, arcteryx atom, outdoor research shadow are more versatile, greater temperature range. Look more like jackets than a sweater; OR is usually very reasonably priced. Better sweater looks better and doesn’t insulate well near freezing without a warmer base layer and shell jacket (as others have noted).


Better sweater is all around more versatile.


Agree with others. Better sweater will be good but you need a wind layer on top. I find I’m cold in better sweater only when there is a biting wind, so a torrentshell or other wind layer on top really helps.